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Fantasy NGC Mission Log 3


Senior Member
@Winter Night @plotsaresexy

Lacy had succeeded in following the followed faintest trail of the witch Vlandris with little interruption from the miriads of undead around. She could easily use speed and stealth to keep them at bay, and the closer she got the stronger the trail until she came upon her Desination. The City University Campus. The same place Kobalt said they should meet afterwards.

Lacy had come upon an epic and chaotic battle as she stalked closer to the outer gates of the large campus's main building. High above in the sky two figures could be seen flying around battling with mana infused magic. 

Surazal the guildmaster wielded spears made of pure electricity as he flew And a large scythe in hand and the witch Vlandris held a skull burning with green flame hovering above both her palms. They hurled these powers at one another occasionally clashing in a sparkling explosion of green fire.

Vlandris yelling in delightful glee. 

"Your nothing without you guard dog guild captain to protect you! I'm going to melt your skin off and feed it to my pets!"

Surazal said nothing as he grimaced in focus.

Hordes of zombies were spread out everywhere as they poured in thru the gates entrance but a girl with red hair and a bladed whip(Tempest) was already working hard to fight off the undead crowd. She was holding her own using her abilities which was very impressive for someone her age but the supply of zombies wasn't running out anytime soon.

Suddenly Lacy heard a young girls scream not far away from her. It was coming from the campus cafeteria.
Tempest was holding her own against the army of undead that surrounded her, but she knew her mana wouldn't last all day, and needed to think of something- and fast to get rid of this army. She knew she was at a disadvantage being the youngest of the group(i think), but she refused to let that stop her, and put all of her energy into this battle, as shown by the sweat dripping down her forehead and body. Her hair was wet with sweat, but she had no time to pay it any mind as it fell loosely down her back and stuck to her exposed skin. She'd taken a few cuts and narrowly avoided bites from the horrid creatures around her, but they kept coming. She held her whip in one hand, and was slashing it back and forth, cutting off heads and arms and knocking zombies into each other, causing confusion among the front lines of the horde.

One of the zombies, seemingly on accident, got it's arm caught in her whip, and she pulled her arm back with such force that the arm ripped off, and whipped back to hit another zombie in the face. She flicked the whip, and it unraveled, letting the arm fall to the ground. She was focusing on her mana, having to keep it flowing directly into her attacks one right after the other, sending volley after volley of wind blades into the giant horde around her. As she did so, her mana leaked from the blades into the air around her, causing anything that got close to either get pushed back or torn apart. Once she'd pushed the line of zombies back just a bit more, she raised her hands into the air up towards the sky and planted her feet on the ground. 

She closed her eyes for a moment and the air around her became moist and heavy. When she opened her eyes, they were sparkling with magic, she was about to perform a combo she'd been working on for forever. She hadn't ever done so successfully, but she figured now would be the best time to try it. "Oh Ran, goddess of Sea and Storm! Grant me your power, and lend me your strength to change the tides of this battle in your favor.... Sinking Waters!" as she spoke, water appeared all around her, pooling around the feet of the zombies, she focused on moving the water around so it hit as many of them as she could, crawling up their legs to touch all it could. She was stretching it out thin, but she had to do what she could.

Her next move was to keep her focus on the water, while also moving her hands down so they where facing out, touching at the bottom of her palms. Her breathing was heavier now, and she could feel the strain on her mana as she focused it into a combo like this. Mana swirled around her hand, beginning to crackle like lightning. When the ball was about softball size, Tempest pushed her hands out, letting out a war cry she didn't even know she had in her, and the ball of lightning shot forward and hit the water, electrifying all that it touched. Tempest held the move for as long as she could before screaming out in pain and dropping her concentration, almost falling to the ground.

She wanted to faint, but she knew the battle wasn't over yet. She hadn't killed all the zombies,and the ones she had were being slowly replaced once again. "Dammit, this is useless! We need a plan!" She shouted out for her teamates to hear. She hadn't yet exhausted all her magic, but she had put a strain on her mana flow, and her spells from this point on could be unstable.
Lacy shifted out of her hybrid form and held her palms out. Ice shards began to pierce zombies left and right. "Sorry I'm late." She says blasting a zombie behind her. Lacy kept this up while being watchful of her mana.
@Winter Night

Suddenly Lacy heard a young girls scream not far away from her. It was coming from the campus cafeteria.

Master Surazal looked over at hearing the scream.

"The children!" He yelled but immediately had to cut down a flaming green skull flying at him.

