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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • Fourms (Reboot)


N a m e Raphael Moreau

N i c k - N a m e  - Illusionist

A g e - 16

G e n d e r  - Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  Elemental

  R o l e  - Elemental Transfer Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Light/Shadows

S p e c i a l t i e s - As stated in his nickname, he makes illusions. He can create them at will, whether it be tricks of the eye, ears, or other senses. He is also capable of putting on masks to disguise the feeling of pain, or to force himself to feel confident when all is lost. He also has the unique ability to Illusion Shift. He can switch consciousness from his real body to his illusions. He can also survive deadly attacks by swiftly creating an illusion and shifting consciousness through this ability. These aren't just the only things he can do, but it is what is known. He also possesses the ability to teleport as he pleases.

D o r m  R o o m - 106


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  5'9

B u i l d - Raphael does not have the best of builds. He may seem easy to push around, but he is agile and can sustain several hits.

  H a i r  - He has coal black hair, arranged in a messy manner.

  E y e s  His eyes are pale silver and lacks pupils.

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - As seen in the Academy and outside of it, Raphael is calculating, witty, and lacks a speech filter as he says things as it is. He doesn't respect the Elites and see them superior because of their status, showing roots of an insubordinate nature. He judges people's worth by their accomplishments, not their status. He himself is the son of a Prime Minister but rarely waves this title around, creating his image on his known, not just letting his status create it for him. At the core, he holds loyalty to his nation and his family. He can also be intruding, an eavesdropper, collecting information and putting together like a puzzle. Then selling it on the black market for some coin.

H i s t o r y - Raphael is a transfer student from Notre Dame Academy in France. He was asked to transfer to Sakura Academy to represent France and its teaching ethics in England. He is the son of the Prime Minister of France and is backed up by his country. He is a famous pianist around Europe, and even more, he is the best at deflecting any attempts to sabotage his reputation. He does this by pointing out the flaws of the person criticizing them, saying that they hide behind a rank which grants them powers, challenging them to a fight, then laughs as they withdraw.

L i k e s Raphael has a flair for the theatrical. Well, he would if anyone could understand him. So instead, he likes to put his head into his books and mind his own business. He had used to be the star of the show in Notre Dame, but he has now been reduced to an outsider in England, so he now is growing into the antagonist, and is becoming accustomed to such a thing. He has a love for music, dancing, and acting with grace.

D i s l i k e s - Raphael holds a grudge against people who use their status to enforce their will. He instead practices a humanist-like philosophy. Saying that the worth and power of an individual is not of their status, but of the acomplishments they have. He himself refused to apply for an Elite position, saying that he shall earn it by his ability, and not have it be served to him like a 7-course meal.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Raphael has a long list of habits. He always uses his illusions to his advantage by making his words that he speaks translated into English, or making translations in books he reads from French to English. When this happens, he makes it that so the person viewing the book sees what they want to see/hear, maybe somethings complicated like Shakespeare. He also has the weird habit of messing with the time on clocks, as it seems to please him and calms him down, the spinning of the hour and minute hands. Oh yeah, another quirk is that he speaks French in an English community. Enough said about that.

T h e m e  Duality - Set it Off

B a t t l e   T h e m e - N.M.E. (No More Excuses) - Set it Off

Q u o t e "Never see yourself superior because of your status, only because of your talent."

─────── ─────── ──────
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N a m e  - Karoline "Kiki" Lawrence

N i c k - N a m e  -  Kiki or Cotton Candy (due to her hair)

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Human

  R o l e  - Student

D o r m  R o o m - 105

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5'0 ft

B u i l d - Small, Light-Weighted and Petite however, has normal body build as well as slight chubby cheeks

  H a i r  - Chin-Length Bob w/ fringes until her eyebrows, Light Pink (dyed), Abit Messy 

  E y e s  - Soft eye shape with Peach/Gold eye color

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Generally Lazy and Neutral but an actual prodigy and genius. She is what you expect from any normal human as there is nothing really special about her that makes her stand out. She prefers to be a supporting character and be a wall flower, learning about the people around her from a fair quiet distance. Into closer detail, one things for sure is that she has a sweet tooth and will eat anything that is categorized as dessert. She also has an affinity for reading and gardening, making her a well disciplined student despite her constant supply of puns. Other than that she is also laid back as well as that one friend who will listen to everything you say even if its a rant or a really long secret/problem, though she will try her best to help that person solve their problem and support.

