Not so Heroic


The Travelling Storyteller
Welcome to "the lounge" aka "the OOC tab" where all discussions, plot ideas and goofing around will go down. However, before that, an important thing for all participants to do is comment their superpower so that the RolePlay doesn't end up with characters sharing similar abilities.

For this purpose, allow me to inform you beforehand that the character limit per roleplayer is 3 and one personage may not possess more than one ability. Besides the superheroes, one may choose to be a human civilian or a human/superhuman fighter for the Liberty Front.

There are no limits to the nature of your chosen skill, though try not to overpower it (this will be done properly in the sign-ups tab but I am just giving everyone a heads-up!). Try to be creative and fun seeing as you are given a lot of creative space!
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@Silver Pansy @Pushks @ClouseBlackEye @Sternritter the thread is up, though the "short" introduction ended up being a little too long... Also, Imma need some time to finish up the Sign-Ups and Overview tabs so give me some... hours. Anyway, I notified all of you early in order to tell me what superpowers to reserve for you guys. There is a little extra info in the previous comment so do check that out.

I myself am taking countenance and absorption.
Air manipulation for me, like being able to breathe anything as long as it's a gas and controlling the air pressure.
If you're still accepting characters can I use blood manipulation meaning my character uses her own blood as a weapon
All of the superpowers mentioned are a-okay! Also, yes, we are still accepting characters.
Yup, it would be fine.

Guys, the overview as well as sign-ups have been completed so far so go on and check them both.
Hey would it be all right If I changed my Power to Telekinetic Aura?

I'll explain it a bit more once The Cs is up of course!

Would invisibility and healing be alright?

I'll explain more in the character sheet.
Yes, yes they are alright~

@Silver Pansy regarding the little inquiry at the end of your CS - I guess I should have clarified this early on but, yeah, during the RP characters may join/leave the Liberty Front~
Well, as much as I don't want to do this, this RP has been super inactive so I fear I have to drop it. It was a nice little idea, yet it flopped. Sorry guys for wasting your time and thank you for actually showing interest in this.
Give people a bit more time. Character sheets take the longest time to fill, longer than posting actual rp posts, so I wouldn't worry so much. Try to keep this up for a week or so, and send interested people a message, asking them if they plan to take part, then decide. Just my advice.
Well, I do wish to actually RP this plot... so I guess I can give people some more time. Thanks for the advice as well as the uplifting comment. It's nice to see that someone actually has faith in this roleplay.
Like, these characters look so cool and I'm pretty excited to rp with Charlie. :D

My other suggestionw ould be: since there aren't all that too many of us, maybe you could drop the Libertatem Ante characters, and focus on the superheroes and their running from it? This way there will be either too little on one or on the other side.
Oh wow, I apologize for the late reply but life got in the way. Anyhow, I think I might actually stick to the idea of the Liberty front and if there aren't enough characters for it, it might just be a secondary thing or consist of NPCs. Either way, even just the notion of their existence in my eyes is a good plot devise. So, yeah, pretty much gon' focus on the superheroes running from it as you mention while still giving players the choice to actually participate in it.

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