• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Not The Disney You Grew Up With, Darling.


it was fun, peace out.

CS Instructions;

- When choosing a character name, choose something similar to the Disney character name. Ex: Ariana for Ariel, Jeff for Jafar, Alex for Aladdin, etc. You can also use their name as a last name. Ex: Professor Yzma

- Use real world face claims. Celebs or models are fine. They should look like the Disney character, so for example, since I chose Mulan, my FC is a young Asian woman.

- Personality must be similar to Disney character. For example, my Mulan character is a tomboy who works out and doesn't like makeup. Ariel might be on the swim team or Peter Pan would be an immature prankster who is popular with girls, for example. Imagine what that Disney character would be like in real life as a college student or part of a college staff.

- Give at least a paragraph for Personality and History.

- Double. Create a female(s) and male(s).



Disney Character;




Face Claim;


Reserved Characters (this list only applies to those who did not reserve a character in the Interest Check. Whoever reserved the character first has the character unless they aren't accepted into the rp)







Peter Pan



Snow White













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Emily Elsa Queen

Age: 19

Nicknames: She-devil | Queen Bee

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bicurious

Based off: Elsa Of Arendelle


~ Personality ~

Miss Emily Queen is a bitch and there is no doubt about it. She believes she is superior and most are too scared of ruining her dream. Emily is elegant yet with her history and her social status she can ruin anyway in a blink. She's a trendsetter, she doesn't follow society and sets the fashion code at school. WIP

History ~ WIP



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/polls_1236467426_38f86196a4_1854_726487_answer_4_xlarge.jpeg.69084f1b99ad7d92d2b0ad29479b2a4b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/polls_1236467426_38f86196a4_1854_726487_answer_4_xlarge.jpeg.69084f1b99ad7d92d2b0ad29479b2a4b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name; Scott Artemis

Disney Character; Scar from the Lion King

Age; 18

Personality; A bitter and jaded figure, Scott has always grown up in the shadow of his older brother, Matthew. No matter how many successes he achieves, no matter how well he performs, Scott will always be put up against the best achievements his brother has. Other than the obvious anger, Scott is a performer at heart, and loves the adoration of the crowd. In this sense, he's somewhat of a narcissist.

History; Scott was born in the Artemis family, the towns richest family. The Artemis' own several businesses in town and have a long tradition of passing down control from father to son. Until last year, Scott was set to be the next company director in the event of his older brothers death, but after he and his girlfriend (who is incidentally their second cousin), Scotts has been thrown out of control. Plotting to take back the company, he helped form the towns local band, Rage United and the Empire gang.

Dreams; Scott wants to eventually prove himself to his family, and show them all that he can be successful.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/26b11a6183b34c5b13067fbc0d300eed.jpg.c63a0a281fc11b7987d8945f7d047ff2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/26b11a6183b34c5b13067fbc0d300eed.jpg.c63a0a281fc11b7987d8945f7d047ff2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/golden-blond-hair-color-for-a-man.jpg.93eac8c204620607f9c32450495fdff3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/golden-blond-hair-color-for-a-man.jpg.93eac8c204620607f9c32450495fdff3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name; Alexander Himmellaufer

Disney Character; Darth Vader

Age; 19

Personality; Usually thought the typical good boy, Alexander rebelled and is now a formidable figure who often violently rebukes those his friends disprove of. In that sense, he's an enforcer for the Empire and the band Empire Unite. Loyal to a fault and quite angry, Alexander is a

History; Alexander was born the son of immigrants from Germany who emigrated for job opportunities. Alexander, for the first few years in America, was a quiet and studious student who was the perfect son. He completed assignments on time, helped around the house and was held in good esteem.That was, until the accident. Alexander was involved in a car crash which killed his mother and burned 80% of his body at age 14. The burns weren't the worst part, losing his left arm. He spent the next year in rehab, growing stronger and stronger, and growing accustomed to his new arm. When he eventually returned to school, he was laughed at and ostracized, becoming an outcast.
Aaron Peters (Palpatine) recruited him for his brute force and willpower, recruiting him for the gang, the Empire. Peters took him on as an apprentice. in his gang. The Empire's ran riot, with Alexander helping them overrun the smaller Jedi gang. Since then, he's done nothing but cement their dominance and form Rage United, the gangs unofficial band as the drummer. He's currently studying biology.

