Nightmares Alive

Eran figited, wide-eyed. Damian was acting weird. "Damian, you're not yourself," Eran stuttered, inching away but couldn't set himself free from the dizzy boy.
"Wait, what?" Eran stratched the back of his head," Piglet? Netherlands?" Eran now knew what was going now. He went over to Damian on the floor and poked him in the stomach.
Eran's tail practically had a spasm. " W-wha-" he sputtered and his face was splashed a dark red. Eran held his hand over his mouth," Hold on..." He walked outside and sat in a tree to think. He forgot Damian was drunk and didn't realize what he was saying, but Eran sat high up on a tree, staring at a lake nearby.
(Ah foowee,I'll just pop up out of no where XP)

Now that the rain had stopped(Which i hope it has O.o ),he laid out on the ground outside.He had his eyes closed and almost looked like he was asleep,but he was wide awake and well aware of what was happening around him.
*runes sniffs the air and wispers soul stealer, good, im very hugry he howls and jumps through trees into a clearing an ear splitting screech comes from the woods and then a loud deep growl, something steps out of the shadows, a large wolflike creature with glowing blue eyes and pure black fur growls at rune and licks its lips rune smiles wildly at this rare and fabled beast that has killed any person who ever has come in contact with one, the only reason their known is because one person hid and managed to live*(soul stealers are from another dimension said to have crossed through when necromancy was first performed then the soul stealer killed the necromancer and stole his soul , earning it the name soul stealer)rune: fun, i see your as powerful as they say*it appears in front of rune and bites down but rune grabs its jaw and holds its mouth open, a low growl comes from runes throat as his dragon side tries to break out, his skin turns to beautiful silver dragon scales and the wolf jumps back as rune transforms into a full form true silver dragon, the soul stealer grows about 5 times its original size and charges rune, rune breaths fire into the things face but it isnt affected, it hits rune and the ground under his feet cracks from taking the blow fully and not trying to dodge runes mind is filled with power and energy and he knocks the wolf into the air*

(runes dragon form, cept hes a bit bigger and his body glows)

(-.- i don't even know...)

Cross shot his eyes open and jumped up when he heard growls and fighting far off from where he was.He sighed."he's still as troublesome as the others..."Cross ran to where he heard all the racket.
*the soul stealer hits a tree and jumps at rune from on the tree, rune bites at it but misses the soul stealer pows into rune knocking him over*
Raven was in town devouring some depressed lonely people behind a bar,"ah depression is the best pain"she said smirking then jolted hearing the noise and was worried about Jem,"shoot!"she muttered and flew to the house then notice the Soup stealer,"damn it"she thought and sat in a tree with a bunch of crows who were cawing. Jem was scaredly hiding in the house.
*rune in one swift attack swings his head around and rips the soul stalers head off, ending its life, runes body returns to normal but he passes out from exaustion*(i made my own rp sign up sheet, if yall wanna join its in the fantast supernatural sign up sheets, the rp will start once theres a few more ppl)
(I dunno maybe ill join later)

Raven quickly flew down to Rune her feathers falling on his face gently,"sigh..... A crows job is never done"she thought then looked at Rune closer,"oh wait your alive"she said and then sat by him putting her head on his chest,"slow but there...."she mumbled then kissed his forehead,"you'll be fine"she said and smiled.

*afew minutes later rune wakes up looking reallg pale*rune: did i get hit with a.....a....i cant even describe what i feel like i got hit by*he lays down on the grass not wanting to move because his muscles hurt*
"You'll be fine"Raven said sitting by Rune and brushing her cold hand over his face it was a nice feeling. She touched his forehead and neck to receive his heat and to make him feel like her hand was an ice pack,"better?"she asked brushing his hair with her hand,"let me know where it hurts the most"she said and saw a cut on his lip and kissed it her lips were colder then her hands like pure ice from tundra she licked the cut tasting the blood.
*rune is completely stunned when he is kissed , he stammers horribly trying to put words to what he wanted to say but hw couldnt, he blushes and turns his face the other way to hide it*rune: i-i-i uhh...its ok, i just need...this!*he pulls something out of his bag and drinks it his muscles instantly healing *rune:ahh, that stuff is delicious*he stands up and flexes his arms*rune:much better
Raven blinked some of her blonde hair falling in her face. She pulled it back and got up touching Rune's arm her finger tips softly glinding over every ridge and indent of muscle mass on his arm. She then touched his face and leaned in,"you still have blood on your lips"she whispered and kissed him again then pulled away licking the blood off his lips. Raven had a worried look on her face when she pulled away then backed away,"I'm sorry you must feel disgusted having a crow touch your lips with hers....."she said and bowed then began walking away with a blank expression her wings folding under her cape.
Rune:u-um...honestly it wasnt half bad, if thats what a kiss feels like the i see why its so common among the motrals...*he stands there his face blank trying to think of what to say, this girl reminded him of one of the grims he had met, she showed no emotion just like the grim had when he met him*
Raven looked back at Rune and smiled slightly blushing which was clearly shown against her pale white skin she smiled at Rune with a soft look in her eyes it wasn't as distant as usual but soft and kind."thank you......"Raven said softly,"a crows kiss isn't something be please about..... We like the taste of blood...."she said softly,"I was just tasting it....."she added and looked away from Rune she covered herself with her cape she felt ugly yet again a crush was developing but she had remembered what Cross said basically saying she was disgusting to him. Raven contemplating if every man was like that she just assumed they were and would rather be more fond of a cute girl like Jem rather then a blunt one like herself.

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