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No Hope


Screaming Mute


"I used to live in this City, before all this happened to it. Now the whole thing is just one big graveyard, one big memory. There is no Present here...

...That's why I like it."

No Hope for Bounty Hunters

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His hand traced over the cold stone, removing the vines and flowers that had grown around it. He read the writing on the gravestone an stood up slowly, his sword was in his right hand, tightly gripped. The surroounding area was quiet, except for his partner who was close by, after mourning his best friend - killed at the fall of Onyx. Now it was all Gone. He turned to face the beautiful and delicate Elf, though don't let that appearance fool you - she was his partner for a reason, and they both got their Job done. Whatever it was. Today it seemed to be a Fugitive last seen in Onyx, how they were surviving passed the cursed ones was interesting - sounded like a Dark Elf.

"Alright, We're done here Zee. Lets go get this Guy."

Episode 1 : The Dark-Elf

Isaac ducked below a broken wall on the second floor of a civilians old house, it was overlooking a street, full of rubble and decomposed corpses. But the interesting part was the squad of Zombies, let but a couple of Orcs that were patrolling the streets. There were a lot, but they needed to get around them. It was a good thing he had someone to talk a plan through, at least when they both make the wrong call he won't feel as stupid when he dies.

"So, How do you propose we execute this? We're still a couple miles off our mark."

Onyx was a big place, a few miles was still inside the Ruined City. It was the perfect place for the Cursed Ones to make their merry and regroup, plan or whatever these Monsters did. They weren't even fully understood yet, that was the scary part. A Mystery that wonders the World like Common Folk.
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As Zara scanned the area, her amber eyes narrowed, brows furrowing as she mustered up a plan to get past the hoard of zombies and orcs. She stole a glance at Isaac. "A distraction, maybe?" she offered, then turned her eyes back to the corrupt. "We can take out the Orcs first, one for me, one for you. Now, those rotting bastards, on the other hand..." Zara gave a moment of pause before her face brightened with the realization of an idea. "I say we lure them to us, then ambush. They're not that strong, are they?"

Zara's nerves buzzed with the anticipation of battle -- there was nothing better than killing off the corrupt. She looked back to Isaac, awaiting his response and hoping that he wanted to kill these nasty things just as badly as she did.
Isaac raised his eyebrow, slightly impressed she was ready with a plan just as she asked. Even though they'd been partners for a while he could tell experience was growing bit by bit. He liked it, his was also, moreso with a Bounty Hunter Partner like her. His voice was a whisper that travelled to the ears it needed to go to;

"Alright, sounds good. I'll drop down after we drop the Orcs and lead them back into this room - make sure your arrows are knocked... On my Mark."

Isaac Stretched out his arm, now with his small Crossbow in his Hand he aimed it for the Orc's head. Easy shot, they were out on the open, nothing getting in the way - it was a good call, taking out the stronger ones first.


He pulled on the lever and shot the bolt into the Orc's head, He was confident in Zee's skills to take out the Orc and dropped down immediately from the second floor, landing with Cross bow in one hand and sword in the other - he spins it in his hand.

The nearest Zombie to him comes at him raising it's Axe in the air, but he kicks it into and sends it tumbling into his friends, follwoing up by throwing a taunt whilst walking backwards into a crack into the wall. It was dark except for the hole above to the second floor, it was perfect and the Zombies starting making their way in to Meet Isaac.
Zara gave a single nod before nocking an arrow, fingers brushing against it apprehensively as she watched Isaac take out of his small crossbow and aim. She figured she should do the same. Drawing her bow, she gave a squint and her eyes found her target, steadying her breath and holding it as she waited for the signal. "Fire." And hearing that single word, she shot. The arrow whizzed through the air and pierced the skull of the Orc, causing the corrupt being to collapse to the side. Satisfied, Zara's lips showed the ghost of a smile.

As Isaac leapt down from the second floor, Zara placed her bow away to unsheath her double daggers, their shine catching what little light the city -- or what was left of it -- had left. She waited for her chance; Isaac taunted the zombies below and they began to follow. The zombies crept closer to Isaac with each passing second and the moment they became close enough, Zara jumped down from the second floor to dig a dagger in the head of a zombie. She used the momentum of it crumbling to the ground to yank the dagger free, then whirled around to stab another in the temple. The dagger, this time, was more stubborn to release, and though she pulled as hard as she could to get the dagger out, it stayed. Snorting with frustration, Zara stabbed another. I'll get my damn dagger back, she resolved, grinding her teeth as she continued fighting off the zombies.
Isaac grinned seeing his partner jump down onto a Zombie and had started to cut them down from the back. He spun his sword in hand and moved forward, parrying an attack from his opponent he simply sliced through it's body and thrusted into the Zombie behind using the previous corpse as a veil. Isaac planted his boot on the Zombie's stomach and turned to aim it at another, shooting his leg forward which pushed the monster off his blade and into his pal. He walked confidentally over to the final Zombie that had fallen over, it growled up to Isaac who just shrugged and pushed his blade into the Monster's black heart - it cried out slowly dying as each inch of the blade penetrated it's cursed body.

