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Fantasy New to RP, but would like to invite you on an adventure in T'var.


of Edema Ruh

Name: Raj'iit

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Catfolk, of the D'mari Sandfolk

Backstory: Many years ago Raj'iit as a young man found love and comfort in the arms of a human noblewoman. Through a passionate summer the two spent together, Raj'iit fell in love with this woman from the South. However as fate would have it, she was forced to leave his homelands on the prospects of business and trade in lands far to the North. Wishing for nothing more than to follow his love, he began preparations to leave and follow her. After eventually saving up enough money, supplies, and willpower, Raj'iit was eventually prepared a long 10 months later. Upon the night of his leaving, a group of rogue orcs swept his city, plunging Raj'iit into a city of pandemonium. Raj'iit had never seen combat, as he had lived a sheltered life behind the large walls of D'mar, and so he immediately fled to his home, desperately hoping to find his family in good health. As he threw aside the beads and cloths of the hut, he doubled back in horror as an orc stood panting over the corpse of his mother.

Wild eyed and in a blood frenzy, the orc flared up at the noise of the beads clattering. Immediately the brute charged, screaming in Orcish, barreling towards Raj'iit who stood paralyzed in the door way. As the orc raised his axe, ready to strike, Raj'iit thought of naught but the fair noblewoman who he loved. He thought of her long silken hair, he thought of the fruity fragrance that he could smell whenever she walked in and out of the room. He thought of her deep indigo eyes, that seemingly saw something ethereal which he could not. And then he saw the axe in slow motion. The glisten of the axe as it came down revealed a figure behind Raj'iit. A female figure. A familiar figure. And then it all happened at once. The feminine figure came rushing past Raj'iit as the orc's axe came crashing down into her shoulder, throwing her to the side. Simultaneously, the woman shoved a long, curved dagger far into the beast's heart. With a cough of blood, and a wheeze for his last breath, the orc fell first to his knees, then lifeless to the ground.

Uncertain whether he wanted to look down or not, his survival instincts finally kicked in, and Raj'iit rushed to the side of the woman. Gingerly picking up her head, Raj'iit held his love in his arms, limp from the axe wound, however barely conscious. She slowly and weakly raised her hand to his face, running her fingers through his mane one last time, managing to only utter one word.. "child", and then the life escaped her and her body went limp. Fueled with both rage, and grief, and a large mixture of emotions he had never experienced, Raj'iit screamed to the sky, hearing nothing back but the chilling sounds of the slaughter around him. Slowly he let go of the body of the woman, as it gently slopped to the matted ground. He stood up, feeling completely calm, despite the situation around him.

Suddenly sprinting footsteps became louder and louder, as something approached the hut. Raj'iit looked down, and then leaned to pick up the axe that still lay on the floor next to his foot. It was heavy. Heavy enough that it felt awkward to hold. But he didn't care, he walked outside the hut, shoving the beads and cloths aside once again. Approaching rapidly was a group of his people, running in terror as an orc chased not far behind, screaming bloody incantations in Orcish. Raj'iit began to walk forward, axe in hand. As the catfolk passed him, one screamed for him to run, but Raj'iit did not hear the warning. The orc, approaching with rapid haste, eyed Raj'iit, slightly changing his course from a chase into a charge. The brute approached, and leaped just before making contact with him, cleaving it's bastard sword in an arc above it's head. In that moment, Raj'iit thought of the corpse he just held and the disparity of his mind. Then, almost without thinking, he gripped the axe and swung wildly in front of him, tearing out the Orc's jugular. Still mid air, the body continued past him, crashing down behind him.

