• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Notice Me, Senpai | IC

Room 1B, Second floor, First door to the left.


no slide
no slide

6:00-6:30 : Before School/Homeroom

6:30-8:00 : Japanese Culture : Mr. Kimayama

8:00-9:50 : Chemistry : Ms. Enoshima

9:50-11:00 : Break Time

11:00-12:00 : Japanese (Language?
:P ) : Ayane Nagisawa

12:00-1:00 : Lunch

1:00-3:00 : Math/Science/Art/History : Fiora Tokisaki


1. Respect your fellow RPers!

2. No being OP. No dodging everything, goddammit.

3. Anyone can control NPCs! Please, just don't make them do something they will DEFINATELY NOT DO.
Or I'll kick your ass.

4. Be detailed! (Duh. Obviously. C:)

5. Swearing is allowed. Just don't go ballistic with it.

6. Ask the person who created the NPC (if your character's a yandere) if your character can kill them.

7. No...erotic content.

8. Skippin' diz 'cuz I can

9. I don't want too much gore.

10. Have fun!

11. ((Crap. I feel like I forgot something...I'M RUSHING 'CUZ LILAH SAID SO.))

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Touta was running to school as usual, his blonde hair in a pony per-the-norm, his school uniform was crisp and clean, not even one wrinkle can be made out. His orange backpack hanging loose from one of his shoulders, he wondered whether or not he scored well on his math test, basically what normal kids do.

He arrived a half and hour earlier, to hang out with friends. "Hey Touta!" Someone called and Touta's head snapped in the direction of the classmate. His earphones blasted music and he had to turn it down slightly.

"Oh hi!" He replied and so the day started.

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"No." Another cold response from an even colder person. The girl ran away, crying as she ran down the hallways. Yup, another perfectly normal start for an perfectly normal day for Fujimoto Masato. The ultimate heart breaker, he just shot down the 5th love confession of the week.

*10 minutes ago....*

"Umm... Fujimoto san... can I talk to you?" An random girl headed towards him looking nervous as he grabbed some books from his locker. "Make it quick." Fujimoto said coldly as he followed her into an empty hallway. "Umm, you see Fujimoto san... I like you... Please go out with me!" The girl suddenly bowed her head at him, holding an letter. "I don't know your name, yet why do you call me san all the time?" Fujimoto asked the girl, glaring slightly. "Umm... well..." The girl stuttered to answer, so Fujimoto finally said the magic word; "No."

*End of flashback*

Fujimoto sighed. Always getting followed around by random girls is quite taxing to him, an pro gamer. He's by no means unfit though. Just not the most athletic. Anyways, Fujimoto checked his watch, which read 6:15. '15 minutes to get to class.' With that thought Fujimoto walked down another hallway before reaching an door. '6:25. 5 minutes early.' Fujimoto thought as he pushed the door open and headed inside.

(Soo is this enough for 1 post or want more? I didn't really have to much info though so it was hard trying to make this;.; Anyways, if this doesn't make enough just tell me how much more you want from me:)
Haruka Nishikino

"Bye sweetie, have a nice da-" Without hearing the rest of her mothers' farewell, Haruka slammed the door, tearing off a piece of her toast and chewing on it. The pink haired girl walked briskly towards the school. 'Senpai should be at school by now... Stupid mom...' Haruka grumbled, rolling her eyes as she took another bite from her toast. As she neared the bus stop, Haruka took her seat next to an old man, before her eyes landed on a girl... A girl she absolutely hated. That girl was Kotori Sugaya.

Haruka narrowed her eyes at Kotori as she sucked on her lollipop.
'Dumb slut...' Haruka clenched her fist, resisiting the urge to whip out her pocket knife and charge at the bitchy schoolmate. Haruka's eyes focused on the incoming bus, sighing as she loosened her fist. The urges to stab Kotori could wait.

Haruka boarded the bus as it arrived, her hand gripping on the pole to stop herself from falling, meanwhile thinking of ways she could 'accidentally' make Kotori fall. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of the bus doors opening and students from Akatsuki flooding out. Haruka's mouth turned into a straight line as she took a deep breath and let it out, getting off the bus, the breeze brushing against her face, her long pink hair flowing in the wind gently.

As Haruka reached the school, she spotted a familiar short, blonde ponytail, her eyes brightened as her face spread into a smile. Touta looked happy, so she was happy. As her love interest entered the school, Haruka followed him silently, smile still on her face as one of his friends approached him.
'Don't go near him...' Haruka thought to herself, her smile turning into a frustrated look.

@Lilah Tunth

(Respond if you want, but you can choose not to, since Yanderes shouldn't be seen stalking)
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Nanashima Suzaku

"Nanashima! Don't you dare ditch the cleaning duty again today!" A girl barked at him, the moment the ace of the basketball team entered his class. He grinned at his class leader, a girl as tall as his chest with braided hair and freckles covering her cheek. She pouted at him, visibly annoyed by his habit of going straight to his club or went home and ignoring his duties. "Do it again and i'll tell the teach!"

