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Fantasy Night Star Academy



Welcome to Night Star Academy, a place for young witches and wizards to discover their talents and learn to use their gifts.

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The Start of The New School Year

The campus of NSA was a seemingly cheery place even during the just starting month of September. Ever busy, students were piling in the large auditorium for a look at the new roommate setting. You see, every year they changed for a way to promote so called 'student unity'. Most of the time, the school seems like a normal boarding school, less then true when you ask all the students. The place was special. Currently the students are all in a large auditorium, gathering to listen the start of the year speech as always. Mostly new students were there though, the older students mostly looked at the board for roommates.

"Okay everyone! Let's hope for a great new academic year!" Said a man on a stage. The deputy headmaster, Bob Campbell. He was wearing a swooshy red cape, and had a large grin growing on his face. The large crowd of students gathering near the stage, bulletin board where the roommates are sorted and the snack table.

"We shall call up last year's best student, as shown by the glass figure of a star in her hand, Shiro Kanashimi." The said girl snapped out of her daze, correcting her glasses, she walked from the backstage on to the actual stage, a glass figure of a star in her hand. She looked as melancholy as ever, and a bored look was on her face as usual.

"I would like to welcome all of the students saved from the clutches of the outside world, or taken from King City, I suppose." She said, as if not meaning anything, with a bored look on her face. Sighing she continued her speech. Trying not to pinch the bridge of her nose and kill herself from the annoyingness of the situation.
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The sea of students could only be described as one thing: terrifying. Virgil stood with his hood up, covering pretty much all of his face, save his mouth. He had chosen the darkest corner of the auditorium to stand in, hoping beyond hope that no one saw him. He was a coward, he was willing to admit it; and being forced into this large room full of people and....Girls made him feel like he was having a panic attack. He took a few deep breaths and turned his attention back to the person speaking. All he needed to know was where his room was and his schedule, and he could retreat to safety. Nothing else concerned him at the moment. He tugged at his shirt and began to feel his hand burn again, to which he looked down to and shook his head, willing the burn to go away. If he didn't, then his hand would catch fire again, and draw attention to himself, which he desperately didn't want.
Mira Elder looked at the bulletin board, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. There were several girls in this school, she noticed, so she would probably end up with another female roommate. She wouldn't be surprised; she checked to make sure her ring was on. Hopefully she wouldn't hurt her roommate. Or maybe, if she was lucky, she wouldn't get anyone, because her powers were too dangerous. She looked at the bulletin board and nearly fainted. I'm being roomed with a....boy?!
Aki made her way on the campus and soon found herself in the auditorium. A girl who seemed to be very annoyed was giving a speech up on a stage; she tuned out almost half of it. It was probably the old "I hope we have a great year full of learning 'yada, yada, yada'," Aki and her bright, long, blonde locks of hair walked over to a bulletin board that said to have the student dorm match ups. Her gentle appearance softened by a butterfly clip sitting upon her hair made her seem possibly approachable and friendly. But, most didn't notice the deadly aura that surrounded the attractive female. Aki heard that the rooms were co-ed. She kind of hoped she would have a female roommate. Floor 2..... 3..... 4..... 5.... Floor 5.... Room 57. Aki Masame and..... Willow Moon? Assuming that was a girl, she became a bit relieved. Her soft blue eyes scanned the room looking at the supernatural all around. There was a bit of curiosity in her on what abilities the students possessed.
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Virgil took another deep breath and calmed himself. He needed to find the bulletin board so that he could find his room. He quickly exited the auditorium; if there was anything important they'd reiterate it later. He was careful not to draw attention to himself and trekked over to the main office. He saw the board and gave a sigh of relief, though the worry in his chest did not subside. As fast as his legs could carry him, he walked over to it, trying not to make eye contact with the girl who looked like she had just received some terrible news. He looked around and found his room number, and then saw his roomate. His heart filled with anxiety again. He'd been paired with a girl. Just his luck...


Dren walked casually into the auditorium. The scene the same as last year, although with a different person; Shiro Kanashimi. He hadn't paid much attention to her when he first enrolled, but she was no new face. Quite the intelligent one, who ran the cafe 24. He didn't bother listening to anything that was being said besides seeing her image upon the stand. Walking over to the board he glanced at his room number, nothing else. As far as he was concerned, he had no room mate. Last year he had set the man on fire for being so annoying. Ah, that was exciting! It didn't take much to irk him, yet befriending him as a male wasn't too difficult. It was girls that he found the most annoying.

Mostly he had come to grab his schedule and snacks; there was always time for snacks. Picking up a box of pocky he munched on it quietly. Placing his earbuds in he literally drowned out all noise surrounding him. This was his peaceful time, his "don't fucking get near me" aura. People would be mingling around for awhile until the bell rang to be dismissed to first period.
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Artist Wannabe

Kaito strolled around the bulletin board, having already seen the arrangements for the year, he was trying to find the way out of the large crowd, but sadly he seemed to find no way out. Sighing, he stood through the crowd.

'Dren Stratus.....ain't that the guy who set the academy on fire? If it's so, I'm in bad luck.' He thought. Finally reaching the bulletin board again, he checked the name, to make sure it is Dren Stratus. 'Well, fortune was never on my side before, why would it start now? Last year a girl, and now a pyromancer.....'