Face Claim;

Dreams; Alexander wants to be able to be accepted by society and grow physically stronger.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7087464753551843086.jpg.1552d60129b81f43f03d5f89b6d999ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109330" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7087464753551843086.jpg.1552d60129b81f43f03d5f89b6d999ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name; Willhelm Task

Disney Character; Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin

Age; 18

Personality; Ambitious and conniving, Willhelm is constantly scheming new ways to intimidate businesses and take money for the Empire. Willhelm's greed is only surpassed by his ego, with Willhelm often holding himself in higher standard than those of his associates and his enemies.

History; Willhelm was born into a family with strict military tradition which held discipline in high esteem. From this, it doesn't seem like Willhelm would become the brains for a gang, but Willhelm saw this as a way to hone his tactical skills. Joining the Empire at age 15, he became one of Aaron Peter's most trusted lieutenants. Until the arrival of Himmellaufer, Willhelm was chief enforcer, but found his position threatened by his new competition. Since then, Willhelm has been competing with Alexander for attention and resources. He's studying English literature and modern history.

Dreams;Eventually getting to West Point, and fulfilling a part time project of fulfilling the Empire.

Dreams do come true



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Name;; Rhiannon West.

Nickname(s);; She prefers to be known as Ria for short.

Age;; Eighteen.

Gender;; Female.

Disney Character;; Rita.

Film;; Oliver & Company.





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  • Emma_Watson_Harry_Potter_movie_Hermione_Grenger_sexy+emma%27s+photo+%2826%29.jpg

    Basic Info
    Name: Beth Attraente

    Disney Character: Belle

    Age: 20

    Beth can almost always be spotted reading a book. She will read anything but she prefers things with far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, and princes in disguise. She is very protective of the people she loves and she will risk everything to be there for them. She is kind hearted by nature but if you anger her she will shut you out. She is extremely curious and it has gotten her into trouble on occasion.

    Beth grew up in a rural small town. Her mother died when she was very young, she doesn't even remember her. She was raised by her inventor father. His inventions never seemed to work but he was always so excited that Beth couldn't help but cheer him on. She spent most of her time reading and doing her school work. She got extremely good grades and was excepted to collage with ease.

    When it was time for her to leave home, Beth's father (Mortimer) was devastated. He was afraid of being left alone. What if one of his invention went awry and something happened and there was no one to call for an ambulance? Beth felt terrible and decided to stay home an extra couple years. Finally it is time for her to be a Freshman. Her father has found a nice lady friend that will be able to check in on him. She was still able to get into college after two years of working as a waitress at home to support herself.

    To own a library's worth of books and get a double major in French and Literature. She really believed that dreams do come true.

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Duchess Darcie Océane Macon

Disney Character;

Duchess from The Aristocats






Darcie is the stereotypical good girl. She obeys rules down to a tee, hating when they are broken. She is always punctual and polite, her outfits and makeup always planned the day before. Darcie can be a bit uptight but she means well, she really does. She's friendly to everyone she meets, keeping formal names with them all. Darcie loves to give advice to others, even if it's to someone who won't take it. Darcie is above all: friendly, sophisticated, fun (she tries), and nurturing. (To sum her up, think Courtney from Total Drama Island minus the stuck up part).


Darcie is indeed the daughter of a duchess, hence the word Duchess in front of her own name. Her family is very wealthy and owns a good part of the French town of Colmar. Darcie's mother and father sent her to college in the States as both a learning and cultural decision. Her father thought it would be good for his daughter to get out of the town and away from his wife's pushing for Darcie to be the next to "rule". Darcie never saw eye to eye with her mother. She always wanted to be able to do her own thing, to be free and be like other girls. Of course, that wasn't possible. Her mother kept her indoors to study and be the very best she could be. As a result, Darcie is skilled at playing the viola, piano, singing, the flute, and even a harp.

When she came to America, she took a year off to travel before actually going to school. When she came to America, she started a blog called, "What I've Learned in America". She updates her blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at four o'clock. Now, Darcie hopes to embark on her own journey without the influence of her parents. She's trying to get out of the way she was raised and becoming a free spirit, but it's hard when for seventeen years, all you know are rules.


Face Claim; Hayden Panettiere

Dreams; Darcie wants to find herself and discover who she really is. She also wants to become a wildlife animal veterinarian, a wife, and hopefully a mother. Oh and dreams definetly do come true


Darcie's singing voice:





August Garth Wood



Disney Character;

Woody from Toy Story





August is a down to earth guy. He's a goofball and a lover before he's anything else. He's the kind of guy who's all touchy feely and loves to spoil people (females). He's a good ole' southern boy from Mississippi born and raised in the country. He's a gentleman and hates to see others get bullied. He finds people that are different to be intriguing. August it the guy that most people adore because of how genuine he is. He's a friend to all and will be there whenever anyone needs him. He's honest, a goof, and a good kid. But like all good kids, he has his vices. His just so happens to be drinking, smoking, and his smart mouth.


