Nova Squid's Character

Nova Squid

Junior Member
Name: E-1000-323

Appearance (Explanation): E-1000-1023 is the 323rd robot off the assembly lines of the E-1000 model of combat robots built by Doctor Robotnik. The machine stands at 7'1. One of its arms is a sophisticated double-barreled heavy weapon, firing either precise guided missiles from the upper, or barrages of lasers from the lower barrel. Inside the machine is a Chaos Drive (as Doctor Robotnik had moved away from using captured animals after the 250th robot in the E-1000 line), powering the machine. An ammunition production system recycles and produces heavy ammunition given a supply of energy, as well as powering the robot's self-repair systems. E-1000-1023 speaks in a monotone voice, clearly mechanical. Its personality is rather cold and logical- the machine primarily views things in a step by step manner, purely logically. It is equipped with a Jet Booster system, a small hovering grav-linked drone that floats behind it, enabling the E-1000 unit to hover in mid-air. Its legs are also equipped with a set of wheels, allowing it to move at high speeds on land at the expense of targeted accuracy.

Backstory: The E-1000 series was originally developed by Doctor Robotnik to capitalize off the "success" of the previous E-100 unit, E-102 Gamma, even featuring Gamma's red paint-job. Gamma had proven the advantages and disadvantages of a free-willed robot; while it had out-thought and destroyed all its E-100 series brothers in a rebellious campaign, it had also done just that- destroyed all E-100 series robots, including itself in its last battle with E-101 Beta. When designing the E-1000 series, Robotnik included E-102's intelligence, but not its free-will. The result was a logical and tactically astute machine, subservient to Doctor Robotnik. Each E-1000 unit has similar construction to E-102, but cost-saving measures, including the use of a Chaos Drive and overall simpler machinery, were implemented to allow mass-production. Despite this, the E-1000 series is a quite costly foot-soldier model, meaning that Robotnik tends to use them as elite troops, guards, or team leaders instead of the cannon-fodder role he has assigned to the newer Egg Pawn models. E-1000-323 in particular, as its name may suggest, was the 323rd of the E-1000 line. It serves as a combat unit under Robotnik's army currently.

Animal: E-1000 series combat robot

Team (For Heroes): Robotnik's army (Functionally Alone, if it's not an option)

Ability (Or special qualities): E-1000-323 is equipped with an E-M23 dual-purpose assault gun. This heavy-duty weapon is permanently affixed in place of the E-1000 unit's right hand, and is a heavy double-barreled weapon. The upper barrel is combined with a sophisticated laser-guided targeting system, firing heavy guided missiles for anti-armor work. The bottom barrel is a general-purpose weapon, firing laser blasts at a rapid rate. These blasts do not actively guide themselves like the missiles, but still benefit from 323's programmed marksmanship. 323 is heavily armored and essentially built for combat; it is a far cry from the relatively weakly-armored, poor-aiming Egg Pawns that make up the bulk of Robotnik's army. It uses a sophisticated converter system to transfer Chaos energy generated by the Chaos Drive into matter; this system allows the robot to synthesize ammunition for its missile launcher. 323 may fly from its Jet Booster grav-linked to its back; this allows it to gain an aerial edge in combat.

Drone, Transformation, or Normal: Normal.

Possible Love Interest (If any): None.

Do you wish to play a Canon Character? If so, Who?: I guess Doctor Robotnik.
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Oookay then. o-o

Anywho! Great character. If you are a part of Robotnik's army, you are going to be playing enemy. If Functionally alone, you are a bystander. 

Also! Would you like to play anyone else in either game? If not, then I guess that's fine.
If you mean "anyone else besides E-1000-323 and Dr. Robotnik", then no. (Asking because I put down Robotnik in my "canon char?" box.) And he'll be playing enemy, yes. Just wanted to clear that up, as there was no "enemy" list for teams.

I hope that doesn't mean he'll be instantly killed by a random mobian due to being an enemy and thus dying in 1 hit to what appears to be a wet tissue paper slap's worth of attack

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