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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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zen listened as he heard that they would be facing their fears he already knew what his challenge would be. he looked over to blake worriedly . he didn't look like one who did well when facing their fears though zen knew not to underestimate those who looked weak
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Adam didn't appreciate his cigaret being taken like that, but he just looked at the guy then puffed out the smoke from his mouth. "Alright I'll keep that in mind. He turns his attention to the teacher and didn't like that they had to face there fears. The only thing that he feared were spiders. Luckily he had his gun for an answer.

I looked at the teacher and swallowed. Keeping my head down I heard him call Blake. Well this is gonna be interesting.

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Umbra went back to his seat and sat down. His greatest fear? Would his father appear again? Would everyone be able to see it? Or would it revert to his old fears now that he knew his parents trying to make him go back to Rhisthir was a likely problem.
Lilith quietly crept into the room. She was late and finally found the room. She heard the teacher's speech and it seemed like an easy A. After all she was created from nightmares, so what could she even be afraid of?
Surfruaa's eyes watered as the gas got out of her system, coughing quietly. She shook her head and growled tiredly, glaring up at the teacher. "Thought this was a fuckin' school, not a testin' site." She hissed under her breath, then turned to face the 'bot. "I'm fine, darlin', just achin' is all."

(Waiting on @Oliverfan )

(On second thought, he hasn't been on since Tuesday...I'll pick someone else in a little bit, currently cleaning)
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Mr. Ysgrath

Ysgrath sighed as the student he chose first gave him an excuse so the kid would go last instead. "Whatever. I'll choose...Mika, then." Ysgrath looked to the back of the class with a malicious grin. "Come on up, Mika. Come face your fears." He cackled, beckoning Mika to approach him. (Did he already take his mask off? I don't think so, so....) Ysgrath pulled off the now useless mask, and tossed it to his desk, revealing his rather grotesque face. His mouth was disfigured, and the area where his nose would have been was a lump of scarred tissue, and made him look all the more disgusting. He peered at some of the girls in the class, perverted minds crossing his mind. He giggled delightedly to himself before turning to face Mika and smirk. "Ready?"



Gadgena continued to pet the girl, smiling slightly. "I am sorry you are experiencing pain. Is there any way I can be of service?" Gadgena tilted her head to the side, a small smile on her face. Her eyes glowed a nice yellow color (or whatever color I said they were, I forgot and don't feel like looking) and bore into Surfruaa's, wonder in them.


Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana sighed and looked around the room, noticing a late student entering the door. Huh. She's late and the teacher won't do anything about it? Figures, Liliana thought to herself and rose an eyebrow at the girl, watching intently as she found herself a seat. She shrugged before turning to the girl beside her and spoke, "Hey. Emily, right? Do you even get the point of this class? It's tedious. Completely unnecessary." Liliana pouted, annoyed with the teacher's methods.

@Moonpaw @JigokuTheBaka
I looked at liliana and said, "I have no clue, nore do I care." I said to her. But I tried to look at the positive side and say, " how bad can this class be." I looked are her with wonder.

"Uhm...I-I don't really know..." The young woman stammered, a faint blush of embarrassment glowing on her cheeks as she tried to avoid eye-contact. She let out a faint gulp and glanced over at the teacher for a split seconds, shuddering. "He's a bloody psycho, in't 'e?"


Surfruaa said:
"Uhm...I-I don't really know..." The young woman stammered, a faint blush of embarrassment glowing on her cheeks as she tried to avoid eye-contact. She let out a faint gulp and glanced over at the teacher for a split seconds, shuddering. "He's a bloody psycho, in't 'e?"
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Mika was relieved that Blake was able to get out of going first. He didn't look ready to be tested out of the blue. However, Mika's calm was quickly replaced with shock as he was called instead. His eyes wondered around the room looking at everyone's face. There were so many people that he'd have to get in front of. Anxiety began to wash over him and sweat ran down his forehead. Slowly, he rose from his seat and stood tall to appear well prepared. He marched to the front of the room and nodded hesitantly towards his teacher. His hand covered his mouth in disgust when he finally noticed the man's distorted face. It was unbelievably gross and hard not to stare at. A faint taste of vomit lingered on his tongue as he fought back the urge to barf. It seemed like his nausea was coming back. Still fixated on Mr. Ysgrath's hideous disfiguration, Mika grimaced, "I don't believe I have a choice so... Yes, lets get this over with."


Mr. Ysgrath

Ysgrath narrowed his eyes at the boy, noticing his stare. "It's rude to stare, you weakling." He clicked his tongue and turned from the boy, grabbing a vial of blue gas. "This will show you your fear, and will be tangible only to you. Others will be able to see it however, and you must overcome this without weaponry." Ysgrath explained, looking bored during his description. Once he finished, his face was overcome with glee and he threw the vial on the floor in front of Mika. The blue mist then swirled around Mika, and hovered over his head. The mist then shot itself to the ground a few feet in front of the student and morphed into the student's worst fear.


Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana sighed and shrugged at Emily's response, and then watched as the student called up approached the teacher and had the details of the vial explained to him. She looked at it in wonder, and smiled gently. That must be fun to use...



Gadgena stopped the petting, seeing that it was bringing discomfort to the female human. "I apologize for causing you discomfort." In response to Surfruaa's question, Gadgena nodded. "He is quite grotesque. Probably had a chemical accident, based upon his career choice (hehehe kinda like Two-Face but not really xD )." Gadgena suggested, not sure if she was correct, but quite confident it was something along those lines.

"Wouldn't surprise me..." Surfruaa grumbled as she slouched back in her seat and crossed her legs, rubbing her neck as she watched the teacher and student with a raised brow. The girl let out a shudder when her fingertips brushed against the two marks on her neck. "Urgh..."


"Are you alright? The markings on your neck, do they hurt? According to my database those markings mean you are what humans refer to as a dark one? A vampire?"
Gadgena asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. She hadn't met a dark one before, and was intrigued. She tilted her head to the side, admiring this girl for both her hair and her species, now.

"Y-Yeah, my neck's fine, I just..." Surfruaa gagged to herself and sniffled, shaking lightly. "...S-Sir, can I step out quickly? I-I need a drink." She stammered quickly, slowly standing up and muffling a sneeze, her knees were weak and shaky. "I-Is there anyone with..." She stopped to take a short breath. "B negative blood?"

I looked at the boy but swallowed. I hope I'm not next. I tried to hide my fear but felt the cold chill go down my spine. I close my eyes and took a deep breath and calmed down.

Mr. Ysgrath

"Yes, yes, fine." Ysgrath waved a hand at her dismissively, intently watching his student's behaviour with the fear gas.

Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana Blackthorn looked up when her blood type was mentioned by the vampire. She needs blood? Well...why not, I guess. Don't let the girl starve, or whatever. Liliana stood and nodded at the girl, then walked around the desks so as to avoid the boy and his fear trial, and exited the classroom through the door. She leaned against the wall beside the door and bared her neck for the girl by moving her wavy brown hair out of the way, showing off her medium brown skin.

Surfruaa shook her head lightly as she stumbled out and glanced up at the young woman's neck, stepping forward. She licked her lips ever so lightly before reaching out to grab her wrist and pull her close, her fangs sinking into the bare flesh with ease. Surfruaa let out a long, almost pleasurable shudder as she lapped up the crimson liquid, slowly closing her eyes.

(I am literally so so so so so so sorry i didn't respond oh my god. My wifi was down for a few days and I missed stuff ( :( ) Sorry for making you go first @Kidokun :( )

Blake looked at Mika as he had placed his hand on the younger boy's head and spoke. "T-Thanks, it's doing better." He replied, watching as Mika sat in his seat.

Blake turned his attention to the front when he heard Mr. Ysgrath call his name so he could face his fear. He fumbled for his words as he tried to make up an excuse so that he could go after one other student had gone (I don't exactly want to go last xD ). Blake would break down if he did it now.

Blake's fear was one that he could never escape. One that would, at least in his opinion, make him seem weak. Growing up on the streets, he always thought death came to those who deserved it. Even those he saw get murdered for no reason, so he thought it was fine. Though as he grew and studied people a bit closer, he realized that most aren't meant to die early, like that one girl had. He had believed that all the souls that haunted him would come for him one day, that he would revert back to his old self where he could watch blood pour out of a body and not faint... Which is something he couldn't accomplish now. Blood, souls, and his past self. He thought those fears were pretty damn pathetic, in Blake's opinion.

Blake heard Mika's name get called to fight his fear. Blake was curious. The older male seemed as if he wouldn't be afraid of anything, but Blake knew better than that. Everybody has to be afraid of something. Blake sat forward in his chair and watched as Mika fought whatever he was afraid of. Though until the fighting actually started, Blake thought that he could get his fight over with quickly. He had read Harry Potter and Divergent, as well as saw the movies, so he was aware of how the characters in those books faced their fears. Blake would be trying a similar approach so that nobody, hopefully, would be able to tell what his fear actually was, or think that he was weak. Though it wasn't one hundred percent certain of his strategy. He still had the chance of breaking down during the fight.

