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Numerous bugs


One Thousand Club
Problems that I have encountered

(Some of which may have already been mentioned by others, but so far I didn’t see much of any answers to those reports)

Where: Roleplay > Manage Forums

What: Permissions

It seems I can not adjust the permission settings for each discussion type forum.

When I select that a participant (normal member) can read everything and post everything, then select ‘Save’ I get prompted with the ‘Saved’ text, showing that it was a succes.

However when I go back to double check the permission settings, it has all been reverted to the way it was originally.

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-13 om 12.11.43.png

Where: All posts

What: Bolded text

Any time I only select one or two words to be bold, the remainder of the words on that same line automatically get thrown to the next line once it is posted.

This also applies to italics I believe, so it might be the case for all of the BUI options.

Where: All posts

What: Text background color

Every time anything is copied and pasted it takes the full formatting with it. Which isn’t bad, since it isn’t possible to copy the code and paste that. And in this way I don’t have to redo all the formatting I have done for the texts.

However, it also copies the background color behind the tekst.

It isn’t evident while just using one’s own chosen Theme, but I noticed it when others with a dark theme copied text from their end and sent it to me.

To test this I copy pasted some of the texts I had been working on, posted it, and then switched from the Default Theme to the Dark Theme. Suddenly the text had a white bg/highlight to it.

The only way to remove it at this point is to remove ALL formatting. Which in turn means that if I used the Private Workshop to perfect the look of the post, copied the text, pasted it in the actual RP, I would either have a white bg behind all the text, OR I would have to remove all the formatting I carefully did, and am required to do it all a second time.

The only alternative is to FORCE my chosen theme upon others, but that as well brings difficulties with it when dealing with copy-pasting from the participant’s side.

Where: Roleplay

What: Ghost topics

To save myself the time of having to redo the settings every single time for each discussion type forum, I opted to copy (duplicate) one, in this case the Roleplay Area, and work from there. The Roleplay Area already has 1 topic in it.
Directly after copying and saving the new forum after renaming it to Other I can see it states 0 posts. Then I click on the new forum and it states there already is 1 topic in this forum, but one sentence lower it states ‘There are no topics in this forum yet’. And indeed I can not see any other topics.

Once I make a new topic, the number of topics in that forum increases by 1, however, only the single one is visible.

I didn’t notice at first what had happened, till I had copied (duplicated) the forum Other. The newest topic has 2 topics in it, even though it shows none.

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-13 om 12.47.57.png

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-13 om 12.48.43.png

Where: N/A

What: Hidden RP

I initially created a roleplay, but since I kept running into trouble and it was high time I got some rest, I chose to hide the RP. In essence delete it.

However it is still part of my ‘Active roleplays’ on the side bar. And now that I have recreated the RP, with the same name it shows up twice. One I can’t access, one I can (obviously) However when hovering over someone’s name to invite them for my RP, and I’m prompted to select which active RP I want to invite them for… I see both options even though the old one is supposed to be hidden.

Now if the old one had a different name, it wouldn’t be so bad, then I knew for sure I wasn’t inviting someone for a page of ‘You do not have permission to …’ 

There is no way that I can disconnect myself from that RP, so what can be done?

Where: Site, Default theme

What: Post separation

(Not a bug, a suggestion)

In the Dark and Color me themes each post in a topic is clearly marked, making it easy to see when a new post has started.

The Default theme does not have that. It is one pure white (?) area, and only by reading the text or look where the next person’s avatar begins do you know when a new post has started. It would be very much appreciated if there could be a more clear distinct separation between the posts.

Where: Text box

What: Preview button

I'm happy there is a preview button, but at the moment it's kind of hidden between everything. I would like to suggest having it on the farthest corner of the buttons.

It's also a little confusing, since the eye button, used for spoilers, would feel more natural to me to choose a preview. But perhaps if the preview button simply was on the farthest right corner, it would already be enough to avoid adding spoilers when intending to preview a post.

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