"Gee, got it mom." Suzaku replied, as he put his bag on top of his desk and listened to how his classmates laughed at his joke. The class leader hit his back playfully, and Suzaku laughed together with the rest of his class. Another morning, another good day.

[ps: Any 18 yo characters? Feel free to be in the same class and interact with Suzaku]
Yumiko Shiroma


With a soft, satisfied grin, Yumiko put down her comb and appraised her own reflection in the mirror. She was by no way narcissistic, but surviving another night in this yandere hell hole was bound to require some form of tension-relief. She wasn't sure why, but combing her hair 20 times seemed to do the trick. She was awoken by a shrill scream in the middle of the night, and she had spent the next 2 hours staring at the door knob hoping that no one would come barging through with an axe.

" Time for another day at school," she sighed to herself and rubbed her temples, hopefully she'll be alive by the end of the day. Checking her reflection one last time, she straightened her back and strode confidently out into the hallway. Just as she rounded the corner, someone collided into her roughly and almost made her drop her books and slam face-first into a trophy cupboard. "H-hey! Be careful!" she steadied herself and looked up to see a certain white-haired guy." Oh..it's you. Jackson, right?" she smiled sweetly, hoping he could apologize soon so she could continue to be on her way to class.

But instead of apologizing, he just stared at her nonchalantly and muttered,
" Cotton. Pink and white striped."

"Huh?" Yumiko blinked, confused. Before she could find a proper response to that he had already walked off, mumbling something about how people kept forgetting to call him Jinsei. She shrugged it off and continued her way to her homeroom. The day sure was off to a weird start. Students were already starting to file through the entrance by the time she got to the main block, chattering and joking around in a carefree manner, and she wondered briefly if any of them actually knew of what was happening in school, or even if they were one of those who would kill for love. After being greeted by and having a small talk with some of her kouhais, she hurried through the hallway and finally made it to class.

"Ah~ thank god I'm not late," she smiled and pushed the door open, walking in briskly. Other than the class rep and a few students, the classroom was still relatively empty. After greeting them, her eyes landed on a rather infamous heart-breaker by the name of Fujimoto. There's even a rumour going around that he had his own fan club. She's seen him around here and there, but never really had much interaction with him despite being in the same class.

" Morning," she greeted, giving him a friendly smile.

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(Should I do an 1st person POV or 3rd person?)

"Morning." Joseph was startled out of his train of thoughts by that voice. Annoyed, he looked up, only to see Yumiko standing over him. Ah, Yumiko, the famous Ms.pretty in the school, she was famous for having one of the nicest personalities in the school. Yet despite that, no one knew exactly who she was, and rumor has it that even info chan has trouble finding out her family history. But, he thought, nothing really that surprising, as even info chan didn't know what happened to him. Anyways, he watched Yumiko boringly before finally replying with an lazy "Morning." at her. Yumiko was one of the people Fujimoto didn't mind too much. She was one of the only girls who didn't bother him with confessions and all that, plus she actually did make some decent company. After the not so friendly greeting, the bell rang, signaling the start of homeroom.

(Whos out teacher btw?)
Miiko Asari

"You are my senpai, my only senpai~ You make me happy when skies are grey~" she sang softly to herself, smiling as her paintbrush glided over the canvas. " You never know dear how much I love you~..." It was almost done, maybe in half and hour or so...

"So please don't take...my senpai...away..." Her smile drooped slightly as the song ended, and she regarded the painting critically. No...this wasn't right...his eyes had a slightly more purplish hue. Her brows scrunched up in frustration as she dipped the paintbrush into the cup again, making the water turn into a murkier shade of brown. It had to be perfect, the portrait of her beloved senpai had to be perfect. Just as she was about to dip the paintbrush into the purple paint, a call from outside interrupted her. " Miiko! The bus is here!"

"O-oh! Yes mother!" she replied, the term rolling off her tongue awkwardly. It's already been almost a year, but it still felt weird to call her parents....well, her parents. After hastily shutting her palette and picking up her stuff, she rushed out into the kitchen to grab her bento and a sandwich, and raced outside up to the bus right before it left. Letting a sigh of relief, she plopped herself onto an empty seat and munched on her sandwich happily. Not a lot of students lived in her district, so the bus was fairly unoccupied. As she watched them silently, her eyes fell upon a girl, one she hated as much as accidentally mixing black and beige paint- Tsun Dere. Not only was she a kiss ass and an annoying asshole, she overhead a conversation between a few of her classmates saying that Tsun had a crush on her one and only Hibiki-senpai. She growled silently, but refrained herself from pouncing on her right there and then and gouging her eyes out.

After all, her senpai would probably be sad if he found out.

Soon the bus pulled up at Akatsuki Akademi, and Miiko walked out, shooting daggers with her eyes at Tsun Dere as the girl practically skipped past her. But her mood lifted slightly she scanned the crowd of students excitedly, hoping to catch a glimpse of her senpai before she headed to class.

