Nine of Us

Juli Zakstyre

DC Comics Girl
Character Skelly:




Appearance:(pic please. anime or not, I don't care:))



Powers: (if no powers then at least give me a detailed description of what they can do. You know what, give me a detailed description anyways.)


Favorite food:

Favorite color:

Other(pets, hobbies, etc.)




1) me! Will update my character soon!










1) once again, filled by ME!





1)you guessed it. Me!




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Name: (King) Kingston Patel

Age: 41





Kingston is a hard and dour man who has no time for games. He is serious and straight to the point. This make him very blunt. Kingston rarely even smiles and intimates people with out using his powers. He is like that mean old step dad you told your mom not to marry.


Kingston was born in Africa in 1973 in Xodia. His city being know as one of the most dangerous cities in Kenya(Fictional Country) shaped Kingston. As a boy he learned the hard ways of life far to soon. He only had his older brother and father to depend on. They lived in a small building with a bunch of other families. His dad and brother wore laborers and he got his education from the church. He did have to walk a hour to get there. To pay for school supplies his father borrow money from a local gang leader and was given a ultimatum to pay his fee.

As he grew his life was altered when a riot broke out during his 13 birthday party. Kingston saw the ugliest part of human kind when the Gang leader and his foot soldiers kicked down his door and shot his brother in the head. He drop like a sack of rocks. His dad was beat with a bat and dragged out into the streets where he was murdered by the man he owed money to. Kingston watch the only family he had left was murder all in under 10 minutes. What he saw around him was only chaos and horror. He heard the gang leader say that power was the only way you had control in the world. Make men and women fear you and see you as the devil himself. Then when Kingston was kick to the ground and whispered that he was going to be sold into human trafficking because someone had to pay for the money he loss his Super Human powers awoken. In a large blast Kingston killed everyone around him in a blast of energy. He heard the screams of all caught in it. He was then left in a crater in a shock at what he just did.

Life goes on, And that event changed his life. As Kingston powers evolved he did too. His whole out look changed, He knew power was everything. He knew you must become the devil himself to control man and woman. So from that day Kingston Patel was just a mask and under it was Ultimatum. He then went to be self taught by taking what he needed to learn and forcing professors to teach him. He is as smart as the average person with a bachelor degree. His mind study was history of world leaders and how to rule society. Machiavelli is a favorite of his.

The name Ultimatum would not become noticeable till '98 when he was 25 were he joined a African supervillain group know as Swart Ryk(Dark Empire). He would leave his group after a failed attempted to take over Kenya when he was 31. He saw he need a new start so he moved to America. In that time he joined other group and fought other people like him. He has even lost his powers for some time until they were restored by science. The latest plan he is in is to take over a city.





(Green color ) Energy production, Manipulation and absorption.

Villain: Ultimatum

Favorite food:

Steak, Potatoes and Wine

Favorite color:

Navy Blue

Other: Reading, Soccer games and Crime. He is linked to 17 superhuman crimes that have gone unsolved.

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Name: Noelle Black

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Personality: Noelle is the bubbly and extremely curious sort. She absolutely loves to discover and learn new things. She is also extremely open minded to most everything and genuinely takes others opinions into consideration. Usually flexible with most things and has the ability to see through the eyes or perspective of others. Noelle is incredibly sympathetic and sensitive so tears and blushing comes as a second nature to her. It may come as a surprise to others, but Noelle is highly perceptive and can solve/complete the most complicated riddles/mysteries. She knows how to take a joke and even dishes out some of her own. She is great company at any moment because of how fun she is.

Backstory: Wip

Powers: Noelle's abilities revolve around her ability to use light and rainbows.

Light Attacks: Noelle can release/use light to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

  • is exhausted when too much energy is used.
  • over-charges/wounded if too much energy is used at once.

Rainbow Teleportation : Noelle has the power to teleport through the rainbows

  • Cannot teleport if there is no rainbow.

Rainbow Fire Manipulation: Noelle has the power of rainbow fire; the rarest, purest, if not the strongest form that allows one to create and manipulate beautiful multi-colored flames, and/or have the ability to control all the colors of flame separately.

  • has difficulties in controlling or even attaining rainbow fire due to its rarity.

Light Healing: Noelle can heal themselves or others by using light.

  • can't heal injuries if they are too severe.
  • can't heal in dark areas.

Hero/Villain/Trainer: Hero

Favorite food: Sweets

Favorite color: Pink

Other(pets, hobbies, etc.)
Name: Reynardine Crevass

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Personality:: Reynardine is a charming and entertaining fellow, although he can be quite annoying at times. He is absolutely cunning and wily, often outwitting his opponents. He is blunt and straight forward, not hesitating to speak his mind. He also has a problem following orders, if he sees a reason to break an order, he will do it. Although he is quite friendly, his trust is hard to earn. But once you've earned it, he will be loyal and honest to you. Although patience is not his strongest suit, he is slow to anger, but don't test his patience. Once his anger gets the better of him, he can be a sadistic and cruel person.

Back story: WIP

Powers: He is stronger, faster, and more durable than a normal person, as well as having a fast regenerative ability. His senses and reflexes are also enhanced, able to detect danger before it hits him. He wears a white leather glove with a retractable 6 inch claw, shard enough to pierce metal. His mask has infrared, heat, and night vision, proving to be really handy. He is skilled in hand to hand combat as well as with hacking, making him an excellent spy.

Hero/Villain/Trainer: Hero

Favorite food: Chicken Katsu and coffee

Favorite color: Silver

Other: He is ambidextrous and he has a photographic memory. He's also really fond of kittens, actually, anything cute and fluffy. He has a pet, a white cat her named Chroma.

Name:Muerte Jones


Gender: male

Appearance:tall pale. around 5'10 and 120lbs. He has white hair and he adds red streaks to it. he usually wears a leather jacket with a bright or neon colured shirt he where loose fit style faded jeans and black combat boots (sorry couldn't find an accurate picture of him)


Personality: calm shy won't attack unless provoked (usually if his younger sister is in trouble)

Backstory:Born : 10-31-1997 to Sombra and Noche Jones. as a young child he fell from the changing table and suffered nerve damage. 4 years later Noche was hit by a hit-n-run driver. when he was 10 his dad was shot in a shoot out in the town he used to live in. So he went to live with his closest living relitive his grandmother, Janice Jamison. He has always done well in school . This is his first year at the local high school because Janice had passed because of natural causes. He now lives with his eccentric foot-washing Baptist Aunt (she is one of those people who believes that even kissing someone of the same gender will put you in ,pardon my language, bleep).

Powers: unable to feel any physical pain (ie stab him he wont feel the pain of the wound but will feel the pressure of the blade) he also possesses a heightened sense of smell and hearing (about as sensitive as a dog's senses) he also has enhanced speed and strength than the average human.

Hero/Villain/Trainer: hero

Favorite food:(Jelly Bananas) coffee tea jelly donuts

Favorite color:red

Other(pets, hobbies, etc.) (Robin) he is left handed and is hetero chromatic (two different colored eyes) his hair is naturally snow white. (once he becomes a hero his alias will be Death's Blade)
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