"Na ah ah! You haven't finished dancing with me yet. It's rude to leave a girl hanging." She said twirling her finger  in the air as a green cloud began to form abover her and get slowly bigger. 


Tempest had succeeded in clearing out a good portion of the undead around her but her mana was halfway spent and she wouldn't be using that move again for a while. She had heard the shriek but was opposite the campus from the children. Their was still a large crowd of zombies between them and even if she was at full strength wouldn't make it in time.
Tempest heard the scream of the child, and felt such anger knowing she wouldn't be able to get to her. All these goddamn zombies were in her way. She brought her whip in, quickly putting it back  in it's place on her hip, grabbing her duel-wielding axes. With a fire in her eyes, she ran into the fray of zombies,  slashing and dodging. As she moved, she released wind blades into the zombies. It was the only magic she could manage right now, her mana points trying to heal from being so overloaded just moments before, her magic was slightly erratic. 
Lacy blasted a few more zombies, then immediately raced towards the sound of the child's scream. She race towards the sound and pulled out her twin swords. Lacy found the child that was screaming. She slashed the zombies the were close by, then knelt down to the child. "You ok?" Lacy asked.
"Ahhh! Get back! Leave us alone!" The older girl screamed at seeing Lacy in her hybrid wolf form. The girl swung a big butchers knife trying to scare her off while standing with two younger children behind her. A boy and a girl.

"Wait Chelsie. The furry girl in the white can talk. I dont think she's mean." The little boy said pointing to Lacy.

The older girl named Chelsie blinked with fear and tears in her eyes as she studied Lacy. "Um I'm sorry, can you help us. Please? We cant get out." She said still teary eyed but with a smaller glimmer of hope as well. 

"And we cant find Tempest!" The younger little girl yelled out. "I hope she's okay. Shes my friend."
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Lacy swiftly dodged the knife putting her own twin swords away and held up her hands.  "Wait Chelsie. The furry girl in the white can talk. I dont think she's mean." The little boy said pointing to Lacy. The older girl, Chelsie, blinked with fear and tears in her eyes as she studied Lacy. "Um I'm sorry, can you help us. Please? We cant get out." She said still teary eyed but with a smaller glimmer of hope as well. "And we cant find Tempest!" The younger little girl yelled out. "I hope she's okay. Shes my friend." Lacy nodded. "I'm here to help! I know where Tempest is to, she should be fine as long as she can hold off the hoard, but I think she'll need my help sooner or later. In the mean time we gotta get you two outta here." Lacy says smiling softly. Suddenly, there was a smashing sound and eight zombies wondered close to the three of them. "Cr*p, I have to save the rest of my mana to help Tempest." Lacy muttered. "Plug your ears kids." Lacy says pulling out her S.A.M.G. Lacy aimed the gun. A rapid amount of bullets shot at the zombies.
Tempest was using all the magic, and all the strength she could muster, as she cut through the zombies. Her wind blades kept them at bay, and when one or two got close, she'd hack at them with her axes, killing them. She heard bullets and a smile came over her face, 'Lacy', she didn't have time to feel relieved though, she had to keep fighting. The zombies were slowly beginning to outnumber her. "Dammit, dammit, DAMNIT!" She couldn't help but shout in frustration, she'd always been a bit of a hothead. One of the zombies came close, too close, and lunged at her, forcing her to dodge to the left, breaking her concentration of mana. At first, the zombies didn't realize that the attack had stopped, and that gave Tempest the opportunity to sleigh the zombie in front of her before focusing her mana on starting up her wind blades again. Soon, once the zombies realized there was nothing cutting them down, they charged in at her. Tempest could feel fear rising up in her stomach, but she controlled it, taking a deep breath before unleashing more Wind Blades. She had to fight harder now, they'd gotten closer. She'd been reckless, and now she was battling harder for her life than she ever had before. 
Lacy shot them all and ran out with the kids trailing behind. Her gun fired more rounds as more came closer to them. She eventually got the kids safely behind a sturdy wall of crates. "Stay here, I need to go help Tempest. We will be only 15 feet away. If anything happens yell for one of us. Oh, and take this just in case." Lacy says and creates and ice dagger giving it to the boy. Lacy then sprints over to Tempest and begins her firing assault on the horde. 
(Hey you guys. Sorry about being gone so much. I got some personal stuff going on that needs my full attention right now. I'm appointing Wixard as the new GM for the rp until I get my stuff figured out, and I'll be helping her further develop the story in the background. Thanks for being so patient and have fun.)

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