[Next Stop: Sunshine City]The Bar

Talon said:
oh ok that works. sooooo like send me a blank one and then i just fill it in?¿?¿

I'll have it up later tonight or tomorrow for everyone since more people are closer to posting their characters now.
Ok so I thought I could handle this on my own, but I've never used this system before so I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed with all the information. I think I'd like some help figuring out how I should spend my points and how I should classify my gear appropriately.

Here's the basics behind my character so you know what I'm looking to build. The guy's name is Hunter Linden, but he goes by the moniker "Fox" when he's out doing his 'job'. He's a professional thief for hire, though he often winds up stealing things of his own accord and then selling it on the black market so he doesn't have to work through a middle man. He's also a paraplegic, as a result of an attack on his school bus when he was 10. Took out both of his legs just below the knees. This is where his powers start to come into play, because essentially he's going to be a modified Power Suit build. His legs are where part of his 'super powers' are, as they're high tech things that I would like to equip with Leaping at the very least, possibly Flight though that would be more of a hover function or a close proximity burn for fighting if need be. But his legs aren't his primary tool, they're simply tricked out to help him get to where he needs to go. His real strength is his mind, as he's an expert hacker and can get past many different systems. So ideally I'd like to funnel points into three devices that make up his persona, if you will. His legs, his tablet, and his mask.

The mask is something he's been tinkering with himself as he's a bit of an inventor on the side. But not much, the legs are something he had to commission from a less than reputable source. (Honestly I'm not sure I want to dump the points into inventing if I don't have enough to do so. Think of inventing as a side goal and not the main goal.) The tablet shouldn't be too hard, I just need to make sure it can access multiple systems. The legs are kind of a problem though, because I'd like to be able to store some things in there that he can deploy on the fly. The main toys would be smokescreen bombs and flashbangs, but possibly tear gas or sleep gas? I'm also not sure if putting those into the legs would be the best idea because if the legs get broken somehow he's suddenly without those tools. The mask would be somewhat of a hodgepodge of different tech too, which I think works but I'm not entirely sure. Standard would go into the mask like video camera capability, binoculars, night vision, flashlight, gas mask, commlink, GPS. It's basically a miniature computer in his mask feeding him data like JARVIS does for Iron Man.

The main thing I'm having trouble with is justifying his ability scores. Because essentially he's just a really smart human, so I don't feel comfortable putting points into Strength, Agility, Dex or Fighting on his own. However with his legs attached and working I would imagine they would increase his ability scores in certain aspects dramatically, so could I (and more importantly should I) incorporate a Removable feature into the legs that affects his ability scores?

There might be a few other things I've forgotten but I think this is the jist of it for now. Could someone lend me their thoughts on this when they get a chance?

@Lord of Chaos @The Dark Wizard
I'm away from home for the weekend so I can give you better help Sunday night.

For the ability scores, how removable are your legs? If its something you wear, exoskeleton style, have the ability scores be built into the legs as an Enhanced Ability power, and give it the removable flaw. If the legs are largely permanent replacements, just take the ability scores and have a Power Loss complication for when they get damaged or disabled.
@Lord of Chaos

Thank you! I think that will help for now, but I also had an idea that there could be a spike in the bottom of Hunter's legs that would act as a close quarters attack. Something on hydraulics that could kill a normal man but probably wouldn't work against special armors or anything. How would I go about making that a thing?
Actually I think I figured that one out when I looked at the Damage power. Seems straightforward enough from there.
Just been busy. Should have something soon; want to catch up on all the stuff I'm GMing today if possible.
Sinus infection left me a bit loopy this past weekend. I am still in though.

I've almost got Revenant figured out stat-wise. Its a battle between his attributes and need for all his gear/facility.
So not enough people who showed interest made characters. I rather remove the hosted project and do a new thread game with everyone who submitted or even a small chat chat game (this one seems unlikely since most of us are busy).

In this new game you can reuse your characters.

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