(Mentions: @XxBouncy BunnyxX . I'll get Yumiko's reply up after everyone else posts their turn so they won't wake up to a mountain of alerts :3 Btw who's Joseph?
xD )
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Aiko Nakamura

Aiko walked out of her house, thumbs looped through her backpack straps. It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, the sun was out, but none of that was on Aiko's mind. The only reason she wasn't completely loathing the fact that she had to go to school was that she knew that she could see her senpai in class. It was quite a driving force, seeing the boy she had this huge infatuation with. It was definitely enough to get her through school, or "Hell," as it was kindly dubbed by other students.

As she reached school, she tried not to look at other students, her eyes only looking around for the boy that got her through the day. Unfortunately, she couldn't find him in the small crowd of students. She decided to go to class, hoping that she would find him there, hopefully not accompanied by that annoyance Erimi. While she wasn't sure if the girl had any attraction to her precious senpai, the plain fact that they were often together had brought a burning dislike of her to Aiko. Brushing away these negative thoughts, she placed a sugary smile onto her face and pushed open the door to the classroom, quickly disappointed when she couldn't see him again. Well, a little waiting never hurt Aiko, did it?

Junji Kurokawa

Junji was already at school. He had decided to go early to catch a few pictures of the school and how it looked like with the sunrise. It was quite pretty, and he was satisfied with what he took, eager to show the rest of the club. He had returned the camera to the club room already, and currently, he was just sitting outside of the school, watching other students pass by. He found it quite relaxing, more relaxing than sitting in homeroom for sure. He was probably going to wait outside until school began, not really wanting to go to homeroom at all.

He checked his watch, and with the time being 6:29, he began to walk to class. He'd probably be a bit late, but it didn't bother him. He'd probably only miss the teacher being a scumbag as usual, if he had remembered his schedule correctly. Mr. Kimayama barely ever did any teaching, and while Junji wouldn't protest this, since he got to slack off while the teacher acted how he did, it made none of the students like him all too much. It made him able to slip into class at 6:33, so he smiled gratefully instead of thinking bad about the preoccupied teacher now.
( oh and ten no ryu's nickname is techno dragon. )

Techno as usual, was staring off into the abyss. He had just gotten on the bus, yet was already being stared at for no reason. He believed that his gaze and his eyes were the problem, too noticeable when in closed spaces. He had just made a new dating sim, hell's pleasure high that is... People where asking for it all the bus ride long. He hated it, which is why he had info do it for him. He didn't like all the attention it gave him.

Techno looked down slightly noticing a girl getting angry about something, on of the yandere he is always hearing about perhaps... not like he cares that no one notices him. He just gets off the bus with everyone else, looking for info. He hated how whenever he needed her she wasn't there. Probably busy with another client, at just the most convenient times of course. Well he walked into class, nothing new today... except him taking out the game disc.

(( @anyone ))

kei ueda

bbzt. bzbzt. softly, but surely, the sound of an alarm clock rang across kei's dark room. the day was already well into motion for many other students, but for kei, it was only just at it's start. not by intention, of course. as kei turned in bed to face the clock, she found herself shocked as she realized the time. 6:00?! she jumped furiously out of bed, cursing her luck. today was a special day - she had plans to carry out! she absolutely could not be late. shielding her eyes as her phone brightly lights up the room, she blindly grabs at it as she hastily pulls her things together.

'heya kei-chan~! are ya gonna be at practice today~?' she can only barely make out the text as her eyes struggle to adjust, but she doesn't need to squint to read the name to know who's texting her right now.

'of course.' kei texts back, groaning. hatsue. of course she'd be so annoyingly cutesy about it. she didn't really have time to humor her further, even though she knew she - and everyone else - were bound to ask her the same question again today. yesterday marked a momentous occasion, after all - it was the first time kei had missed a day of track practice, ever. as for what she was doing, exactly...

kei dropped her struggle with her unruly hair for a moment in reminiscence. yesterday. she picked up her phone again, ignoring the avalanche of replies hatsue had already sent back, and pursued her files. yesterday. in response to her touch, a folder full of pictures sprang up. some alarmingly immodest, but all of one person. misu-senpai. yesterday, kei was busy doing something she shouldn't have. something she just might have to have info-chan erase later. all to get her courage up for today. the day she would truly speak to her. her 'prince charming'.

kei took another look at the clock. dammit! it was already getting late! she hurried along, quickly pulling her shoes up over her socks and dashing out the door, grabbing her bag and phone on the way out of her dorm. as she turns back to her dorm to lock it, she takes a quick look around the halls - not many other students lived in the dorms, for reasons unknown to her, so it wasn't that odd that no one was around right now. either they had already gone, or waiting until the last moment to trudge onto campus. putting her keys back away, kei dashed off.