"Good Night."

He yanked the blade from it's victim and wiped it down before sheathing it. He looked around, saw his partner - she seemed fine which made him smile. Thankfully all went to plan. Wait. Crossbow. He left it up there and when he realised it he let out a long pained groan.

"Zee, give me a Boos... Actually I'll give you a boost. I left my Crossbow on the second floor."

Isaac was standing by the wall next to the ledge they had just jumped down from, he gave the Elf a cocky smile - though it was laced with embarrassment from leaving one of his weapons behind.
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Zara gave a sigh as the last of the zombies were finished off, swiveling her head to take in the carnage that just unfolded. All around Isaac and her were the corpses of the corrupt, bloodied and battered, their vile fluids oozing out from their wounds onto the ground. Wiping one of her blades on a pant leg and sheathing it, she hastened over to the other and yanked -- hard. The blade was freed as blood splattered onto Zara's face. Pursing her lips, Zara fought against cringing as she used her sleeve to wipe her face, running her blade along her leg before sheathing it.

"Zee, give me a Boos... Actually I'll give you a boost. I left my Crossbow on the second floor."

A chuckle escaped her throat. "Forgetful, are we?" she jested, then strode over to Isaac. "Yeah, I'll get it." As Isaac gave her the boost, Zara scrambled onto the second floor. The crossbow wasn't hard to find. Zara swept up the crossbow, made her way back to the hole, and lept down in what seemed like one smooth motion, extending the crossbow in her hand for Isaac to grab. Zara's gaze couldn't help but fall back onto the corpses.

"So, now that these guys are dealt with," she said, nudging one of them with the toe of her boot, "What's the plan?"
Isaac smirked in response to her jest and then watched her disappear onto the second floor once he boosted her up. She made little to no noise which was a scary feet, for her prey anyway. Isaac crouches down beside the bodies and searches for potential loot, his hands tracing over their corpses - he didn't mind getting his hands dirty if there was potential profit. Oh, would you look at that - a couple of nicely smithed Throwing Knives, Onyx forged, this Zombie must've had them on him before he turned and had no proper use for them since. He tucks them into one of his pouches and turns to face Zara, hearing her land.

"That was quick, I only got to search one body." Isaac took the Crossbow back and nodded his head thankfully, "Well the client's information says our Target should be near the old Market in this district, using the houses around there as a base. But which one? We'll check it out from a ranged position I guess, then if we have no luck we'll have to scout it out in person. How's that sound Zee?"

Isaac didn't wait for an answer, but he listened out for one as he walked over the corpses - not bothering the check the others. He walked out into the street but not before poking his head out and looking around for imminent danger. The Bounty Hunter tried to remember which way, took him a moment but then he started in one direction, sticking to the cover of the buildings flanking the street.
"Sounds good to me," Zara responded, falling into step with Isaac, maneuvering over the bloodied bodies of the corrupt with a pang of disdain. The world had fallen into chaos because of their existence and overwhelming desire to destroy anything that was not of their kind, and it seemed they served no other purpose than to slaughter innocents. Or work as practice for any decent swordsman. Expression turning sour, Zara inclined her head to spit on one of the corpses; it hadn't helped ease her hatred any. Scum, she thought.

The streets were silent, save for the lone caws of a crow. Around the duo, tattered buildings lined the streets and finding life in the ruins seemed improbable. The City as it was now was a stark comparison to what it once was, with it falling from a thriving area to a wasteland, filled with little more than the looming promise of death.

As the distance between Zara and the old market closed, her dark eyes swept the streets in hopes of finding a sign of the target -- she was left with close to nothing to go on. She tapped Isaac's arm. "Are you seeing anything?" she asked, voice hushed. "I'm thinking the target's hiding somewhere not exactly obvious, but still somewhere with a enough shelter for subterfuge." Her attention was drawn to one buildings a little ways away, and she pointed to it. "Maybe that one?"
The tap on his arm interrupted his scouring eyes, he turned to face her shaking his head in response to her question before looking in the direction she gestured. He agreed with her, somewhere not obvious, I mean he must've been clever to begin with to be able to hide in a City like this without running into trouble with it's - citizens.

"Alright, we can check that one first." Isaac stopped for a moment, pulling back the crossbow he locked it into place and slid an bolt onto the wooden barrel - ready to be fired.

He didn't go through the old Market to get to that house, instead he went through the back alleys of the houses surrounding the Market - he checked back to make sure his partner was still with him. He had his hand rested against the hilt of his sword ready to draw and the other gripped firmly around his crossbow, his steps were steady and careful - making sure anything that would cause the slightest noise didn't compromise their mission.

He whispers with a slightly playful edge to his voice, "So if he happens to be in this building, want him to yourself?"

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