No Happy Ending


From left to right:


Scientific name: Subject A-45

Nickname: Brain

Attacks: Razor-sharp hands, learns fast, attacks with speed.

Weak points: Spine, neck


Scientific name: Subject F-65

Nickname: Spider

Attacks: One leg acts as a canon, treat it like a Mobil tank. It's slow, but well armored.

Weak points: Eyes, knees, back of head


Scientific name: Subject X-55

Nickname: Executioner

Attacks: Left arm acts like a mini-gun, right arm is a shield with razor-sharp edges. It will pick you up an cut your head off, or step on you and shoot you to death. It isn't fast, but isn't as slow as the spider, but houses the strongest weapons. These are rare to come upon.

Weak points: Stomach, wrists

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