Raj'iit looked to the sky once more, hoping, wishing, and yearning for some sort of answer to his situation. He listened for his people's elders and gods, but again heard nothing but the warfare around him. Embracing his fate and allowing his grief to overwhelm him, he closed his eyes as he drew the axe to his outstretched throat. He could feel the sharpness of the axe head digging softly into his fur and skin, and then he felt the small trickle of blood running through his thick fur. A tear fell from his eye as he thought one last time about the last word his love had uttered. "Child". He wondered what had she meant by that. With that final thought he ran the blade fast and quickly across his throat, sentencing himself to death as he could feel the warm blood draining from his neck. As Raj'iit fell to his side, unable to move or breath, he stared ahead, looking upon the destruction around him, the scent of death clinging to the inside of his nostrils. And then, with a final surge of strength, he closed his eyes, and succumbed to death.

"Not..yet..." A chilling, unfamiliar voice rang through his head

However to Raj'iit's surprise, he reopened his eyes but a moment later. However in front of him no longer was there his city or warfare, but instead the entrance of a cave in the middle of a desert. He slowly reached up to his neck in bewilderment of the situation, but to his surprise again he felt no wound. Confused and concerned by the situation he stood up, again staring at the maw of the sandy cave before him. He turned around, hoping to find salvation, but before him he spied nothing but a vast desert, as far as the eye could see. Turning around once again, the cave let loose a low echo of a deep sound, which reminded Raj'iit of a storm in the distance. Enthralled by this anomaly of a noise, he slowly began his journey into the cave. As he rounded the first corner, he noticed the ceiling and walls held crystals in them, which glowed a dull purple color, lighting the cave every so slightly as he continued his journey. The deeper he continued in the cave, the most exotic it became. Lining the walls and floor started as small children's toys and trinkets, however the deeper he went, the more luxurious things became, eventually scaling into treasure chests filled with ancient coins, suits or armor, and large, beautiful gems. Raj'iit attempted to pick up the objects, but to the touch they seemingly disappeared, with a miniature portal opening up from the center of the object, pulling it inside and leaving but a puff of sand behind.

During the descent through this enigmatic cave, Raj'iit began feeling colder and colder, as if the air around him was becoming nearly freezing. Then, when he could feel his fur beginning to freeze, he turned a corner and before him the cave sprawled into a large chamber, with a ceiling nearly a hundred feet high, and the room in a dome shape. In the center, with a purple mist foaming from it, stood an orb, held upon a pedestal. Nervous, but curious, Raj'iit cautiously approached towards the orb, and into the center of the room. As he reached the orb, he could feel the source of the cold emanating from the object. However inside the orb a swirling mist furiously spun around, seemingly attempting to escape. Just as Raj'iit, entranced by the effect, was reaching his hand forward, a figure suddenly clasped his arm. Jumping back from surprise, he stumbled on a chalice on the ground, landing in a pile of sand. In front of him was a figure of indefinite shape, a floating entity which was seemingly the upper body of a catfolk male, however shrouded in a thick black mist, and floating off the ground. Again a familiar chilling voice resounds in his head:

"This is the Orb of T'larii, a lost artifact of your people. Embrace it, and seek your revenge, or break it and ascend to your next life. The choice is yours."

Still terrified, Raj'iit muttered "B-b-b-but... why? Why should I take it?"

The creature floated forward, slowly moving it's black mass towards Raj'iit. "You are of the ancient blood, young catfolk. In you lies the blood of your people's ancients, unsullied by the lesser races of this world. The orb represents the unlocked potential within your soul, and is the answer to your grievances. If you want vengeance, take it, for this is your last chance."

Raj'iit raised from the sandy pile, thinking about his city and his people and his love. He approached the orb again, gripping it firmly in both hands. One final time he looked to the shadowy entity.

"What will this cost me?" He asked in a chilling voice.

The entity floated towards Raj'iit to the other side of the orb, speaking into his mind once again.

