Now and Forever More [Inactive]


Empress of Potatoes
JJennibee submitted a new role play:

Now and Forever More - Yaoi 1x1

Parker has been born dumb, this mean he can't speak. He has no way to communicate with but with his hands and his actions.

He hasn't been bullied just ignored, not many people can understand his sign language and writing things down takes too long for the conversation to progress.

And now he's transferring to a new boarding school.

Here we are now a few weeks after school started. And already no one understands him.

Read more about this role play...

Parker Millers


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.09164ead306821d9e9e2f138be52a802.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19773" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.09164ead306821d9e9e2f138be52a802.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-He is shy, his condition being apart of that. When taken out of his shell however he is affectionate and kind-

-for years he has moved from school to school trying to find one that caters to his condition. One where the teachers are trained in sign language and he doesn't have to carry around a pad of paper and sharpie.

You can be whoever you wish



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Yes I'm Parker. And your character will be his friend and eventually his love interest. But the rest is up to you"
Here's what I did.




Personality :

Bio(you don't have to say a lot I like to save something's for the story)
Evangeline Moore

(Evan for short)

18 years old

Evan can be very tactiturn at times and tends to speak through her music when she doesnt want to talk. at heart she is a very loving girl but it takes her a awhile to open up. most importantly misic is her life<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/MusicLoveingPunkAnimeGirl.jpg.8868580e214a52de2d56d41047a0ef50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/MusicLoveingPunkAnimeGirl.jpg.8868580e214a52de2d56d41047a0ef50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Parker walked out of the dorm he was given at the beginning of school. He adjusted the strap on his bag walking down the hallway his head bowed and his hair covering his eyes. He's had an easier time at this school than he did at his countless others which helped a little bit but it was just the teachers. No one else bothered talking to him. Part of him didn't mind that, part of him like being alone it gave him plenty of time to think.
Evangeline raced down the hall determined not to be late to class for the sixth time since the term started. in her haste she nearly knocked over a boy in the hall shouting her appologys over her shoulder without stoping she failed to notice that one ov her notebooks had fallen out of her umnkept messenger bag. the notebook contained all of the songs she has written since she has been able to rhyme all of which she has never willingly shown anyone
Parker stumbled a little bit and pressed his hand up to the wall avoiding a face full of floor. He held up his hand to sign something like wait but put it back down finding it stupid to try and sign something to someone who isn't even looking at him. The journal on the floor caught his eye and he picked it up taking a quick skim through the pages looking for some kind of name. His gaze went back down the hallway trying to remember the direction the strange girl went
Evangeline for all her trouble didnt make it to class on time winning a stern look from the teacher. she knew something was probably going to be sent home soon and she really didnt care. she didnt like the school too much and hated being away from home but nonethe less she still had to do the work and one look at the board proves she should have stuided last night instead of writing more music. besides math and her just never clicked . she started rumaging through her bag for the notebook getting worried when she couldnt find it
Parker turned the corner that she did but that was about it, he didn't see where else she went. With a sigh he put the journal into his bag for safe keeping and headed towards the library not having to go to class just yet. He liked the library, it was quiet and he could read whatever he wanted how ever long he wanted to. He made plans in his head to go find the girl who's name seemed to be Evangeline, it was the only name scribed on the papers. He walked down the isles choosing a book he's been reading for a while, and went to his usual corner to read until the next class
as soon as class was over Evangeline went to the libary and the lost and found within without much hope that it had already made its wway there. when she entered she saw the boy from the hall but didnt think much of it too focused on her lost book she headed stright for the lost and found box
Parker looked up from his book seeing a figure pass through his vision. When he looked he saw the familiar back of the girl who bumped into the hallway the clothes and hair was the same as before so it had to be her. He reached down and took the journal from his bag standing up and walking over to the lost and found lightly tapping her shoulder
Evangeline jumped when he touched her, not really used to human contact, and turned to face him still in the crouched position she had asumed for digging through the box. upon recongising him from the hall she said "if its about this morning im sorry i ran you over, i waas running late..." she didnt notice the notebook. try as she might to rebel her old fashined upbringings were ingrained into her...well most of the time anyway. she didnt dare take her eyes off his unless conversation deen it ok to do otherwise
Parker smirked a little bit and held out the notebook. Looking down at her he got a good loo at her face, much different from the back of her. He wanted to ask and made sure it really was her but hesitated to out his hand up. Instead he buried it in his pocket so he wouldn't feel tempted.
one look at the note book and Evangeline knew it was hers. she was half tempted to grab it andrun out of embarssement, he had to have read through it after all and those songs were as good as any diarie when it cane to personal matters. but instead the managed to calmly take it back and thank him eyeing him nervously she finished with "im Evan." useing her shortened name instead of the full version
Great, a name given usually means a name received. Well it was worth a shot. Parker took a deep breath and used his free hand to sign his name not expecting her at all to understand. He sighed and gave her a salute before turning around and walking back to his chair where his stuff was, he didn't want to hear her say 'nod your head for yes and shake for no' he's already heard that dozens of times.
"he's mute..." was all she managed to say after he had left her. she couldnt help but stare for a moment but eventually shook herself out of it. she didnt know quite what to do with that information, he was obvisouly emarassed about it and she didnt want to push him... but she didnt have anything to do for another hour. usally she spent her freetime in the music room but today she desided to stay in the libary. she sat two chairs away from the boy hopping that if he wanted space she was more or less giving it to him and pulled a newer notebook out and opened it to a clean page. she also grabbed a pen and placed both in the seat that seperated them then went nose first into her rescued book which suddenly became very interesting
Parker saw the figure again out of the corner of his eyes, he looked up from his book to see with was the girl again, Evan, he had thought she left already. He turned his gaze down and raised his eyebrow seeing the clean notebook and pen resting on top of it. Did she want to talk to him? He closed his book and got up walking around the station to sit in the chair in front of her.
Parker smirked and held out his hand for the journal that was on the chair. He knew now that she wanted to talk and his hands wouldn't help them do that.
Evangeline looked from him to his hand and smiled. She handed him the notebook "so ... How much of my notebook did you look through?" she asked nervously
Parker clicked the pen an scribbled a little to make sure it was working. He looked at the paper and began to write 'if you didn't catch before my name is Parker. And not much. I skimmed through it to find your name' he put the pen down and pushed the notebook in her direction so she could read it.

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