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Realistic or Modern No rest for the ωιскєd


Who died for his baechilles

"And they should be made to crawl on their bellies to enter the Kingdom of Darkness"

Setting: You are in an alley situated to the left of the building where the party is taking place. From the street it is not visible, as it bends behind the building and out of site, but you can leave from the building through a back door in the boiler room to get there. That's what you and the rest of the group did. There are garbage bags waiting to be picked up. No dumpster, as it can't be removed from the alley easily by a truck. You are in a crowded neighborhood but it is quiet back here. It is late January so the temperature is steadily dropping as the late night becomes very early morning. The sun hasn't risen yet, but it's coming. Your breath rises in smoke that tickles the bottom of a rusty fire escape. The party pulses on inside the building, unaware.

The Situation: You killed a man. Rather, you killed a boy. The details are gruesome as none of you had a weapon besides your bottles of beer and your fists and your pure, unadulterated hatred and fear. Someone decided to move the body into this alley, or maybe you all unanimously agreed to. That's something you have to figure out among other things. Everyone is in shock, and once the adrenaline wears off you all have to figure out how this happened, what started it, what to do, and how to live your lives after committing a crime which will undoubtedly join together all of your lives forever.


Per me si va ne la città dolente,

Through me enter into the city of woes,

per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,

Through me enter into eternal pain,

per me si va tra la perduta gente.

Through me you enter to a lost population

Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore:

Justice moved my maker on high

fecemi la divina potestate,

in power divine,

la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore.

Through supreme wisdom and primal love

Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create

Before me nothing was made but things eternal

se non etterne, e io etterno duro.

And eternal, I endure

Lasciate ogni speranta, voi ch'entrate.



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Leo Klonis


Years ago, way back in a country far separated from this one, Leo was born during a heat wave so bad the hospital had a black out. Of course he didn't remember the details or the circumstances surrounding his birth, but what he did know was that he hated the cold since then. He had a theory that because he was surrounded by heat in his first few years of life his genes adjusted themselves to prepare for a lifelong struggle in a desert environment, and therefore he couldn't handle the cold. Now, standing in a group in this alleyway, one would think that he'd have something other than his jacket in mind, but really he didn't. All he could focus on was the cold. On the fact that he was shaking not because the blood on his fists weren't his and because his ears were whooshing as he came down from another debilitating anger attack, but because it was cold and he hated the cold with all of his being.

Nothing like death to make you think about the day you were born.

He held his hands open before him to inspect the cuts on his knuckles but he was shaking so bad that a heavy drop of blood fell from his finger and landed thickly on the asphalt. He wrinkled his nose. "That's sick..." He mumbled, finding no description suitable for the time. He was tempted to just stand there silently and come down from his anger high and stare at his hands and the limp body at their feet, propped up by a pile of garbage cans, but his survival instincts got the better of him. His hand went automatically to the pocket of his jeans (getting blood on the inside, mind you, but he wasn't sane enough to register this) and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. He held it out to the others, the carton vibrating, and was numbly surprised by how steady his voice was when he asked, "Who else needs a smoke?" At that point it really hit him that he had done this in the company of others and scanned each of the other faces for their reactions. All of these faces were ones he'd seen in the halls or in class, but to watch them in a vulnerable state would be something completely new.

OOC: You guys can make a fancier post layout than mine or keep it simple. It's no matter to me. Whatever is more comfortable for you guys!


The smell of the blood started stinging Willis' nose like nothing he'd ever experienced before. His head was throbbing, and the alcohol he'd consumed earlier that night had already started to wear off about a half hour back. He looked around him and saw faces that he'd talked to maybe once or twice before, and faces he'd only seen in passing. Faces he'd known had saw everything play out. His heart started to race, and he thought about the last few minutes without processing anything.

Someone had spoken. It was Leo Klonis. Willis had spoken to him a few times, but nothing that had started some sort of friendship. He was offering a cigarette to the group.
It's been months since my last cigarette...He had quit after the girl he was after seemed to look at him with distaste every time he lit up. Well, he wasn't so deluded to believe that she was about to take him back now. "Yeah, I'll take one."

