• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Nation Building New Regime Rules and Guidelines


Stalin Stan
1. No discrimination or bigotry of any kind, small amounts will be tolerated if it fits the character but even then you may be issued a warning
2. Do not harass or bully anyone in OOC
3. When posting in lore, you must either have me, a possible co-GM or 3+ people react to the post. This does not mean to reply to the post
4. When interacting with a PC or NPC, please for the love of God, message the person or ask in OOC before inflicting critical harm, killing, or performing an action that requires their consent (Like piloting a two person vehicle) this does not apply to unimportant or mostly unimportant NPC's like a civilian or enemy soldier.
5. If describing gore in great detail or adding a visceral image, make sure to have a warning, spoiler, or something of the like in case of younger players, I could care less but I know people definitely say their older or younger than they are
6. No one-liners, just don't, at least a paragraph for each post
7. If you want people to interact with you, but you are making no moves or suggestions, start the conversation yourself
8. Similar to rule 4, if you want a backstory tied in with another PC or important NPC, just ask, most people will say yes
9. Be understanding of conflicting schedules
10. Obey the above rules, only respond to this post if you think there need to be additional rules, and most importantly- have fun

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