H i s t o r y - She lives a with her family and auntie by an apartment within the city while owning a small bakery/cafe run by her aunt as she was able to learn how to bake desserts at a young age. Her mother is a lawyer while her Father is works as a famous  journalist as they would do anything to find time to hang out with Kiki and her little brother as well as guide them in developing their skills as a prodigy. Her gifted intelligence and writing came from her father's side. During her birthday, her other relatives would give her rare potted plants scented candles as it is believed to protect her and be blessed with wisdom and luck. One day her father published an article about the wonderful future of both humans and witches/wizards living together peacefully, thus led them to enroll her in this school.  Wanting to provide her a whole new experience in going to a school with supernaturals and promise to send them back letters.

L i k e s - Baking|Books|Scented Candles|Sweaters and comfortable clothing

|Her Family|Tea| SWEETS

D i s l i k e s - Overconfident people|the Sun (while she's sleeping)|Being dragged into a situation

|Spicy Food|Tight clothing

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Has a HUGE tendency to sleep during class

|Twirls her pencil around her fingers fast when she is thinking or solving something

|Fixes her glasses when nervous or guilty| Licks her lips in front of dessert

Q u o t e -

"Meh......I don't like being the main character here. I'm not even that special except for my brain and sweet tooth."

-T H E M E-

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((Undecided on her))




N a m e  - 

Trinity Rovick

N i c k - N a m e  -


A l i a s -

The Copy Cat

A g e - 


G e n d e r  - 


O r i e n t a t i o n -


  R a c e  -


  R o l e  -



E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  -


S p e c i a l t i e s -

Copy elemental techniques, but isn't as strong as one's own element. Clairvoyance. Healing. Aura reading. Able to create life-force weapons. Corporealization (the ability to become invisible and then back to being visible).


D o r m  R o o m -


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  -


B u i l d -

Average with some muscle

  H a i r  -

Long purple-ish red hair

  E y e s  -

Very light purple

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y -

Trinity is a natural-born leader. She embodies the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, she can also be characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using her drive, determination and sharp mind to achieve whatever end she has set for herself. Perhaps it is best to say that she is capable of overwhelming the more timid and sensitive types.


H i s t o r y -

Since she was little her parents taught her that humans were low and expendable. It was there that she was forced to conceal her identity from others since she was a female and her parents had told her women were weaker so she was forced to perceive as a man. However, as Trinity grew older she accepted what her parents had taught her and did what she was told. Once she was accepted to Sakura Academy, she had no friends and for that helped her not get too attached to those she liked. But this made her secluded to everyone around her and for that no one really even knew her name. She was glad of the fact since she perceived her power as greater than everyone else's including the Elites.


L i k e s -

  • People who thinks she is a male (she sees humor in it)
  • sparring
  • Training
  • Keeping to herself
  • Cheesy gestures but doesn't admit it

D i s l i k e s -

  • People giving her away
  • Anything sweet
  • People younger than her
  • Show-offs


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s -

She conceals her identity with a mask and covers herself in a cloak to hide that she's a woman. Also, she doesn't speak to people she doesn't know.


T h e m e  -


Q u o t e -

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

N a m e  - Karoline "Kiki" Lawrence

N i c k - N a m e  -  Kiki or Cotton Candy (due to her hair)

A g e -  [SIZE=11.05px]15 [/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Straight

  R a c e  - Human

  R o l e  - Student

D o r m  R o o m - none atm**

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5'0 ft

B u i l d - Small, Light-Weighted and Petite however, has normal body build as well as slight chubby cheeks

  H a i r  - Chin-Length Bob w/ fringes until her eyebrows, Light Pink (dyed), Abit Messy 

  E y e s  - Soft eye shape with Peach/Gold eye color

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y - Generally Lazy and Neutral but an actual prodigy and genius. She is what you expect from any normal human as there is nothing really special about her that makes her stand out. She prefers to be a supporting character and be a wall flower, learning about the people around her from a fair quiet distance. Into closer detail, one things for sure is that she has a sweet tooth and will eat anything that is categorized as dessert. She also has an affinity for reading and gardening, making her a well disciplined student despite her constant supply of puns. Other than that she is also laid back as well as that one friend who will listen to everything you say even if its a rant or a really long secret/problem, though she will try her best to help that person solve their problem and support.

