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Fantasy Nyxfield Academy

Ruler Of The Maniae


Welcome to Nyxfield Academy; where young girls and boys master magical powers and destroy Heroes. Here you are taught how to be a Villain, and how to destroy the good. Someone in your past was kind and nice to everyone, but ruined your life. They go to Hemeraray Academy, learning how to rescue and be brave. But here, we learn how to defeat them.

In most tales, good wins, and evil loses. Our school strives to break that tradition; for Villains to have their happy ending. Nyx, the headmistress, will personally come to you if it is time for your revenge. While you wait, you will learn how to destoy your nemesis, and keep it that way.

Good luck, Villains of Nyxfield!



Lessons Start;


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The sun is sinking along the horizon, behind Nyxfield Academy's tall, dark walls. A group of students walk through the entrance, deathly pale grass and grave stones bordering the pathway. A garden filled with dead plants and bones run along the gates. The entrance slams shut, and shadows fill the gates holes. The students turn around, seeing that there is no escaping.

You are one of these students.

Welcome to Nyxfield.

@Skyscraper Ninja


Scarlett Taber looked the gate up and down. Greeeeaat. No getting out. That's just greeeeaat, she thought sarcastically. She took out her earbuds and phone, and started scrolling through her music. She chose the Slander remix for 'U Don't Know' by Alison Wonderland. She continued down the path, ahead of her classmates and towards the school's big doors. Whispers erupted when Scarlett placed a foot on the steps. She could hear them through her earbuds, so she took them out and looked around. Nothing was there. She put her earbuds back in, and ignored the noises as they turned into screaming. Dead people? The fuck? she thought, passing through the doors and entering the lobby.
Hyde stood in front of the rather huge school with a bored face. This place is gonna blow. Hyde thought with an unpleasant scowl. Hyde wasn't looking forward to going to this new school, and he wasn't too pleased that he would have to constantly watch his back. For fuck sake this school was for fellow delinquents to achieve the ultimate goal; To become a successful villain. Hyde's eyes started to form his signature glare, warning others not to mess with him. Hopefully this shit hole won't be as bad as the last one was. With a long sigh Hyde strolled into the academy, ignoring the fact that almost everyone towered over his short frame. This better be worth my fucking time.
Scarlett walked up to the counter. She grabbed her dorm room key and her schedule before walking off to the stairs, which lead up to the dorms. If we're villains, aren't there heroes here, too? she wondered. The thought stayed in her head as she searched the halls for her dorm, entered, then started to unpack her things. She had only brought a backpack, which was filled with dark tees and dark jeans. A few black sweaters were stuffed in the bottom, leaving room for the one pair of shoes that she'd brought. After putting everything away, Scarlett found a bikini in the top of her drawer. She grabbed it, changed, got a towel, and left her room, looking for the pool.
Victor walked into the schoolyard, there was a surprisingly small amount of people that looked interesting, there was a girl who seemed pretty strong that instantly left the yard, and a boy who had piercings in his ears and an eyepatch was two of the most interesting ones. "Hmmm, I wonder what happened to his eye" "Aah who cares, I'm just looking forward to crushing him sometime, and that girl too looks tasty" Victor could hear Thanatos talking in his head, he'd never enjoyed his company of the demon he'd been bound to, however there was nothing he could do about it, his parents had forced him to inherit this perverted and psycho soul. "Yeah yeah, let's get going" He walked in through the entrance and recieved his dorm number, he picked up his package bag and walked to his room, Victor never packed heavily, a lot of belongings would just slow him down and memories wasn't anything that he cherished.

As he walked towards his dorm, conversating with Thanatos inside his head, or so he thought, usually when he talked with Thanatos it ended up with him talking out loud without him even noticing, and this lead to him not even noticing the girl that he'd seen out on the schoolyard, exit her room wearing only a bikini. However Thanatos noticed and made Victor trip on himself, incidentally falling onto the girl, looking for something to grab onto to stop his fall he reached out.
Hyde sighed before going to his assigned dorm. He walked down the long hallway until he saw a boy and a girl, who was in a bikini is a very suggestive position Hyde rolled his eyes. Couldn't people just keep it in their pants? "Oi, Get a room. I'm pretty sure no one else wants to see you guys banging in the middle of the hallway." Hyde said in a cold tone. His eyes narrowed to the point it would be a miracle if someone didn't fear him in the slightest. The boy didn't even wait for a response, he just kept walking to his dorm.

