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Futuristic Novel Comics Cinematic Universe: Characters

Lord Moldoma's Characters - Barabajagal
"The stench of your hypocrisy makes me sick. Whenever you faced me down, you came in not looking forward to a fight... but looking forward to a gratifying victory. You never intended to be thrown into a fight with an outcome you couldn't control. The moment the thought "I might not escape this fight unscathed" flashed through that thick skull of yours, the fear you had long since forgotten, curbstomping your way through villains and threats, was reawakened..."
Carrol Dreemurr A.K.A. Barabajagal

Carrol Dreemurr, also known by her villainous alias of “Barabajagal” Is a young girl either 16 - 17 BoS. Born in a home in suburban Atlanta georgia, Carrol was bullied as a child due to her horns. She grew up being mistreated, especially during recess whenever the other children would take part in imaginative games. She explains that the only one they ever included her in was “heroes and monsters” and that she always had to play the role of the villain, Everyone is free to choose what role they play but she was the loner kid, always gloomy and without friends. Everyone knew who the hero was going to be. And she didn't stand a chance. Naturally, there was no scenario where the monster wins. And she was always the loser.
The popular kid at the center of everything would always beat up the underdog that no one liked... That was just the way the world worked… From this view of the world that grew from her own experience being bullied and mistreated, her cynicism was only bolstered by her increase in comprehension of the other places of contention in the world. Misogyny, Racism, Corruption, It all made her disgusted with humanity. She decided that she wouldn’t accept the notion that the popular will win, and the hated will lose, and vowed to see through the corruption of the world’s narrative. Becoming the absolute evil that the world needed in order to force a unity against a common enemy. So that no-one would be left behind. In her own words.

  • Superhuman Physical Abilities: Carrol is very physically capable, possessing superhuman physical abilities beyond those of a normal human. Additionally she possesses a notable resilience to critical damage and can survive and regenerate from lethal injuries if given time to rest and nonlethal injuries during battle, although only within reason, being unable to regenerate lost limbs for example
  • Supernatural Martial Arts Affinity/Adoptive Muscle Memory: Carrol is an immensely talented martial artist, Carrol can copy any/all movements/actions after observing them performed once, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts.
  • Ravenous Appetite:Carrol is shown to have a massive appetite, as she can stuff herself with the full list of items on the menu of a restaurant in order to rejuvenate herself. Despite her toned body and slim physique, she is able to stuff down large meals and even chug an entire pitcher of water with a single gulp, showing her enhanced metabolism
  • Accelerated Development (Mental/Physical): Claire possesses a rapidly accelerating development rate, both physically and mentally, her body gradually adapting and evolving through combat experience. This can range from further enhancing her physical condition, to developing new powers, such as consciously overdriving her reflexes for a temporary period to keep up with a much faster opponent, or adapting night vision to deal with dark spaces.
    • Crisis Mode: Whenever Carrol’s body is pushed to its limit, she may pass out and undergo a radical transformation in which her power is boosted, often accompanied by an aura of murderous intent. This is called her “Crisis Mode.” It only lasts as long as her body can detect immediate danger, and she returns to her incapacitated state afterwards. The power she gains in crisis mode notably doesn’t seem to leave her body due to her power stockpiling, meaning when she fully awakens, she will be many times more powerful than she was before.
  • Indomitable Will:Carrol possesses immense willpower, beyond that of any normal human. She can battle through even the most intense pains, and combat strong psychic powers and mental status effects.
  • Power Stockpiling: Carrol’s body stockpiles strength and agility, allowing her to grow beyond what a normal human body would allow and to gradually accumulate more and more power.

Mamimi Lordgenome.png
Rogues Gallery
Carrol is an (Anti)-Villain, so most of her rogues gallery aren't actually other villains. While she does clash with other villains occasionally - especially if they're monsters or politicians (Same difference really) - Her main targets are heroes.

Captain Capital

Jay Justice, A.K.A. Captain Capital! (As he is known to the public...)
Captain Capital is the epitome of the all american superhero. One of the remaining such in the world still highly respected by the public, due to his localized operation being out of Atlanta, rather than a global effort. His presence on the scene alone within 2 years is often accredited as the reason behind an 89% crime drop. His punctuality and record are clean, and he is seemingly a good friend of other heroes in the Atlanta area and on a more global scale. Both in and out of combat, he is shown to be an inspiring man who can rally up the strength and courage of not only the people of Atlanta, but his fellow heroes. Using his powers of flight, super strength, super durability, super speed, and sonic wave generation, he keeps the city of Atlanta save from crime, and the forces of evil!


"A particularly Ass Backwards Individual" A.K.A. That Dipshit With The Mack Bravo Haircut A.K.A. The Real Captain Capital
...Or so his Press releases would have you believe. Yes, it's a sad truth that not even Novel Comics can get out of the way of having an evil superman pastiche. While Captain Capital appears to be an exmplary person on the surface. Behind his smile is an egotistical freak, who has a particular penchant for mistreating women and menacing other heroes behind closed doors.

