Newbie Who's Just Looking Around


"no more pomegranates!" - demeter
Hello! My name is Emilee or Em is fine with me.

I'm currently in college and working in the visual arts program for art (or more specifically Graphic Design).

My personal interests include...
- Playing Music (Piano, violin, and trumpet player) and I take part in certain band programs at my school.
- Photography
- Design
- Painting
- Writing
- Reading
- Coding/Scripting (Game Designing for small little things)
- Staying up too late
- Procrastination

My personal tastes for roleplaying can switch from fluff to angst/dark plots in an instance. However, I do usually tend to lean toward the darker stories with more detail. It must be why I find AU's interesting, where happy ever after rarely happens.

A few topics, or fandoms I'm in include...

- Disney
- Harry Potter
- Game of Thrones
- Star Wars
- The Hunger Games
- Hamilton
- Phantom of the Opera

I do seem to stick to those fandoms when searching for roleplays, but every so often I do get a craving for something original. With roleplaying with fandoms, I personally like to stick to canon characters to explore them more in depth than the original material allows.

Most of my replies are fairly long, at least a paragraph or two at the very least. But I do tend to match lengths unless I am given a single line in which you may not receive a reply from me again after that.

With that said, I'm a mostly flexible and open minded person. I like to leave my prompts open for interpretation as to where to take the plot. I like to be creative which may lead to extreme AU's at times, but as long as they're fun and interesting for my partner and me, it should be all good!

Since I'm brand new to this website, I was wondering if anyone had maybe any tips for a newbie? Any unspoken rules of the sort?
Hey there, fellow newbie! I just joined myself and it seems that the most given tip is to read the website's rules and guidelines though that is generally a given for most websites. Sorry that I can't give any actual tips as I'm a newbie myself, but hey, welcome to the RPNation! Hopefully you are able to find plenty of interesting Roleplays while here!
Welcome to RpN! As Jordan Welsh Jordan Welsh said above, you should read the site rules first. Probably the biggest unspoken rule is no double posting. If you need help with anything feel free to ask me
Hey there, fellow newbie! I just joined myself and it seems that the most given tip is to read the website's rules and guidelines though that is generally a given for most websites. Sorry that I can't give any actual tips as I'm a newbie myself, but hey, welcome to the RPNation! Hopefully you are able to find plenty of interesting Roleplays while here!

Ah, yes, that is really a given. I've read through it already and it seems simple enough! Thank you though! Welcome to the website as well! ^_^
Welcome to RpN! As Jordan Welsh Jordan Welsh said above, you should read the site rules first. Probably the biggest unspoken rule is no double posting. If you need help with anything feel free to ask me

Sounds good! Thank you. Just to be clear, though, is there a general definition that people go by on double posting? I always get nervous around new people in new settings is all, sorry if it's a sort of odd question! Thank you for the help!
If you have already posted in an RP and you want to add some more to add to it, don't put that information in another post just after your last. We have an edit button for that. RPNation is rather simple once you get in the swing of it.
If you have already posted in an RP and you want to add some more to add to it, don't put that information in another post just after your last. We have an edit button for that. RPNation is rather simple once you get in the swing of it.

Oh! Sounds simple! I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually, but thank you very much for the help and the tips!

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