H i s t o r y - She lives a with her family and auntie by an apartment within the city while owning a small bakery/cafe run by her aunt as she was able to learn how to bake desserts at a young age. Her mother is a lawyer while her Father is works as a famous  journalist as they would do anything to find time to hang out with Kiki and her little brother as well as guide them in developing their skills as a prodigy. Her gifted intelligence and writing came from her father's side. During her birthday, her other relatives would give her rare potted plants scented candles as it is believed to protect her and be blessed with wisdom and luck. One day her father published an article about the wonderful future of both humans and witches/wizards living together peacefully, thus led them to enroll her in this school.  Wanting to provide her a whole new experience in going to a school with supernaturals and promise to send them back letters.

L i k e s - Baking|Books|Scented Candles|Sweaters and comfortable clothing

|Her Family|Tea| SWEETS

D i s l i k e s - Overconfident people|the Sun (while she's sleeping)|Being dragged into a situation

|Spicy Food|Tight clothing

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Has a HUGE tendency to sleep during class

|Twirls her pencil around her fingers fast when she is thinking or solving something

|Fixes her glasses when nervous or guilty| Licks her lips in front of dessert

Q u o t e -

"Meh......I don't like being the main character here. I'm not even that special except for my brain and sweet tooth."

-T H E M E-







Raiven's new best friend. I claim her as dorm mate for Raiven


N a m e  -  Miakori Hanako (Her first name is Hanako but she was born in Japan) 
N i c k - N a m e  - Shining Child 
A g e - 18 
G e n d e r  - Female 
O r i e n t a t i o n -  Straight 
  R a c e  - Elemental 
  R o l e  - Student 
E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Light/Shadows
S p e c i a l t i e s - Using light to illuminate and confuse her opponents in various different ways such as dazzling them or creating illusions such as the one she made for her mother. 
D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]

─────── ─────── ──────
  H e i g h t  - 5"11 
B u i l d - Flimsy and frail 
  H a i r  - Long black and slightly wavy 
  E y e s  - Red 
─────── ─────── ──────
P e r s o n a l i t y - [Explain or add a list of traits - Just don't be too perfect; cause even the most perfect people are seriously unperfect]
H i s t o r y - Hanako was born abroad in Tokyo, Japan. Raised primarily by her mother Hanako developed a dislike towards male authority figures in her life when the news came out that her father, a sportsman, was having an affair. She saw this as a betrayal of her familes honour and insisted that he move abroad to restore that honour. Not wanting to upset Hanako even further, her father agreed. He moved to Switzerland and she hasn't heard from him since. 

After he left Hanako's mother slid into a deep depression. Using her powers Hanako created a fantasy illusion for her mother to spend her life in, a life where she was still married with a large family. It broke Hanako's heart to leave for England but she decided that she needed to get away from all of her relatives. Hanako lived in a small apartment in London for a while before applying for Sakura Academy as a chance to meet others her age. Hanako's English is fairly good with her written being better than her spoken 
L i k e s - Homework, silences, books, sushi and foods from her home. Wearing soft and comfortable clothes. Sunrises, calm music.
D i s l i k e s - Her honour being insulted, her families name being insulted. People who pick on those weaker than themselves. Cry babies. People who do not take education seriously. People copying her work. 
Q u i r k s / H a b i t s -  Muttering in Japanese when she's frustrated or concentrating. Accidentally leaving her pens behind. Plays with chopsticks when bored 

T h e m e  - [Optional; can insert their theme song or whatever]
Q u o t e - "What you see is not the real me, I only let you see what I want you to see" 
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Guys I'm so sorry my notifications for the forums were somehow turned off. I'll edit the roster latter but for now all of your characters are accepted. 