August is an all around kind of guy. His father and mother raised him to be a gentleman, even though he is a flirt. He knows when enough is enough. August was raised to know right from wrong, he stands up for any and every woman, and he has that southern "twang" that drives women insane.

Out of all the people in the Wood household, August was the closest to his grandfather. August and his grandfather were inseparable and under him, August learned many things. Things about life, family, and most importantly, who he wants to be as a man. August loves a good laugh like anyone else, but when he says enough is enough, he means it. August can be serious when he needs to be and a goofball the next second. August also happens to be fearless. He's not afraid to get into a fight or challenge anyone. Don't believe him? Just find out for yourself.


Face Claim; Paul Walker<3

Dreams; To get his degree and settle down with a girl for a new adventure. August likes to think that dreams do come true.


August's singing voice/talking voice



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  • Name: Renee Penelope Zell

    Nickname: Nay. Normally just goes by Renee

    Disney Character: Rapunzel

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    BFF: PM me

    Dreams: She dreams of becoming a famous painter and finding her birth parents. Do Come True

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  • Name: Grayson Spencer Dwarf

    Nickname: Gray

    Disney Character: Grumpy

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    BFF: Samantha White

    Dreams: To become independent from his brothers. Do Come True

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  • Name: Samantha Allison White

    Nickname: Sammy

    Disney Character: Snow White

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Lesbian

    BFF: Grayson Dwarf

    Dreams: To find her true love and to be rid of her step mother. Do Come True

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Marilyn Rhodes

I'm a damsel

Marilyn Rhodes


"Never call me Mary. But, my friends call me Lyn, if I had any."


"Really? Didn't your mother tell you never ask a woman her age?"


Disney Character:

Megara, from

Face Claim;

Marie Avgeropoulos
I'm in distress

Quite the character she is, Marilyn's the epitome of snarky and sassy. She can be quite stand-offish and manipulative, only talking to others for her own advantage. Marilyn only uses others for her own benefits such as being friends with the "geek" or smartest kid in the classroom so that he could tutor or give her notes (or rather she makes him do her assignments, can you keep a secret? good, 'cause you'll have to or you won't have a social life, then again, do you really have one?) or seducing a professor to get some extra bonus points on a test she may have overlooked and didn't do too hot on (however, she won't go as low as sleeping with her professors, she's not that easy, mind you). Not only will she use her own assets to get what she wants, but, the sly she-devil that she is, can be quite charming with her words. Marilyn is a deceitful liar, always spewing out things she doesn't necessarily mean, for example, she's the type that would totally say that something looks amazing on a person, but in reality, it makes them look like a fat pig or she may even give guys the idea that they actually have a chance to be with her (ha! joke of the century).

Despite all odds, she's quite independent (I don't need no man! I can take care of myself, thank you very much). She'd rather not rely on other people for her own emotional and well-being, she did fine with and without people in her life (perhaps school-wise, it's not an option, having many connections help, especially if people do your work for you). Marilyn has a lot of trust issues, not one to open her heart to others and let someone in so easily, especially what she's been through half her life (despite it being a sob story, I don't need your pity). Her loyalty, trust, and friendship can't be won so easily, you'll have to make a good impression on her for her to do so. Marilyn rarely every believes in other people, especially when she has a keen eye for when someone's lying or being fake towards her or other people (man, the drama people go through, woof). She's quite bold and reckless, not one to be tied down to rules and being afraid of the unknown. Marilyn likes being free and doing whatever she wants and being in control. She hates owing people and being vulnerable, the most. But, Marilyn is quite a rebel which adds to her "bad-ass" and chic look. Her boldness and toughness may make her seem approachable, but honestly, if she sees someone being bullied (which seems to happen during rallies), she'd stand up and against them, no matter what. However, she'd rather not associate with the person she stood up for and would scurry off without any intentions of looking back or speaking to them.
I can handle this.

"I'd like for you to keep your nosy self out of my business, but if you must know."

