Numbers (retry)

hey i have a few questions before we start:

1.Can some one leave the watch? if yes does he go back to the number he was before to watch or he becomes a set number?

2.Is the watch diffrante from city to city like if im part of the watch in one city and then move to another do i still have the same authority?

@DJ Elfin

@DJ Elfin

More questions xD

is being outside of the city/in the forest is illegal? so i know how to interact with people that i find in the forest if it is what is the punsment like i just walk them back to the city or fine them etc etc
Alrighty, here are your answers.

1. You could leave the Watch, but you would be demoted to and 11 or your previous number if it's lower.

2. As long as you have proof, watch members can enforce the same authority throughout the country. This dimension's "Earth" seems to consist of one large continent and various small islands that are illegal to travel to.

3. It depends on the person's reasoning.

It ISN'T illegal if...

-They have a license for farming

-They have a Watch member assigned to watch them

-If they're part of the Watch (most of the time)

It IS illegal if...

-They have no reasoning

-They have no authority

-They went to meet someone (like Tsugumi and Kouta did as children)

-They're destroying property or setting up illegal camp

-They're found taking part in religious or non-heterosexual activities

SO it's illegal, more often than not. If a dude's just wandering with no authority or license, it's illegal.

Run away slaves are also, um, obviously illegal.
The whole concept of "The Watch" is one of the things being developed. I'm assuming the punishment for something of this matter would vary upon what the offense in the forest was.

If they were just wandering or simply had a lack of license, they would likely get off with a warning and being watched more closely.

If it were something such as the religious offense, you would have your number demoted (as stated in overview), possibly jailed and tortured.

Run away slaves are taken back to their master, the master then deciding punishment.

If you were meeting someone, it would probably be somewhere in between warning and getting jailed.

Vandalism and camping likely results in a temporary jailing or torture.

But those are just suggestions or bases for punishment.
Heyo! Before I post my character, I have quite a few questions about the Watch...

So, first of all, what exactly is it? Military/police/detectives/peacekeepers? Or even none of those, or even all of them at once?

2: is it governed by a specific council or a sole leader?

3: does its members get any physical training of any kind, par example, how to use a gun?

4: Last of all, do they have any limits and restrictions? Or can they just do whatever the fuck the want as long as they do their job?
Alrighty, here are your answers:

1. They're more along the lines of police/detectives, but they've been packaged as the worlds "peacekeepers"

2. The Watch connected directly to the Oligarchy, so they take orders from one or more of the members

3. When the ask to join the Watch (the whole process is very hush-hush, by the way), they undergo a test to see how good they are with guns, weapons, leading others, ect. They get training from more experienced members until they're ready to be sent out in most cases. That doesn't mean that they haven't carelessly sent out newbies before.

4. They basically do what they want as long as they're doing their job. Oddly enough, their power over others is probably second to the Oligarchy.

Hope that helped. :)
So, this seems fairly obvious, since we have what I assume is supposed to be a Hunger Games/1984-esque dystopian society, but would someone "on the inside" like Roger (a private detective, but one who mostly works for Oligarchy and higher up on the food chain--basically someone to send for investigative jobs that it wouldn't be convenient for people to see the Watch doing, such as investigating infidelity or sabotage amongst the Oligarch families) have access to any kind of firearms? Separate from that, but related: what special privileges does being higher up on the food chain confer to people? I assume that our hypothetical government plays favorites, or there wouldn't be much point in having people go by numbers lol.

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