@CandidFox I am so sorry , your ca is amazing btw 


N a m e  [SIZE= 18px]- Hazel Valarie [/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]N i c k - N a m e  [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR] Haze[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]A g e [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR]  15[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]G e n d e r  [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR]  female [/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]O r i e n t a t i o n [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR] Bi [/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  R a c e  Human[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  R o l e  Student [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]D o r m  R o o m - [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  H e i g h t  [SIZE= 18px]- [/COLOR][How tall they are][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]B u i l d - Althtic skinny [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  H a i r  in pic [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  E y e s  - in pic [/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]P e r s o n a l i t y - kind, hyperactive, playful, tends to get scared easily [/COLOR]

H i s t o r y - born deaf she hates her father since she was left when she was a baby it just her and her mother she never know why her father left her she never wanted to have the surgery for her to hear she was bullied in some other schools so she got tranfered now she is at this school she hope that she won't get bullied she hates bullies her dad is in the miltary 

L i k e s -  her deafness, being around deaf people, quite places, people who knows sign language and headphones and reading and writing 

D i s l i k e s - bullies people that don't accept her bad food and bad books thunderstorms and lightening and her hearing aids 

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]T h e m e  - [/COLOR]

@Mr Swiftshots
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a m e  Akira Frosy

N i c k - N a m e  - Kira

A g e -  15

G e n d e r  -  female 

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bi 

  R a c e  - elemental

  R o l e  - Student 

D o r m  R o o m - 201

  H e i g h t  - 5'6

B u i l d - Althtic skinny 

  H a i r  - in pic 

  E y e s  - in pic 

View attachment 237293

P e r s o n a l i t y - Kind , Fun, Outgoing 

H i s t o r y - Akira was born a into a nice family when she was little but when she got older her father found out her mother and her were elementals  and he had kicked her and her mother out. Her mother couldn't take care of her so she went her to school to make friends and live with out her. 

L i k e s -  Magic, People who like her magic and food.

D i s l i k e s - Meanies, Bullies and people who hate her magic

Type of elemental: Ice elemental 


@Mr Swiftshots
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N a m e  -  Akira Frosy

N i c k - N a m e  - Kira

A g e -  15

G e n d e r  -  female 

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bi 

  R a c e  - Human

  R o l e  - Student 

D o r m  R o o m - 

  H e i g h t  - 5'6

B u i l d - Althtic skinny 

  H a i r  - in pic 

  E y e s  - in pic 

View attachment 198541

P e r s o n a l i t y - Kind , Fun, Outgoing 

H i s t o r y - Akira was born a into a nice family when she was little but when she got older her father found out her mother and had witch in their blood and he had kicked her and her mother out and now her mother decided to send her to the school.

L i k e s -  Magic, People who like her magic and food.

D i s l i k e s - Meanies, Bullies and people who hate her magic


@Mr Swiftshots

Humans can't use magic 
(also i didn't put a dorm because i didn't know if she would have someone to interact with yet)
No , you need to fill out the need information.elemental or human and then , if elemental , what kind of elemental 
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N a m e  Dmitri Gardenia

N i c k - N a m e  - Eye of Grim

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  - Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Homosexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Elite


E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Light/Shadows

S p e c i a l t i e s - Dmitri has above-average eyesight, especially in darker areas. He also has a grip on controlling light, but his shadow skills need training.


D o r m  R o o m - TBA



─────── ─────── ──────


  H e i g h t  - 5'11

B u i l d - Slim-bodied. Has a bit of muscle tone, but doesn't have abs to speak of.

  H a i r  - In picture.

  E y e s  - In picture.


─────── ─────── ──────


P e r s o n a l i t y -

Positive -







Negative -


Prone to throwing tantrums/fits


Bad attitude



H i s t o r y -

Dmitri is the youngest son out of eight boys from the famed Gardenia family. The Gardenias have played a huge role in research towards discovering new magic in the world, and consists of highly-respected individuals. Dmitri's mother, Ingrid, has a natural proficiency to light/shadow magic, being a famed user of it during her younger days. Dmitri's father, Arcade, is an alchemist who, despite lacking ties to magic, has made quite a living creating potions out of herbs. Growing up, Dmitri was taught that if he failed as an elemental, the scandal would stain his family forever. Words like that left a huge mark on Dmitri's mind and well-being, which put extra pressure on him to do well in life. At one point in his life, Dmitri was kidnapped by an anti-elemental group, and he went through a lot of trauma...he doesn't bring it up a lot, and when he does, he makes it very brief and vague. The resulting incident made Dmitri blame himself for not being strong enough, and letting himself make mistakes. In the years after that, he made sure that his skills were always 100%, and didn't take any less. He thinks that Sakura Academy is the perfect place to refine his skills, and has accepted his new life.