Marilyn Rhodes was born as a love-child, but despite her being a "love" child, her parents abandoned her in a basket on the front doorstep of the orphanage with a note. She was considered the outcast of the orphanage since the other kids were jealous of her charismatic ways of being able to pull everyone in, even just for a second. Soon, the kids got jealous of her and found reasons for the others to stop playing with her. One by one, she was left in the dark and Marilyn became some of an introvert, that is, until the golden day where she was adopted by the Rhodes family. The family treated her well, as if they were her own blood-related daughter. She grew up into a kind and caring household, however, at the age of fifteen, she was kicked to the curve when the couple was able to conceive their own child after trying for so long. Marilyn now in the attic, which she absolutely loves since it's quite spacious, however, she rarely gets the attention from her family members now. Her "sister" rarely acknowledges her, but she didn't mind, since she'd rather not deal with her sister's aloof and fakeness of it all. However, when she was in her junior yer of highschool, she was madly inlove with her "highschool" sweetheart, she would have done anything for him. But, during their time together, despite her being in such a "wonderful" relationship, she was too head over heels to see what was truly happening. He never loved her, but instead used her to get to her sister. In fact, the two got into a major car accident, she was able to get away with some fractures but he had needed a blood transfusion and take on tremendous amount of surgery. Thankfully, Marilyn was able to have the same blood type as he did and gave him half of her blood to keep him from dying during the state he was in during surgery. However, right when he woke up, he broke up with Marilyn, blaming her for their accident and left her for another girl, her "sister" to be exact.

Ever since then, she found it heart to trust any other guy, especially when it comes to being with them. She vows she'd never fall in love again, not after being mistreated for so many years. Marilyn is a strong girl, but even strong girls have shells that crack when they reach their breaking point. She'd never show the genuine and sincere side of herself anymore, knowing she'd only get used. So, instead, she puts up a wall between herself and others. Finally, Marilyn was old enough to get out of the highschool and state she was at and attend Disney University. A college far away from home and the people she knew. Marilyn wanted a fresh place to start and a place no one knew her, and what better place was somewhere out of the country? She saved up from the past years she's worked as a waitress and hostess at the many different jobs she juggled during highschool just to be able to attend the University. Now, she's actually stronger and better than ever before.
Have a nice day

"Dreams do come true"

Marilyn dreams of becoming free, to be able to do what she wants, to travel the world, to not be tied down to anyone or anything. Even if she says and vows she never wants to fall inlove, she actually wants to find a love that's pure and accepting. She wants to find her own safe-haven, a place where she can be herself without any judgments and fear of if being taken away from her. Marilyn dreams of being the top of the top in any job she's in, as long as she has control over what she can and can't do.


Tobias Rikes

We'll always be


Tobias Rikes


"The ladies call me Toby, the males call me Rikes"


"Hang with me and you'll have the time of your life, sweetcheeks"


Disney Character:

Tod from Fox and the Hound


Fransico Lachowski

Best friend forever

Tobias is a gentlemen yet quite playful. He tends to make girls go weak in their knees only because he can be quite the charmer, being nice to everyone he meets. However, being a "flirt" is not what he's known for, he's known for being quite mischievous , playing tricks on other people for the fun of it. He doesn't like being serious and would rather enjoy life to its fullest extent than be boggled down by the negativities. Tobias has a kind and considerate heart, always looking out for others. Once he's found his friends, he's loyal to them until the end of the world. He treasures the friendships that he makes and he can be quite sentimental. At times, Tobias can be a bit too naive, foolishly and recklessly following his friends, even if they're a bad crowd. He believes in trusting others and even if they've done him wrong, he would forgive them anyways because he cares too much to let an important friendship drift away. Tobias is quite clever and quick-witted always thinking in his toes since well a great mastermind is much needed when it comes to pulling pranks, right? Tobias is quite an adventurer, finding any reason to make something so small and turn it it I something so big and fun for his friends. For example, he would make picnic games and up it a notch by making the games bigger and bolder. He can be quite the daredevil, enjoying making his professors lived quite miserable since he tends to slack off and create chaos when a prank had been initiated. The only thing that Tobias hates the most is dishonesty and betrayal, he doesn't like being made a fool of and seeing pass someone's insincerity.

Tobias is a people person, able to get along with anyone and anything. But, he has an irrational fear of animals since well, he was stuck at the Zoo one day and he couldn't see animals the same again. However, he loves playing with children and kids younger than him. He has very high patience and he's quite the listener. Tobias likes being able to be there for others and goofing off with them. Everything to him is one big fun and game, sometimes to the point where others don't take him seriously because they rarely see him studying or putting effort in his classes yet he still manages to pass them. If someone ever needed to relax and have a good time, Tobias is definitely the man to go to, considering it's never boring when he's around. He is basically the life of the party! However, he's actually very dependent on attention and people. He can't ever be alone or he would freak out because he tends to get antsy when no one is around. Silence scares him and that's why he's always seen in a large crowd of people. Tobias wants to be known and wants others to know that he's approachable and he's your guy. Whatever you need, he's there.

