Now that I am here, drop everything you're doing and focus on me.


New Member
Greetings, assemblage of creatures I am as of yet unacquainted with. I am Chronozoa, and as you will come to learn, I am undoubtedly better than every single one of you in every possible way. I am also incredibly humble; far moreso than any of you. You could say that my experiences with RPing have thus far been...less than ideal. Through no fault of my own, of course. I'm perfect. It just seems that Roleplays I participate in have a habit of dying, or the people I RP with are usually (read: always) insufficiently competent, and cannot be relied upon to carry anything remotely resembling an interesting RP on passed the concept stage, and the end result is a large amount of wasted effort, usually on my part. I aim to explore the opportunities granted by such a large, active forum and to ensure that these experiences differ from previous ones.

With me so far? People suck, I'm awesome, RPs suck, but not this time. Okay? Good.

I am interested in a wide spectrum of themes and ideas and there are very few concepts I am fundamentally opposed to. A combination of open-mindedness and amorality on my part allows me to be flexible when it comes to what I can enjoy, and what I am willing to do. However, I am most prone to any type of RP which explores darker, more mature themes, more unrestrained affairs (and no, I don't mean just shoehorning sex, violence and swearing to make it seem 'edgy' and mature). Ultimately I am interested in a lot of things, some other broad examples would include fantasy and sci-fi as well as RPs based on IPs I am fond of (Mass Effect, WH 40K etc.)

My goal is to integrate with this community and participate in entertaining RPs during which my skills will notably and measurably improve (if such a feat were possible, hah!).
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You seem full of yourself. Still, welcome to RPNation! *Gracefully bows* I look forward to writing with you one day.
I'm going to welcome you because I am a nice person! You don't seem very nice, but I think it's sarcasm, or theatrical! You are a very interesting person, so welcome!
You seem slightly contradictory, seeing that you declare yourself as very modest whilst claiming to be better than everyone else; however, you seem to be.. interesting.. so: welcome.
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]You seem full of yourself. Still, welcome to RPNation! *Gracefully bows* I look forward to writing with you one day.

[/QUOTE]Bowing to me already? It's good that you are getting into practice. It will soon become habitual. And mandatory.
[QUOTE="Ene Kagerou]I'm going to welcome you because I am a nice person! You don't seem very nice, but I think it's sarcasm, or theatrical! You are a very interesting person, so welcome!

[/QUOTE]Yes, I am very sarcastic. You shouldn't take anything I say seriously. Including this.
Poison said:
You seem slightly contradictory, seeing that you declare yourself as very modest whilst claiming to be better than everyone else; however, you seem to be.. interesting.. so: welcome.
Not a single word of my original post was a lie! Except maybe all of it.
Obligatory thank you message in response to the welcoming.
Chronozoa said:
Bowing to me already? It's good that you are getting into practice. It will soon become habitual. And mandatory.
Yes, I am very sarcastic. You shouldn't take anything I say seriously. Including this.

Not a single word of my original post was a lie! Except maybe all of it.

Obligatory thank you message in response to the welcoming.
Not necessarily. I am simply trying to humor, considering I didn't notice you were being sarcastic.
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]Not necessarily.

[/QUOTE]Resistance is futile.
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]I am simply trying to humor, considering I didn't notice you were being sarcastic.

[/QUOTE]As was I, and neither did I.
Now, to lighten the mood (and throw everyone off as to my completely original plot for absolute dominion, which you people of course know nothing about because I was incredibly ambiguous about my intentions), here is a lovely image of a duck.


Good lord that's horrific.
Lucas said:
Oh look. A clone of myself. *yawns* Well, welcome to RPnation anyway.
If I were simply a clone, I would be an imperfect creation. Especially if I were a clone of someone who made such boring introductions.
However, I will thank you for the sheer immensitude of your enthusiasm. Yes, immensitude is a word now.
Im bored with you. People who are self-centered a**holes usually lose attention rapidly, especially from someone such as I.
Oh, I get it! That picture is a reference to the fact that Sasuke's hair looks like the tail end of a duck!
...are you breaking up with me? ;-;

No, seriously, nothing in this thread is remotely serious, and this has been referenced on multiple occasions. No need to overreact. Besides, If that is how you conduct yourself, then losing your attention was hardly a loss at all. Do carry on.
No, wait- don't leave.


I was just playing along. Its just what I do. Im sorry. Im actually a nice person. No hard feeling right? ^^"
Oh there are many hard feelings!

You cannot comprehend my hatred and despair.

I was trying to play the drama for srs. How dare you ruin my plan. Just a warning though, the tone of your post was quite serious and substituting characters to bypass the filter and form swear words is also against the rules, so you may get in trouble with the higher ups for that.
It's in the rules, which unfortunately I can't simply link you to because I don't currently meet the requirements for posting links.

Now - on your knees and beg for forgiveness.

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