L i k e s -


Wine (When he can get his hands on it without anyone knowing)

Card games

A good magic fight


Victorian-era history


D i s l i k e s -

Bugs that sting or have too many legs

Being grabbed

Stuff that makes him sleepy (So he can't focus in the dark)

Sloppy people/People with bad hygiene


Q u i r k s / H a b i t s -

Twirls his hair when bored or unimpressed.

Makes sarcastic, if inappropriately-timed, comments when learning about bad news, or put under pressure.

Swears a lot when angry.


T h e m e  -

Q u o t e - "Getting noticed a lot is sort of my specialty."

"Contrary to popular beliefs, alcohol is a solution, and a good punch to the throat is how you stop someone from talking negatively about you."

"What, am I suppose to be shocked? I have twenty-thousand things to deal with and your pettiness isn't one of them."


(In her Battle Costume)


(Out of costume)


N a m e   [Victoria Laynes]

N i c k - N a m e  - [Tori,Ms. Laynes,Vicki]

A g e -  [SIZE=11.9px][16][/SIZE]

G e n d e r  -  [Female]

O r i e n t a t i o n - [Hetrosexual]

  R a c e  [Elemental]

  R o l e  [Student] [She is a part of the Elite group,]

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  [Air]

S p e c i a l t i e s - [She can spin a mini tornado with her air/wind pwers.]

D o r m  R o o m - [Tba; add in once I assign you the room assignments]


─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  [5'6]

B u i l d  [She is a skinny person]

  H a i r  [She has a light brown curly hair.]

  E y e s  [Brown]

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y [She is organization freak everything has to perfect to her. She also very fun person to be with but when your not cool like her she can be
stubborn and rude. She just mean to a person because she's in the elites because she just wants to fit in]

H i s t o r y - [She was born from her mother,"Lori Laynes". One of the most famous witches. Her powers were

very strong and she mastered her famous move,"The Tornado" unlike Victoria's wind powers her's are weak. When

Lori was in school she was part of elites so, she doesn't expect any less from her daughter.  She teaches her daughter magic
very skillfully. Most of the time her mother out of town, getting materials for her daughter lessons. ]

L i k e s [~Candy




                          ~Magic ]

D i s l i k e s - [~Frogs

                                      ~Certain people

                                                      ~When an outfit clashes]

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - [She talks to herself alot.]

T h e m e  [Primadonna by Marina and the diamonds]

Q u o t e ["When they think your perfect but your just a mess."]
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Name Balthazar Dáinsleif
Nickname N/A
Age ➺ 23
Gender ➺ Male
Orientation ➺ Straight
Race ➺ Human
Role ➺ Teacher

Subjects ➺ History/Medicine/PE

Dorm Room ➺ N/A
__________________ _________________
Height ➺ 5 ' 11
Weight ➺ 171 lbs
Build ➺ Average body
Hair ➺ Short Light Brown Hair
Eyes ➺ Cyan
__________________ __________________
Personality ➺ Balthazar is Brave and a Funny individual to get to know,
yet he gets a tad Impatient sometimes and is very trusting/gullible

History Balthazar's life is like any other, poor family, almost no means to make money,
but after hearing the last words of his now deceased father "Dreams are there to motivate you to make them come true",
he started to work really hard to make sure he can live a life his father would be proud of, working in cleaning, deliveries and without a doubt not missing a day of running and exercising so he could follow in his father footsteps and become a soldier in the army.
At the age of 17, during a recruitment process at a British Military Garrison, Balthazar proved to be a capaple soldier with his resilience and prowess for martial arts which granted him approval to integrate the army, around this time Balthazar's mother got ill and young Balthazar struggled to pay for her medicine but soon the payement that he received from the army would soon be enough to pay for her medical expenses.
After 6 years of hardwork, learning all sorts of helpful subjects and completion of difficult, and some of them bizzare, missions. Balthazar was granted the honor of being appointed the title of Knight by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for serving an exemplary service to the Crown and his heirs and also gave Balthazar exemption to do military service to pursue other carrers he might be interested under one condition, when the Crown needs Sir Balthazar, he must obey his vow to serve and protect her Majesty and her heirs.
A couple of weeks later, while Balthazar is reading the newspaper for a job that could sparkle some interest in his life, he noticed a particular one named "Sakura Academy", as he starts to remember that it was a renown boarding school for Elemental Wizards and Witches, surely Balthazar thought that perhaps what they are searching for is Teachers who can use magic, but as soon as he thinks such thing he notices the next line which implied that since humans are finally being admited for the first year in Sakura Academy, they were searching for Human Teachers as well for several subjects so they could nurture the young talent from the students. Balthazar smiles and says "Why don't i become a Teacher then, it sounds a fun profession." and so Balthazar sends his papers and waits for an answer.


