Video Games No Man’s Sky or Ark: Survival Evolved?


Ludwig, The Holy Blade
Hey lads and lasses, what’s up? So with the Christmases and my birthday rolling around, figured I’d get some games with some of the money I’ve already gotten. Here’s the thing: I know I’m getting Stardew Valley and Terraria on the PS4. However, I’m in between No Man’s Sky and Ark. I’ve played No Man’s Sky and seen a moderate amount of gameplay. I haven’t played Ark, but I’ve seen lots of gameplay. Which one do you guys think I should get?
Ark, No Man's sky after awhile just becomes repetitive and boring (what a huge mess compared to the trailers and all).

Ark IS just fun, you can spend countless hours just on building or just having fun with friends, you will always find stuff to do in Ark.
I personally would go No Man's Sky. It's a TINY bit more modern than Ark, but it really depends on what sort of experience you want. Ark is more combat oriented, yet optional. In No Man's Sky, combat is there, yet not that mandatory. Ark focuses on a more tribal experience, and No Man's Sky is based WAAAAAY into the future. I personally like No Man's Sky as it does give you a choice on what you want to be. Mercenary, Merchant or Explorer. I think if you got Terraria and Stardew Valley, you'll want to get Ark, but if you think differently, then go for No Man's Sky!
Ark all the way. The new expansion is amazing, and there's always stuff to do. I've found No Man's Sky to get repetitive very quickly, and the lack of multiplayer detracts from the experience. Ark's major flaw is how grindy it is, but finding the right server fixes that.
No Man's Sky is just a rehash over and over again. Shouldn't be on sale for more than 15 dollars.

You'll have way more fun with Ark.
100% Ark, I spend so much time on it just messing around. You can get really serious and build some amazing things and tame some good dinos, though sometimes building can be frustrating and some of the dino mechanics are annoying you'll love it. There's always something new to do or see on there
Ark all the way, by buddy's and I have so many good times. Like the time we we were taking Anklyos and two t-rexs crossed our path. I bravly sacrificed my life my drawing the beasts away.
No Man's Sky. People seem to find it repetitive, but I think that with Ark, it is kind of repetitive itself, in a way. Let me explain. The game maybe combat oriented, but adds a little spice with new weapons or dinosaurs or other things, but that's really it. Build, attack, whatever you do with dinosaurs, rinse and repeat. Both are repetitive in different ways, but Ark just appeals to more people somehow, considering that No Man's Sky is WAY open world/universe and completely and randomly generated for each new game loaded in. I personally would say No Man's Sky for the random generation. It makes every copy of the game different in it's own way.

To prove my point on how Ark can be just as repetitive, here: Literally, a majority of the reasons of why people say Ark is because of the dinosaurs, building, and combat. That is about it. Only gameplay difference? No Man's Sky isn't multiplayer
While I played neither (money, also shitty laptop), I'm voting for ARK. It has multiplayer, PVP, PVE, building, a lot of tech/leveling up/whatever, and there are some amazing mods in case it gets boring.

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