

New Member
Hello, I'm miscellany. I've been rping for about 13 years now, mostly on Gaia, but also in various mmos. But as I don't really enjoy the format and constraint of the latter and the former has gone down the shithole, I'm here.

I'm very much into fandom-inspired rp (same basic theme or setting as the fandom, but original characters, I dislike playing canons), but am down for general fantasy/slice-of-life/mecha/etc. I'm pretty shitty at writing men, so I play women. Currently craving some sort of Deadly Decadent Court-esque setting.
Welcome to RPN! What types of fandoms are you interested in?
Hey, welcome to RPN! I'm Yukio, this site's (favorite) gay fetus. If you have any questions, want to roleplay or just chat, I don't mind a message!

I'm not exactly into fandom-inspired roleplays, but I do know that most of my friends enjoy roleplays like that. Fantasy is great!


bye bye, happy roleplaying!
How many gay fetuses are there for you to be the favorite? xD

I enjoy Harvest Moon, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Persona, Gundam...and that's just the things off the top of my head that lend themselves well to rp.
\● Hey there! I'm Night, also recently joined. Hope I'll see ya around. peace throws smoke bomb and disappears
Welcome to RPN!

Have a great time and may the search odds be ever in your favour! ??
i used to be on gaia as well, too bad it’s kinda dying now : (((((( but anyway i’m mik, and if you’re ever down for an rp, i’d be down!!! hmu :angels:

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