He asked for a light and the feeling of the nicotine hitting his brain did the opposite of what he wished it would have. The headache that ensued left him feeling sick. The realization of being almost completely sober while doing something so intense made his stomach turn hard. He bent over and threw up near the wall. Wiping his mouth, he cursed and apologized.

Holding his head, he started panicking a little, but looking around he found himself accessing the group based on attractiveness.
Dear God, let it go, not now. The last thing he needed to address was that he thought that out of everyone at school, only the hottest managed to be apart of this. He grabbed at his cross, and pulled it off angrily. What had happened? What had he done? What had he become?


With a taste of your lips I'm on a ride; you're toxic, I'm slipping under.

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The rancid smell of fresh blood, mixed with the stench of trash that littered the alleyway filled up Maurice's insides, as she tried desperately to hold down the bile rising at the back of her throat. The pulsating music filtered out of the building, the loud bass shaking her bones. Her teeth chattered as the chilly late January breeze blew past her, whipping the tendrils of her dark hair before they slowly settled down into a frizzy mess. But her mind wasn't focused on the state of her hair. There were bigger problems at hand.

She ignored the others that surrounded her. Familiar faces, yes, familiar people, nope. They were the occasional, polite "hello's" handed out in the hallways, but not much else. The entire student body blended into one, alien form before her eyes.

She dismissed the cigarette offered by a dark haired boy with a shaky wave of her hand, as she felt the after effects of the little alcohol she'd drunk set in. Her feet couldn't hold her weight any longer, she stumbled around in her heels before finally grasping the walls of the building for support. The world was moving in slow circles around her, with every rotation she could feel herself coming closer to collapsing. She could just close her eyes right here, and nobody would suspect a thing. She would be just another drunken teenager who passed out in an alley.

The blood that traced her hands, of course, would guarantee otherwise.

Her mind in a haze, the sounds of somebody puking barely nearby barely registered in her senses. Thoughts raced through her mind, at lightning speed she couldn't catch up with. She willed them to stop but there was nothing she could do, her pleas were in vain. Run, hide, go away, what the fuck is wrong with, jesus christ you killed a fucking boy, die, die, die.

Her throat was parched, her voice raspy as she spoke, every word piercing the sides of her mouth. But she could remain quiet no longer, the urge to scream and cry was replaced by the urge to talk and find solutions. She gasped for breath and finally managed to speak a few shaky words, her body still clinging to the mildew growing on the walls. "What...do we do," she said, every breath zapping more energy than the last.

Stella Diana Versaci

location: the alley | with: Leo, Willis, Maurice | feeling: sick | outfit: [x]

Stella watched as the boys had pulled the body out into the alley way with utter horror. Why did she have to be a part of this? How did the will of God allow her to commit such an act, such a sin? She had succumbed to the will of the devil, just because of her own selfish cause. But, she could never let anyone know that she was still awash with the Original Sin. She just could not have any of that. He knew Stella's secret, and how long was it going to be until he released her horrid secret to everyone? Maybe that was what had forced her to commit such a sinful act. Even so, she could feel the sour flavoring of hot bile beginning to rise up in her throat. She swallowed roughly, sounding out an awkwardly loud noise due to the utter silence of the situation as they all stared at the body below them.

Like anyone in the face of a murder, she felt sick. Blood began to pool slightly around the figure, as she looked up at the other males and their crimson red fingers from carrying him out here. Even so, one of them pulled out a box of cigarettes and proceeded to offer out the
sin sticks to them all. Stella blinked, averting her gaze from the downed body to look over at the one with the cigarettes. His name was Leo. Another one of the agreed to smoke with him, pulling a cigarette from the box and having Leo light it. It was sickening, and the overwhelming scent of smoke only seemed to make the situation that much worse. That was Willis.

