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Realistic or Modern • G h o s t T o w n

Amelia Oliver


She sighs as the TV goes back to normal and puts the camera away in her bag, turning to Haley.

"We must have scared it off. I'm Amelia," she says with a sigh then a smile.
Mae aimlessly floated around as it got dark the amount of humans walking around got slimmer she sighed softly. This is boring.

She began to follow a windy old road, after she had lost sight of a young girl she was shadowing for a few days she had nothing else to do.

Suddenly, she heard voices in the distance. There was a beautiful villa with a girl outside the front door. An excited smile crept onto Mae's face as she swiftly flew over to the villa. A few lights were on and there were more voices coming from inside, without hesitation Mae flew through the wall.

She heard a clear voice from upstairs;

"Well we believe there is a ghost in here"

Mae knew they weren't talking about her but she was still intruiged so she followed the sound lead her to a room with three people inside.
"Sorry! But I mean a ghost? You're kidding, right?" Haley responded, trying to keep her voice down. These people have lost their minds. I hope this is a dream. She turned and looked at Rosetta, the feeling of something pulling at her went away. "Even if there was a ghost, I'm pretty sure it... Wait." Abruptly, the pulling feeling hit her again. "It might be more than one." She found herself adding. "Nice to meet both of you, by the way."
Intriged by the "weird machine" that Amelia was holding, she decide to peek in the bag, making it fall on the side. She is holding the camera by its cord.
Amelia Oliver


She jumps as her camera is suddenly lifted from her bag, turning to see it hovering in the air.

"Excuse me," she says kindly, seeming slightly in awe,"can you speak with us?"
Marine, seeing the woman talking to her, she says: "Whats this?" while still paying with the camera, making it zoom in and out. You can hear a little girl voice.
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Haley felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. "I must have hit my head at some point," she decided, rubbing her scalp. "That's a camera, but what are you?!"
Mae giggled watching the humans fluster around. She tilted her head at the young girl, a ghost like herself, as she interacted with the camera. She gave a small wave to her wondering if she knew she was there as well. @Mumu Kokatsuna

Feeling a little mischievous Mae floated to the closest person and blew towards her creating a cold air. @PinkUnicorn
She awnsers to the other woman: "Me, im Marine! Nice to meet you!" then accidentaly takes a picture and drops the camera suprised. She is looking intreged at the other ghost. @NightSky
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Mae smiled at the young girl.

"Hi, I'm Mae." She said but not so anyone else could hear. "I'm just like you." She added in case she didn't know.

She crossed her legs and sat floating in mid air.
@Mumu Kokatsuna
Mae flinched as the pot collided with the floor. "It does take some time.." She tried to reassure her. "Would you like some help?" She held out a hand to Marine.

@Mumu Kokatsuna
"Once you get the hang of it, it's really simple." She said with a smile as she lifted Marine off the floor, she was very light as expected. "Just focus on it, then when you think something you can do it." Mae explained lifting her slightly higher trying keeping her stable.

@Mumu Kokatsuna
Mae's smile faded slightly as Marine began to spin. "Oops that's a bit too fast." She said as reached out to grab her hand in an attempt to stop her from spinning out of control.

@Mumu Kokatsuna

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