New realm order of light and darkness (The ancient ones)


The Dragon king
This is the out of character (Ooc) chat that has nothing to do with the role-playing.

Feel free to be yourself and talk about whatever, that includes about this group as well.

Drama isn't allowed so please respect all members.
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Okay, I'm super-dee-duper down to make a character, I do manage to retain around 18+ paragraphs per post... So, I should hope to see how this turns out, I'll make my sheet in a few hours, or begin so.
You'll want to go back to all the threads (not every single post) that you made in the Interest section, say "hey guys! We got the role play up and running" and put the link for the roleplay down below it. I asked SirHaapa how to make a link and he said "You write [u RL=http://Theaddress']Now the name of the link[/url ] that should do the trick. Without the URL spaces"

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