Won't we?

Tobias became an orphan when his parents had gotten into a car accident on his sixth birthday. They were always with him through think and thin. The family were always togeher, celebrating and doing things together. However that all changed (when the fire nation attacked) when his parents passed away one night on their way home from a company party. A lot of his relatives had wanted to take him in because Tobias was loaded with money, especially since the estate of his parent's house and the money they are passing down to him. Instead of going with any of his relatives, he had gone with his butler and decided to go and live with his family. Arlo, his butler, had been serving his family for years and in return Tobias loved Arlolike his own grandfather and Arlo loved Tobias as his own grandson. Because of their close relationship, Tobias only believed that it was right to go and live with him and he had welcomed him openly.

Tobias was always a sincere and kind child, never letting money and fame get through his head. At the same time, he was quite adventurous and loved causing trouble for his maid and butlers, as they tried to keep up with his pranks and playfulness. He still kept his upbeat self but even more so, he liked being normal and not surrounded by those who just wanted to be with him because of his status (there were so many people who wanted to befriend him just to brag to others that they're friends with a 'celebrity'). So, he was glad he went to a town where no one knew of him or his family and they never will. Tobias grew up loving attention and being surrounded by people, he loved knowing people approached him cause they like how he made them feel at ease and stress-free. So, becuase it made him feel good knowing he's helping others, he used that as an outlet for releasing his pain of losing his parents and transferring others happiness into his own. He relied on others for his own sanity. Arlo, of course, hadn't liked what Tobias had decided to do and ignore the pain by covering it up. He would rather Tobias cry about it and let it out, not worrying that he was a burden on them. However, Arlo could never convince Tobias and so from afar he made sure to watch out for his "step" grandson, hoping his parents from above are looking down on him too. Now, Tobias has been attending Disney University for a few years now and has been popular ever since he's started, not because of his background as one of the richiest bachelor, but as Tobias Rilkes (he took Arlo's last name and got rid of Ellington).

Yeah, forever

"Dreams do come true"

He dreams of being an entertainer, making other people laugh and smile. Tobias always dreams that one day, maybe, he would be able to release his hidden emotions, but for now, he would continue being strong and doing what he loves most: pulling pranks and seeing smiles on other people's faces

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Okay because it is easier to tag people than quote them on my smartphone, I am going to make a list of those who have been accepted.

Accepted so far:

@lonecoyote @esperare @Christopher Pyne MP @crucialstar

You guys can start posting now if you would like!

@Jess Buck I love your sheets! There's just one thing you got to fix before I accept the characters. Please read the RP rules(:
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(I will apologize now for my lack of knowledge of BBcode and why my character sheets don't look nearly as cool as everyone else's. I've looked on the guide, but I just seem to mess up everytime. I do plan on doubling if that helps my cause! Just trying to create a male character.)

Name: Leah Dawson

Age: 20

Disney Character: Lady from Lady and the Tramp

Face Claim: Lea Michele

Personality: Leah is very much a people pleaser. She will do anything and everything in her power to help. Some people have called her a "teacher's pet" because she is so eager to give the correct answer. Leah is usually found volunteering at her local animal shelter because she loves animals, especially dogs. If she's not volunteering she is studying with her friends. Leah is very loyal and protective of her friends. If Leah is pissed off you'll know due to the icy cold shoulder you'll receive. Deep down Leah is a hopeless romantic at heart, wanting to find "the one". With how she was raised she is a bit naive and strives to be perfect. Sometimes Leah gives off the appearance of being rich, snobby, and stuck up. However once you get to know her, you'll see how kind she is.

History: Leah never knew her real parents, she was put up for a closed adoption. After much paperwork she was finally adopted by Jim and Nancy Dawson. When she was six they got her a cocker spaniel puppy and a baby brother. Jim and Nancy are quite wealthy, living in a gated community with other wealthy couples. Jim and Nancy always doted on and spoiled their children, giving them whatever they wanted. This didn't make Leah a spoiled brat like the other children though. However Leah's parents did have expectations from her, to be a classy lady. This meant having proper etiquette, being polite, looking fashionable, and having great posture. Living in the gated community caused her to be a bit naive of how normal teenagers live. Now that she is attending college she is learning about life outside of her gated community.

