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Fandom New Suicide Squad(OPEN&ACCEPTING)

Should the parents be specifically villains or free for all in the DCU?

  • Yahtzee!

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  • Heck No!

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  • This makes no sense, idiot...

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The fragile, innocent girl held her teddy bear close to her heart. A woman, stood closeby, leaning on the doorway. The woman was young, and she closely resembled an older version of the little girl. The woman was standing, observing the little girl. Meanwhile, the child hadn't seemed to realize that the woman was at standing there and watching her, of course, until the woman caught her attention by knocking slightly on the door. The little girl, jumped with joy, and ran into the arms of the woman as if she hadn't seen her in years. "Mommy!" She exclaimed. The woman looked back down at who we now know as her daughter, and cracked a warm smile, followed by a tear streaming down her face. The woman knelt down to her kid, removing a strand of hair from the girl's face. Her tone settled down, and her smile faded into a frown.

"Listen to me honey," The woman began, more tears streaming down her face. "There's going to be a lady that will appear very very soon. She's going to look like Mommy. She might even talk like Mommy. But do not go up to her okay? She isn't good and she will try to hurt you. So please, whatever you do, don't come to me. Daddy will take care of you, I love you." And with that, the woman stares at her daughter for a good minute, and then kisses her on her forehead. The mother stands up from her position, and then leaves, leaving the daughter inside of the room by herself.

end of dream.

Samira's eyes, slowly blinked open. She found herself staring up at a cracked ceiling. It was the same dream again. The same dream that she's been having for awhile now. Started the same way, ended the same way. It never finished properly enough for Samira to know what it meant, and it frustrated her. Samira closed her eyes again, in hopes of falling back asleep, but she was too late as her two fellow cellmates walked in.

"Well well well, look at what we have here. Little princess doing nothing while everyone else is on duty." She heard a hoarse voice say. Samira opened her eyes, but remained laying down. A small grunt escaped her lips, and she turned herself so that her back faced them. It was not her day, and she wasn't going to deal with anyones shit. Plus, they both had it out for her since the first day she arrived, and they had found out that Samira had gotten arrested for killing two mayors, and one governor, compared to their petty bank robbery. She called them frick and frack. They'd come to call her names such as, princess, freak, bitch, and whore, and many other names unworthy to be written down. And while she could tolerate their pestering, today was not the day.

This time, Samira got up. She bounced off the top bunk that she resided in, and walked straight past them, heading for the common area. It wasn't quiet there by any means, in fact, there seemed to be quite a commotion, and everyone was fighting, so she slid past the fighting, and stood in a corner watching it unfold. B
ut at least she'd have the chance to get away from frick and frack. They seemed to be the only ones that caused her problems at Belle Reve. Everyone else kept their distance. She figured it was because her father, Deadshot, was pretty well known for his stay here a long time ago, that people didn't get in her way, but frick and frack probably didn't get the memo. There enough, both frick and frack didn't stop, and here they were following her right into the common area, to where Samira had stopped in her little corner.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, you fucking bitch. Don't you dare walk away from us like that." Frick had said, her hands forming into fists, as the anger in her voice began to build up.

Samira rolled her eyes at them both.
"I just did. And I'm going to do it again, watch." She replied calmly, then just as she said, made an attempt to walk away again. Though this time she couldn't, since both ladies formed a barrier in front of her. Frick pushed her back, slightly. "Don't touch me." Samira said with a grunt. Hearing her response, both Frick and Frack laughed, eyeing Samira out from head to toe. It was no question, Frick and Frack were both heavy, muscular ladies, and Samira was a cotton ball compared to them.

"Aw! The little princess doesn't want us to touch her," Frick said, while Frack burst out in a chuckling. Frick turned to Samira, and got up closer. Samira could feel Frick's hot breath burning the pores on her face. "Or what. You gonna kill me like you did those two mayors? Ha," Frick said, and with both of her hands, slightly pushing Samira again. "You won't do sh—" Before Frick could finish her sentence, Samira simply snapped her fingers while staring at Frick's neck, and Frick's necklace pulled back, and began to strangle her. Seeing what was happening, Frack's laughing session immediately stopped, and instead of kneeling down to help her friend, she threw an unexpected punch at Samira, and knocked her out.

"...Wake all ya'll asses up! NOW!"