when kei finally stepped onto the school grounds outside of the dorms, she frowned as she took one final look at the clock. 6:20. ugh. she'd make it to homeroom, but she likely wouldn't have any time to admire misu-chan, today. she took a look around the school yard, scanning it for any sign of her beautiful blonde hair, knowing it was a futile effort. ugh, dumbass! kei had been out so late last night that she nearly slept through her alarm - there was no way she was going to find misuri now! with how busy her schedule seemed, she could already be doing almost anything right now! cavorting with some other student while kei was away, dumbass kimayama trying to take advantage while he knew kei wasn't keeping watch -

not even bothering to look at the clock again, kei runs as fast as her legs can carry her to her classroom, her blind rage at unrealistic delusions fueling her run. by the time she finally reached class, just before the bell, she was breathing deeply, trying to control her anger. it looked like she might be tired and hot from the run over, but the truth was, it was hardly anything to her - it was the seething rage that was killing her. she slid aggressively into her desk, nearly knocking it over, and immediately put her head face down onto it. this was going to be a long day.

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Touta has been having thoughts of a concert in town for a while now, and he really was determined to make a even a small crowd like his singing. He wanted to perform and was even saving money up for a an hour at a local concert hall. So he was currently making sure to prepare everything. That included asking a fellow classmate to film it on tape or at least snap it on a couple shots.

He knew- Okay, maybe not
knew-up close knew, but heard of the legendary student photographer who a lot of girls had a crush on. And that guy's name was Junji Kurokawa, a pretty quite dude from the rumors, but asking him to help was worth a shot.

And so Touta went away from the group of guys he hanged out with and found his feet taking him to the pinkette.

"Er, hi! You are Junji the photographer, right? I wanted to ask a favor, if I may!" Touta grinned, his request sounded rather polite even if not too pompous, and Touta really hoped that the guy would accept, he wanted to be able to boost his career in the singing industry.

| [location] Akatsuki Campus | [mood] happy | [phone] on | [@s]
@LastRomeo - Junji Kurokawa |

| [00C] IDK. really hope that made some sort of sense ^^ |
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Those gentle features haunt him every day.

He wanted him.

He needed him.

Shion... with that soft white hair, and those striking magenta eyes.

Then he woke up.

Noa himself is quite adorable. The tiny little thing barely took up his bed.

He rolled out of bed, accidentally hitting his arm on his bookcase as he fell.


His arm was bleeding now. He slowly walked to his bathroom, abandoning his black pajama pants behind him.

He took a shower, and took extra care to bandage his arm. He got his uniform on

and then

Noa's alarm went off, and he struck it.

He was ready, so he decided to make a bento before walking down the street to Akatsuki Akademi.

Noa lived in a pretentious neighborhood, which he didn't find to be shocking, as his mother,

花 森子 (Hana Moriko) was a lawyer, ironically.

By the time he made it to school, he couldn't stand it anymore. WHERE THE HELL IS TSUBAKI?

He longed to see his gentle features beneath his cloak.

Now Yuu-senpai was irritating. He had half a mind to kill him. Maybe he could fit that into his schedule.

Stab him, gut him, burn him... it was an indecisive task.

@Corgi @Zero Gravity
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Mr. Kimayama

Mr. Kimayama was late as always tot the classroom. About 5 minutes after the bell rang, he showed up with a grin on his face. "Why, hello my beautiful students! Especially the ladies. You're all looking rather nice today." He said, shooting a wink at one of the ladies in the class.

"Today, we'll be doing some easy things. Get out your culture textbook and read pages 110 and 111. When you're done, come talk to me and I'll give you something else to work on." He said, writing it on the board and going to pester one of the girls that sat in the front row.


Shion Tsubaki

As Shion's alarm clock started to beep in his ear unpleasantly, he groaned. He already knew that today was going to be annoying... But hopefully, it wouldn't be as annoying with Yuu by his side. They wouldn't exactly be called "Best friends" even though they hang out all the time. The two had a very, very, complicated relationship and he wasn't sure why it was like that- but it's not like he was complaining. When Yuu lays a hand on him, whether it's slapping or kissing, he's exhilarated... But that's not the point. As long as Yuu's with him, nothing's unbearable.

He rolled off his bed and stood between his and Yuu's, lightly shaking them.
"Yuu-kun..." He whispered in a raspy and tired voice, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he tried to awaken his sleeping friend.

"It's time for school... If you need to get frustration out, now's the time. Before school would be preferable. We're already late as it is." He mumbled.

He had purposefully set the clock a few minutes before they left so that they could leave and Shion could spend all the time he he usually did plus some more without other students in the way.

@Zero Gravity

Mayu Higurashi

"Kurokawa and Akiyama are my favorites~! They're both talented, beautiful, and fabulous- Like me~" Mayu sang in a sing-songy manner before putting her hand over her mouth. "My, my, Mayu! You shouldn't compare yourself to such wonderful beings!" She said, laughing to herself as she brushed through her long blonde hair, making sure it was perfect for her two Senpais.