In Georgia as a whole, but in Atlanta in particular, much of the heroes who make it anywhere are directly confronted by Captain Capital or his "Executives", behind closed doors or otherwise in private. Threats against their reputation, and their family, are common. Solidifying a strangle hold on the heroic operations within the city. The main rule of thumb for everyone else, is: "You can save people, you can be a hero, but you can never one-up Captain Capital."

He's the strongest around, and he let the fame get to his head. But he's not an idiot, and anyone trying to expose him would likely be dealt with either by having a concession forced in the public opinion, or by an unfortunate accident - like an incidental death caused by a Collapsing building caused by one of any number of the supervillains (who have an agreement with Capital to mainly just play up their roles and let him win), an unexplained freak occurrence like a "previously undiscovered meteor" (that definitely wasn't brought there by someone who can summon and control meteors.), or a mugging. He's extremely intelligent, and that's part of what makes him so deadly and dangerous.

Captain Capital holds a fair amount of sway over the local government of atlanta as well. Any politician who received his endorsement would definitely be on track to claim whatever office they were aiming for. Additionally, he's the "special consultant" for the metapowers guild of georgia.

That's another thing, the only good thing about his reign of egotistical terror is that his own arrogant ways and efforts to take the center stage, have lead to him directly clashing with Lionness creating a dividing influence within Georgia that is relatively free from her influence, due to her unpopularity. But is it really a good tradeoff? When a man of steel deals under the table, even the most dire misogynist might meet their match.

Why Carrol Wants to Kick His Ass
Captain Capital is the epitome of what Carrol Hates in heroes. Always beating down on weaker people, making himself the center of everything. Sure he can lower the crimerate by 89%, but whenever you have a brand that's beloved among the whole state of Georgia, you have the money to make enough under the table offerings to keep organized crime at bay. Captain Capital's mistreatment of anyone who he thinks is below him absolutely boils Carrol's blood.

The truth is though, that Carrol doesn't think she's strong enough to kick his ass and humiliate him yet. And even if she were, she feels that some other asshole would step up to take his place. She needs to systematically deal with heroes from the bottom up. Because Captain Capital certainly isn't the one holding the hero establishment together.

Silver Shadow

??? A.K.A. The Silver Shadow!
When the night is dark, and all is quiet, a scream breaks out. Is it a woman being sexually assaulted? A man being accosted for his money? It doesn't matter. Within minutes, that scream is quelled by the appearance of justice within the room, and the victim of crime is liberated from their assailant. In the alleyways, and the darkest corners of atlanta (and surrounding jurisdictions)The Silver Shadow is an ever-watchful presence. Using his powered battlesuit, high power censor technology, and variety of gadgets which deploy from his suit, he defends the integrity and liberty of the people of Atlanta (and surrounding jurisdictions)

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The Silver Shadow is sometimes considered the "night time counterpart" to Captain Capital, as both have gathered a strong reputation, however his operating hours and lack of press relations means he's hardly as popular as the man of steel.

"That Coward in the Robot Suit" A.K.A. Josua Windward A.K.A. The Silver Shadow

The main problem about the silver shadow isn't something like him secretly raping women or being a charma-kameleon or whatever the hell else sort of dark thing you might be expecting. His problem is his complacency to act as an enforcer to Captain Capital's will. The Silver Shadow is a coward, he knows he can't defeat Captain Capital, and that Captain Capital knows where his family lives. And that enough is grounds for his submission in his eyes. He's essentially the dragon to Capital's big bad. If Capital wants something done discretely, he tells Shadow to do it, because he can't be bothered. If Shadow gets caught, he's the fall man, it's too much of a risk in his eyes to leave his family and friends in harms way just to prove a point and unmask Capital's act. So he'd rather go to jail or become wanted than endanger them.

Why Carrol Wants to Kick His Ass
Carrol is subconsciously a bit broke between options on this one. In her narrative, the Silver Shadow's ends don't justify his means, and his position makes him a stepping stone to fighting Captain Capital. On the other hand, she has a deeply hidden subconscious want for him to be able to feel safe in his own goddamn house, and feels like it's not really his fault that he has to do Capital's bidding. For the sake of the Narrative, he's her enemy. But maybe if things changed, she wouldn't mind going easier on the guy or letting him retire.

Lady Illustrious

Lillith Roxanne Waters A.K.A. Lady Illustrious
Evil beware, there's a hot prima donna heroine in your area, and she has a penchant for playing rough ~

A half-changeling, Whip-slinging, Superhuman. Lillith Roxanne Waters, is the epitome of the "Thanks for saving me, but please put some pants on." type hero. She's definitely got Felicia Hardy vibes, but the sex-appeal part is definitely played up a little bit too much? It's not actually clear why they let her parade around half naked other than the fact that, much like the Silver Shadow, she's a more underground/midnight operating hero. The problems with her are actually kind of obvious and not really a secret.