Stella had since decided that she was certainly going to go to Hell for this, for sure. Murder was not some petty act. It was a serious crime that end up with equally serious consequences. She was positive God was looking down on her right now, hating her entire existence.
Please, God, I am sorry for what I have done to this poor boy. But she knew that He would not forgive her, no matter what. And she could not even go to Confession for this. She never could relieve herself of this.

She reached into the pocket of her burgundy cardigan and pulled out an expensive red and white rosary. She curled the beads around her fingers, looking down at the cross at the end of the magical pendant. Stella then heard footsteps, then being relieved to see that it was only Willis. Stella felt herself gag as he had walked off a couple feet to vomit on a nearby wall. She looked away from him, but the awful splashing sound made her sicker than she ever had been in her life. He had soon returned with an apology—which was appreciated—and proceeded to hold his head in his hands after wiping his mouth.

"Are you...okay?" Stella squeaked, her voice cracking. Her words had come out at only a whisper, to where she had aggressively cleared her throat and looked up at him. "Are you okay?" she repeated, only louder this time, and actually distinguishable from the sickening silence of the alley way. Soon after she had spoken, however, had the other girl asked what they should do. Stella swallowed again, looking over at her. Her name was Maurice.

Everyone was silent, as they all had been. Even so, Stella blinked, averting her nervous gaze at the asphalt.
"I don't know." She said to the girl, brushing stray strands of her chocolate brown hair out of her face with trembling fingers. "We sinned...We sinned more than many people do in their entire lifetime." She said shakily, clutching her rosary tightly in her pale hand."We're going to Hell... There's no doubt... We can't confess for our sins, and God is looking down at us right now with utter hate. He doesn't love us anymore." Stella professed, looking around at all o those who surrounded her, all of those who had helped her commit her crime.

This was completely unlike the girl. Normally was she bright, and bubbly, and everyone around her right now knew it. But this was something she could not handle. There was no way for her to be emotionally assisting in this situation, and she could feel her relationship with God shattering past shambles and past smithereens.
It was over, she told herself, because that much was true.


@Baetroclus @Felicis @allizae



Willis heard the girls speaking. Stella spoke to him, asking him if he was okay, and then...what was her name....Maurice, she wanted to know what to do. He looked at Stella and nodded, smiling slightly, "As good as I'm gonna be, quite honestly." He took a very large breath and turned to Maurice. His hands were still covered in blood, and he said the only thing that popped into his head. "We need to get rid of him." He choked on the last word. He turned around, refusing to look Maurice in the face now. Him. It was a human being. A person. A real, live...oh dear god. I killed him. I killed him for her. And who is she? Why...why did she matter so much? Why am I so addicted to them? She never even really liked me....I was just...and she was.. oh-f-

Stella was speaking again. He turned around to listen, maybe she had some idea, some way to get out of it. It wasn't. She was talking about God. About sin. It was too late for him. It'd been too late for him for a while now, and now..well, he didn't even waste his thought on it. He either believed in hell or he believed in nothing, and nothing was far more attractive.
Am I athiest now? Am I agnostic? Why am I having existential thoughts right now, there are more pressing concerns!

Stella seemed to be losing her mind. He knew the feeling, and it was god awful. He didn't want anyone to feel like he was feeling, but they were all together in this. Each one of them having something little to add to this entire monstrosity. He started thinking. Stella looked innocent, she looked like the kind of girl who'd never go for him, knowing the kinds of things he offered. The reality was she was just like him. Underneath it all, she was murderer, in some sense of the word. He walked over closer to her, cautious and a little terrified, he nodded again, refusing to touch anyone with his hands. "We're gonna fix this. We're gonna find a way out. I promise." He said, his voice shaking, almost uncontrollably. No matter what kind of facade he was pretending to engage, Willis really knocked his own expectations of himself out the park. He looked up at the others, licking his dry lips before speaking. "There's gotta be a way out of this alley. There's got to be something." He turned to Leo, his eyes welling up a bit. "Man, I don't know what the - " He paused, looking to Stella and turned back to Leo, "I don't know." He said finally, staring down at his hands. "This is something monstrous."


