No Paradise For Gods (Accepting New Players) - Mechanics


We Glorious Fallen

The Functional Mutation System (FMS)

Functional Mutation

A functional mutation is any mutation that goes beyond the cosmetic features to grant the character additional capability. Does your character have scales on their back? That's a cosmetic mutation. Do the scales add natural armor to your character? That is a functional mutation. Functional mutations are part of the Functional Mutation System or FMS, cosmetic mutations are not.

Functional Mutation System

FMS is a point-buy system to evolve your character's mutation. Every character starts with a few points to sink into their initial mutations. Your character may start with three functional mutations, but can evolve more as the roleplay goes on. You may add as many cosmetic mutations as you'd like, or none at all. Please note that the more cosmetic mutations your character has, the easier it will be for others to determine your character is a mutant.

The FMS Scale

The FMS scale runs from 1 to 10. One is the earliest manifestation of a mutation, weak and flaky. Ten is the end stage of the mutation, extremely potent and powerful. See the expanded scale (complete with example) below:

FMS Scale: Telekinesis

1: Weakest form of the mutation, just starting to manifest. In this stage a mutation may not always function at all.
Example: A telekinetic might be able to wobble or shake an object or cause a light to flicker. May (on a good day) knock over a poorly propped up broom.

2: Mutation will always function when called upon, but sees no real boost in power.
Example: A telekinetic can always knock over a poorly propped up broom.

3: The mutation will reliably respond to the wielder, understanding of the mutation begins to strengthen capability.
Example: Telekinetic can knock objects over, round objects can be made to roll quickly. Lights can be shattered and larger objects (such as a table) can be shaken or moved.

4: Mutation strengthens with practice and bond with wielder, use requires less effort.
Example: Telekinetic can move small and light objects completely --make them float and glide, but projecting with any sort of force is not yet possible.

5: Mutation functions at a fair and average level. Use is now instinctual and requires much less effort than previous levels. Can push bounds of capacity with significant effect.
Example: A telekinetic can make smaller or lighter objects move with great speed and maneuverability. Larger objects can be moved and made to float, user can jump higher and run faster.

6: Mutation grows in power and takes less effort to invoke. Practice helps with precision and control.
Example: Telekinetic can move larger objects with greater speed, has extreme precision with smaller objects. Can begin to penetrate armor with small/sharp objects.

7: The mutation is now a potent force, the wielder stands far and beyond their human counterparts. ASF likely has the wielder on a watch list.
Example: Telekinetic can move small and moderately large objects at great speed with great precision. Can jump much higher and move much faster with the help of telekinetic boost. Can glide to safety from high places.

8: Mutations becomes particularly lethal. Squads of rank and file troops are easily dispatched by your power and the untrained are easy prey.
Example: Telekinetic can manipulate individual components of a multi-part object. Can force weapons to fire, explosives to detonate, machines to activate. Small and moderately sized objects can now be moved with extreme force, conventional armor is no obstacle. Can topple vehicles and people.

9: Mutation reaches near-end stages, use of power is second nature and most actions are trivial to complete.
Example: A telekinetic can throw people as if they were rag dolls and levitate on demand. Armor and people can be crumpled by the force of their telekinesis. Cars can be thrown with moderately high speed. Can manipulate many objects at once with much less effort.

10: Mutation reached end-stage/mastery. The wielder has significant power and can defeat many foes, including other mutants. Mutation is as powerful as it can be (within 'reason' of course).
Example: A telekinetic can manipulate most objects with ease and can throw them at high speed. Can rip objects and people apart and flight is now possible. Must be careful not to expend too much energy, which is easy to do at this level.

Mutation Point Spending

Each character starts with 28 points to allocate to their mutations. Mutations level 5 and under cost their level in points to buy. Which means a level 1 costs one point, a level 2 costs two points. Please note that you need to buy your way up. If you want to go from level 1 to level 3 you need to buy levels 1 , 2, and 3 --a total of six points. Levels after 5 (6-10) cost double their level to buy. Level 6 is twelve points and so on.

FMS Profile Format

The following are examples of how the mutation scale will be represented in your profile. The "scale slider" looks like so:

<[1] - - - - - - - - ->

<- [2] - - - - - - - ->

<- - [3] - - - - - - ->

<- - - [4] - - - - - ->

<- - - - [5] - - - - ->

<- - - - - [6] - - - ->

<- - - - - - [7] - - ->

<- - - - - - - [8] - ->

<- - - - - - - - [9] ->

<- - - - - - - - - [10]>

The format for each mutation will be the following:

Mutation: (Mutation Name)

Level: <- - - - [5] - - - - ->

You may use the following code for exact formatting:

[b]Mutation:[/b][size=3](Mutation name here)[/size]
[b]Level:[/b] <- - - - - - - - - ->

Note: I know this is a bit archaic and a code progress bar would fare better, but I believe this is better in terms of readability.
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