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Why Carrol Wants to Kick Her Ass

She's just... really not a good person. She sees men as banks on legs, flaunts her body constantly, and plays the sex appeal card whenever she can. Also, she makes Carrol romantically uncomfortable. This will definitely come ahead when the two end up fighting each other prior to the big showdown.

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Further Assistance to Lord Moldoma/Sir Loin of Beef
Lord Moldoma - Conversation 3
Ok good also im gonna reference characters that i havent mentioned in my sheet, is that okay? Because there will be wannabe Ninja turtles brought up. And the Grater's own Counterparts to Bebop and Rocksteady might show up
Bebop and Rocksteady should be renamed to Spike and Bullwinkle. Just random suggestion here.
Lord Moldoma's Characters - Swim
"Unfortunately, I have gotten mercury poisoning before, and if it weren't for my regenerative properties, I'd probably be dead. Anyway, who wants fried tuna balls?"
Mythril Fester, also known by her heroic Alias, Swim, is a genetically and hormonally altered human girl with powers relating to several deep sea creatures. Mythril is noted to be male to female Transgender, and thus has been actively barred from moving to the higher paying LA branch of the metapowers guild due to explicit veto of any of her applications by Tigress and her followers. Because of this, she lives meagerly on a much smaller salary in the unspecified coastal division of the global metapowers guild. Her transition to female is actually part of her powers, or was (it's a one way ticket) since she possesses Clownfish DNA. Which is part of why she agreed to even have powers in the first place. Swim is a non-counterpart to Carrol Dreemurr, though the two wouldn't see eye to eye on how much humanity sucks, even if Swim has been through some hard shit.

Swim sees the world with a sort of naive-everygirl look at things. She acknowledges that there are issues in the world, but doesn't like to think too hard about things that can't be solved without dispensing justice in some fashion. Although she mainly just does Intern/entry level work and is technically a pupil under Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod commando.

This is really fortunate for her, since they're both pretty good at the whole "aquatic superhero thing" and they cut her a break

  • Chimeric Fish Physiology: Because of the process that was used to grant her superpowers, Swim has been granted the mimicry of different fish and aquatic animals, though she has only unlocked a few of their abilities.
  • Istiophoriform Mimicry: She has similar powers to an Istiophoriform, which grant her super-speed, venomous fangs, both on land due to her superdeveloped musculature, and in the sea, where she can swim up to 80 miles per hour.
  • Goo Generation: Using Hagfish genes, she can spray out a mucus-goo which is extremely stick and problematic. It's not very useful on land though.
  • Protandrous Hermaphroditism: Despite the nature of their powers, they are a real women, so please don't misgender them.

  • The Longinus Analogue: A weapon designed to replicate the powers of the original spear of destiny from abrahamic faiths, this two pronged lance is... Definitely in incompetent hands. Since Even though she's skilled enough to fling it even underwater, Swim is not actually that good with the Longinus, and can't access more than a fraction of its power.

Lord Moldoma's Characters - Swim's Rogues Gallery

Rogues Gallery:​

Strangely enough, despite her internship position, Swim has started to rack up a Rogues gallery of her own of several recurring villains and oneshot villains.

  • Archenemy: Boogie Whoopass: is a demon from the 8th circle of hell representing the fear of Disco related paraphenalia and disco parties. He comes from a less cultured place/era, and is thus disrespectful towards women and black men who aren't musicians. More importantly, he doesn't respect Swim's life choices, and as a demon in an optimistic world, has nothing better to do but to constantly pester her and be a nuisance by causing mayhem. He constantly misgenders Swim intentionally. As the celestial and infernal hierarchies are much different in the world of Novel Comics, he's actually considered an asshole even in hell and not even other demons want to deal with his sweaty ass. Boogie Whoopass has an unfittingly cool name. He possesses the powers of Disco Mastery, Disco Ball Creation, and Disco Ball Manipulation. Ocasionally, he will also embolden his armament with an Oil Gun, miniature disco ball grenades, smoke bombs, or an actual fucking revolver. Fun Fact: His real name is Eugene
  • One Shot Villain: Dallas The Unspeakable: Dallas was a colony of seastars that had formed into a massive construct just off the coast during an attack by Man-ray that drew away Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando, leaving Swim to face Dallas alone. Dallas had the ability to release waves of psychic energy and surrounded a core of psionic power with it's body, which was hardened by a psychic field. Swim defeated Dallas by complete accident, after passing out halfway into the fight due to his psychic power, and activating the live preservation power of the Longinus Analogue, which sprung into action, and automatically pierced Dallas' body after parting the tides and leaving the construct to collapse due to its sudden suffocation. The damage from the attack eliminated 95% of Dallas' body by flinging it to the far flung beginning of the space time continuum where it was incinerated by the big bang, but there's always the chance that a little bit survived and is currently regenerating.
kurukurupa's Characters - The Disciple
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No. 1370
Artist(s): Mondo, Emma Rios, Mike Deodato
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kurukurupa's Characters - The Disciple's Rogues Gallery
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No. 1370
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Lord Moldoma's Characters - Lusterfang
Originally mentioned by Carrol as the man who "trained Jazzy Jay." Lusterfang, or Son Pok Cho is a 178 year old man from China, and the grandmaster of the "Fist of the Rushing River." Lusterfang's martial arts are mystical/superhuman in nature and are said to provide "an unbreakable defense capable of leading around ones oponent by the tongue like a stream of water, only to crash into them with the force of a rushing waterfall." It can redirect, and reflect attacks with twice or half their power. At Lusterfang's level of mastery, the precision for which an attack can be controlled is limited only to the user's own reaction times and speed, rather than their strength. Carrol possesses an understanding of his art, but is not a master of said art like Lusterfang is."

