• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern No rest for the ωιскєd

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Hey, guys, can we wait until everyone has posted before posting twice?
Yeah, I would appreciate this. I was hoping to jump in during this round of replies; I don't want to drag too far behind you guys.
Ahh, actually, I think I may have to drop out of this rp. ;-; I do love the idea, but with my desktop on indefinite hiatus and RL gradually eating up my spare time, I don't think I'll be able to keep up. I'd rather not hold you guys back, you know?

Regardless, thank you @Baetroclus for the opportunity! I do hope this rp winds up flourishing. It's a solid idea with some solid rpers. c:
I'll be honest I was thinking of a whole discourse in the shower about how astounding it was that so many people have reserved spots and then never sent a cs. I wasn't going to single anyone out, I mean Octopus had a reason for not giving in a cs and I don't blame them at all, but if you're going to try to commit to a role then it would be nice to follow through on it you know? Two people did that already. And then when I try to gently push for the cs they let me know they're dropping out and it's just a disappointment.

Again, not talking about Octopus here.

If anyone knows a friend who might like to take the role then let me know. Otherwise someone can play a second character.

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