Likes ➺ Afternoon Naps
➺ Eating Lots of Food
➺ Cloud/Stargazing
➺ Exercising

➺ Playing with Animals

Dislikes ➺ Ghosts
➺ Dishonesty
➺ Lots of Paper Work
➺ Waiting in line for something


Quirks/Habits ➺ Habit of sometimes falling asleep in the most unusual places
Loves to be with all kinds of animals and even talks to them

Quote "If you can dream it, you can do it."


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N a m e  - Cereza Goodwitch

N i c k - N a m e  - Madame Lust 

A g e -  22

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Bisexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Teacher; Defense Classes and Spells 101

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  -  Dark Arts

S p e c i a l t i e s - 

+Can summon a monster from hell

+Expert in Gun arts

+Create Curses and Spells

+Combines magic to create an entirely new attack

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  H e i g h t  - 6'0

B u i l d - Tall, Sexy and Well Built

  H a i r  - Short, Spiky Dark Blue

  E y e s  - Bright Silver

─────── ─────── ──────

P e r s o n a l i t y -

 You could say that Madame Rose if simply the most seductive teacher throughout the whole academy. She wouldn't stop flirting with men especially little boys and girls, it's like as if she feeds from their half or full erotic state by just seeing them blush and more. She tends to be mischievous as well, sending pranks to those who dare sleep in her class and pinning them to walls just to tease them deliberately. But as a teacher, Cereza is good at controlling herself and keeps it to a minimum. However she is a very reliable teacher, always there to protect her students from danger as well as providing support when needed to be. She can be also be strict if the students behave rudely and punish them accordingly, making sure that they wouldn't do the same mistake again. And for some reason......she seems to know a certain pink haired girl very well. 

L i k e s - Flirting and Seducing people| Night sky| Her guns| Men| Being able to punish kids| Karoline's Pastries

D i s l i k e s - Being unable to protect her students| Simply rude people| Losing her guns| Color orange

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - Flirts with her students most of the time| Licks her lips when she thinks of something perverted| Walks like a runway model


Q u o t e - 

"mhmnn~ Look at you and your cute blushing face~ Makes me want to kiss you infront of the class <3"

-Cereza teasing Karoline in the past-

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Red hair + flowers.jpg

[SIZE=10.5pt]N a m e  [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]- Akira Adhern[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]N i c k - N a m e   [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Aki[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]A g e [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]  16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]G e n d e r  [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Female[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]O r i e n t a t i o n [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Pansexual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]  R a c e  - Witch[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]  R o l e  - Student[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Nature[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]S p e c i a l t i e s [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]  [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]She specializes in building things out of plants and flowers, like houses, offices, even vehicles. Her favorite to make are mazes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]D o r m  R o o m – Which ever you’d prefer her in[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]H e i g h t  [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE] 5’ 7”

[SIZE=10.5pt]B u i l d [/SIZE]– 130 lbs

[SIZE=10.5pt]H a i r  [/SIZE]- Red

[SIZE=10.5pt]E y e s  [/SIZE]- Blue

[SIZE=10.5pt]P e r s o n a l i t y [/SIZE]– Akira is very shy at first and stutters when nervous, she is very caring and kind, she only likes to see the good in people and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She is extremely protective of those she loves and only uses her magic for good and to aid others.

