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Fantasy Oblivion

"The names Alaric." He coughed a little more. "Yeah, I was minding my own business when the kings soldiers attacked me, claiming I was a warlock." He chuckled but winced in pain. He had a stab wound that he forced himself not to heal. "I managed to get away only after they stabbed me." He coughed. He looked at the others around him and he said "have never seen so many interesting characters in one place before." He gave them a slight smile as she healed his wound.

The orc sniffed once and analyzed him.

Not trustworthy...Something about him gave an eerie feel.

"This looks an awful lot like...nevermind. I believe not. This scene is not an everyday occurrence..."

Judging by the healing power of the demon the wound was exactly the same as when he arrived...strange.
"YOu may want to be careful, my name is Hauralon and that is Kinalt if I'm right and the Orc I do not know. Well if you're okay, we're going to head off now, Be careful and watch out for those guys." She started to walk off in the way of ths sound.
"Wait!" Phantom stood up and gave them a charming smile. "I was just wondering if I could come with. I mean safety in numbers after all. The king's forces are strong and it would be best if we stayed together. They could still be somewhere close by and I wouldn't want you guys to be hurt or even killed by them. You guys were kind to me. In this world, that's hard to come by these days."

Orgul had taken a few steps towards the man.

"We're better on our own,thank you. You should return to your home where it's safe...Don't worry about us."

He put himself between Hauralon and Alaric facing the elf.

This was not turning into a 'carry the elf around' job. He was hurt and Orgul did not have the slightest intention for Alaric to attract wild beasts...even if they were no match for the orc.

"For the sake of your own...there are many beasts in these woods and they can smell blood. It's better if you returned to your home."
"I think you should listen to the Orc Alaric. I know a lot about the king and his forces, we'll be just fine. It's getting late and you should really head home so that fresh wound can heal. Nice to see somebody hurt themselves jsut so they can get near little old me." She teleported and disappeared out of sight to see what he would do now.
Phantom snickered in amusement. "I am very capable of handling myself. You don't have to protect me." When she disappeared, he didn't seemed amused. He just said "your little friend doesn't seem to like me. You two have a lot in common. But I know when Im not wanted and I'll be taking my leave." He backed off, slipping into the shadows. A servant approached him in all black, blending into the shadows. "What are you doing, Phantom?" He just smirked and replied "simple... I'm moving to plan B." He stabbed the servant without hesitation and he chuckled, licking his neck. "The king should know better than to send a weak minded servant like you!" He started to laugh.

Haurolan re appeared as Alric disappeared. "Thank you for that Orc, I guess all of your kind isn't bad. May I ask what your name is good sir so I know who to thank." She walked with him and Kinalt as they headed to where they heard the noise.
He cleaned himself off and started to follow the group, staying in the shadows. He was silent and careful. He made sure no one knew he was following them. He was angry and having an angry demon following you was never good. For the most part, however, he was able to contain his anger. He kept a cold smirk on his face.

"I think we should set up camp for a little bit, it's getting queit dark and I need some rest from that damn sacrifice." Haroulan set a small fire and laid against a tree stump closing her eyes and left Orgul to do what he wanted.
"Orgul Wutgarth...orphanned son of the Brom'Kalur...You may be aware that your kind left me that way..."

The orc looked around....damn demon...Orgul was a seasoned hunter.Traps everywhere. If the so called Alaric wasn't careful he might just hit some traps. Hmpf...demons. They think they are above the other races of this cursed land. Let him live in his illusion. ((sorry but I gotta even out some stuff. You guys have half-immortal beings everywhere. This orc needs over the top badassery if he's going to survive))
(Sorry but Phantom is a character from another role play who I adore... probably cause Ive been watching The Vampire Diaries a lot lately so I based him off of the oh so sexy Damon. But that's fine. Do what you have to.)

Phantom saw the traps and he snickered. The orc knew he was following them. He would stay silent and avoid the traps. He climbed a tree with ease and laid on one of the branches, resting. He wasn't sleeping. When on the job, he never slept. He hated the king but... he was always payed hansomely. He smirked.

Sitting down on a small rock, Kinalt began examining his blade in the light of the tiny campfire. Even with relatively little use, the blade had been chipped and scratched, likely due to lack of proper tempering.

Looking around the camp, he noticed Orgul was somewhat uneasy, scanning the trees and muttering to himself. Kinalt doubted the orc was afraid of the dark, but the fact that someone might be following them made him uneasy as well. He moved his rock closer to the fire, small as it was, and started stoking the fire. For a moment, the fire comforted him. Then, the sight of flames brought back memories of his village, and the scorched remnants of his own neighbors. He sighed and looked over the fire, into the trees waving in the dark.
The orc hadn't been muttering nonsense. He was silently chanting some shamanistic spells to keep the demon's powers at bay...unfortunately the same happened with Hauralon.

"Hokzii,hokzii...Dein hond...Qiilak wah daar ahvit...Bonu hokzii..."

