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Futuristic New Panzer Saints: Juokuman Yokaigun!

Jedi Sentinel

Truth Seeker







Personal History:

Mecha Name:

Mecha Appearence:

Mecha History:

Special Attacks:
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Name: Run Shinoda

Gender: M

Age: 19

Nationality: American



Personality: Driven mostly by emotion and instinct, Run is as hot-blooded as it gets. He can often be confrontational and pefers to think on his feet than plan ahead. This attitude has gotten him into trouble plenty if times, but it's allowed him to develop quick wits and reflexes that let him get out of it just as often.

Personal History: A practiced martial artist, parkour enthusiast, and occasional petty thief, Run honed his skills among the Shinoda Ninja clan. An orphan of unknown parents. Run never knew anyone outside the clan for most of his life and spent most of his teenage years battling corporate thugs and stealing sensitive information for clients he'd never meet. It was one of these jobs that led him to the Saint he now calls his own. Tasked with infiltrating a secret laboratory in search of information, Run just happened to be their when the lab fell under attack by the subterranean beasts. Trying to escape he accidentally found his way into the hanger containing the Armored Saint and seeing the damage the monsters had caused decided to try and stop them using the machine. He was successful, and meeting with the scientists who he had saved, ultimatly decided to join then and pilot the Saint in the hopes of defeating the monsters.

Mecha Name: Armored Saint #11: Great Hiryu

Mecha Appearence:


Mecha History: Developed by BASE labs, Hiryu is a 3rd generation Armored saint designed for sustained midair combat with a focus on speed and energy weapons over armor and ballistics.

Special Attacks:

Hiryu Tomahawk - deploys a hand axe with a blade made of refined Nilium, sharpened to the molecular level and capable of cutting virtually anything.

Nilium Magnum - Each of the red crystals on Mugen's body is a focused Nilium lens. Mugen can fire beams of energy from any one of these points.

Magnum Sunrise - rather than focus energy on a single point, Mugen maxes out it's reactor and rapidly fires a number of beams over a wide area.


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