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Fantasy Oblivion

"I've heard and seen enough...you are all a bunch backstabbers. How can I expect that halfway through you won' try to slit our throats. This...is enough!"

The orc had gotten up and threw a weird brew around the trees that extinguished them. This was his forest,his trees...

He looked at the demons.

"You mongrels are the bane of my existance..."
Phantom scowled and said "because if I was going to kill you I would have done it already! I will gain nothing from betraying any of you. Look orc, you are either with us or against us but we will destroy the king with or without you." He walked off, angry. He was normally calm but they all annoyed him. He stopped and said "look, we all have something in common. We all hate the king. Let's call a truce for now and when the king is dead or gone, we can go back to our pathetic lives filled with hate and greed." He was very convincing.

"If they decide you can come then you will..."

He pointed at Hauralon and Kinalt.

"But that will not make me trust you. I will not tolerate your petty fireworks whenever you get annoyed."

He turned his gaze toward the other demon.

"Same with you,Hauralon...I've had enough fire. Going alone sure, I won't stand a chance,but I'd make a lot less noise that way."
"Don't worry, I'll be quiet on the way there. Was just mad that I'm going to have the kings baby now but I know we could use that to our advantage I believe. Whatever Phantom said about Vincent being hurt inside might work. I got something planned but it might not work out well for me, still don't have the whole thing planned but I have the premise." She stayed silent for the rest of the time and waited for everybody else.
The king's baby? What was she talking about?

Stupid demon...so far these demons have been acting like angsty youth and now THIS?

How does a demon even give birth to something?

"The king's WHAT!? Hefhah hokzii...Hefhah Enookstad..."

Orgul seemed mad.

"How can you even let something like that happen? For thousands of years of life you demons act like our youngest..."

He was seriously considering to leave them... he only met them earlier and they already seem unable to take care of themselves.
She turned back with a look of anger at orgul but lept somewhat calm by the tone of her voice.

"Listen Orc, I'm going to make it short and simple for you. I had sex with him a few nights ago out of love and he told me that I was going to have a kid. If I have this child then I'm going to be banish to earth for having sex out of wedlock with the king. So if you want to go, then go ahead."
"What you call love is nothing but pleasure of the body...I'm not sure the mad king can even truly feel love."

Love? Love doesn't go as far as to banish your so called loved one just because you wanted to stick your pride in someone.
"That's where you're wrong, before all this happened. He had feelings for me, He feels like I'm his daughter because he had raised me ever since I was a little one. Even horrible people can have emotions Orc, so let me handle him. It's my mess and I have to deal with it.
"Of course the mad king would want to bed his daughter."

After that comment he remained silent. And his kind was the caged one. ((I'll have to go for a bit))
The roar faded in the distance, and she watched the view politely until something peaceful would manage to disturb her. This was a boring time, and needed an adventure to keep her wits about. "There's absolutely nothing I can do in this god-forsaken place." She grumbled, her fiery audits flickering with a response.
Phantom smirked and said "who knows? The king might just be messing with you... but you did have sex with him so there is a possibility." He looked around and then said "come on. Lets see where that sound came from. Lets go!" He walked off, hands in his pockets as he held a devilish smile on his face.

Reluctantly, Kinalt rose to the ground. The idea of a new king being the offspring of demons sickened him. The kingdoms weren't meant to be ruled by one family, they each should be ruled separately. Nonetheless, a powerful force would be required to challenge Vincent.

Something had sparked within Kinalt as he had watched the two demons manipulate fire that night. The time for fleeing and hiding was over. If any other servants of the king showed themselves, he vowed he would remind them why they should fear him. Why all should fear him...
OOC: Boop. Just reminding you all this is still on-going. <3 <3
"Why did I even try to have a civil conversation with you Orc, I knew you would think this was all a big joke."

"A sad joke unfortunately...the fact that it is real makes it even more sadistic."

The orc sighed. This conversation was pointless. This instance was the very first time Orgul had interactions with another 'rational' being. If these were the people he had to dethrone the king with...he stopped thinking. This orc will not underestimate them. Maybe there's more to them than just backstabbing and angst.
"Sorry about giving you that attitude but I'm just on edge right now about everything going on. Let's just see what this damn roar was and get it out of the way."
"After you...that way." He said while pointing towards the location the roar came from.

The sun was about to end its cycle. It was getting dark.

He,of course, didn't care much for her insults,but he accepted her apologies.

"It is fine."
Phantom snickered and snapped "silence!!!! Is that too much to ask?" It was rare to see him so annoyed. "if were going to work together, we need to stop bickering so please I ask of you... get along for just this and then after were done, you all can go back to killing each other." he ran a hand through his hair. "You guys arent the only ones who have suffered under the king's reign. I know you guys dont trust me but trust me on this... I lost everything because of him and I am willing to team up with people I cant even stand to take him down. So please... your giving me a headache."

"I am giving you a headache? Excuse me,prince I-Get-Headaches-Easily..."

The orc kept moving on as if nothing happened.

Noisy one,this one...

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