Lusterfang is mostly retired, although due to his superhuman physical attributes, he is often called upon by the Metapowers guild alongside the other 10 strongest heroes (The Legendary 10, as Stendhal/HunterGardener-Sama calls them) Where he ranks #4. Although his physical fitness has decreased with age, he is still very very strong.

How does he tie into Carrol's Plotline?: Lusterfang taught Carrol the basics of martial arts and more importantly, the fighting style of the fist of the rushing river. And proceeded to beat the shit out of her and banish her whenever she went rogue and hospitalized the rest of the dojo's student body.

Carrol refers to Lusterfang as "The Old Geezer"

Should Carrol become powerful enough, Lusterfang may take up his mantle once more, if only to stop her from becoming the so called "ultimate evil."

Everyone's Characters - Mass Approval
"Unfortunately, I have gotten mercury poisoning before, and if it weren't for my regenerative properties, I'd probably be dead. Anyway, who wants fried tuna balls?"
Mythril Fester, also known by her heroic Alias, Swim, is a genetically and hormonally altered human girl with powers relating to several deep sea creatures. Mythril is noted to be male to female Transgender, and thus has been actively barred from moving to the higher paying LA branch of the metapowers guild due to explicit veto of any of her applications by Tigress and her followers. Because of this, she lives meagerly on a much smaller salary in the unspecified coastal division of the global metapowers guild. Her transition to female is actually part of her powers, or was (it's a one way ticket) since she possesses Clownfish DNA. Which is part of why she agreed to even have powers in the first place. Swim is a non-counterpart to Carrol Dreemurr, though the two wouldn't see eye to eye on how much humanity sucks, even if Swim has been through some hard shit.

Swim sees the world with a sort of naive-everygirl look at things. She acknowledges that there are issues in the world, but doesn't like to think too hard about things that can't be solved without dispensing justice in some fashion. Although she mainly just does Intern/entry level work and is technically a pupil under Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod commando.

This is really fortunate for her, since they're both pretty good at the whole "aquatic superhero thing" and they cut her a break

  • Chimeric Fish Physiology: Because of the process that was used to grant her superpowers, Swim has been granted the mimicry of different fish and aquatic animals, though she has only unlocked a few of their abilities.
  • Istiophoriform Mimicry: She has similar powers to an Istiophoriform, which grant her super-speed, venomous fangs, both on land due to her superdeveloped musculature, and in the sea, where she can swim up to 80 miles per hour.
  • Goo Generation: Using Hagfish genes, she can spray out a mucus-goo which is extremely stick and problematic. It's not very useful on land though.
  • Protandrous Hermaphroditism: Despite the nature of their powers, they are a real women, so please don't misgender them.

  • The Longinus Analogue: A weapon designed to replicate the powers of the original spear of destiny from abrahamic faiths, this two pronged lance is... Definitely in incompetent hands. Since Even though she's skilled enough to fling it even underwater, Swim is not actually that good with the Longinus, and can't access more than a fraction of its power.

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Rogues Gallery:​

Strangely enough, despite her internship position, Swim has started to rack up a Rogues gallery of her own of several recurring villains and oneshot villains.

  • Archenemy: Boogie Whoopass: is a demon from the 8th circle of hell representing the fear of Disco related paraphenalia and disco parties. He comes from a less cultured place/era, and is thus disrespectful towards women and black men who aren't musicians. More importantly, he doesn't respect Swim's life choices, and as a demon in an optimistic world, has nothing better to do but to constantly pester her and be a nuisance by causing mayhem. He constantly misgenders Swim intentionally. As the celestial and infernal hierarchies are much different in the world of Novel Comics, he's actually considered an asshole even in hell and not even other demons want to deal with his sweaty ass. Boogie Whoopass has an unfittingly cool name. He possesses the powers of Disco Mastery, Disco Ball Creation, and Disco Ball Manipulation. Ocasionally, he will also embolden his armament with an Oil Gun, miniature disco ball grenades, smoke bombs, or an actual fucking revolver. Fun Fact: His real name is Eugene
  • One Shot Villain: Dallas The Unspeakable: Dallas was a colony of seastars that had formed into a massive construct just off the coast during an attack by Man-ray that drew away Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando, leaving Swim to face Dallas alone. Dallas had the ability to release waves of psychic energy and surrounded a core of psionic power with it's body, which was hardened by a psychic field. Swim defeated Dallas by complete accident, after passing out halfway into the fight due to his psychic power, and activating the live preservation power of the Longinus Analogue, which sprung into action, and automatically pierced Dallas' body after parting the tides and leaving the construct to collapse due to its sudden suffocation. The damage from the attack eliminated 95% of Dallas' body by flinging it to the far flung beginning of the space time continuum where it was incinerated by the big bang, but there's always the chance that a little bit survived and is currently regenerating.

