New realm order of light and darkness (The ancient ones)


The Dragon king

Zexal Hallows








speed Dragon







A good strategic swordsmen at battle, and a storm conjurer caster that can conjure the elements of storms of wind, rain, lightning/thunder, and ice.

And very fast either in the sky, or on the ground running.


storm conjurer,

Hyper flight,

Hyper speed,

Mega strength,

Highten senses,

Primary weapon;

Legendary sword of storms (This sword can absorb certain elements based on the user)

Secondary arsenal;

Endless red electric daggers (Can throw endless supply of electrical form daggers that has an explosive medium after shock stun that only last for 10 seconds.)


Always level minded, very intelligent when it comes to certain historical books, He never really talks to anyone so very silent when it comes to meeting new beings for the 1st time, but on occasions, he'll talk, but not for too long cause he's always on the move.

Silent at everything he does, when it comes to talking, moving about, or vanishing in red silent lightning.

Good heart when it comes to helping others when in danger and loves to observe others to study on who they are.


Blood stone red coloring assassin like thick clothing with a hood, straps around his waist with pockets that holds all sorts of medical liquids.

He has a strap on his back that he holds his sword that he can easily take off and back on.

Pitch black face mask that only shows his red glowing eyes.

Red/black pull up boots with velcro straps with gold lining.


On a dragon world (Dragplantium) a world with very high gravity, and raging storms.

The dragons that thrive here learned to adapt to the gravity, making them known to be the fastest creatures in the universe with extreme speeds faster then light or sound. Enabling these dragons to control the weather and conjuring the storms at will after thousands of years of practice and patience.

When Zexal was born from an egg, he had no other draglings that he grew up with, always minding his own business and not known to get into trouble.

His father is known as the king of the storm dragons, making Zexal the next ruler.

But one day another Dragon from his own world was jealous, so this Dragon found out how to time travel back to the past to kill Zexal great grandfather before he was born.

Zexal over heard a conversation that would led him into fear for his families life legacy.

So while Zexal was still young, he seeked help and found himself in a village of a clan of silent assassins.

So after hearing what would unfold, they took Zexal in and trained him to be a silent assassin. After his training was completed, And he grew to age of an adult dragon he got done in time before the unknown assassin went back to the past. Then before he left, the elder assassin of the clan knew Zexal was chosen for something, so the elder gave him the legendary sword of storms that was crafted by the storm gods, and gave him the clans assassin outfit and mask.

Then as the unknown dragon went back, Zexal followed, but after awakening up in a strange place, and on a different world not his own, he went exploring to find his killer. But after awhile, he'd stopped the killer and for the 1st time, he'd had killed his first life, and vowed to never kill after that, unless it was really necessary to do so. But he also found himself stuck in the past until he finds a way to go back.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Awsomekidwithblackclothing-2.jpg.ce0f14d7595870addcb02ce7a19f935b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Awsomekidwithblackclothing-2.jpg.ce0f14d7595870addcb02ce7a19f935b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/latest-3.jpeg.4ccfd84b0b5b2b0f71bb340a0ef75712.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/latest-3.jpeg.4ccfd84b0b5b2b0f71bb340a0ef75712.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Type of character;

Main villain


Dark syfire Ancients




Pure dragon

Speices; ancient mystical dragon




(See as is on pic.)


Mystical darkness (Mystical darkness isn't like the darkness that you may think, it's a whole different kind of elemental power, ancient element that is only known in the mythical realm.)

Primary weapons;

Swords of darkness

(These twin black steel swords has ancient markings carved out of the blade with a curve tip.

Shadowy liquid drips from the carvings down off the sharp end of the swords.

And when sy wants to bring them out, he can easily pull them out of his body.)



(Able to transform into a dragon, or nightmarish creatures, or change body size.)

Dark bender

(Enable to bend darkness at will, from shaping shadows into spikes, hands, chains, etc.)

Dream phaser;

(Enable to enter anyones mind to explore

ones dreams.)

Nightmare caster;

(Enable to create nightmares within dreams, and unleash them into reality from his dark power.)