Dreams: Other than making her parents and community proud, Leah dreams of becoming a veterinarian and owning many pets. A bonus would be to find a husband who loves animals just as much. Oh and dreams do come true.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Lady.jpg.b3869cda2da77e19dd92f1ee82df3a63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Lady.jpg.b3869cda2da77e19dd92f1ee82df3a63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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DisneyGirl said:

CS Instructions;

- When choosing a character name, choose something similar to the Disney character name. Ex: Ariana for Ariel, Jeff for Jafar, Alex for Aladdin, etc. You can also use their name as a last name. Ex: Professor Yzma

- Use real world face claims. Celebs or models are fine. They should look like the Disney character, so for example, since I chose Mulan, my FC is a young Asian woman.

- Personality must be similar to Disney character. For example, my Mulan character is a tomboy who works out and doesn't like makeup. Ariel might be on the swim team or Peter Pan would be an immature prankster who is popular with girls, for example. Imagine what that Disney character would be like in real life as a college student or part of a college staff.

- Give at least a paragraph for Personality and History.

- Double. Create a female(s) and male(s).



Disney Character;




Face Claim;


Reserved Characters (this list only applies to those who did not reserve a character in the Interest Check. Whoever reserved the character first has the character unless they aren't accepted into the rp)







Peter Pan



Snow White













Ooh, another Disney fan! Usually I don't find many others. Cool!
Name: Kurt Richardson

Disney Character: Hercules

Age: 22

Personality: Kurt is an athlete, participating in every and any sport when he has the chance. He is a competitive person and always gives a hundred and ten percent. His will power, determination, and perseverance makes him role model for other athletes. An unexpected trait is that Kurt is clumsy, tripping and falling over himself or others. Kurt is also considered a health nut, always working out and eating healthy. Due to his big heart and trusting nature people tend to walk over Kurt. Instead of being resentful he forgives them and moves on, hoping to make new friends.

History: Kurt was raised in a small town with his mother and father. He helped his father on the farm and occasionally help his mother with house chores. At school his peers teased him for being clumsy, scrawny, and poor. Eventually he bulked up and joined football, causing the teasing to cease. At age eighteen Kurt learned his parents found him on their doorsteps. Kurt has little experience with girls and parties since he never got invited, now that he is in college he hopes to change that.

Dreams: Kurt dreams of finding his birth parents and having a relationship with them. He also hopes to makes friends and feel like he belongs. Dreams do come true!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/athlete.png.dfb853fb1eb429389f017e70e4749d3e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/athlete.png.dfb853fb1eb429389f017e70e4749d3e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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We Make


Name;; Marissa O'Donnell

Nickname(s);; She prefers to be known as Mari for short.

Age;; Nineteen.

Gender;; Female.

Disney Character;; Merida.

Film;; Brave.

Face Claim;; Kathrine McNamara

Our Own








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( I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge on how to coding. I've tried but I've honestly not gotten the hang of it. I hope this doesn't be a problem )



Name; Jessica Darcy Smith

Disney Character; Jessie From Toy Story

Age; 18

Personality; Jessica is a very energetic personality. She enjoys having people in her company. She loves to have fun. Trying new things and doing challenges is what she lives for. She is a very free spirit. She can be a bit too much sometimes which can come across as annoying but she doesn't mean to be. She is honestly a friend you can count on. She would do anything for them. She is actually a very caring person. She tends put others before herself. She is very overprotective of her friends and would do anything for them. She is very adventurous and isn't' afraid of a challenge. She is a party girl. She is very trustworthy. She doesn't like to show her true side though. Under all that constant happiness and bubbly personality, she does have feelings. She has commitment issue and finds it hard to truly trust others.

History; Jessica grew up close to her mother. She never knew her father. Her mother had Jessica whenever she was seventeen. But four years ago, her mother died in a car crash. Jessica was heartbroken. It is a personal thing she doesn't like to talk about. She currently lives with her grandmother and Auntie Nessie. She is quite close to her Auntie because her auntie and her mother shared same personalities. Jessica adores her grandmother too.

Face Claim; Kathryn Prescott

Dreams; To hopefully find someone she can finally trust and commit too. She doesn't want to be afraid to open up anymore.



Name: James P.Sullivan

Disney Character: Sulley from Monster Inc

Age: 19

Personality: When James cares about something, he is very determined and hardworking. He can be very sarcastic and funny. Sometimes he can be a bit cocky specially when he is in a competitive mood. When he shows affection of cares for someone, he'll be very overprotective of them and will do anything for them. When he gets nervous, he tends to become very clumsy specially around a girl he really likes. He'd do anything for a friend even if it includes fighting. No matter what he does, he always strives to do the right thing.