Samira's eyes fluttered open, and she was met by a sudden piercing headache. The last thing she remembered, was seeing Frick's face turning purple, and her struggling to take off her necklace. The sudden visual had caused a faint smile to sprawl on the teen's face. It was the first smile that she gave off in awhile. Her smile faded, and Samira stared up at the ceiling. That's weird, she thought. Why isn't the ceiling cracked and chipped? Samira tried to lift herself up, and realized that, she couldn't. At least something wasn't allowing her too. She peeked down, to find her hands and legs, securely strapped. Samira turned her head as much as she could, to look around.

Her surroundings were completely different. This looked
nothing like Belle Reve. That would explain why the ceiling wasn't chipped. It looked more of like a basement than an actual place. Or a studio. Confusion rained over Samira like confetti. Though, her location wasn't the most shocking thing. Samira could see other people around her. It was too painful to lift up her head, but she could tell that there were others. She sensed them, and heard their low raspy voices waking up. And that was when she panicked. Was she..kidnapped? Who the hell would kidnap someone out of prison? Sweat started to drip down her face, and Samira began to frantically shake her body around, somehow hoping that if she shook hard enough, the latches on her arms and legs would detach, though nothing budged. Panting loudly, Samira cried out, "Get me out of here!"

Location | Belle Reve > Common Area > Undisclosed Location (Unknown)

With | Frick and Frack > Suicide Squad

Tags | Suicide Squad

Samira's Mood | Frustrated > Annoyed > Anger > Shock/Confusion

Pearl Wilson
Location: New Orleans

Tags: SS

HP: 60/60
A booming voice pierced through Pearl's daze as she was slowly waking from her slumber. She instantly realized that this was not the type of slumber that had come naturally which brought her consciousness to full attention. Testing her body, Pearl realized that she was strapped down and no amount of wriggling would change that fact. After a moment of panic, Pearl calmed herself mentally and began to scan the room to the best of her ability given her restrained state. She couldn't quite make out where she was or who else was around her, but she was certain that she wasn't the only person restrained in this room. Not that that fact was at all encouraging to her. Pearl focused on what had happened prior to waking up in this room...

Earlier that day...Pearl sat in the corner of the common area of Belle Reeve. She was reading, minding her own business (as she usually did) when one of the male inmates fell to the ground in the middle of the room. The taunts and jeers The spat drew her attention from her book and she watched as one inmate after the other was drawn into the commotion. To say that a large scale brawl like this was out of the ordinary would be a bold faced lie. Pearl was about to go back to reading when someone grabbed her arm and pulled, hard. She was yanked from her seat and sent towards the middle of the room. Glancing back at who'd attacked her, she realized it was a guard.

"What the hell!? I wasn't doing anything!" She screamed at him, she started to approach him with the intent to end his life. However, an inmate came rushing towards her which only pissed her off more. She easily dodged his attack, kneeing him in the gut and shoving him towards the floor. She turned back to the guard when she felt a small prick in her shoulder. Turning, she saw another guard with a syringe and she grabbed his hand. Things went blurry and that was all she could remember.

Back to the present...Her head moved slightly as if she were nodding. It made sense now, well some of it.
The guards were in on it, she surmised. Probably started it too. But where did they send me, and why? The young lady wondered as she waited for something to happen. That was when one of the other prisoners yelled "Get me out of here!" Pearl was positive that panicked demands were going to be terribly ineffective at getting them released, which was not to say that Pearl was resigned to being held prisoner forever.
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hp: 60/ New Orleans, Unknown/ Cold and Bothered

"Golly fucking Christ, would you bitches knock it off!" Ollie yelled, now upright and nostrils flared. He'd heard the militant sounding lady screech like a dying cockatoo, demanding he wake up. But, he didn't wanna nor did he have to, so he just turned over and tried to settle back into the nice, boy part filled dream before Thing One and Thing Two started rising up and raising questions.

Now he faced the two, thinly restraining his anger. He didn't get much beauty sleep as it was and the fact that they were wailing like trapped cats didn't necessarily help the fact that they'd awakened a beast. He raised a finger up to them to yell some more--mostly about their hair choices--when he noticed that a slim wrist followed his on a cuff. And on it's end was the hand of Tabitha Kyle, who was still slightly snoring. And chained to her was the Wicked Witch of the East. And to her, the one of the West. And to her...some albino chick he could swear he'd seen before. Everyone's feet were linked to the floor by long, individual chains that gave them enough slack to be comfortable but still bound.