In his room sat two king sized beds, 2 wardrobes, and two desks. Hyde wanted to shoot himself finding out he will have a room mate. If my room mate is a slob or idiot I'll fucking kill them. Hyde thought with a scowl. He picked the bed on the left side of the room. A black comforter and red sheets laid on his bed. He tossed his bag onto his bed before walking back out. He was hungry and was going to look for something half way decent to eat.
Scarlett quickly caught herself, putting her hand against the wall, and grabbed the boy's arm. He didn't hit the ground, so she helped him up and grabbed her towel. "What happened?" she asked. "Who are you? You okay?" She set the towel on her shoulder and clasped her hands together.

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Victor let out a sigh of relief as he felt that the girl had grabbed his arm and not let him fall head first into the floor, as he stabilized himself and got pulled back up he turned around and looked at his saviour, "Thank you, and I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention and tripped over my own legs, my name is Victor Sillius and yes, I'm okay, thank you for asking"

Time: 11:03

Date: 09/31/15

A small bell rings, getting everyone's attention. A raspy voice booms through the speakers, which were hidden in the walls before the announcement. "Welcome, students! I am your headmaster, Amdis, and I am here to teach you to be better villains. At lunch today, all Nyxfield and Hemeraray students will meet each other. This is where I want you all to find you enemy. You will hate them before you even know their name. Don't kill them just yet, though, there will be a time." Somebody else coughed, probably telling Amdis to say something else. "Extra curricular activities start next week, and when your time has come, you will be given a mission to hunt and kill your nemesis." The speakers slowly retracted back into the walls, disappearing once again.

@minismurf @JigokuTheBaka
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Hyde smirked. I only have to wait a week to kill some bastard? Sweet. I wonder what poor soul has to go up against me. Hyde thought with a smug smirk. The little shit didn't understand there is many powerful opponents. All he has to do is make sure he didn't get a weakling.

With the same smug smirk Hyde continued to search for eatable food. What the hell? They don't have fucking alligator? What kind of Hell hole is this? Hyde thought. Her grabbed an apple and a bottle of water and went back to his dorm. He didn't give a shit if he was missing any classes or when they started.
"Don't worry about it. I'm Scarlett," she told Victor. She pushed her hand through her hair, keeping it out of her face as she looked down the hall. She watched all of the other students entering their dorms, talking about what a shitty year it was going to be. As long as there's magic, I'm good with school, thought Scarlett, as she turned back to Victor. "Are you going to your dorm?" she asked.

Victor cursed Thanatos in his head, "Ah yes, I was heading to my dorm, I've got number 14, what about you, have you met your roommate yet?" He looked around a second, letting his eyes read over the numbers on the doors, they seemed to be in a pretty usual order, 1,2,3 etc. "Hmh, I hope I'll get an easy roommate, otherwise Thanatos might get provoked and take control" Many times Thanatos had escaped Victor's mind and rampaged against all people in the nearby area, usually no one would be able to stop him and he wouldn't revert until his bloodthirst was sated, however every few moments, powerful mages might be able to repel Thanatos back into his prison inside Victor's mind.
Scarlett looked to her dorm, then back at Victor. "Mine's 7. I don't think I have a roommate, actually," she told him, remembering the student's dorm listing on the counter in the lobby. "Do you have a roommate?" she asked.

Victor looked back at the girl, "I don't know actually, I haven't even entered my dorm yet, but I haven't seen anyone else enter that number so I guess not" He shrugged at the last part, "Although I think that's for the best to be honest"
"Alright," said Scarlett. She looked down the hallway, the one that lead to the lobby and hopefully a map to the pool. "Well, if you need me, I'll be at the pool," she said. "Nice to meet you." She turned away and started walking to the lobby, the hallway opening into the room a few minutes later. Scarlett walked towards the front desk, and looked at the lady behind the counter. "Where's the pool?" Scarlett asked. The lady raised her index finger and opened a binder, taking out a map and handing it to Scarlett. "Go down that hallway, and follow the blue line. The green one leads to the lunchroom, which is shared by both schools, and the red one leads to the fighting arena, which is also shared," she said. "The orange one changes it's place when your class changes, so keep that until you've memorized everything. Even then, I suggest you keep it." The lady closed the binder and turned around, walking off to go organize some files. "Great," muttered Scarlett. Boring magic used on paper . . . she thought. She walked away from the lobby and followed the map, going own the halls that were marked with the blue line.


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