I can't see me loving nobody but you, for all my life.

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Leo Klonis


The only conscious regret that Leo was able to form in his mind was the fact that, after offering his cigarettes to the others and having a taker, blood had been smeared on a couple of them. He didn't think himself sick enough to smoke some regardless of the blood, so that means he'd have to buy a new pack. With money he just didn't have. The anger was ready to boil up again inside of him, like an aftershock during an earthquake, and when he got close to light Willis' cigarettes he was shooting daggers at the other with his eyes. Or....rather, he was trying to, but once he was that close he saw genuine shock in the other boy's features. Fear and a little bit of disgust, maybe with himself. The dead body certainly wasn't one to look at calmly. Shocked that he would sense so much humanity in someone he previously was ready to go ahead and punch, Leo let his eyes linger on the other's face, an action that was almost as calming as when he took a drag from his own cigarette. He finally averted them when Willis turned away to puke, because at that point all humanity had given over to nausea.

He leaned against a wall of the alley and took a few drags with his eyes on the others. One of them looked like she wanted to bolt, Maurice he thinks her name is. Stella did too, in her own way, but he knew that she wouldn't. Where would she go? Where would any of them go if they ran away from the situation? Home? No comfortable bed can assure that the others won't turn you in for what you've done. Plus... "We eventually have to go back to the party. Sometime tonight." Leo confirmed after Stella pulled out her rosary and went on talking about God. The action was so highly reminiscent of his mother that tears clouded his eyes and he took another tentative drag from his cigarette. The buzz was nice in his brain. It felt like equilibrium at last, after all this bullshit. He watched Stella grip the cross and his heart grew. Poor kid. While his anger clouded his memory and he wasn't sure exactly how she got involved, he knew she was probably the least terrible person here.

When Willis turned to him he had been debating in his head whether or not he should tell them how to get into the slums nearby. He knew the way, all of the ins and outs, but only because he lived there. And that was a fact that he tried desperately to hide from other people. But seeing the rosary and recognizing all of the genuine feelings in the others he decided it was okay to tell them. He flicked the cigarette into a corner, the tip still smoking, and wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his hands. "I know a way out of here that's kind of blocked off from the rest of the neighborhood. And there's a river....or an abandoned building. You guys take your pick, but you all have to promise me we'll come back to this party." He said this with a finger out, pointing at all of them in turn. "It's not like I want to be here or anything, I just don't want cops to come around and find it suspicious that none of the other partygoers could find," he counted them off, and then included the dead body,
one--two--three--four-- "five other people around the time of the murder."

It felt good to be out of his violent, cloudy state of mind, but he was afraid it sounded like he had killed before. Or at least like he knew too much. The most he'd done was imagine his school bullies being murdered and where he would hide the body and so on. Now one of his bullies really had been murdered by him. "So we can either drown the body, clean this mess and go back to the party or hide it in an abandoned building until we know what to do with it, clean this mess, and go back to the party." He ran his fingers along his scalp in thought, a habit, and had completely forgotten there was blood on his fingers. When he felt the warmth in his hair he jumped and removed his hand, cursing loudly in another language.

He rubbed his head as if hoping that would make it go away, but it really didn't. He scoffed, suddenly more on edge. "Look," He added testily, "either way the places are crawling with bums and crackheads looking for blow. They don't hold up as well in court as a teenager does but it's something. Okay?"

Maurice remained quiet, unable to comprehend what the other's had been saying. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts, her ears ringing from the bass mixed with laughter coming from the building, where oblivious partygoers were having the time of their lives. Their ignorance was amusing - she smirked at the thought of it. Staring off into the distance, she caught a few words of the brunette chick she hadn't noticed before. Pathetic, thought Maurice as the words slipped out of the brunette's lips. She bit, trying to suppress the urge to tell the girl to shut up. It wouldn't make the situation any better - just make it worse.