Oh, how she loved them both. The second she layed her eyes on them, her heart screamed and love ran through her veins that pumped her heart and kept her brain moving. She was filled with hope, love, excitement, but also anger, resentment, and disgust. For everyone that talked to Kurokawa or Akiyama, they went on her list. The list where she kept all the information about her Senpai's on. What they do after school, how their schedules are, what their parents do, what their parents' parents do, what their best friends did, all of the good stuff.

Of course, none of that would matter if they were taken away from her! So, there was no time dilly-dallying around her bathroom and singing about her loves- she had to get to school to meet them! Mayu slammed down her hair brush and sprinted out of her room and into the kitchen, grabbing her backpack as her mother yelled out to her,
"You have a phot-" And that was all she could get out before the door was closed and she was off down the street.

As she approached school, her stomach began to do flips and turns, dancing around as her eyes layed upon Junji Kurokawa. The cotton-candy colored hair, those handsome, crystal eyes of blue, his cute, gorgeous face- just everything about him screamed "I need someone to love~!" And boy was that someone there. She followed behind him carefully until Touta had the guts to ask Junji a favor. The boy had balls, she'd give him that. To ask such a prince to do something for a low-life like him? The nerve. But because of her prince charming's big heart, he'd most likely say yes. If he doesn't then it'd be understandable.


Yato Himike

Yato was at the school gates before the gates even opened. He wanted to be here when Yumiko arrived so that he could strike up conversation. The usual, "Oh, what a coincidence!" and "I didn't know you came this early!" When Yumiko did arrive, he was about to start conversation when a certain 'Jackson' had stumbled and saw underneath her skirt. Of course, being the beautiful and innocent woman she was, she didn't realize the horrible act that he had done. Yato barred his teeth and glared at him as he walked by, ready to attack the boy who dared to do such a thing to her.

'Patience. You can do it later. If you do it now, Yumiko would see and would never think of you the same...' He thought, following after Yumiko.

When the thoughtful lady sat down and said morning to another boy, anger flared up inside him.

But he managed to throw on a smile and walk up to the two before saying,
"Yumiko-san! What are we doing in drama club today? Is there anything I could help with?" He asked, his heart pounding as he stared into the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen.

The glowing yellow seemed like a cat's and it enticed him.

When the bell rang, it pulled him out of his trance and he took a seat next to Yumiko, digging out his textbook and pretending to read while he was actually stealing glances from his beloved.


Hibiki Kenya

Hibiki woke up the same way he did everyday, by his best friend pounding on his door. Erimi's knuckles were pounding on the door as she called for Hibiki to get up or else they would be late.

"I'm coming... Just give me a little bit." He mumbled, somehow loud enough for Erimi to hear.

He slowly got up, rubbing his hands through his hair a couple of time and putting the glasses on his face. He slowly walked over to his closet and threw on his school uniform and went for his front door.

When he opened it, his purple eyes met Erimi's brown ones and she said,
"You almost take as long as a girl to get ready." With a hearty laugh afterwards.

He blushed lightly and grumbled,
"You take longer..." While he slipped his shoes on.

"Is you're mom doing alright?" Erimi asked, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"As always. Nothing gets through her thick skin." He said, groaning, "Why do you always get me up so early?"

The girl sighed and smile slightly,
"Because you can't be late, and neither can I." She said as they approached the school.

"Do you have a game today?"

Erimi shook her head.
"Nope. You're free to do whatever."

Hibiki wiped his eyes and nodded,
"Okay. See you tomorrow then." He muttered, walking off towards the school building.

That was his usual morning routine. He was awoken by his best friend, they walk to school, and then they go their usual ways, just like today. Of course, he was too tired to actually do anything that would be helpful, so he went straight to class and sat in his usual seat- far, far away from everyone else. He fished out a small book out of his back and began to read, ignoring the teacher who was late.

@any yanderes wanna talk?

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Yumiko Shiroma

After getting a reply from Fujimoto, which she thought was short of a miracle, seeing that he rarely talked to anyone, she took her usual seat next to him and pulled out her textbook, ignoring the glares she was receiving from a few other girls. She didn't have a crush on Fujimoto, so she had nothing to worry about. Now...only if those girls would stop assuming she did and move on with their lives...A cheerful voice shook her from her thoughts, and she looked up to see one of her juniors in the Drama Club, Yato Himike.

She smiled at his question. Yato was one of the most dedicated members of the Drama Club, whenever she needed help, he would always be there to help out, in fact...it's almost as if he knew where she was and when she needed help all the time. She quickly dismissed the thought, he was just probably really passionate about the Drama Club. Besides, the school wasn't that big, so it was normal for him to run into her frequently.

" Hmm, well, I heard from the teacher in charge that we'll have a couple of new members join us today, so I'm probably going to brief them about when we have club meetings and such. Oh! And we need to get the script for the annual play approved by the headmistress!"

The annual play was a tradition for the Drama Club. A fund-raiser performance organized by the Drama Club every year, its main objective is to raise funds for the academy, even though it wasn't like the school was short of funds. It functioned as a warm-up as well, to get the club members hyped and prepared for the National Drama Competition. She rummaged through the bag for the script to show to Yato, but frowned slightly when she realized that she had left it in her room in her haste.

