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One x One No Hope for Villains


Screaming Mute


"Please... Drink. I know how you like your Alcohol, your little contraband trade - I want a cut. If not then that Drink right there, will be your last."

No Hope for Villains

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Elyder put his feet on the desk in front of him as he glared at the man sitting in the chair across from him "And What make's you think you're worthy enough to ask for our help?" He asks with a commanding voice as the scared and fidgety man tries to get out is response Elyder banged his foot on the desk as he crossed his legs "I'm waiting" He says "You better fess up or I'll go get Sliver" The threat to bring in his partner made the man's eyes go wide "I Just wanted to leave this god forsaken city!" The man shouts standing up and making the chair he was sitting on fall to the floor with a bang.
There was a loud bang which acted as his cue to enter stage right, from the darkness Silver stepped into view of this poor helpless man that looked terrified. Why he was in Sacrament was a mystery that shrouded fools such as this. He entered calmly and swiftly, walking behind his partner and places both of his hands on his shoulders. Silver's voice, gentle a silk filled the room;

"Please, why I have such a scary reputation is a Mystery to me." He lied, "Just tell us what you want and we'll decide what to do."
The man gulped at Silver while Elyder glanced at the hands on his shoulders "I Need body guards to take me to Eisendrache!" The man shouted before Elyder could say anything about Sliver's hands touching him "And what business do you have there?" Elyder asked with a hint of interest "I'm trying to escape my bounty" The man whispered "I have enough coin to hire you two" The man added loudly "Escaping a bounty huh" Elyder said shocking the man who didn't think he heard that part. "How are you going to hide there? Eisendrache is full of bounty hunters" The dark elf said crossing his legs the other way waiting for the Man to spill the beans on the secret he's been hiding.

the two criminals waited for what felt like an entirety
"I'm done waiting" Elyder said as he was about to get up to send the man through the closest window when he stood up and said "Eisendrache has a very well hidden criminal underground that can hid me for enough coin, which I have" the man looked really scared now that Elyder was standing up hands on Hemorrhage and Hemoglobin.
"A Beautiful Conspiracy."

Silver moved from behind Elyder now that he had stood up, appearing on his right he slowly moves around to the side and smiled at the Man.

"Tell me, how many Eisendrachen Guards do you have in your Pocket? Why didn't you have them Escort you, or were they too scared by the reputation this place has? I mean they'd probably get killed just for mentioning they worked as Guards there, no matter how corrupt they are."

Silver turns to face Elyder and tilts his head to the side, grinning as he usually does, "Lets take the Job."
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Elyder rolled his eyes at Sliver then looked at the man standing in front of his desk "Coin up front and you got yourself two bodyguards" Said the dark elf as he tapped his finger on the table signaling the man on where to put the coin. "Ahh yes here it is" Said the man as he fished around in his pockets for the coin bag and threw it on the table "My name is Dogan" The man said to the Elves "I don't care about what your name is human" Elyder said as he handed the coin pouch to Sliver "you better be ready to head out at sun up" The dark elf said as he walked over to Dogan "Sliver I trust you to take him to pack his things while I pack ours" Elyder said as he picked up the knocked over Chair "Don't piss Sliver off " Was the last thing Elyder said to Dogan as he left to go pack his things
Silver shifted his finger through the bag of coin before tying it back up and securing it on his waist. He nods his head at Elyder and pushes Dogan out of the room, just before he fully leaves himself he pokes his head back into the Room looking at his Partner.

"I'll also get some Food for the Road. Want anything specific?"
Elyder shakes his head and says "No" Not really wanting anything specific. Elyder packs what every bodyguard needs, extra sets of armor, a few bottles of liqueur, tents,sleeping bags, and other camping equipment knowing that is's a day and a half journey to get to Eisendrache. once he's done pack he walks to the town gate passing by towns folk that don't dare look at him, a few kids ask him not to leave before being pulled away by their mothers. 'No one better hurt those kids' He thinks knowing that after he took up residence here the crimes against children have went down due to him killing the offenders. once he get's to the gate Elyder waits on Sliver and Dogan
Dogan seemed to be mainly packed already, he really was eager to get the hell out of Sacrament. Silver didn't blame him, I mean even though he felt safe here himself, he could see what it'd be like from this man's point of view. Weak. No Backbone. A Mouse running from it's exterminator, the only thing this Mouse had was a lot of cheese - but that didn't matter to the Cat. Silver was the Cat, and whoever wanted this man dead is the Cat.