Blindly, she nodded as the boy with the curly hair droned on and on about the body. The only thing Maurice could think of was her life - the one she'd worked so hard to maintain - all washed away just because of her stupid, stupid decision. She cried out in frustration, banging her fists against the brick wall violently. Tears threatened to prick her eyes, but she blinked them back furiously.

Just then, the words of the curly haired boy rushed back to her and her eyes bulged out. "There...is no fucking way...I am going to touch that - that thing!" She yelled ferociously, pointing a quivering finger at the bloody body.
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Today was a bad day. It cant get any worse. But something was stirring. Christopher closed his eyes tight,hands holding his head. He could hear his own heart racing.

What were they going to do now. Another corpse on his head. Damn it damn it damn it.

There were five of them, talking and panicking. One girl continued on and on about god. Another was beating the wall as if it was the culprit. The two guys were trying to find what to do with the body while having a smoke. He didnt know any of these people. Sure he saw them in class,but he never had the nerve to talk to any of them. They probably hadnt noticed him before tonight. But they were all caught now.

He was trying to sort his thoughts. Trying to get a single coherent idea together. Then the girl screamed with hate and fury. Calling the body a 'thing'. He couldnt tell if it was the way she said it,or the fact that she was yelling,but something snapped in him.

The sound of his hand colliding with her sent everything into an eerie silence as he quickly covered her mouth to stop her screaming,holding her against the wall

"Shut up!shut the hell up!you need to calm down."for a scrawny kid he was strong,holding her tightly against the wall,anger and hate in his eyes. He looked to the others, glaring at each of them.

"Get this straight. That"he gestured with a nod to the bloody covered corpse"is not a 'it'. Its not a 'that'. Its a 'he'. He is a human being. And we did that to him."his voice remained a harsh,yet low whisper"We arent just getting out of this. This isnt going to just disappear. We have to stay calm, and think this through."he shot the girl a glare again, and finally released her." We cant tell anyone. This doesnt leave this group. And no matter how much you want to lie to your self, your stuck with us. And you gotta pull your own weight." He didnt let his eyes leave the girl he had brutalized,and was mentally cursing himself for the action, but hopefully he had gotten everyone to think straight for a moment...
Maurice hated to admit it, but the yelling was exactly what she needed. Something to help her focus. Something to knock all her loose screws into the right place. Dammit, she thought with a sigh when the boy finally let go. She hadn't even noticed him until he had her pinned against the wall. He had helped kill the boy, but how? Memories of the night were already starting to fade. She wanted to be concerned, but instead she was relieved, relieved that she wouldn't have to relive the night the way some of them may.

She took long, deep breaths as he let her go, not speaking. Finally, breaking the silence she said with a little annoyance in her voice, "Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry." She leaned against the wall, resting her head on the mildew, trying to keep herself from falling. Because she was scared. That once she fell, she wouldn't be able to get back up on her feet again.

Choosing to ignore the eyes of the boy who had just hit her, he stared at the body intensely, resisting any bile working the way up her throat. Better get used to the sorry sight if they were going to carry it all the way to wherever they were going to dump it.

Suddenly, the absurdity of the situation rushed back to her, all at once, just washing over her like a tidal wave. There she was, with people she'd never conversed with, a dead body at their feet, the body of a boy they'd killed together. She couldn't help it - she started chuckling under her breath while at the same time haunted by fear. Something about the situation was so wrong, so dark, so sinister, that the only thing left to do was laugh.

And that's what she did. Her laughter sounded like that of a lunatic you hear on T.V shows. This morning, when she took her shower, wuld she have imagined that in a few mere hours she'd be standing with a corpse at her feet?

She asked the boy who'd pinned her to the wal, in between her giggles, "And may I have your name?"