Shadow phaser;

(Enable to appear from any shadow from his own dark realm that he has physically already visited from in the 1st place.)

Dark creation;

(Enable to create darken creatures from his dark power at will, but also give dark power to those that wishes it but after he comands them to do so..)

Anger empowerment;

(Enable to become stronger and more powerful when angered.)

Dark magnetism;

(Enable to control and bend metal, shaping and forming metal to anything.)








Limitless strength,

Extreme speed


Pure evil, ruthless in battle sy is known to get very temperamental, but also cool and calm minded. Sy is a sinisting experimental genius that puts the meaning fear in suffer and torture.

Very witty when it comes to knowledge, so he originally takes his time getting to know his victims And servants.


Before the age of dragons in the mythical realm, there where two entities that created Dragon worlds, and eggs.

After sending all the Dragon eggs to the world's that dragons would thrive in peace, one of the entities has gotten corrupted then disappeared without a trace with one of the 1st two eggs, and the other was sent to a world where it would hatch.

The two eggs opon hatching, the two grew up homing their powers And skills, then later on after a few centuries the two found each other to be twin brothers. But both didn't see eye to eye. And thus where the story begins, and a epic war that would echo through myth and legends, a endless war between light and darkness for the fate of life and death. Dark syfire has been through countless worlds, plunging them into darkness and conquering them as a king, only wanting power and to rule. Killing innocent lives for the pleasure of it, and striking fear into the hearts of others. Some say that even the after life fears this terrible evil Dragon of the dark.

In a unknown dark realm that he has created a world (Dar'kratius'em) that is even darker then hell itself, with mountains that mindless shadow dragons soar around, killing whatever crosses their territory, lakes of acids, a blackened sun that shines darkness and then in the center of a huge creator lies a castle that stands 20 stories high that the peak reaches dark clouds and also where dark syfires throne room that he mainly would be sitting and plotting. Within the entrance is a maze of doors that anyone can warp to a different random room of the castle, but to enter the correct doors to warp to sys throne door room.

Dark syfire is also known to torture souls that he collects from killing his victims, and gaining their souls as trophies.


this character is only for fun, any deaths that may happen will not be counted for, if resurrection is possible, and may be possible. This character is from my own novel/anime story. If there's any concerns about the actions of this character, please consult me for further information first.

Theme song;

You got nothin' and nothin's got you

I can see your fear it surrounds you

Built with strife and insight but it's not enough

I'll defeat and discreet your every move

This instinct that you dwell will just take your life

One step, one breath you're under my knife

Killing slow is the way I conquer

tortures test can't wait no longer

With your first step you will burn you

can't control your hate that you've learned

Killing souls is the way I conquer

Until you know the meaning of suffer

Step twice you invite and welcome death

Pay homage to me with your last breath

Say goodbye to the life that you once knew along with every being that was before you!

(Repeat 3xs)



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Type of character;

Main hero


Blueflame Ancients




Pure dragon


Mystical dragon


Mystical light,

blue sapphire fire

(The flames are so hot, it's hotter then the sun itself, negative effect, instant dust when touched by the flames, positive effect,enable to control the flames of how hot it can be.)

Primary weapons;

Two Ancient Dragon swords

(Long bladed white twin swords with ancient carvings drawn out of the blades and a curve tip, the swords has a mystical power that would appear within/out of blueflames into or out of his hands. )


(See as is on pic)




extreme speed,

Heighten senses,

Limitless strength

Elemental & mineral transformation

(Enable to transform into living element or mineral such as forming into living fire, water, electric, air, steel, stone, plant, daimond etc. And also fusing two of a kind form like daimond/fire, stone/plant, electric/steel, daimond/steel, fire/water etc.)

Normal transformations

(Can turn into a few







Anger empowerment, (Enable to get more stronger and powerful when angered)

solving problems, strategic plans etc, skillful swordsmen when it comes to battle at close range.

Skillful hunter when it comes to hunting for

food. Good cook, can cook up almost anything and loves working.