@Kidokun @Anaxileah
"Eh, who are you calling a weakling?" he snapped. His hands fell to his sides and clenched into balls. Before he had another chance to talk back he was engulfed in a blue mist. Mika covered his eyes and stumbled backwards, coughing, "Woah- watch it!" After composing himself, he looked up with a knitted brow. The mist began to subside and reveal a hellhound ripping into a corpse. 'Oh, great, mother again?' he thought grumpily. The beast tore a chunk of flesh from its prey and swallowed before whipping its head to face him. The monster that stood across from him wasn't recognizable at first glance. Mika peered into the eyes of the hound and noticed that it appeared a lot like himself. Opening its jaws and cackling, the hound rocked back forth. "You're...Me?" he muttered in shock as his heart began to beat faster. His other self crept closer and a howling voice bellowed, "I am you and you are me. We are the same." His eyes shifted to the corpse on the ground. A few moments ago he figured it was a pup, a younger sibling that was chowed down by his mother. Now it was clear that the dead, mangled body was his younger sister of whom he left back at home. In anger, Mika snarled, "N-No...No! I wouldn't kill her!" His eyes narrowed at the mirror image and he stepped forward ready to fight. The monster laughed and let Mika come closer, "Oh, but you have. Just like mother. Arn't you hungry?"

"Its impossible..."

"Think, Mika. You are the same being as your mother. We must eat."

Slowly losing reality, Mika slid down onto his knees and choked back tears. His mind was spinning after speaking to his inner thoughts. Maybe he was a monster like his mother, and maybe he would turn on everyone he loved. After all, most hellhounds loose all sense of humanity and go crazy with hunger. He began to picture his sister at home alone. It then hit him, the realization of why he had left. He had left to become a better big brother and strengthen himself. All this time he had been caring for her and protecting her. Returning to his feet, Mika smiled confidently. "You're not me," he stated, "I will not succumb to being a brainless mutt. I write my own path!" The beast cowered and shook violently. "I won't let you control my thoughts anymore. I don't have to be afraid of you because I can trust myself. I came this far for the sake of my sister. There is no way in hell i'm going to lose my mind while I have someone so important to live for."

@Oliverfan its totally okay! )
Umbra sat back, watching the hell hound form, and drop a corpse at the foot of his classmate. Judging by what he was shouting it seemed he was afraid of giving in to the base instincts of his nature. Yes, that makes sense. He thought as he focused his attention on the beast's face. The beast has that one's eyes. He shook his head as the boy broke down crying, but then stood up defiant. He shouted a brief accusation at the creature, spouted off some steroptypical line about getting his strength from his loved ones. Yadda-yadda-yadda. Umbra stifled a yawn. Insecurities, good for a brief blow, and a good way in, but there is so rarely any substance to them. Briefly he reflected on his own hypocrisy. The initial vial had shown him his own insecurities after all, he had been forced to confront his parents attempting to guilt him back to Rhisthir, but Umbra cast those thoughts aside. After all, he had known this was an issue long before now.
(Ikr @Anaxileah xD )

Blake stared at the front of the room, watching as Mika's fear appeared before him. Though the beast that had appeared looked much like Mika in his nightmare form when the two had fought earlier. The fear formed, and Blake was looking at Mika's reaction. He wondered what was going through the older male's mind at the moment. Blake had come out of his thoughts for a moment, though right as he looked at Mika, he saw the beast standing in front of him ripping a piece of flesh off of its prey. Blake quickly shut his eyes as he saw the blood... Oh the blood. How did Mika stand seeing so much blood? Blake didn't think he could survive a day if he was the older male. Blake held a pressure point on his wrist to stop the nauseous feeling he was having.

'Jeez, Blake. How weak are you, it's just a bit of blood.' Blake thought to himself. He tried to bring himself to watch Mika fight his fear, but that would require watching the huge beast feast upon the helpless animal below him. Blake wanted to face his weird fear of blood in his own fight, not Mika's.

Blake listened as Mika and the beast conversed, his eyes still closed. He quickly glanced at Mika while he spoke firmly to the beast. Blake smiled slightly. 'I thought he would do well. Let's just see how well I do...'

Mr. Ysgrath

"Hmm...impressive. I guess. You pass. Next up, I'm making Blake go this time. No excuses." Ysgrath pointed an accusatory finger at Blake and grinned, the flesh of his face moving in a horrifying manner when he smiled. "Let's go." He grabbed another vial and prepared it, ready to throw it before Blake.


Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana gasped out in pain, the bite hurting momentarily. After that she felt numb, her life force being drained out of her by Surfruaa. She felt faint, and slumped against the wall.

Surfruaa continued to lap up the sweet crimson liquid until she let out a heavy sigh, drawing her fangs out ever so slowly and licking her lips. She glanced up at the young woman and took her hand, hugging her tightly. "S-Sorry..." She stammered, oblivious to how pale she was now.


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