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No. 1370
Artist(s): Mondo, Emma Rios, Mike Deodato

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No. 1370

Originally mentioned by Carrol as the man who "trained Jazzy Jay." Lusterfang, or Son Pok Cho is a 178 year old man from China, and the grandmaster of the "Fist of the Rushing River." Lusterfang's martial arts are mystical/superhuman in nature and are said to provide "an unbreakable defense capable of leading around ones oponent by the tongue like a stream of water, only to crash into them with the force of a rushing waterfall." It can redirect, and reflect attacks with twice or half their power. At Lusterfang's level of mastery, the precision for which an attack can be controlled is limited only to the user's own reaction times and speed, rather than their strength. Carrol possesses an understanding of his art, but is not a master of said art like Lusterfang is."

Lusterfang is mostly retired, although due to his superhuman physical attributes, he is often called upon by the Metapowers guild alongside the other 10 strongest heroes (The Legendary 10, as Stendhal/HunterGardener-Sama calls them) Where he ranks #4. Although his physical fitness has decreased with age, he is still very very strong.

How does he tie into Carrol's Plotline?: Lusterfang taught Carrol the basics of martial arts and more importantly, the fighting style of the fist of the rushing river. And proceeded to beat the shit out of her and banish her whenever she went rogue and hospitalized the rest of the dojo's student body.

Carrol refers to Lusterfang as "The Old Geezer"

Should Carrol become powerful enough, Lusterfang may take up his mantle once more, if only to stop her from becoming the so called "ultimate evil."

All approved!
Lord Moldoma's Characters - Stendhal

The enigmatic "Stendhal," or as he is known by his more well known alias "Hunter-Gardener-Sama" is a force not dissimilar to Marvel's The Watcher. He is assumed to be a being of some sort of immense power, tasked with observation of the timelines. He is not omniscient, since most things haven't happened yet. Stendhal lives in an extradimensional library and doesn't care for 1-to-1 company with the denizens of the realm that he watches. However, he is prone to being written in character in the liner notes of various Novel Comics issues and "Minisodes."

Stendhal is not keen on combat, and would only do so to defend his library.

It is implied that many of the character files and chatlogs exist in universe at his library, but are in an indecipherable language that is only translated for the sake of the viewer.


Lord Moldoma's Characters - Approved

The enigmatic "Stendhal," or as he is known by his more well known alias "Hunter-Gardener-Sama" is a force not dissimilar to Marvel's The Watcher. He is assumed to be a being of some sort of immense power, tasked with observation of the timelines. He is not omniscient, since most things haven't happened yet. Stendhal lives in an extradimensional library and doesn't care for 1-to-1 company with the denizens of the realm that he watches. However, he is prone to being written in character in the liner notes of various Novel Comics issues and "Minisodes."

Stendhal is not keen on combat, and would only do so to defend his library.

It is implied that many of the character files and chatlogs exist in universe at his library, but are in an indecipherable language that is only translated for the sake of the viewer.


Ah, I was wondering about that guy. Approved.
Lord Moldoma's Characters - Boss Rush
Dan Gojo (Splinter Analogue) (Also sort of like Bomb from One Punch Man): An old man by the BoS (roughly around the same age as Lusterfang) who created the natural counter-art to the Fist of the rushing River: The Fist of the Iron Whirlwind, which creates a cutting wind around the user's strikes, ignoring traditional durability. The relation between the two is unstated and is explicitly left vague throughout the story. A master of Ninjutsu, and possibly of the same bloodline as Grater (This is all up to Sir loin to correct me on anyway) he is the adoptive father/honorable teacher of the Thundercroaks, who are described below, having taught them his knowledge of the way of Ninjutsu. Due to his old age, he considers himself in no condition to fight anyone one on one, but if the going gets tough, the tough get going, and he isn't afraid to throw out his back kicking some major ass.

The Thundercroaks (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Analogue Group): A group of rambunctious mutant heroes who are either evolved from radioactive frogs that came into contact with a gas based mutagen, or frogs that came into contact with radioactive goop that came into contact with regular humans, although nobody is really sure (Except the Thundercroaks and Dan Gojo themselves, and again probably HunterGardener-Sama, who has it written down somewhere but might not be able to answer it on the fly.) They go by their identities of Bach, Amadeus, Vivaldi, and Ludwig (Named after classical composers as opposed to classical Visual Artists.) Respectively they each use signature weapons consisting of: Tonfa, A Scythe, A Kusarigama, and an Odachi. The group is keen on their favorite food Chili Dogs, except for Bach, who's a vegetarian by choice, and prefers tofu-dogs with Sauerkraut. Trained by Dan Gojo to be the ultimate hand played against Grater, they've successfully beaten back Kodos and Grater, and the Open Palm Clan's attempts to take over the planet. Occasionally they face other opponents as well. Who I'll get to shortly.