Stella Diana Versaci

location: the alley | with: Leo, Willis, Maurice, Christopher | feeling: horrified | outfit: [x]

Stella's chocolate brown eyes widened immensely at Willis' comment. He actually said, out loud, that they had to get rid of the body. The religious girl was already trembling, her knees shaking and her hands clutching the cross of her rosary tight enough for her knuckles to turn white. After painful moments of silence, Willis took a step closer to her, forcing her to look up at him with innocently wide eyes. Her, of all people, should definitely not be here right now...yet, she was; standing over a body was one of the things that had never, ever crossed her mind. She forced a small smile at Willis, yet her eyes still showed fear of the situation. He said to them all that there must be another way out of the alley, and the rest of them only assumed as much to be the case. Alleys normally had two openings, right? The north and the south, like a straight road.

Either way, however, Willis looked back at Leo and only replied with not knowing how to deal with the situation. Stella watched them both, biting her lip slightly as she tried to think of a solution for the problem as well. He then looked down at his bloody hands and admitted that he really had no idea what to do, and what they had done was
'monstrous'. Leo had then brought up that they had to go back to the party at some point. Stella knew that was what had to happen, but she was utterly horrified to face anyone that was not them all that she was with at that moment. He then admitted that he did not want to be here either, but it would come up as highly suspicious that they were not there, especially if the cops were to come. They would become easy found out. Then Leo spoke of what a solution would or could be.

Stella swallowed hard as he spoke of the solutions. Beforehand had he informed everyone of how they could get out of the ally first, mentioning a river bank as well as an abandoned building. Stella had no idea of what option to choose, so she looked down at her shoes nervously, hoping that everyone else would be able to make this decision. He then counted them all, including the bleeding corpse. What Leo had said made sense to her, but she still kept her trembling gaze on her cute little shoes. She knew no way of how to respond. Upon mentioning what they should do with the corpse at that moment, she knew of only one thing of what to do then.
"Right now," Stella said, her voice cracking as she looked up at everyone, "I think we should do something with the body before we go back to the party." She decided, informing the rest of the group. "It's the...least risky option." Leo then touched his fingers to his head, rubbing the back of his skull after speaking, only to yell out and yank his blood-stained hand away. In the heat of the moment, he must have forgotten of the blood all over his fingers. Stella looked up at him with concern, although she herself could feel tears well up in her eyes.

The other girl, Maurice, then yelled out, throwing her fists against the wall. Why was she so angry? What they had done should not cause
anger. It should cause sickness in one's self for the incredible sin that they had just committed. They had taken the life of one of His children, all five of them had done something irreversible, and only Hell brought upon them could be an appropriate punishment, or possibly worse. Maurice then blinked rapidly, as if pushing away tears, before yelling out again on how she was not going to touch the body, pointing out a finger at him. She had also called him and it. Stella had jumped back in fear, having become jumpy because of the heavy atmosphere. She had almost dropped her rosary, and that would only be another horrid sin that she would commit. She was a monster herself. How many sins would she falter to in one day? The Devil had decided to wrought his sinful destruction onto her, but Stella was not going to become a devil herself. She just could not, no matter what happened.

Then had another individual, finally spoke up, only to shove Maurice against the wall. She did not know who this guy even was. Stella was horrified, holding her free hand over her mouth.
"Stop it!" she shrieked. She was the justice of the group, the one that had to hold them all together. "Violence isn't going to solve anything!" Her voice sounded almost panicky, that in which it actually was. After speaking out, however, she then covered her face with both hands—her rosary still wrapped around her right hand—as she quickly jumped behind Willis, him being the closest person to her. Even if she was normally incredibly sociable around other people, confrontation in addition to the present situation was something she could not stand, and that was very clear. She was trembling like a leaf, hiding behind Willis.

Maurice soon apologized for her actions, although still being pinned against the wall. And then she began giggling. She then asked the male his name between giggles, even though she was still pinned against the concrete wall. Stella placed her shaky hand against Willis' waist for support of her trembling, looking over at Maurice and the other guy. It was not meant to be a romantic motion or anything of the sort. She was beginning to feel faint, and she desperately needed
something to hold on to. Willis just happened to be there for her, even though she was still standing behind him.


@Baetroclus @Felicis @allizae @Mistory1997


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