" Oh no, it seems that I had left it in my dorm room," she gave an embarrassed chuckle and rubbed the back of her neck," I'll go get it during lunch, but I promise I'll show it to you before I hand it over to the headmistress."

The bell rang and pulled her attention back to her textbook, and she quickly flipped to the pages mentioned. As she scanned through the paragraphs, she noticed that Yato was stealing glances at her, and assumed that he was doing so because he still had questions about the club. Pulling out a scrap of paper, she scribbled on it and handed the note to Yato, putting her forefinger up against her lips to make the "shush" sign and smiling as she did.

If you have any other questions, we'll talk after class okay?

@Corgi @animefordaysXD

Miiko Asari

When she finally caught a glimpse of her senpai, her mood soared and she raced over to him, only to stop in her tracks when she realized that he was still talking to another girl. She pouted softly, now
that girl was going to be a problem for Miiko. The girl in question was Erimi Kamike, her precious senpai's childhood friend. Sure, neither of them had feelings for each other, but she could never be too careful, she's read enough shoujo mangas to know how it could potentially end up. However, Erimi was someone Miiko was actually hesitant to dispose of, knowing that Hibiki-senpai would miss her dearly. The thought his mind being completely clouded by grief made Miiko's heart ache, but at the same time, her heart was filled with disgust by the fact that Erimi was more important to Hibiki than Miiko was.

" He's mine..."she muttered to herself, and quickly went after him as he went on his way to class. As he reached and entered his class, she stopped briefly to wonder whether it would be a good idea to enter his classroom, but as soon as she saw who the teacher was, she grinned and sneaked in after him.

"Psst, Hibiki-senpai!~" she whispered and waved at him, and scurried over to where he was seated before the teacher could notice that she wasn't a student in his class. She prayed that he wouldn't find her annoying, and quickly took a seat next to him. " I-I'm looking for the president of the Art Club, is she in your class?" She said quickly, and blushed at her blatant lie. What kind of secretary wouldn't know which class the club president was in?

" I f-forgot...haha..." she laughed softly, hoping that her excuse sounded legit. " So, are you helping out at the library again this weekend?" She asked, quickly switching the topic. While she waited for his reply, she took the time to steal quick glances at him. He was just so cute! With his messy brown hair and his pale skin and his beautifully-colored eyes, he was a work of art - no, he was more than that, he was a masterpiece. A living masterpiece walking among the plainness of mere humans. But at the same time, he was like an adorable teddy bear as well. Her own, personal teddy bear.

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Fujimoto yawned as he listened to the teacher drone on and on about some japanese shit he didn't care about. He looked around the class to see everyone having their own chat as they ignored the teacher. He decided to take an nap and he used the book for cover before drifting off to sleep...

Everything was dark. He opened his eyes to find himself in an dark room, with no light from anywhere then the torches, making it quite dark overall. He looked around, seeing a few tools and stuff, making it look like an basement or storage room. He tried to get up, only to find himself tied to an chair. "Great." he muttered, struggling to get out of the binds. It was like this for an minute or two, although it felt like hours to Fujimoto. But then, he heard an laughter coming from the door. It continued for a bit, before finally stopping and revealing an young man, seemingly about 22 years old. "My my, looks like my test subject is finally awake." the man said with an evil grin as he grabbed an saw from an closet near him. "Don't worry, this won't be needed if you behave." The man chuckled madly as he neared Fujimoto. "But since you struggled, I suppose you should... take this!" The man raised his saw, ready to slash it, but Fujimoto heard an faint noise from somewhere, before it got nearer and nearer, before finally waking him up. "Fujimoto!"

Fujimoto woke up with an extremely pale face. He looked up to see the teacher standing over him, with an unusually worried face. "Fujimoto are you alright?" Mr Kimayama asked. "I'm... fine. May I go to the bathroom." And without waiting for an reply, he walked out of the class ignoring the stares he got from the other kids.
[Here comes Suzaku!]

Suzaku was yawning, bored that he had to read a confusing wall of text, when Kimayama-sensei approached Fujimoto who have the balls to sleep inside the class. He called him for several times, and only succeed when he increased the tone of his voice. He woke up, with a pale face that surely make Mr Kimayama worried. He asked whether he is alright and before he could send him to the nurse room, Fujimoto excuses himself to the bathroom.

"Uh... I'll go too?" Suzaku raised his arm as he stood up, chasing after Fujimoto in the hallway. "Wait up for me!"

Fujimoto headed out of the class with a million thoughts in his head. And most of them related to the dream and the accident from before, the one that changed him. But as he was walking towards the bathroom, but before he got there, he heard an voice saying "Wait up!" behind him. Annoyed, he looked behind him, only to see Suzaku heading towards him. Not in the mood to talk to anyone, he started walking faster, nearly running away.