[SIZE=10.5pt]H i s t o r y – Akira was raised in a human town in which her family were the only magical types. Due to this she became best friends with a local boy named Jason or as she calls him Jay and considers him to be her older brother and he is extremely protective of her. Her parents always raised her to always be gentle and kind and to always help those who are in need. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]L i k e s –  Akira likes to listen to music, read books on plants, garden, create things using her powers, spending time with Jay, eating sweets and things that are salty, animals, festivals, and ribbons

[SIZE=10.5pt]D i s l i k e s [/SIZE]– Akira dislikes dishonest, rude, and mean people

[SIZE=10.5pt]Q u i r k s / H a b i t s [/SIZE] Akira stutters when nervous or uncomfortable and bites her lip a lot, she will also grow small flowers in her hand when she’s happy without realizing

[SIZE=10.5pt]T h e m e [/SIZE] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fngvQS_PmQ

Red hair + glasses.jpe

[SIZE=10.5pt]N a m e  [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]- Jason Theyrill[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]N i c k - N a m e   [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Jay[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]A g e [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]  17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]G e n d e r  [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]O r i e n t a t i o n [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Pansexual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]  R a c e  - Human[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]  R o l e  - Student[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - None[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]S p e c i a l t i e s [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]  [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Jason specialises in being a farmer, lumberjack, and blacksmith [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]D o r m  R o o m – Again which ever you wanna put him in[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]H e i g h t  [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]-[/SIZE] 6’ 2”

[SIZE=10.5pt]B u i l d [/SIZE]– 160 lbs

[SIZE=10.5pt]H a i r  [/SIZE]- Red

[SIZE=10.5pt]E y e s  [/SIZE]- Gold

[SIZE=10.5pt]P e r s o n a l i t y [/SIZE]– Jason is very outgoing, he is always happy go lucky and laid back, he is very friendly and likes to have a good time, he is kind, and very protective of Akira or as he likes to call her Aki

[SIZE=10.5pt]H i s t o r y – Jason is an only child whose mother died giving birth to him, his father was always very involved with him and ensured that he was well raised and taken care of. He was both born and raised in a small town in the forest with only human and no magic folk. He met Aki when he was 5 and she was 4 and to him the rest is history, she is like his little sister and cares for her deeply. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]L i k e s – Jason likes spending time with Aki, taking care of her and her plants, he enjoys music like her and loves working on his projects as a blacksmith. He enjoys doing the farm work and taking care of animals. His favorite thing is coffee

[SIZE=10.5pt]D i s l i k e s [/SIZE]– Jason dislikes anyone who is mean or takes advantage of those weaker than them

[SIZE=10.5pt]Q u i r k s / H a b i t s [/SIZE] Jason will wink when he finds someone cute or attractive

[SIZE=10.5pt]T h e m e [/SIZE] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDyxykpYeu8
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[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]m e  [SIZE= 18px]- [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] [/COLOR][/SIZE]Joseph Walker

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]N i c k - N a m e - Joseph or Ghost[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]A g e [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR]  16[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]G e n d e r  [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR]  Apache Attack Helicopter[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Jk male[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  R a c e  - Elemental[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  R o l e - Student[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]E l e m e n t a l   B a s e - Light/Shadow[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]S p e c i a l t i e s [SIZE= 18px]-[/COLOR] Cloaking self in light or shadow, controlling light into small distracting/blinding beams.[/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]D o r m  R o o m - 108[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]─────── ─────── ──────[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  H e i g h t  [SIZE= 18px]- 5'10[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]B u i l d - 176 lbs, lean though muscular, scarred hands[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  H a i r  - short and messy chocolate brown hair[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  E y e s  - Left eye is a pale ice blue, while the other is slate grey[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]─────── ─────── ──────[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]P e r s o n a l i t y - Joseph is protective of friends, willing to stand up for them against anyone, any time. This is also true to strangers or classmates. He comes off as quiet, though friends will know him as always friendly, talkative, and on occasion funny. To people who bully or are hateful he either stays away, or in the case of confrontation, fight the bastards.[/COLOR]

H i s t o r y - Joseph had a pretty normal life, nice living conditions, middle-class, nice neighborhood. His mother was teaching him to control his powers on a basic level, while his father was abusing him, beating him during alcoholic rages. He ended up with multiple cuts and lacerations on both hands before his father was kicked out, forcing Joseph to wear gloves to hide the scars. His mother ended up not being able to support him and sent him off to Sakura as soon as he could be enrolled.

L i k e s - Cars, paintball, Avenged Sevenfold, DMX, Eminem, friends, books.

