:: Night World :: where love has never been so dangerous

The Joker

Elder Member

Welcome to :: Night World :: !!:pedobear:

By: Belbo


The Night World isnt a place. It's all around us. The creatures of The Night World are beautiful and deadly and irresistible to humans. Your best friend could be one- so could your crush.

The laws of the Night World are very clear: humans must never learn that Night World exists. and members of the Night World must never fall in love with a human. Violate the laws and the consequences are terrifying.

Now, that you now about Night World, welcome in....


1. no all powerful

2. once you join please post

3. one human for every member of Night World

4. when kicked out (if have been bad) please stay out

5. no details of killing or body parts (kissing, showering, ect.)







What are you and do you have any powers?:




My Skelly

Name: Ash Forther

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Crush: ...

Family: nope

What are you and do you have any powers?: member of night world, power is fire

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime fire boy/Drachenflamme/Fire_mage_by_feimo.jpg?o=9

History: he has the power of fire, and is deadly. he killed many people and is more of a villain. dont get to close to him. he killed his parents and siblings, he isnt the most romantic either. he lives on his own, in the shadows

dont ever get him mad

Name: Diana Abforth

Gender: female

Age: 21

Crush: ...

Family: hahahaha no

What are you and do you have any powers?: i am human and no powers

http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime girl with black hair/xXrandomxmusicxpersonXx/kya.jpg?o=22

History: her family died of cancer and sickness. she now lives on her own, trying to survive. she is different though. she is suspicious

she is a mystery sometimes, dont tell her to much about the Night World

Name: Alex

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Crush: this girl keeps and starring at me....

Family: i live on my own but i have two sister and parents.

What are you and do you have any powers?: im a human


History: wont tell



Now that you have read all this, you may join! i hope you like it and have a lot of fun!! thank you for joining!

Ash.::. he walked hiding his face. the day was dark. their kind lived in a dark town, no human dared to go. the building were old and gray. the windows patted down with wood. it was dark and windy. he shivered. he went to 'Forther Inc.' that's were his powerful, rich father lived. he stopped at the door and looked up. he sighed. the door was at least 2 feet bigger than him. and he was 5'6''. he opened the door. he didnt bother closing the door or taking of he shoes. he walked up he steep and long stairs. he stood in front of his father's door to his office. he sighed and lifted his hand. he was about to knock when he stopped. he heard his father talking, not to himself but, someone he was on the phone with. he waited and listened through the wood door

Diana.::. she ran the wind flowing in her hair. she ran, she was being cashed. but by who?
Name: Alice

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Crush: none yet

Family: She ran away from home when she was 14, read history for details

What are you and do you have any powers?: Witch, still learning.


History: Alice found out she was a witch when she was 11. She found out when she saw her mother cook their meal with the snap of her fingures. Being mad that her mother had not told her and that her mom refused to teach her magic, she ran away when she was 14. Living in a different hotel each night. she finally made some money and bought herself an apartment.

Other: none

(Will edit and add other character later.)

Name: Liam Rylen Claimsworth

Gender: Female

Age: 17



What are you and do you have any powers?: Moroi, a type of vampire. I specialize in spirit. I can use compulsion, heal, and travel in dreams.





Name: Carter Jayne Wolf

Gender: Female

Age: 17



What are you and do you have any powers?: Human and no.




Liam walked along the street and spotted Ash. She ran towards him and grabbed his arm. She smiled "Hey." she said and frowned when they reached his father's office. She followed him and sighed.

Carter chased Diana "Di!" she cried out as she ran after her.
Diana.::. she turned back and saw Carter. she smiled and waved. when Carter caught up with her, she hugged her "hey Carter, how it going?" she said smiling at her friend

Ash.::. he saw Liam "shh! im trying to listen to my dad" he said, whispering loudly. he put his head to the door, and tried to figure out what his father was saying
Liam rolled her eyes and stood behind him, arms crossed.

Carter hugged her back "Good, how about you?" she asked a grin on her face.
Diana.::. "oh, im just wondering around. same old same old" she said smiling back at her. she hadnt seen Carter, in what seemed like months. she missed her, they were like best friends.

Ash.::. he listened, he couldnt hear anything anymore. he turned to Liam "well now you messed up my chance to spy on my dad!" he said in a loud whisper. he grined at her, teasing the whole entire time he was talking to her. he did that on a regular basis
Liam giggled at his teasing and punched him in the arm every so often. She like Ash and they had known each other their whole lives. They weren't exactl friends, more like crushes, or at least that's how she felt about him.

Carter chuckled "You need to get a life, Di." she teased.
Ash.::. he rubbed his arm, softly. he chuckled. he smiled a her. "you wanna go play a game or some-" he said being cut off by the opening of the door, to his dad's office. he gulped. "uh oh" he said like a little kid getting in trouble. his father asked for him to come inside. he opened the fully opened the door and walked in. he was stiff. his father was probably the most popular man in Night World. where no human dared to go. his father could move anything with his eyes, he mastered almost every power known to man. he was very powerful.Ash sat down, carefully. he looked out the door and saw Liam.

