New to RP Nation!


I go by Hayne! I'm very new at this website and only used it once before to RP with a friend, haha. But I'm a fast learner and I'm eager to become a regular roleplayer!
I'd love to start as soon as possible with a fun RP partner to work with.

Here are some things about me (in case you wanna know):
  • I'm 18 (although I think it says so in my profile?)
  • I'm very much a newbie at RPing and this website in general so it may take some time for me to adjust
  • I love writing my own stories and characters to use for RPs
  • ^Mostly because I'm not in too many popular fandoms/don't feel comfortable enough to RP with them :,^)
Favorite Story/RP Genres:
  • Fantasy
  • Realistic fiction (slice of life)
  • Psychological horror
  • Romance
  • Action/Adventure
Roleplay Experience/Preferences(?):
  • I've only done "serious" RPs with close friends and I've been wanting to expand my horizons a bit
  • I usually enjoy paragraph responses between partners though I'm rather flexible
  • I have never done group RPs before so... not sure if I enjoy those are not but I'm willing to try it out!
  • I'm okay with either the more "go-with-the-flow" type of RPs or "intricate-and-detailed-planning-before-hand" types too
  • Talking with RP partners outside of the RP seems like fun and I welcome it!
Thank you for taking the time to read! I'm excited to try this out and see how it goes. Say hi if you want! :^>
(Hope I'm not doing this wrong, haha...)
hi there hayne! I'm new here too, and a bit new to serious roleplaying as well, at least the idea of long-term roleplay. Most of my roleplays always fizzled out :-_-lines: anyways, hope everything works out with you!

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