Vivaldi: The fiery and hotheaded member of the team whos punkish attitude is belaid only by his heart of gold and his drive for justice. His weapon of choice is a Sickled-Kusarigama, a classic japanese weapon composed of a large, slack, iron chain with a heavy weight at one end and a Sickle at the other. His combat speed is the highest in the group, and he can launch his Kusarigama at blinding speeds while articulating it. His combination of long and close range proficiencies makes him a formidable fighter.​

Bach: The empath of the group. Though not the natural leader, his laidback and coolheaded, yet introspective personality presents a stark contrast that keeps the others in check. While the group does not have an eldest-to-youngest hierarchy, he is seen as the older brother of the team. His weapons are a pair of Tonfa, which are notably the only fully-non-bladed weapons used by the group. Additionally, among the members, he abstains from the usage of Shurikens. Among the group, Bach possesses a mastery of the misdirective Ninjutsu arts, using firecrackers and smokebombs to confuse enemies, preferring to go for a nonlethal stealth approach or to act as a support specialist among the Thundercroaks.​

Ludwig: The team stoic and "The Muscle" Ludwig fights using a Yari, a type of antiquated Japanese Spear. He is the only one who possesssed the stamina to be able to train hard enough to learn the intermediate stage of the Fist of the Whirlwind (the rest can do the basics but they still seriously lack the proficiency to have much use for it other than hardening their weapon strikes, or collectively doing a 4 person team attack.) And channels it into his strikes and blows to create shockwaves or air-slashes. He also has a secret proficiency with a pair of tanto, just in case someone manages to get in close. Ludwig is more talented than the others when it comes to combat, and he’s genetically much hardier and stronger, this is due to him not actually being a frog, but a toad although Dan Gojo is the only one that knew about the difference, and decided to not tell anyone as to foster a stronger brotherhood between the four Thundercroaks.​

Amadeus: Though he possesses some leadership qualities (as there is no leader among the team other than possibly Dan Gojo, who is more of a mentor, teacher, and adoptive father of the 'Croaks) Amadeus is mainly a tech expert, using his genius level intelligence, he plays both a support and a frontliner role when the group faces their opponents. Amadeus is the main producer of the weapons the group uses, having superscience methods of creating weapons of greater-than-average durability to withstand the weathering conditions of being used by superhumans. Amadeus is a limited weaponsmaster, possessing talent with shurikens, slings, tantos, and bowstaffs, among other things, however he prefers the use of a Nodachi.​

Sergei the Huntmaster (Kraven the Hunter Analogue): A Russo-Finnish man who gained superpowers similar to those of a large predatory cat from an elixir he drank, he inevitably ended up hunting the thundercroaks for fun and due to a psychological insecurity complex caused by a disturbance in his brain chemistry. Along with his enhanced physical abilities, his skills as a hunter allow him to track people long distances by smell alone. He uses a variety of specialized weapons meant for dealing with superhumans, but has a fair focus on martial skill and can fight without the use of his armament.

The Wrecking Crew: A team of supervillains with a construction theme. Though nobody is sure whether the decision to theme themselves after construction was a conscious decision that they made after teaming up, or if it was just pure luck that they all found each other. HunterGardener-Sama probably knows exactly why, and so do the members, but for readers it's left up in the air. It consists of The Contractor, Wrecking Ball John, Cleanup Detail, and Detonator Demon. They often match up against the Thundercroaks, with The Contractor naturally going after Amadeus, Ludwig naturally facing off against Wrecking Ball John, Bach facing off against Cleanup Detail, and Detonator demon facing Vivaldi.