"Well, give me roofies and a date with Charlie Sheen," he sighed, crossing his orange clad legs, "Cause we are so



Truth exited the elevator quickly, listening in on the footsteps above her. She had one chance to get it right or else the rest of this fight would be hard. Following the sound, she stopped when the soft padding above her stopped. seizing the moment, she flew upward, punching through the ceiling and into the next fgloor.

Unfortunately, she missed her mark, who stood over a still figure. Martie quickly checked for his heartbeat and found he was still alive. They wanted him, for what she'd find out. It seemed Velocity hadn't made it yet, which could still be a good thing. Focusing on the girl, her face hardened into the one of her alter-ego. "In the glory of Truth, Justice will have it's victory!" she bellowed zealously.

She flew forward, fist cocked, to strike the first blow.


@Pyosimros @Little Lozy

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outfit: prison clothes. duh.

location: this is pretty obvious isn't it?


The Squad
The Wayne girl couldn't remember much. Aside from the pounding headache. Which, even after the fight, was a clear sign she'd been drugged. She knew she hadn't taken enough hits to the head to result in this type of pain. She didn't open her eyes, not yet. There was no clear sign of where she was. Something she wasn't quite fond of.

She was shackled, that was for certain. The cuffs digging into her wrists, they must have realized what an escape artist she was. That wouldn't stop the girl. Much like a cat, the laws of physics didn't exactly apply to her skills. The grunts around the room indicated that she wasn't the only one who had been taken.

The two loud and sudden outbursts caused her to open her eyes. She clearly wasn't in Belle Reve. She had gotten her thumbs free rather quickly, now when it was time she could free herself in seconds.

Her eyes scanned the room as best as she could without giving up the fact that she was coherent. Ollie's outburst scared her almost, and that's when she realized they were hooked together.
So that's what I'm connected to.

She eyed him before giving up the rouse and sitting up as well. She recognized most of the people in the room with her. Though, the haze had yet to completely wear off, but she knew that something was off. She quickly scanned the room, looking for anything that could be used as a weapon. There wasn't much, but she was the spawn of the Bat and the Cat, she didn't need weapons. Usually.



Ava's head was in pain, her whole was in pain as well. She kept her eyes closed shut, memories flashed in her eyes as she tried to recall what happened. Hmm, I was by myself in well.. prison and I was thinking about how much a dick that guy was. There was a fight? I attacked a guy cause he came up to me that stupid kook. Ava thought to herself . A piercing scream echoed through the room causing Ava's eyes to open wide open and scream back. "Shut the fuck up you bogans!" She yelled. Ava looked around, taking in her surrounding. It seemed like she wasn't in prison anymore. Are they letting us go? She questioned. The poor Australian was terribly confused. Wass this how Americans released their prisoners after their time in the jailhouse? If so, that was a weird goodbye.

Ava looked down and she noticed a slim metal cuff on her arm and connected her with the other, this is what she needed. Ava looked at the others who were still crying, Ava stayed quiet, she noticed that the dickhead who spilt chili on her was on the other side of the chain. She gave him an evil stare then looked at the lady standing in front of her. "Who are you?
" She hissed, looking at the female up down, studying her every movement and outfit. Ava took a deep breath in then out. Waiting for answers was the best solution in her situation. She watched carefully how the others were acting about the situation they were stuck in.

? Location: Don't know, don't really care. | With: The Suicide Squad. | Mood: Sore > Pissed > Confused. ?

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Copperhead was smiling to herself. She was proud of how easily the mission had gone; of course they weren't out of the lab yet, but she was ready for to receive her praise. After all, she was bringing something of vital importance. Though her gut told her this was not over her confidence gave her a buzz. She hauled the limp, hooded, and paralyzed body of Dr.Hosen when she felt a shudder beneath her feet; a figure rose from the floor but just nearly missed them.

“Qué chingados!!!” Copperhead had been caught off guard and when the face of who other than Wonder Girl stared back at her, Copperhead’s smile turned into a sneer.

"In the glory of Truth, Justice will have it's victory!" Truth let out a battle cry as she flew forward, hurtling her fist toward Copperhead.