"It will cost you your soul"

And then with a shifting motion, the entity placed it's hand on the orb, and it's form then became consumed into the orb, leaving a skull falling to the ground. Raj'iit raised the orb to his face, filled with an inherent knowledge of this object. Suddenly the mist inside seems to break free, swirling and filling the chamber around Rah'iit, slowly swirling in a circle around the dome, and then rapidly moving towards the ceiling. Once the mist reached the ceiling, it shot strait down, right into the eyes and mouth of the again paralyzed Raj'iit, staring at this fantastic, yet dangerous display. The mist continually streamed into the shell that is Raj'iit's body, as he struggled and flailed to the invasion of the freezing sensation. As this happened, the purple gems in the cave began to glow brighter, as if reacting to the mist's presence. As he opened his eyes, his entire body in pain, Raj'iit looked above to see an ethereal blue shape forming above him, contorted in the same shape of his current body. The more mist that entered, the more defined the ethereal figure became. After what seemed an eternity, the mist eventually concluded from the orb, and the flow into Raj'iit's body stopped.

Lurching forward, Raj'iit gripped his chest, unable to feel his insides, feeling nothing but a freezing sensation, alike snow to the touch of skin. Looking again above him, the ethereal shape that was streaming out of him begins to look around desperately, as if looking for someone. However after about 10 second of staring, the entity began to slowly lose shape, and eventually fade away, leaving nothing but a sickening feeling in Raj'iit's stomach. In it's wake, a small rift in the middle of the air began to open, growing larger and larger until the entire cave around Raj'iit became engulfed.

A familiar smell engulfed Raj'iit nose as he suddenly felt the hard ground below him.

Raj'iit opened his eyes.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-18_17-19-17.jpeg.58b2ba40e95e280370ce0cfb09d0a297.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81095" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-18_17-19-17.jpeg.58b2ba40e95e280370ce0cfb09d0a297.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Riedus

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human of the Ditoviel Empire.

Profession: Monster Slayer.

Backstory: Riedus is a member of an old and famous guild known as the Exiles. He doesn't know his parents for he was taken by the Exiles at a very young age. Know one really knows his age either but it can be interpreted that he is very old, living longer than any human and still looking like he is in is early fifties.

Now Riedus is a monster hunter, it is what the Exiles do, hunt monsters. In fact they are really the only organization that is recognized and hunts monsters. He uses a silver sword for Monsters and certain magic elements and he uses potions that are toxic and deadly to normal humans and the other races.

Riedus was born in the Ditoviel Empire, one of the strongest Human Empires at the moment. Like I said, he was taken from his parents at a young age so he has no idea who they are.

The Exiles training and trials to become a famed Monster hunter is very difficult, usually only one or two ever make it in a whole year. First they train on how to use a sword. They are famed swordsmen, the best out their. Next they under go the Trial of Grasses or mutations, potions that make them superhuman. Their strength is increased, their hearing, smelling and eyesight are superhuman making it on par or better than the animal like races. These mutations also strip the person of their emotions though. Finally they go through the Trial of Medallion where they must venture to get the Medallion of their School. Very few pass this trial, it weeds out the weak from the strong. Now there are many Schools of the Exiles. Some are better than others. All Named after animals. The School of the Wolf and Cat are the most well known. With the Schools of the Griffins, Bear and Viper also known.

Riedus is from the School of the Wolf, the most famous school and he is probably the most famous member of the School of the Wolf. Even coining the nickname White Wolf.

Now much of his early life is unknown as well, just wandering the Ditoviel Empire and other kingdoms.

In more recent events though he recently helped the City of Yren by ending the Plague that threatened the City and world. After that he became the Bodyguard of King Judd of Dreven. After Judd was killed by another member of the Exiles, Riedus went into hiding and eventually tracked down the man that had framed him, killing him. Clearing his name.