D i s l i k e s [Make a list of crud they hate or don't like; stuff that doesn't toot their horns] 

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - When nervous he tends to rub his hands together.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]T h e m e  - Avenged Sevenfold "Bat Country"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)](Reason for lyrics video is I looked at the actual video and it isn't appropriate, so I decided to take it down.)[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Q u o t e - "Why don't you just lay off and leave him be, alright? Oh I'm the problem now? Hope you looked in a mirror recently, it'll be the last time you'll see a full set of teeth."[/COLOR]
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N a m e   Ritsu Miyabi

N i c k - N a m e  - Ritsu / Miya

A g e -  17

G e n d e r  -  Female

O r i e n t a t i o n - Gay

  R a c e  Human

  R o l e  - Student

D o r m  R o o m - ((N/A))

─────── ─────── ──────

  H e i g h t  - 5'5"

B u i l d Small framed, but with a bit of chubbiness on her. 

  H a i r  Short, straight, black hair. 

  E y e s  An almost purple-grey color, and almost always look tired.

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Ritsu is often very quiet, but will be very social and outgoing with people she knows. Most of her time is spent on her computer, phone, or other device, instead of interacting with people face to face. She tends to do a lot of her talking through these. But she isn't someone who never talks to anyone, but more of a generic introvert. She tends to be unenthusiastic about a lot of things, but does try to make people laugh and teach people things that she learned. 

H i s t o r y - Ritsu was born in a middle class, suburban, American home to a father and mother who didn't do anything special, nor anything bad. Most of her childhood was spent learning how to do a lot of things on her own, taking to the internet to socialize and learn. She wasn't a social child, choosing to take her toys and make her own adventures out of them. Through the means of accidentally isolating herself from real world interaction, Ritsu took to other things to keep her entertained and intrigued. She learned the ins and outs of her computer, networking, and general technology. She taught herself sign language. She learned world history and rather enjoyed furthering her knowledge. 

At 16, Ritsu's parents decided to surprise her. She would be attending Sakura Academy, and see the wonders of the world outside her own. It was a blessing for both parties; Ritsu would get out of the house, socialize, see the culture of the Elementals, and further her education, and her parents got time that didn't involve looking after their child. 

As such, this year, she said goodbye to her parents, and boarded a plane to England. Upon arrival, a short, sharply dressed old man was waiting for her, holding a sign reading "Ms. Miyabi", with the Academy's official seal on it. She went with him to the car, which leads us to where she is now. Driving up to the Academy itself.

L i k e s Technology / History / Language / Learning new things / Oversized hoodies / Techno music / etc.

D i s l i k e s - Loud people / Bugs / The dark / Crowds / Moths / etc.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - She has a habit of making tapping noises, and likes to clap a lot.

T h e m e  

─────── Quote ──────

The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine. - Nikola Tesla
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I hope it's not too late to join.


N a m e  -  Nobuyuki Raku

N i c k - N a m e  - Nobu

A g e -  16

G e n d e r  -  Male

O r i e n t a t i o n - Heterosexual

  R a c e  - Elemental

  R o l e  - Student

E l e m e n t a l   B a s e  - Glass

S p e c i a l t i e s - Nobu strategically places glass at an angle to deflect projectiles, fires shards of glass at enemies, and is great at making glass sculptures.

D o r m  R o o m - TBD


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  H e i g h t  - 5'9"

B u i l d - 127 lbs. He has a quite scrawny build, causing him to appear weak.

  H a i r  - White

  E y e s  - Gray and emotionless

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P e r s o n a l i t y - Nobu doesn't show any emotion, ever. He doesn't see the what's wrong, and that is his strongest weakness. He seeks resolve, and any time that he is told that he has made a bad decision he immediately tries to correct it. He's actually surprisingly selfless.

H i s t o r y - TBD in the RP

L i k e s - Nobu likes to help out, even if he seems emotionless. He likes to fit in, or at least try. Lastly, he enjoys supporting those that seem lost, sad, or depressed.

D i s l i k e s - He hates when people bully or hurt his friends. He doesn't like seeing his friends upset either.

Q u i r k s / H a b i t s - He has a habit of walking alone and enjoying the weather, even if he isn't smiling while doing so. He also has a habit of never smiling, frowning, or showing any type of emotion.

Q u o t e - "Even if someone does something horribly wrong, I don't think they should have to live the rest of their life thinking they are a horrible person.
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