Very intelligent when it comes to history, eager to learn new things, easily angered and hot headed, but likes to meditate to keep calm and collective, good heart when it comes to helping others from danger. Always like to work hard and show a lot of effort to show others how capable he can be, being very energetically active and loves a good sparing to home his skills and powers.

Dragon transformation;

(Seen as is on pic)

Ancient transformation;

Just like his normal form, but with ancient glowing silver tattooed markings all over his body from head to toe, pure glowing blue eyes, flaming hair and blue mist every time he exhales.

(In this form, all his abilities and powers raises high.)

World breaker transformation;

Huge bulky body, standing 9'11

Huge wings with daimond hard sapphire colored scales, big jaws like a shark, with a lot of jagged sharp Dragon teeth and a long bulky Dragon tail.

(In this form he has a split personality that drives him insanely mad, always angry and loves to eat his opponents, if he chooses too. Also has a ability only in this form to suck up a vortex to consume anything and everything without ever getting full, but at the limit of his energy.

able to dive under ground freely moving about as if he was under water


Born from the myth & legends of the two arch enemies in the ancient times of light & darkness.

Blueflame has grown to home his powers And skills to do good and protect his kingdom that he rules over, protecting life that thrives from danger.

Becoming a wise king and skillful warrior, he has became proud of what he has achieved in his life, been in countless wars against his brother dark syfire from taking over other worlds and standing against him and his nightmarish armies. With the help of friends, but also lost a lot of good friends, either from being killed, or dying of old age, he has a code of conduct to protect others at all costs, even risking his own life to do so, But he has proven time after time again that he comes out victorious in battle, either it being in war, or just sparing to gain strength. Blue has also built his own empire of Dragon knights that he trained himself to aid him in battle But all he had done for centuries, he has mainly been alone. But one day he fell in love with a woman that was part wolf.

He saved her life from committing suicide, despite her past that she gone through, he fell a strong sense of love within himself towards her, and gave her a choice to live with him and show her his ways of living in his own world. Despite that her wolf village hunted dragons and killing them, he seen passed that and seen that she wasn't a killer.

After many years he had married scarlet and gain a family with her of 7 children.

But his on going war with his brother has gotten her in danger, but she still stuck around, but only for so long that she had enough and left him. Leaving blue with a broken heart.

But then he found his true love that doesn't care about the war that went on and just wanted to be with him. So blue And layla gotten married and lived happily together.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25a3bd53_blueflameancients.jpg.5daa6e414cd64ddbc39bcb49467b1699.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25a3bd53_blueflameancients.jpg.5daa6e414cd64ddbc39bcb49467b1699.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/young_blue_dragon_by_benwootten-d567ya5-1.jpg.df82ae84f581733b05871f905015bab5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/young_blue_dragon_by_benwootten-d567ya5-1.jpg.df82ae84f581733b05871f905015bab5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Type of character;









Mystical mix breed














Element control,



Dark bending,

Dark creature creation,


Element swap




(Seen as is on pic.)


Syfer isn't a warrior at heart, nore a fighter, but his intelligence and powers make up for what he lacks on the battle field. He isn't like his father by much, but evil enough to take his place within dar'kratius'em.

Syfer isn't at all temperamental like his father or uncle, but very level headed, but still likes to make others suffer cause by the fact that he's jealous of any other creature that had an actual life of their own. So syfer spends most of his time depressed and angry at everything around him. Not very talkative, but if he has too, anyone will know his terrible powers that he possesses, and his breed of every kind of mythical creature with rare powers gives him a edge against them at anything that they can do.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-1.jpeg.0a2d79843739b2b0dc6b0fa349485e4c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-1.jpeg.0a2d79843739b2b0dc6b0fa349485e4c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Before dark syfire escaped his sealed imprisonment by his own brother. Dark syfire had created his own son with the DNA of rare species of different kinds into a black orb.

He then made it appear within a chosen woman host with his dark powers that he gave.

And then after his imprisonment, syfer was born, killing the mother at birth, and taking all her dark power to feed on, syfer vanished within the darkness, nothing is very known of this dark entity, just that he watches from the shadows.



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