He noticed an empty classroom near him and headed towards the place, before closing the door and sighing as he leaned on an wall. "Why, why must I keep suffering?" Fujimoto groaned, burying his face into his hands, before heading back out, and after making sure no one was near him, he headed back to class.
Fujimoto glanced back, and then walked faster as if he wanted to run away from him. He clicked his tongue, slightly annoyed. As if that guy could overrun the captain of the basketball team. So Suzaku fastened his pace as well, when he arrived at the toilet, he found no one. So he went to the toilet in the other part of the school, but did not find him too. Confused, he walked back to class where by pure chances he saw Fujimoto. "There you are!" He said
Junji Kurokawa

Junji would have liked to get through his first class unbothered, as he was still trying to wake himself up. He had never really gotten used to waking up so early for school, even though he could have slept in later and skipped taking pictures. Junji had skewed priorities. He turned in his chair to face the blond boy that approached him, listening to him. He didn't know the boy very well, other than what nearly everyone knew, good singer, part of the drama club, and he thought that he'd heard that someone had started a fan club for him? Maybe he'd heard wrong, but knowing the strange population of the academy, he didn't exactly doubt it.

"Hmm? Go ahead, what favor?" He responded, not noticing the bluntness of his sentence. He stopped his hand from instinctively raising to his neck, clenching his fist for a short while. His awkward habit bothered him sometimes, and he'd been trying to get rid of it, as all it really did was make him look unsure of himself and again, awkward. He took the pause in the conversation as a chance to begin the bookwork while waiting for the other's response,and with that thought, he opened his book, trying to ignore Mr. Kimayama's voice while reading.

Aiko Nakamura

Her eyes lit up as she saw Hibiki enter the classroom, thankfully not accompanied by Erimi. However, this cheerfulness was soon put out by the appearance of another girl, Miiko. She knew little about the girl, knowing her name and the fact that they were the same age. She also knew that she was not supposed to be in this class. She blinked, wiping the oncoming scowl off of her face as the other girl addressed her senpai too sweetly. The way she was acting made Aiko incredibly annoyed. Who did this girl think she was, casually speaking to her senpai? She bit the inside of her cheek, repressing the urge to leap across her desk and confront the girl herself. She knew something more passive could work, for now at least. And what would Hibiki think of her acting violent in front of him? Instead of doing as she pleased, she wanted to avoid getting her hands dirty, for now at least. She pushed her chair back, removing herself from her seat a few rows away from Hibiki, and walked towards them while the teacher was preoccupied.

"Ah, I couldn't help but overhear that you were looking for the art club president? She's in the next class over, maybe you should go and check?" She said, mustering up a convincing smile for the other girl. She feared that Hibiki may not have liked her butting in, but she knew that it was for his own good. It was her duty to protect him from other girls, wasn't it? She couldn't dare let anyone separate them, especially not this girl. She maintained her fake smile of her face, waiting for the other girl to hopefully leave. If luck was on her side, the girl would leave.

@Corgi @LannaCrowe


Yuu had never been a very happy morning person, and Shion waking him up had been the icing on top of the cake. He grumbled a bit as he sat up, knowing that his white-haired roommate was right next to his bedside. Turning to the side, he quickly backhanded the male, fixing him with a harsh glare. If looks could kill, Shion would drop dead on the floor next to him. He sighed, standing up and moving towards the closet so that he could get ready. His hand burned with small pricks every now and then, and it gave him twinges of satisfaction to know that he had hit the other so hard. Today was the day, he had to impress Noa-kun, after all, that kid was everything to him. He often took his frustrations and everything else out on his roommate, though it didn't do much for him in the end. If it wasn't Noa-kun, then it didn't really do much for him except for satisfy him for a couple of hours. Someone could call his obsession with the small male creepy, but to Yuu, it was unrequited love. The small boy was perfect to him in every way. He couldn't tell anyone about it, but he had a feeling that Shion knew what he was feeling. Shion himself had shown a particular interest in Yuu, but the brunette just couldn't return his feelings. They were friends, at least, they hung out from time to time and had known each other for a while, so he figured that counted for something. The male straightened his tie on his uniform, and headed into the bathroom to finish his daily routine, but not before adding a quick, "Fuck off," to Shion.



Yato Himike

Yato nodded and smiled at Yumiko as she explained what they're doing. He figured that's what they were going to do, but hearing her say it made his heart flutter and made him want to help her even more than usual. He wiped his brown hair out of his eyes and nodded.

"I figured as much. If there's anything I can do to help you with the introduction, let me know!"

Apparently, he didn't hear everything she had to say, because the script had passed through his mind- but when he finally caught on, his face lit up with excitement.
"The new script?!" He asked, smiling like a giddy school-girl. He didn't particularly enjoy drama at first, but he adapted it into liking it after he learned how much Yumiko cared for it. So now, he was extremely and genuinely excited.

When Yumiko said that she didn't have it and left it at her dorm, he nodded understandingly.
"Don't worry about it. I want to be surprised when we see it, so don't tell me about it. If you'd like, I could accompany you to your dorm and take it to the headmistress afterwards." Yato offered, taking a seat quickly.