There are many tales and adventures Riedus has had since then, his name and legend growing. Now he is helping where he can whether is be with Kings and Queens or Peasants and orphans. Hunting monsters and making coin where he can. Anyone that can befriend the man, will surely have the White Wolf at his side,



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Christoph Bergess






Independent but services purchasable


Expert Swordsman

- Very few can stand in his way without being cut down, those are people he has yet to meet. -

Adequate Bowman

- He can almost always hit his mark, but he's no sharp shot; he's still a danger when he has a bow and sufficient amounts of arrows. -


- Having a circular piece of wood attached to his wrist makes him tank-ish, and he can parry with a shield almost as easily as a sword instead of simply blocking strikes. -

First Aid

- Living alone has proved a difficult quest; he had to learn how to patch himself up if needed. -

Detective Work

- Another trait of living alone; he's had to learn how to track, pursue, investigate, all sorts of things that require in depth analysis. He's become quite the sleuth. -



- Some nights are void of any sleep, which he has come to accept, but it can make him fatigue faster during the days after said sleepless nights. -

Lone Wolf

- He digs being alone, contact is okay, but commitment to a group or fast friends. No chance. He can make friends, but he doesn't deem it necessary to his survival. -


- At times, he can seem aloof and unknowing; some situations that call for the opposite receive the same treatment. -


- A secret one, whatever it is, it causes him to become very cold and distant during the 13th of every month. -

Smart Ass

- A blatant know it all, even to friends he earns over time. He is stubborn in this regard, and it can cost time, wellbeing, and even lives if he believes it to be right. -


(Follow the pictures exactly)


Wilfrim is genuinely mellow. Nothing fazes, nor provokes him; for the most part. He has trigger words, and actions like most human beings but he has a good head on his shoulders that is normally cool. Despite his mellow attitude he can be very curt, and retorts even the simplest of questions of which the answer could be a yes or no. However, he can be amiable and amoral at the same time about many things; whether to choose a dog over a cat stuck in a tree. Dog wins every time. (A lot of his personality is going to be saved for RP so this is all I'm putting in for now.)


- Heterosexual -


Alone. Most of what he can remember, it was loneliness; a certain feeling that ebbed out over time and became an understanding of solitude. It's advantages and disadvantages. As a young boy Christoph quickly naturalized skills that a thief would employ; earning a living as a common pickpocket, he was able to take shelter in abandoned homes and warehouses, keep himself nourished and strong, bribe off local thugs by giving them a cut, his life was easier than some might expect. When he turned eleven a man rode into the town he was leeching off of, and quickly caught on to the boy's antics. This man's name, Wilfrim Bergess. Christoph's name is self appointed, but the man previously mentioned would adopt him. For reasons thereafter shown, as Wilfrim began to train the boy without mercy. Melding the boy into a fighter, rather than let him wallow away as a lowly thief. While Christoph would never have the ability to achieve Knighthood, or even attain Squire status, he was still determined to use skills he would be taught for pursuing some sort of dream.

Wilfrim mentored the boy in blade and shield, but had outside help with marksmanship. Eight years pass, things went on swimmingly, and Christoph even began to show signs of socialability, on top of his prowess as a warrior. Wilfrim, strangely, disappeared out of the blue. Typical of all training regiments they followed, Christoph assumed an ambush to keep his senses keen. Instead he found his adopted father and mentor's head on a pike in the center of the town he had known so well. The young man was devastated; all he had was torn away, and set up as a warning. That very same day, and until the following dawning of the blood red sun he managed to sleuth his way to the culprits. A group of very skilled hunters, and assassins. He slaughtered them effortlessly. In bulk. A path once simple, became filled with bloodshed as he filled the gaps in his heart with a killing spree. When he was finished he showed a coldness, and very quickly left the town he was raised in. Everything between then, and now is a secret. What he wishes to tell will be of his own accord, and definitely won't be spilled otherwise; even through torture.



A challenge


The Wilderness (Mostly)





Indecisive people

Smug people



Main Weapon


Ranged Weapon


Medium Sized hide-made backpack

Waterskin flask

A bestiary authored and illustrated by himself

Homemade first aid kit wrapped up in cloth


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