The Contractor (Light inspiration from: Magneto (Marvel Comics), Death Gatling (OPM), and The Construction Mech from The Big O): The mastermind behind The Demolition team’s operation. A heavily modified cyborg originally built to aid in construction efforts, the contractor has gone completely rogue from his original purpose, and has self modified himself to a near unrecognizable degree. The contractor wields ferromagnetic powers that grant him control over iron and neodymium, along with the ability to produce electromagnetic fields which can disrupt radiation and radiant abilities. Additionally, his left arm is equipped with a modified bolt gun/coil gun hybrid, capable of accelerating slugs of red hot metal to supersonic speeds. The contractor’s supergenius level intelligence, hacking skills, and emp hardened mechanical body make him a formidable foe.​
Wrecking Ball John (Based on Chang Koehan from SNK and Spec from Baki:The Grappler): An escaped human convict wanted for felony assault, and misuse of superhuman ability in the 4th degree. Wreckinng Ball John carries around a large wrecking ball on a chain which he wields with fierce strength and surprising speed and accuracy. He possesses incredible superhuman lifting and striking prowess, but is moreso a bruiser or a tank than a speedster. Cybernetic implants in the nape of his neck, running down his spinal cord allow him to ignore pain and push his body well past its limits.​
Cleanup Detail (a combination of Mustard from MHA and Caesar clown from One Piece who dresses like Pandora's Actor from OVERLORD): A person clad in an iconic green gas mask/shock trooper helmet who wears a green trenchcoat and matching green officer’s cap, Cleanup Detail is an enigmatic but core part of the team, capable of generating and controlling a toxic green gas, that can selectively affect its targets, or simply act as a smokescreen. More importantly, Cleanup Detail seems to be able to freely transform themself or any given part of their body into this gaseous substance. It is unknown whether Cleanup Detail is a boy or a girl.​
Detonator Demon (Completely original character): Detonator Demon is a demon from the 8th circle of hell, being a greater imp of chaotic origin, who has a penchant for using c4 and other explosives such as dynamite as his key weapon in combat. Detonator Demon is a master trap rigger and possesses a plethora of different kinds of special explosives. Apparently he’s brothers with Boogie Whoopass, but the two do not see eye to eye, and Detonator is “glad (Boogie) changed (his) last name.”​
Iceberg (Inspired by Bofoi from OPM, and Silico from PPG2016): An independent commissioner Villain, Iceberg offers his services in tech creation, surveillance, and upkeep, to the highest bidder. Nobody knows his particular whereabouts due to his highly advanced communications technology harvested from the "Black Knight" extraterrestrial sattelite after it's plummet to earth in 1998. Iceberg is known for claiming to be a proponent of anarchist theory, and believes that "only man in his most natural state can truly evolve to a higher form." However this is more of a ruse aimed at neutral portrayal, rather than the actual truth. In actuality, Iceberg has been dealing in data since the 1970s, slowly building up an armada of powerful combat robots, hidden in depots around the globe, with which he intends to use at some point in the future to seize control of the world governments. Iceberg is notably one of the few Villains to always seemingly have a backup plan. He never plays his ace if a jack will do.
kurukurupa's Characters - Phobetor(?)
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No. 1370

Hey, I know I approved all your characters, but can you change the name of "Oneiros" to "Phobetor"? Phobetor is the Greek God of Nightmares IRL, and is one of the 1000 sons of Hypnos known as the Oneiroi in Greek mythology in real life. I actually have plans for the existence of Oneiroi (the plural form of Oneiros) as a race of guardian angel-type figures, each one being a single person's unconscious mind and some of whom used to be humans who died.
kurukurupa's Characters - Phobetor is Pleased With Gadg8eer's Offering!
Hey, I know I approved all your characters, but can you change the name of "Oneiros" to "Phobetor"? Phobetor is the Greek God of Nightmares IRL, and is one of the 1000 sons of Hypnos known as the Oneiroi in Greek mythology in real life. I actually have plans for the existence of Oneiroi (the plural form of Oneiros) as a race of guardian angel-type figures, each one being a single person's unconscious mind and some of whom used to be humans who died.
Lord Moldoma's Characters - Lusterfang (Location?)
Originally mentioned by Carrol as the man who "trained Jazzy Jay." Lusterfang, or Son Pok Cho is a 178 year old man from China, and the grandmaster of the "Fist of the Rushing River." Lusterfang's martial arts are mystical/superhuman in nature and are said to provide "an unbreakable defense capable of leading around ones oponent by the tongue like a stream of water, only to crash into them with the force of a rushing waterfall." It can redirect, and reflect attacks with twice or half their power. At Lusterfang's level of mastery, the precision for which an attack can be controlled is limited only to the user's own reaction times and speed, rather than their strength. Carrol possesses an understanding of his art, but is not a master of said art like Lusterfang is."

Lusterfang is mostly retired, although due to his superhuman physical attributes, he is often called upon by the Metapowers guild alongside the other 10 strongest heroes (The Legendary 10, as Stendhal/HunterGardener-Sama calls them) Where he ranks #4. Although his physical fitness has decreased with age, he is still very very strong.

How does he tie into Carrol's Plotline?: Lusterfang taught Carrol the basics of martial arts and more importantly, the fighting style of the fist of the rushing river. And proceeded to beat the shit out of her and banish her whenever she went rogue and hospitalized the rest of the dojo's student body.

Carrol refers to Lusterfang as "The Old Geezer"

Should Carrol become powerful enough, Lusterfang may take up his mantle once more, if only to stop her from becoming the so called "ultimate evil."

What city does he live in?
Sir Loin of Beef's Characters - More Rogues
Fei Takeshi:(Karai Analogue) The daughter of the Grater who the supervillain had no idea existed BoS, Fei Shows up in the technodome to meet her Dorky supervillain dad for...Reasons that will be added once i have some ideas. Probably to connect with her dad. Known to possess a katana and access to a Martial arts technique called the Takeshi Ninpo that apparently relies on support from familial spirits and can be used to sense other users of the takeshi Ninpo. Apparently had an eye patch for some reason.