While he was stealing glances, he saw her writing something and handing it to him. He read it carefully and smiled, running his fingers over the handwriting before giving her a small thumbs-up. She was just so cute and innocent. She thought that he was looking because he had questions. He would ask her as many questions as she wanted him to if it would make her happy.

After Mr. Kimayama and Fujimoto had their little moment, he raised an eyebrow. He knew that the boy was weird, but damn. He was
really strange. One he had left and Mr. Kimayama went over to Miiko to flirt, he decided to actually do his work. He may occasionally look at Yumiko, just because he can't stop himself, but that was about it at the moment.


Hibiki Kenya

When he heard someone whisper his name, he looked up to see Miiko and smiled slightly. He knew Miiko a little bit. They were friends that talked to each other on occasion, and Hibiki would probably think of her as a closer friend if they were in the same grade, but since they aren't, it's hard to hang out with her. He was about to respond with one of his peers, Aiko, had over heard their conversation and sweetly responded for him.

He also knew Aiko and they hung our frequently, talking slightly about certain subjects and often joking around at time. Once again, he doesn't really see her as a close friend, mostly because he's awkward around girls, but also because he doesn't personally know her. Yes, he knows her name and such, but what does he actually know about her? Nothing much, really.

"Yeah. She's in 1-A." Hibiki said, offering a small smile. "I am, actually. I don't have anything else to do."

As he finished, Mr.Kimayama came over and intruded on their conversation.
"Ah~! Mrs. Asari! I'm glad that you decided to join us! Even though you're not in our class..." He muttered, clearing his throat as he asked, "What do I owe the pleasure of you coming to us today?" He asked.

Hibiki slowly leaned back in his chair and stuffed his nose in his book and payed attention to himself. Once things got out of hand as usual, he'd step in. But it would only annoy Mr. Kimayama if he stopped him now.

@LannaCrowe @LastRomeo

Shion Tsubaki

Shion stumbled back, white flames flaring through his cheek. Tears sprung into his eyes as he sat down on his bed, putting his cold hand on his cheek. He should've seen it coming but he had a small hope in him that today would be the day Yuu would reciprocate his feelings. He guessed wrong.
'I guess that there's always tomorrow...' He thought, trying to keep his cheek from bruising.

As Yuu told him to fuck off, he flinched slightly. When he went into the bathroom, he smiled. Sure, his cheek and heart were burning, but they were burning with love. Every time he touched him, it felt like magic was shooting through Yuu's fingers and warming him.

As Shion surprisingly optimistically stood up and went to the kitchen, starting to make Yuu's favorite foods. He would probably use the bathroom after he finished breakfast and their lunches. The class they were suppose to be at now had probably already started, but that didn't stop him from taking his time and doing everything with care for Yuu.

Yuu, Yuu, Yuu~ He would do everything for Yuu. Everything and anything for him, even killing someone, no matter how much of a pacifist he was. Yes, it's true that he was a super duper nice guy, but if it would make Yuu closer to him, he would do what it took. He loved him, so, so much. No one would get in their way even though he knew Yuu loved someone else... What hurt Yuu even more was Noa, the boy he likes, doesn't like him back.

Noa was an idiot for not loving Yuu back. Yuu was amazing and talented in every single way. He didn't know how such a person wouldn't love such a prince... But he was glad he was an idiot. That left more for Shion to love.

@Zero Gravity @tuocs13

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kei ueda

as kei looked up from the face of her desk to greet finally meet the day, she realized mister kimayama had, finally, entered. she wasn't exactly sure why she rushed to get here - that piece of particular piece of trash didn't really care if he was late. kei could feel her face light up red with indignation as she heard the man start to flirt with the students in the front. she knew, she saw it, she heard it - he had a thing for 'M' named students, didn't he? info-chan oh so conveniently mentioned it, and she couldn't get it out of her head sense. she grabbed her pencil hard. she needed a distraction. something innocuous, pointless...

bingo. a few rows over, she sees him - techno, was it? it didn't really matter to her. he has a disc in his hands. why? she feels like the name is familiar, as if she knows him from something, but it's on the tip of her tongue and it doesn't really come to mind. she slips him a note, using the student in between and diagonally from them as a proxy. she diverts her eyes away as soon as she hands it over, and in the appearance of being a diligent student, begins to write the assignment.

'what's with the disc? - ueda'

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Yui Inazuma


Yui woke up and checked the time. "I'm late." She said calmly proceeding with her morning routine of shower and making toast while putting on her uniform and student council arm band. She took the toast and ate it while walking to school despite being late, she seemed calm in fact stopping to pet a cat on the way.

A few hours later...

After being scolded by the teacher for being late, Yui walked out of the teachers lounge and walked in the student council room greeting everyone inside calmly. She sat down on one of the tables and read a book not paying attention to what the president is saying. It can be visualized as words going in her right ear and going out her left as she continued to read her book her eyes in dead serious concentration.
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