Copperhead threw herself over above Truth to evade the attack.



Alice Allen

Location - STAR Labs

Tags -

Twenty seconds passed and Alice still stood there. Twenty seconds of standing, and Alice grew worried. Elevators shouldn't take that long, Alice thought, biting the bottom of her lip in pure worry. There were two possibilities: Truth had been incapacitated in the elevator or Truth went to a different floor. She opted to believe in the latter, since it seemed like the most reasonable possibility. Knowing this now, Alice went out of her idle position and began to check every floor. Floor one, floor two, floor three, floor four...


Floor nine. Pushing open the door with no sign of patience left in her, Alice was treated with an ongoing battle. It was Truth, in the same status in which she was in beforehand. Then there was the stranger. She was in clothing that looked two sizes too small, she had brown hair that seeped slightly below her shoulders, and she had soft brown eyes that somehow looked intimidating in the current context of the situation. Everything went into slow-motion, and Alice soaked in everything that was happening. There was Truth, who had the body posture showing that she had just thrown a punch. Seeing the villain above her however, Alice could tell it didn't work well. The stranger was above her, symbolizing that she made her way above Truth. Alice squinted her eyes, looking for possible moves. She could use the environment to her advantage somehow; turning off the lights and throw the villain into the wall, incapacitating her. With the lights off, Alice could take out the second villain easily. Problem was...that Alice wouldn't be able to see either. Second option was that Alice could kick Truth away from the assailant, though...Alice could risk hurting Truth in the process. There was one more solution left.

Screw it.

Alice ran at the stranger with haste, propelling herself upwards. The second she was in the air felt like eternity in her mind, and she attempted to grab the stranger and throw her into the ground.

Praise simplicity.

[ACTION SUMMARY - Alice ran at Copperhead and attempted to grab and slam]

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As the cold drifted throughout the floor, he felt a disturbance in the snow. He felt the warm bodies of only two others on the floor, it seemed there was now a third. Well, that, and he heard the floor break open and whatever the girl's name spouting about justice. Was whoever she was fighting for really that good to be breaking buildings, especially STAR labs? At least Copperhead had the decency to get permission to enter instead of just breaking through the glass.

He turned, another girl arrived. At this point, it seemed he would have to intervene. Without his help, how would Copperhead survive? Yes, indeed, his help was required.

Winter prepared a force of snow to knock Alice back.

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Martie wasn't surprised that the girl easily avoided her attack. She was way quicker than the hero had anticipated--but Velocity was faster. Martie watched the speedette run at a super charged speed toward the target. 'Gotcha,' she thought, ready for the assist when the other would make her move. What she forgot to account for was the other meta in the room. The boy was supercharging his attack and had his sights aimed at her partner.


The girl's eyes widened to the size of saucers. She tensed, panicked. She wasn't ready. It was too soon. 'Not again...not again...' she thought as she flew in the direction of the oncoming blast. Last time she wasn't quick enough. She thought her cousin could take it. She couldn't--
didn't--protect her.

Truth grit her teeth desperately, speeding forward to shield Velocity.


@Pyosimros @Little Lozy @Bunny

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"Who she is is not important..."

The sound of a metal cane resonated loudly off the cold walls of the room. Mitchell smiled, milky eyes blank but knowing, as he took his place next to who he knew was Deb. The woman wore Chanel
NO.5 more than he could ever have preferred. Still, she was the most valuable asset he could ever have received.

"But, I'll tell you anyway. This is Deborah Patterson. She's the one who pushes the button that makes you explode."

They'd learn to respect her.

"I am Mitchell Gordon, though you may call me Prophet. Welcome to Task Force X-401...though some of you may know it by other names." He swung his cane upwards to point toward their group, knowing where they were from hearing them fidget and breathe.

"You have been selected because you are powerful, ruthless, deadly even," he chuckled before his voice went grave, "And entirely disposable. All of you are criminals and deserve to rot in the holes you've dug for yourselves. However, some friends of mine have agreed that you are the lesser of two evils and so I have a deal for you all. But, we should wait until you all wake up."

Deb knew the protocol for what she should do if the male merc didn't rouse soon enough. They didn't have all the time in the world for introductions--and besides, a Lantern was always more useful.

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