Diana.::. "oh whatever!" she said smiling, softly pushing Carter a little bit. they had this bff connection. they have known each other since 2nd grade.
Name: Nina

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Crush: No one.. Yet

Family: They disappeared one day, so she has none.

What are you and do you have any powers?: She seems like she would be a human, but she's actually from the Night World. Her power is shape-shifting. But she uses it only in a time of need.



History: She doesn't have anything to tell really..

Other: Her eyes change colors sometimes.
Liam nodded and stayed in the hall until his father told her to go in as well. She reluctantly sat in the chair next to Ash.

Carter laughed "Hey, you wanna go to the coffee shop?" she asked.
Lost! yo did you read the rules? your need a human for every Night World Member! so you need a actual human! lol

Diana.::. she shrugged "sure, i didnt get any this morning... and im still pretty tired" she said pointing to her eyes, as if they had bags under them

Ash.::. he looked at Liam then turned his gaze to his father. he gulped. "hi dad" he said nervously. he father glared at him. "what have you been doing son? why were you standing

behind my door?" he asked, in a deep husky voice. "just.. um, noticing how nice looking your door is?" he said making up every word he said. "lie" his father said fast and mean "you are lying and i can tell it through your face" he said his eyebrows coming together. "yes, its true" Ash said, starring at his feet, embarrassed
Liam shook her head "Sir, it was my idea," she lied. She bit her lip and looked at Ash.

Carter nodded and began walking towards the coffee shop.
Ash.::. he looked at her, question in his face. he didnt know why she was taking the blame "i was also some off the problem" he said admitting it to his father. he father looked at them two "well then, please leave me to my work. now run along" he said shooing them away. Ash got up quietly walking out of the room "im sorry father" he said not looking back, then left the room. his father sighed his hand on his face. "come on Liam" Ash said waiting for her

Diana.::. she skipped her way to the coffee, smiling. she couldnt wait for her coffee, she loved that stuff
(Oh oopsies Haha :P Sorry didn't see that. I meant Nina's just a human)

Nina bobbed her foot up and down as the music from her headphones blasted in her ears. She closed her eyes and listened to the lyrics carefully as if they were in another language. Than she opened her eyes when a couple of boys began checking her out from the park bench.

She rolled her eyes and turned the volume up louder.

~I wish they'd stop staring at me like idiots.. It's so uncomfortable..~ She thought irritably to herself.
Liam nodded and followed him out. She looked at him once they were out of the building "You should've let me take the blame." she said.

Carter followed beside Diana "Mmm...I can already smell my caramel mocha." she said with a laugh.
Ash.::. he slowly closed the door and looked at Liam. "but it was my fault. i just cant let YOU take the blame when you didnt even do anything" he said looking at her. he knew she was trying to help him the best but, he didnt want her being sent to death one day because of his actions. he father was mean and strict and probably the most powerful man in Night World. the reason of that is because if Night World, when you are a vampire, the more blood you drink the more powerful you are. Ash's father was a vampire, but his mother was a fire person. he guessed he could never become one unless someone turned you into one.


he stomach growled and he moaned "god im so hungry. i cold drink 10 coffees" she said, eager to have coffee.


you have to exchange blood with a vampire. first night you exchange, next night you exchange again and the third night you repeat the blood exchanging. then the human falls asleep. let them sleep for a bit and try and wake them up. if they dont, they didnt make it. they died.

sometimes if you dont exchange the right amount of blood the human can become a 'walker' and walker is sort of like a zombie. you arent fully transformed and you walk around with no brain, your brian doesnt work. their are a lot of risks of being turned into a vampire
Liam sighed "Ash, you know that I'm terrified of your father and I know he could turn me into a soul-less vampire...but, I-I...." she trailed off unable to finish her sentence.

Carter laughed and held the door open for Diana as they reached the coffee shop.

she almost ran in the coffee shop. she looked at the cash register and said "one caramel coffee... please?" she said looking at the menu on the wall. she looked back at Carter and motioned her to come over and order what she wanted.


he sighed "yeah, i know, i know." he said rubbing the back of his neck "sorry, i just dont want you to die... at such a young age" he said looking at up Liam. he was worried for her. sometimes Liam could be a bit of a dare-devil sometimes.
Liam rolled her eyes returning back to herself, "Ash, promise me this: If your father ever, EVER, says he wants to turn me you will stake him through the heart." she said, a hard stare protruding those dark blue eyes.

he nodded. "yeah, i would... but remember he is the most powerful vampire in Night World... and there are A LOT of vampires. just keep that in mind, and please be safe. i dont want to those you" he said now laying his hands on her shoulders, looking at her. his father yelled for them to "go! or i will chop off your heads!!!" and Ash let go off her. "come on, lets go" he said heading for the door off with your heads he thought, thinking thats what his father should of said. he chuckled, smiling to himself. his own inside joke.

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