Nightmares Alive

*rune pulls out his sword and blocks an arrow* rune: try not to get killed then*he breathes a stream of fire at a few figures*
"Keep denieing it you might just convince yourself trust me I know what I'm taking about a crush is a type of pain my friend and to be completely honest you are crushing on him"Raven explained smirking.
Jem just stood behind Rune she didn't know what was going on but she knew if she stayed by Rune she wouldn't get hurt. Jem hugged him from behind so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Sure you aren't just say you are and we can be done here...."Raven said,"or I can be mean and tell Eran all you ever want to be is friends keeping you in the friend-zone~"she said.
"I'm not crushing on him. You don't know everything, y'know?" Damian sat on the couch and covered himself with a blanket. "Goodnight." He said and turned off the lights.
*rune quickly kills the assasins and laughs*rune: who where these guys? Goblins? Bwahaha! If they wanted tk kill me theybwoulda sent an army, for a start...
Jem looked at Rune worriedly,"are they gone?"she asked innocently.

Raven rolled her eyes,"yeah yeah we both know you like him.... But remember when you can except it is when you can confess and you should do that quickly before someone snatches him up"she said and walked to a room and opened the door she closed it and locked the door behind her. Somewhere deep deep down in Ravens heart she wishes she could get a crush that would love her too. She then ignored the feeling and went to bed.
Rune:yeah, there no match for me...heck my only match is my lack of controll*he puts his sword away*oh and a few drinks...thats an easy match for me
Eran came back from hunting and he yawned. He saw Damian and poked his face, laughing quietly to himself. He sat on a chair and his tail swung lazily. Eran had a big sandwich and used his tail to cut it in pieces, and Eran ate the sandwich in tiny chunks.

(lol he has a thing for sandwiches xD )
"Stahp." Damian said tiredly, and cutely. When he was tired, he's almost like he's drun.k, slurring, saying all his secrets, and doing things he normally wouldn't.
Damian opened his eyes lazily and giggled quietly. Maybe he drank a bit too much w!ne before going out during the night, but it was tasty. "Hellooooooo..." He slurred.
"Hey Damian, you don't look too good," Eran said his wavering posture. "And who would that be?" He asked. Eran grew up trying to survive, and never bothered with things like romance. He wasn't sure who would take an interest in a crazy, bloodthirsty, silver-haired weirdo like him, but Eran was curious.
"Just had a bit too much wine befor egoong out earlier." Damian slurred a bit. "Other than that I'm good. And I'm not telliiing."

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