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Fandom Nier Automata


New Member
March, 11945. The 14th Machine War continues into it's 6th year. Android and machine forces battle to a stalemate across the globe. Today sees the beginning of the 243rd Descent Operation. Small YoRHa squads are launched around the world, their mission similar: the destruction of Goliath Class Machine lifeforms. One such squad is launched into the middle of the Country of Night, an area swarming with machines ever since the region was nearly taken over by their alien masters about 6000 years prior.

Operations into the Country of Night require a certain finesse, after all you were flying into total darkness. 6H did not possess that kind of finesse. H types were necessary in the field as a sort of medic, facilitating repairs but their AI wasn't particularly suited for such skillful operation of flight units. And so 6H found herself way off course, and barely managed even managed to land her flight unit atop a collapsed overpass. Surveying her surroundings she spotted a distant light source in the sky, seemingly made brighter by the pure darkness around her. Checking her map data that appeared to be their target location. Accurate information on locales within the Country of Night had been lost to time, and it was possible the machines had built or destroyed landmarks. 6H rubbed her head with a sigh. She would have to let her squad know what happened. That was going to be embarrassing to say the least. "Pod. Open comms to the others." Her Pod acknowledged her command opening a comm channel with the other members of her squad. "Heeey uh 6H here. I kinda got thrown off course... but I'm on my way! Don't wait up, okay! "

Happenstancery Happenstancery
With a flourish, 14E finishes the final machine in his sector. Having been tasked with eliminating ground forces in lieu of his typical quarry, this particular android had been saddled with the temporary moniker of ‘14B’. At least to his knowledge. It had been quite a while since he had synced with or been in contact with the bunker, but part of his mission parameters had been to assist when/wherever possible with YoRHa operations. And that brought him here. His pod bobs and hovers behind him as he stalks to the edge of the clearing, stepping over and weaving his way through the droves of machine corpses that littered the asphalt.

His radio crackles to life. An open YoRHa channel perhaps? He hears a voice, distorted by static and crackle. 14E frowns. They were probably targeting the goliath class machines in the area, despite how difficult they are to engage in the perpetual night on this side of the earth. Regardless of that, it appeared as though, the android had set down relatively nearby, prompting 14E to ascend to the top of a nearby building. “Pod, light.” A radiant beam cascades from the top of the building, bathing each nook and cranny that is cast over with iridescent light. As he catches a glimpse of something appearing to be his quarry, 14E spots another light in the distance, one obscured from his position on the ground. ‘Their destination, no doubt,’ he muses to himself, ‘I had better get to helping this one before I can worry about that.’ Leaping off of the building, 14 snatches the legs of his pod, which carries him down to where 6H had landed.

“You seem to be out of sorts. Can I lend you a hand?”
"No response... think they're mad?" 6H glanced up at her Pod.

"Such an emotional response would be detrimental to the mission objective." Was the Pod's response.

"...Yeah... that makes sense." 6H muttered with a small nod. She took a look up towards the light source that was her destination, then down below the overpass. "Guess we better find our way over. Can I a light?" Her Pod wordlessly acknowledged the command, shedding light on the ground below. Just as her own light flicked on another shone down on her. 6H spun on her heels, grabbing her spear as it materialized behind her. It was the first time she had wielded a weapon since her combat updates. It felt both natural and unnatural the grace with which she was able to draw it. Fortunately she wouldn't have to use it as another Android, a YoRHa one at that, came into view, her HUD recognizing this one as 14B.

"Uh yeah. I need to meet up with my squad over there." 6H pointed the spear towards the light source before tossing it over her shoulder. "I'm 6H by the way!"
As the light from his pod catches the polished edge of 6H’s spear, 14E finds his rapier in hand, tip pointed at the ground. His eyes narrow for a moment and his knees bend, but the moment of tension passes and he stows the weapon, his face returning to its usual, neutral expression. Despite the situation, this lady seems to be awfully chipper. Nonchalantly throwing his weapon back to the pod floating behind him, the android takes a few paces towards 6H, him beginning to scrutinize the other before nodding.

“Alright 6H...I’ll escort you to your squad. Shouldn’t be that far out of the way for me.” Most of, if not all of the machines in this area are dead or disabled. It wouldn’t be extraordinarily difficult to justify helping this android, in the case that anyone cared to question his decision making.

“Is your flight unit disabled? I can have my pod stay here and work on it, though I can understand you wanting to go on foot even if it isn’t...” He casts his gaze about their shadow swallowed surroundings, even him having difficulty making out the obstacles and shards of broken civilization that jutted from the earth like so many shattered teeth, ready to swat down anyone reckless enough to navigate the area airborne.

“Ah, and I’m 14B, though I’m sure your heads up display told you that already.”
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"It should still be operational," As an H type she was more than capable of field repairs however slowly but surely, more advanced pod programs were rendering her model obsolete. She held out hope that with these combat updates she would make the transition to a B type rather than be stuck somewhere as essentially an assistant to her own pod. "But yeah flying in this is not something I want to rush back into."

"14B." 6H repeated softly with a small nod. He was right of course, with their unit data introductions weren't really needed. Still it just felt right. After all humans had to introduce themselves to each other, so why not them?

"Well 14B let's get roll-" Each squad in the Descent consisted of 6 YoRHa units. While it was a large scale operation teams were still spread quite far apart to cover each major area of Goliath-class activity. What 14B was doing here if not part of the mission 6H decided was a topic for later discussion. For now she figured if he was going to be helping he should at least know what was going on. Any assistance against a Goliath was welcome. "Ah just so you know I'm here to engage a Goliath-class machine believed to be in the area."
“I thought they’d be what you’re after. Those pose a pretty big threat.” His eyes wander away from 6H, his shoulders relaxing before nodding. His previous arrangements now thoroughly set aside, he now surveys his immediate surroundings. It would be difficult to navigate the area with only two pods worth of light, but it wouldn’t be impossible. “I think I should be able to navigate us towards the nearest Goliath, I’m assuming that’s the one you were headed to, yeah? Whenever you’re ready...”

A gentle breeze pushes through the shadow soaked landscape when they depart, pushing through 14’s ponytail and making each strand of hair dance behind him in the dim light of their pods. A massive river runs through the ruins of the city like a gash, the flooded reservoirs and ducts implying that the stream was much more manageable when the city was populated by humans. Foliage and greenery run rampant on the buildings and at the bank of the waters that cut though the remnants of civilization. A little while later as they trek through, 14’s voice cuts through the silence. “I think this used to be some sort of port city a long time ago. Goliaths have been holed up here for a while I think, they’re pretty well dug in.” A few more paces later, he continues, “It must’ve been a pretty place a long time ago, no doubt. Do you get to sortie out here often? It’s been a while since I’ve run into YoRHa androids.”

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