"Well this was quick. I'll be right back, Mr Conspiracy."

Silver left the man on his own, which he wasn't really regretting right now. And he wouldn't later either. He went up to an old Stall he knew, it was built into a house, the hanging sign above creaked at his presence. It didn't really standout and just merged with the depressive setting, the guy that owned the stall wasn't anything impressive either. Though with the flash of some coin and the pointing of his demanding finger the elf had a few rashions for the road, and he was quickly on his way back to Dogan. Outside his house was a hooded man, plated shoulder guard and was clearly armed, he placed his hand ont he doorknob but immediately stopped at the feel of cold steel against his delicate neck.


The Bounty Hunter's eyes widened at Silver who was just grinning in return, he took a couple worried steps back and ran off. The elf let out a Chuckle and went into the house where Dogan was, no idea what almost befell his poor soul. It didn't take long for them to catch up with Elyder at the gate.

"Looks like we're ready to go. Stay close Dogan or you'll die. Lead the way Ely, I'll watch our backs."
Dogan of course would be in between them as their escortee.
Elyder grunted in reply as he started walking down the barely used path out of town. The path cracked and crumbled as they walked on it, Coming to a fork in the road Elyder read both signs "Each one takes us where we need to go" He said looking both ways "The right path takes us down the forest route, It's quicker but more dangerous" He said jutting his thumb toward the right route "The left path is the Standard route, takes longer might see more people down there than the other one" Elyder finishes

Stepping to the right "I say we go the quicker way" He says mainly for the chance to fight some corrupted. Dogan looked very scared at the fact Elyder wanted to take the route that could possibly get them all killed "As your employer I say we take the standard route" He said very firm which took Elyder by surprise "Finally finding your spine I see" Elyder said to Dogan before looking at Sliver "Looks like you get to brake this stand still" the Dark elf smirked knowing Sliver would want to go the Dangerous route and the fact that they were already paid meant that Dogan would either listen to his Guards or Die.
"Yeah I like that idea Ely."

Dogan looked like he was about to say something annoying so Silver punched him across the face, Knocking the poor bastard out. Before he collapsed to the ground the Elf caught him and threw the man over his shoulder and then drew his sword, facing Elyder.

"And you wonder why we never have repeat costumers" Elyder said shaking his head and walking down the right path towards to deathly looking forest. As the Elves and the knocked out Dogan went deeper into the forest the light of the sun slowly started being blocked out by the trees "I guess this is why no one goes this route unless they're looking to die" He said his Night Vision kicking in. Looking around the forest that surrounds them he sees some long lines running through the trees "Hey Sliver I think we're walking in to spider territory" He said looking for movement on the strings he's thinking are webs.

"Their Loss."

Silver walks with them, it was a pain having to carry this lump of meat, though he just thought of it as a little more of a challenge whilst killing some... spiders probably. By the looks of it. He was more wary than normal, wary about how he carried Dogan and where they walked.

"Don't touch the webs, one vibrations and they'll hunt us. We'll die."

He lets out a laugh, holding his sword tightly he was almost tempted to cut down a few of these webs just to call the whole family. Though, they probably would be too many to handle, they would probably come across a couple of small groups - but that was better than an entire Family of Spiders.
"Sliver if you even raise your sword at any of the webs I'll kill you myself" Elyder said knowing that Sliver would cut the webs just to kill Spiders but a family would be to much even for them. "I'm not ready to die yet" He muttered as he walked down the forest path cautiously making sure he doesn't touch the webs "If something does happen then use Dogan as bait" Elyder said knowing that the short stout man could at least buy them a few moments to get away and hopefully live.

Elyder keeps his eyes looking for any spiders as they hunt for food in small groups while leaving the rest of the family to wait on the webs for some careless prey to stumble upon them. "if you see any spiders do not engage" Elyder said to Sliver "We're on their home field, we need to be careful" He warned not wanting Sliver to be foolish die and leave Elyder alone
"Would you miss me if I died Ely?"