History: James is the oldest in the family. He has a very close relationship with his father, someone he admires a lot. He wants to become exactly like him. His father owns his own business which James hopes to do also. His father is highly respected in his home town. His father has also published books on amateurs on how to create and manage their own byisness. He is the oldest out of six siblings, four boys and two girls. He is extremely good with children because of his large family and him being the oldest..

Face Claim: John Todd ( I think )

Dreams: To have his own business like his family and a large family like his own.


Rey Kenobi


  • Name: Reyna Jacobson

    Nickname: Rey

    Disney Character: Rey from Star Wars

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Dreams: To find her birth family; to become an aikido instructor or study abroad in Japan

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Ariene Elizabeth Finn


Don't Be


It's kind of an ironic last name if you ask me.

Ariene Elizabeth Finn


If you have to have a nickname, call me Ari. Only my teammates can call me Finn, Cap or Captain. Only my father can call me Guppy.


And I'm still the youngest of my family.



Are you asking who I'd hook up with? Or who I'd date?

Panromantic Demisexual

(Meaning, she enjoys romance and looks for romance, but doesn't enjoy the thought of sex unless she really knows you and has a connection.)

Disney Character:

Ariel, from the Little Mermaid

Face Claim:

Holland Roden


Such A


You want to know me? Stop asking weird questions.

Ariene is the type that doesn't let anything stand in her way. She gets what she wants, when she wants. So be careful; if you're in her way she wont hesitate to run you over. She's fearless, and adventurous, always doing the things she loves. She doesn't ever do anything half-heartedly. She'll either give it her all or not do it at all. Her demeanor is the challenging type, and doesn't back down no matter what. She'll stand up to just about anyone, for just about anything; especially for her loved ones and friends, as well as anyone who has gained a soft spot in her heart. She's feisty as well, so she doesn't shy away from a fight. However, if it were to come to an actual fight that could get someone seriously hurt, she's more a pacifist. Fist fights are the only exception. Ariene wears her heart and her emotions on her sleeve: when she's happy, you can tell. When she's sad, you can tell. When she's angry, you can definitely tell. She's incredibly headstrong and stubborn. She'll only do something if she believes and agrees with it. When she's not feistily standing up for someone or something, she's sweet and kind and surprisingly innocent. Though it can flip on a dime if need be. She's also more on the conceited side, and sees a lot in herself. Always dressing up and doing her hair, wearing dress and such, she can be quite vain. Humble is not a foreign word to her, but it does not come easily. Personal space, though, is something that she understands quite clearly. She can be a complete angel at times, and then a total bitch, yet she always pays attention to personal space. She doesn't like people prying in on her secrets or nosing around her business. Finally, she's an amazing leader. It's something that comes naturally to her - yet she's also not the type to knock people around if she's not in charge. She knows when to step back, and when to step up.




Okay, this is NOT something you need to know.

July 14th, 1995, Tristen and Alena Finn conceived their seventh daughter: Ariene. For three years they were a happy family. Ariene, being the youngest, with six older sisters, didn't have it easy, but it never dampened the memories that she held on to. Tristen and Alena Finn were well known for their wealth; they both held well jobs, and loved to adorn their children with jewelry. The night of March 2nd, a lowlife criminal broke into the Finn home, having been mistaken to think no one was home. They had been away at a dinner banquet, thrown by Alena's company. But one of Ariene's sisters, Addison hadn't felt well, so Alena had gone home with her. The family didn't find out till later, but Alena had been killed. The criminal, not expecting anyone to be home, lashed out. He originally went for Addison, but Alena got in the way. She was stabbed and died in the hospital later that night. The Finn family did not take the death of their mother lightly. Tristen threw himself into work, leaving his eldest daughters to take care of the younger ones. Home life became bleak for Ariene, but she was always careful not to let it show; letting her classmates believe she was the same sweet, happy, spoiled rich girl. Only recently has Tristen gotten back to his old self, back to the protective father, to find none of his daughters really need him anymore. The house was always tense, and as one by one the girls went away to college, soon Ariene was left to her father's over-protectiveness. She was one of the few to forgive him. However, she was glad to get away to college herself.


Do come true.

Ariene has always dreamed of become a champion swimmer, but she also dreams of someday exploring the world. She's looking to become a diver someday, to combine two of her favorite things in life: swimming and exploring. She hopes to get a degree in microbiology, oceanography, marine biology and archaeology.


Penney Parker Pan


I'll Never



Yeah, yeah, yeah. Penney's a boy name too.

Penney Parker Pan


Don't you dare call me 'Triple P'

Pen; Parker; Pan; Mr. Tough Guy


Don't you know?! I will never grow up!