((In case everyone was wondering I'm using non canon dovah language))

The fire was reassuring,but he was on his toes.
Phantom grunted in pain but he chuckled in amusement. "Stupid orc," he muttered. "He has made a bad mistake." He jumped down from the tree, revealing himself. "So you know what I am... Orc." His eyes were glistening blood red as he held a playful smirk on his lips. "Then you should know who I am. The name is Phantom. The king sent me because he doesn't trust your little demon friend over there. Too bad I had to reveal myself because I was having so much fun." He chuckled in amusement and then explained to the orc "just because I can't use m powers currently, doesn't mean Im powerless." He licked his lips.

"I know...I expect nothing more than a challange from you..."

The orc didn't bother to get up. He looked the demon in his bloodthirsty eyes.

Orgul longed to feel the bloodlust take over his body again...but his newly found companions wouldn't like him that way.

He analyzed the enviroment. There was plenty of opportunities to play with the demon.

((You hadn't picked the best moment to pick the fight as I need to go to sleep. It's very late and I need to wake up early))
Haroulan saw everything go on and just stood up walking to the front of Orgul and laughing a little bit. "Maybe I should go pay the king a visit right now, he seems to really care about me if he sent a idiot like you to come follow me. I see you'd like to have fun with him Orgul so I'll leave you to it." She disappeared and teleported to the entrance of the kings castle. She crashed through the front gate leaving it in smolders with small fires burning on the floor. Heading up to the main office, she threw guards out of the way and kicked his office door in. "Hey honey, it's nice to see you again."
Lord Vincent let out an annoyed sigh and he said "so I see you've met Phantom... He works on me on and off. He can't stand me but... I bribe him to do what I want. Plus, he killed his abusive father and caring mother without remorse. Its better to keep him on my side." He narrowed his eyes and he poured a shot of scotch. "Want some?" He stood up and acted like he hadn't done anything wrong. "Don't worry, I'll have Phantom executed for failing me."

"That's so sweet of you" She took the glass but threw the scotch back at him after grabbing it. "I know you sent him to watch me, he's not as good as you think he is. He even told me that you sent him, I knew you wouldn't change one bit. I can see why that girls mother left you married behind your back. You can't trust anybody and think that they are going to try and betray you,"
Lord Vincent drank his scotch and said "in this world, you can;t trust anybody and you don't know the full story. I never told him to follow you. I told him to gain your trust. He's just a little cocky for my taste." He walked toward her and snickered. "If your trying to gain the throne, give up now." He pressed her against the wall and whispered "if you get pregnant with my child, you can kiss your hopes and dreams good bye. You will be banished from this world and sent to Earth to rot for having a child out of wedlock and then... I win." He walked out of the room.

"We'll see who wins in the end you bastard." She slides to the ground and begins to tear up for a few minutes before it turned into searing anger. Becoming filled with rage, she teleported back to Phantom and smiled at him before throwing a punch across his cheek. "We;re going to have a little fun and the shadows won't be able to help you here." She lights a tree on fire and watches it spread around them causing a small ring.
Phantom smirked. "I am much older than you. Do you really want to play this game?" Fire surrounded him at his command and the ground around them slowly started to decay. He made sure they still remained alive.."What's wrong? You sad because your love is a big bully? You sad because you realized it was a big mistake to screw the king?" He chuckled. "Oh yeah, the smell of the king is all over you. Your just mad because you've made him mad but you probably haven't looked at his eyes long enough to realize how much he's hurting inside."

The same thing happened to Haroulan but instead her armor burned to a dark black from the flames. "Yes, I may still have feelings for him but that doesn't matter. My whole life I was the weak one and I was tormented and picked on. Then he found me and raised me to what I've become now. I still would've been on the streets begging for food and scraps but know look at me. You're just a fool for believeing that he will give you whatever you wanted. I'm out of any choices right now as well, I'm going to have his child and he's just scared that there is a new threat to his throne. So are we going to stand and gossip or do something." She removed her armor and weapons, then waited for him.
Kinalt , who had remained stationary and silent throughout the event, watch the demons bend and control fire. As he watched, he grew restless and became oddly irritated at the flames they had summoned. He wasn't at all surprised they had a degree of control of fire, as they were demons after all.

Perhaps that was what irked him. The fact that they could easily control and mold the flames to their liking. As he pondered that thought, however, he realized it was the exact opposite. Fire wasn't ment to be controlled, it was wild, powerful, and merciless. By forcing their will upon the flames, they were weakening its power.

Kinalt clenched his hand, and upon release a bright, powerful, and untamed flame sprung up.
Phantom shrugged as his fire slowly died down. "Fine I will work with you. I have nothing better to do." He glanced at Kinalt and raised an eyebrow. He smirked a little. "I highly suggest you don't try anything. Not in your state, anyways." He glanced at the demon and told her "I know how you can stop the king. And it involves the quest. There is another family offering their youngest son to start the quest. We all join up with him and we combine our powers against the king and his army. What do you say?"

Ooc: Totally listerning to a Dungeons and Dragons soundtrack while role playing xD

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