New realm order of light and darkness (The ancient ones) - Overview


The Dragon king
Long ago in the mythical realm before dragons reign supreme, or worlds that they would thrive in peace.

There was one entity of light & darkness.

This being thought of creating two others to start a realm to hold life.

So this being form

two dragon trees, splitting his one power into two separate powers.

1st creation was known as Athenus, goddess dragon tree of time and wisdom.

Then dar'kius God Dragon tree of space and dreams.

These two entities created worlds for dragons to thrive in peace, then gave birth to billions of Dragon eggs to be sent to these worlds to hatch and live.

But the 1st two Dragon eggs was special, the two had mystical powers.

But after the 2nd egg appeared, it corrupted dar'krius with mystical darkness, then soon after he disappeared without a trace into a unknown realm.

But the 1st Dragon egg was sent to a world (Dragdomium) along with Athenus.

In this world there's all sorts of beauty of nature.

Mystic forests, Crystal clear rivers, mountains that reached the clouds high above, gardens of all sorts of plants and different flowers,

Grassy plains with sweeten scented air, dried up deserts, oceans with giant life that thrived etc.

And open hatching on this planet, blueflame was born.

As he grew up, he'd learn of his powers and homed them, but his powers was so great, he couldn't control them, but after awhile he did.

After a few centuries of growing up, he'd finally ran into another Dragon similar to himself, and found himself quite the shock of appearance. The two found out that they were twin brothers.

But, the two figuring who they were, the two didn't see eye to eye, or liked how they thought.

Thus began a fight that began the new found legend that'd echoed through time and space, a epic war that would decide the very existence of life and death.

A war so intense, it had continued for centuries and centuries over life of worlds.

And were blueflame vowed to protect from the evil that is known as dark syfire.

Choose who your allies are, and claim your fate, choose what path of destiny you walk as you reveal the untold story, explore the mysteries of dragdomium and seek out the secrets of these two warriors as they unfold the myth and legends of the ages.

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