Why are you asking?

Closeted Bisexual

Disney Character:

Peter Pan from Peter Pan

Face Claim:

Austin Butler












Still a work in progress, I apologize.... >.<

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/maleficent.jpg.0ff6ef2f1b99c08ea6ca8974027ff6da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/maleficent.jpg.0ff6ef2f1b99c08ea6ca8974027ff6da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Malissa Faerie

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Disney Character: Maleficent

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Malissa could have been a nice person, she really could have. But her past just rips it all away from her. The pain she has suffered has turned her into a cold, sad person, She refuses to play by anyone rules but her own and getting to know her is hell. Some would say she's a psychopath, but her response to that is, "no. But I am a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research."

History: Malissa was a simple girl, when she was happy she was nice, when she was angry she was mean. Although she was rarely angry it did happen occasionally. One day, when she was sixteen she met this boy, His name was Rider and over the course of six months she had fallen madly in love with him. Every second they spent together was pure bliss and Malissa loved every second of it. So when she found him in bed with some other girl on their two year anniversary she was livid, How, could someone who was loved so dearly just betray her like this without so much of a second glance. Thats when the personality change began. She vowed never to look at anyone the same again, she vowed to never fall in love again and dammit she was keeping that promise.

Face claim: India Eisley

Dreams: She would love to be an actress and above all, she wants revenge on the person she called her soulmate, hopefully, like the fairy tales her dreams do come true.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/maleficent.jpg.c6da4ee88a95b1bfe3bba136ed49339b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/maleficent.jpg.c6da4ee88a95b1bfe3bba136ed49339b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hunter James Solo

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/anthony-ingruber-1.jpg.0da437ea5c8de08d769de274e3295626.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/anthony-ingruber-1.jpg.0da437ea5c8de08d769de274e3295626.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Gender: Male

Disney Character: Han-Solo

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Hunter isn't a hero. Or at least that's what he tells himself. He isnt exactly evil though, he is more of a chaotic neutral. Yea, he will help find your cat...For five bucks. Hunter is extremely, tirelessly sarcastic. As much as he hates it about himself, he is a ride or die friend once you gain his trust. When his best friend Lucan Skywalker was in a twist, he wouldn't stop until he was okay.

History: Hunter was born in the small town of Corellia, he lived a simple life and was overall a pretty good kid. He was abruptly orphaned as a young child when his parents died in a car crash on their way back from a dinner date. He was put into an orphanage and stayed there for many years, racking up thievery charges. When he turned 18 he graduated from high-school with all A's (He was a smart kid) but soon went into the military, in order to pursue his dreams of being a pilot. He had grown very attached to a specific aircraft that he named 'The Falcon.' After finishing his time in the military, they gave him The Falcon because it was ruled outdated by government officials and was likely to be thrown in the trash.

Face claim: Anthony Ingrubr

Dreams: All he wants to do is survive, and maybe, just maybe after he graduates, he can fly The Falcon once again as a fighter pilot, after all dreams do come true...Most of the time.



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Blanche Fehér

19, Miss Bianca from The Rescuers, Heterosexual

Personality Blanche Fehér is pretty much your quintessential lady in every essence of the word. She loves dressing up, values looking good--not for the vanity of it but for it simply being proper for her to be at her best always--and has the manners and etiquette to go with it. She may be very ladylike but she's not timid in any way. If need be, she speaks her mind but she keeps to herself if her words aren't necessary. She's a bit of an old soul with a penchance for 50's and 60's music and her style is very much influenced by it as well. She's generally a kind heart but can pack a punch of sass and shade every now and then when needed. She also believes in looking at the good in the world although she's far from being naive.

History Blanche is the daughter of Hungarian diplomats who raised her in the very refined and delicate way that she acts now. She's been raised to be quite cultured and worldly, and her love for all that makes her seem like an old soul to most of her peers. The nature of her parents' work caused her to grow up moving from one place to another and now that her parents have finally retired and have decided to settle down as professors, she's happy to get a breather and actually start establishing a stable life for herself in a place where she wouldn't be so quickly uprooted all over again.

Face Claim


(Short hair)


Dreams Blanche dreams of changing the world, maybe joining a committee in the United Nations. She wants to follow her parents' footsteps yet make a path of her own at the very same time which may be a tall order but she knows she'll get there somehow because she knows
Dreams dreams do come true.

@DisneyGirl I'm really really hoping this is still open/active because it sounds good and @OhGodOfWriting and I were really interested in RPing.
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