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Virgil shook his head. At least now he knew where he was going, and what the key he had received earlier unlocked. At a speed unknown to many, he made his way to the dorms and quickly unlocked his room, stepping inside and locking the door behind him. He slid down the door and sighed; safe at last. He stood up again and looked around. The dorms themselves were rather spacious; he commended the Academy for making them so. He claimed the bottom half of the room and dropped his bag by the bed, flopping onto it and sighing into the pillow. Now what's he supposed to do? He was out of ideas.
She wandered through the school's entrance, keeping her nose buried in her book over magical histories. She ran into a few people, and mumbled an apology, not looking up from her book, then continued on her way. That is, until she crashed into a wall, earning her a headache and the snickers of kids around her. The school seems fairly standard, she thought, grabbing her book and getting up. She dusted herself off, and went to a place to get her dorm number and room key. She went to her dorm afterwards, leaving the door open behind her, as she had read somewhere that leaving doors shut all the time degraded the oxygen in an area. She sat in front of the computer immediately, after dumping her stuff in a corner of the room. She was already doing research on the school, and the students, too. She looked at school blueprints, then, her attention was drawn elsewhere. The outside world. She looked out the window longingly, before turning back to the computer and attempting to get information on the outside world.
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Virgil shook his head. At least now he knew where he was going, and what the key he had received earlier unlocked. At a speed unknown to many, he made his way to the dorms and quickly unlocked his room, stepping inside and locking the door behind him. He slid down the door and sighed; safe at last. He stood up again and looked around. The dorms themselves were rather spacious; he commended the Academy for making them so. He claimed the bottom half of the room and dropped his bag by the bed, flopping onto it and sighing into the pillow. Now what's he supposed to do? He was out of ideas.

Mira tentatively walked into the dorm room, anxiously checking to see if her ring was tightly on. Yes, it was. She saw someone already there, who she assumed was Virgil. He seemed nice enough, but Mira still didn't want to make her presence known. She was very wary around other people, always worrying about accidentally hurting them-just like her parents. She let out a little sigh and checked to make sure everything was in place before adding some personality to the side of the room that she assumed was her own. She took out several large novels and put them onto a bookshelf. She then pulled out a poster of the Little Match Girl (her favorite story of all time) which she had painted herself. She admired her work for a minute before opening a heavy copy of Pinocchio and beginning to read it.
Virgil slowly raised his head as he heard the door open yet again, his eyes wide. He slowly turned it to see.....yep. A girl. His roomate. He slowly got down from his bed, afraid that she sensed by movement, and slowly made his way to his closet, opening the door, and sitting down inside, closing the door after him.
Mira looked up. It seemed that Virgil was just as shy as she was. She kept reading her book, but eventually, curiosity got the best of her. She didn't really say anything, but copied him and walked into the closet, opening her book once again and beginning to read it.
Virgil began to panic inside his closet. He took a few deep breaths to try and steady himself. He decided it was better to list out the facts to get a better understanding of what was going on.

"Okay, okay.....now what do I know about her?......Absolutely nothing! Aw, great...."
Mira cocked an eyebrow at Virgil's weird behavior. Maybe he's one of those crazy sheltered kids that I was warned about. She closed Pinocchio and tried to word what she wanted to say. "Are you Virgil?" she asked, her quiet voice somewhat uncertain.
Virgil froze up. She was trying to speak with him. He ceased all movement in his closet, as still as a statue. Even his breathing slowed.

'Maybe if I stay quiet, she'll think I'm gone...'
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Virgil froze up. She was trying to speak with him. He ceased all movement in his closet, as still as a statue. Even his breathing slowed.
'Maybe if I stay quiet, she'll think I'm gone...'

Mira waited for a response. It kind of saddened her that Virgil didn't answer. Do the rumors really spread that quickly? She uneasily checked her ring once more. Yes, it was still on her finger. She sighed. Maybe he was already out of the closet. No matter. She stayed seated in the closet, bumping her head against the wall. "I'm not going to hurt anybody," she told herself. "All I want is someone who won't avoid me."

[QUOTE="Dawn Wolfie]//Am I late, Im not really sure, this being my first rp in RPN//

//no, you are not//
Dawn entered the building in a slow but unusual fast pace. Her succubus tail could only be seen by a few, helping her stay inconspicuous. She was new to the school but that didn't bother her any. Finding her way down the hall she noticed the scent of something, or someone powerful. Her curious side as gotten the best of her, walking down the hall she noticed the scent led to a dorm room.

"Hmmm." She pondered the idea of going in, but played it safe. She would check of whom she would be having as a "Friend" or a tasty treat she giggled in her head. But snapped out of it, remember last time you ate someone...Oh well...She walked to the board trying to find her name as in bold print it read

Dawn Black Flame.

//My i dorm with you guys?//

Virgil could hear her talk to herself, and he raised an eyebrow. She wanted someone who didn't avoid her? Poor girl. It sounded like she had some pretty heavy backstory, but he wasn't going to pry. He took a couple more deep breaths and slowly opened the closet door. He stood up and silently sprinted to the kitchen. Hopefully she had not heard him.


Dren was starting to enjoy the peace until, something, or rather someone had bumped into him. What the fu- He turned to catch a glimpse of the person that had dared shoulder check him. A girl nonetheless. Of course. It was almost as if he was confirming all of the negativeness he surrounded women with were accurate. Trying to reach out, he lost her in the crowd. "Dammit!" He cursed to himself. But he would remember her for sure. er, well at least her back anyways. I'll remember that back!!!

Already in a tempered mood he walked down the hall way, noticing a succubus reading the board. Grinning mischievously he reached out and pulled on her tail. @Dawn Wolfie
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Mira sat in the closet a little longer, and, upon finally gaining control, decided to properly introduce herself. Her roommate wasn't there. She searched until she found him in the kitchen. "My name is Mira, by the way," she said. "Mira Elder."

@Knight Nate
Virgil panicked. She had exited the closet and was coming for him! He let out a panicked yelp and quickly ducked behind the island in the kitchen.
Mira looked at him. This guy really was weird...she rolled her eyes. "Ah, you're afraid of females. Should've seen that coming." She went to the fridge and took out some beef jerky. "......................."

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