He smiles, looking around the forrest, there was the odd movement in the background, in the distances. Though there was never a doubt in his mind that there wasn't something out there, he wondered how many were watching them already.

"So, wanna place bets on what this guy has got going on in Eisendrache?"
Elyder chose to ignore Slivers first question "How about we don't place a bet when Deadly Creatures could ambush and kill us at any moment" Elyder said knowing that they were being watched as he could feel eyes on him but couldn't tell where they were coming from.

"Do you think if we need it you can dash us out of here?" Elyder asked making sure at least him and Sliver had a way out of this forest that should be set ablaze.
"Yeah, sure. If by us you mean just me and lil ol' Dogan."

Silver wasn't really annoyed about being ignored, in fact it amused him. Elyder wasn't as relaxed as Silver, but that was good for him, to have a bit of paranoia even if it wasn't radiated from himself.

"I wouldn't be able to carry both of you unless you slung yourself over my shoulder. And Ely, you needa relax a little - we need something to kill the time and obviously killing spiders isn't on the to-do list."
Elyder glared at Sliver "Tell me to relax again and I'm gonna feed you to the goddamn spiders" He threatened even though wouldn't really do it Elyder had enough threat in his voice to make it sound that way. "I'd rather not be seen in your arms" Elyder said fully intent on never being carried by Sliver ever again.

Rlyder's eyes darted to the web string above him and saw a spider
"Sliver Spiders have found us" He said backing up so he wasn't directly under said spider.
"One day you may have to be carried in my arms."

Silver stood beside Elyder as he had backed up, he looked up at the spider and his voice became a whisper. He doesn't take his eyes of the spider and adjusts Dogan so that he is over his shoulder more.

"Keep moving, I've got your back."
Elyder Eyed the spider "If you let this thing touch me I'm gonna kill you" He said walking under the spider slowly watching it.

The spider dropped down from the web as so as Elyder was under it
"Shit" He said as he rolled forward so the Spider barely missed him "I Hate Spiders" Elyder said as he branded both of his swords and pointed them at the spider.
Silver immediately stabs the spider through it's skull once it landed, he planted a foot on it's limp body and yanked the sword out of the corpse. He wiped the blood of his sword on Dogan's clothing, seemed he was of some use afterall.

"Well that made it easier. Thanks Ely."

Silver continued forward with a big grin.
Elyder Glared at Sliver "Did you just use me as Spider bait?" He questioned full of rage. Elyder sheathed his swords before he started swinging them and got him and Sliver killed. Elyder put his hand on Sliver's shoulder that didn't have Dogan on it and forcefully turned the man around "If you ever use me as Bait, I'll kill you in the most painful way your twisted mind can come up with" Elyder threatened Sliver getting in the man's face and shoving his finger into his chest.
"Elyder, you're going to start a fight with your partner?"

He grabbed the Dark elf's wrist that had that finger poking him against the chest, he pulled Elyder closer so that their noses almost touched. Before raising his sword hand so that the tip of his cold steel blade touched the bottom of Elyder's Chin.

"We're a good team, and you will probably be the death of me. But not like this Ely."

He dropped his sword and leg go of him before walking ahead. He wanted to get some things straight with the Dark Elf, Silver wasn't so reinforced with his walls as he was - there had to be some form of trust between them no matter how twisted their desires were.

"I'll be the Bait this time, just watch my back - I trust you."
Elyder huffed and backed off of Sliver "I don't want to Fight nor Do I want you to die" He said in full honesty as he followed Sliver. As the trio keep walking down the path Elyder looking around him and Sliver who still was Carrying Dogan, Elyder was watching sliver Contemplating whether or not to stay in the back and let Sliver be the bait. Making up his mind Elyder walked ahead of Sliver "I'll be the bait, just don't let them kill me" He said facing away from Sliver, Elyder had came to the conclusion that if Sliver was the bait and something went wrong Elyder could be left alone again and He was not about to let his only friend die.
Silver was genuinely surprised when Elyder overtook him, his shock became a smile as he started to look out for any nasty monsters. Dogan started to shift on his shoulder and he let out a huff.

"I hope this trail ends soon. Though we haven't been out here long so I can't imagine it will"

He starts to pick up the pace,

"If you see a good hiding spot, we should use it to hide and rest."

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