The Buzzard:(Vulture analogue) "This is it for you thundercroaks!" -The buzzard at some point, spoiler alert it wasnt it for the thundercroaks. Real name Winston Thompson the Buzzard is a former Salvage worker turned Arms dealer turned supervillain who's gang and operations were stopped by the thundercroaks Before BoS. After inventing his flying harness (Think 1967 Spiderman Cartoon vulture's outfit) Buzzard crossed paths with the Thundercroaks time and time again.
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Sir Loin of Beef's Characters - Prof. Egghead
"Heroes are wimpy"-Professor egghead probably. the grandson of a silver age soviet supervillain named Sergei Petrov (Think Red ghost combined with Gerald robotnik) Ivan Petrov was an extraordinary genius even from a young age, having designed his first robot when he was around 12ish. To say his peers didnt like him was an accurate statement, Ivan's immense intellect resulted in him becoming very confident in himself. This, combined with somehow being college roomates with either The future Grater or Another future supervillain named Centipede Commander would start Ivan petrov down the path of villainy with one goal in mind:Force everyone to acknowledge him as the smartest man on earth by trying to take over the world with his army of robots!
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Sir Loin of Beef's Characters - Dr. Simian
"You fools you cannot defeat me! For you Victory is impossible! I have come from far in the future, i am here from an era forwards in time compared to your own!" Doctor Simian is an evil chimpanzee from a millienium in the future that due to an accident gained not only increased intelligence but Psionic powers. With these powers and some inspiration from reading about the most fiercesome villains to have ever menaced the earth Doctor simian proceeded to use his immense powers and intellect to commit crime and try to take over 31st century earth. It is not certain whether or not he is from Timeline one or two's future. or which timeline he's from. but at some point he traveled back in time to 1998 because in his own words "If i cannot conquer the present, if i am unable dominate the world now, ill conquer the past! i will conquer an era backwards in time with inferior technology to my own!"
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There are many evil organizations and other factions throughout Metapower history that though they've never succeeded in world conquest have Managed to pose a legitamate threat to world peace, despite their ambitions otherwise Diablo con carne (Devils with meat in spanish) is not one of those organizations that managed to pose a threat, Founded by self proclaimed "Jillionaire playboy" Julio con carne for his goals of world domination after his mansion was blown up and he was reduced to a brain (Stomach too!) attached to a gorilla named Butters for mobility much to his chagrin, to say that he failed epically in conquering the world was a huge understatement, many factors impeded this megalomaniac's goals Like the personality quirks of his henchmen such as the infatuation of his subordinate Dr Ghostly (See below) and the Treachery of his lieutenant General Scabb (See below) and the incompetence of his soldiers who made the likes of Spike and Bullwinkle look intelligent (An impressive feat considering their low IQ's but surprisingly high likability)...Well According to Julio himself when asked about his opinion on his men's competence but the point is Diablo con carne was plagued by many internal problems even without all the Metapowered heroes that would be standing in Diablo con carne's way, Needless to say Considering this RP is optimistic, Diablo Con Carne was Completely screwed and Julio con carne was dubbed the Professor Dummkopfenshmirtz (An Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain - TV Tropes of the Renaissance age) of the Y2K era. After Diablo con carne's downfall thanks to being sold to a group of network executives called the idea men bent on world conquest Julio con carne disappeared to presumably try to restart Diablo con carne while General scabb moved to a suburban neighborhood in california where he'd find himself getting caught up in that neighborhood's supernatural hijinks. As for Dr Ghostly? I dunno.

The resident mad scientist of Diablo con carne before it was bought by the idea men Dr Ghostly was one of Diablo con carne leader Julio con carne's Co-dragons within the organization along with General Scabb and she was the one who frequently came up with all sorts of crazy inventions used in Diablo con carne's many plans to conquer earth during its brief existence. It is unknown where she went when the organization went under.

General Scabb's past is largely unknown before joining diablo con carne, what is known is that at some point he was a member of CENTIPEDE before leaving at some point and somehow becoming the general of diablo con carne in an apparent quest to rule the world by trying to usurp leadership of Diablo con carne though his efforts would usually fail due to varying circumstances like his robot son Scabb junior betraying him. After Diablo con carne fell General scabb moved to California where things would only get weirder in his neighborhood.

Like General Scabb not much is known about Centipede Commander's past. but unlike him there are options as to how he came to run the organization CENTIPEDE. Ranging from him being a centipede man sent to conquer the world by his masters or him being a used car salesman. Either way Centipede Commander is in possession of Lots of manpower and resources to use in his quest to rule the earth and a disturbingly high voice.

The diabolical CEO of the arms dealer corporation A.R.E.S Estro wears a metal mask (For some reason) and is willing to start wars for fun and profit, to this end, Estro has partnered with and sold weapons to CENTIPEDE. The open palm clan. And several other groups.
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