New on the Block

Hey RPers!

Been RPing for like 5/6 years now but totally new to a site of this format, My main Character who of which i have set up on here has been with me since i was 11! and in RP world like i said 5/6 years. I have a trusty group that have slowly filtered onto this site and i've followed suite after a sabbatical, I'll give you the short version of my Char cos only the immortals would live long enough for the long one...

Mia thought she was human growing up, Strict Mother, Absenty Father due to his Job although she greaty adored him, Mia found out her Father had been killed, Her rage triggered her powers, Turns out he was an evil underworld leader killed by witches (Halliwells), She swore vengeance, During this time she discovered she was half demon, Had a half sister, She went rougue but bored of the lack structure, she fell in with an evil slayer, She was given control of HYDRA corp (A terrorist organisation she ran from the San Fran base), found out she has another half sister (all father's side), became an evil trio of sisters (very different) fell out and disappeared from each other's lives alot, HATES the Cords and white hats that associate, Many run in and miss adventures with take over and evil plots. A general evil master mind terrorist half demon. Oh and she has a really angsty son called Magne who pops up occasionally and she owns the Cambridge mansion, oh and and she has a robot butler :o

She has energy based and fire powers and alot of resources, Hand to hand combat etc etc...Ask if you want more details or are interested in something. Still learning the ropes.

Say hey :) ;) :8D:
Welcome to the Site!

Glad you were recruited into being here and hope you don't regret it

Any questions, concerns or problems please do not be afriad to voice them
Thanks for Suggesting it "Faith!" Hope our little group dynamic can be reborn and expand :)

Thanks Gg nice to be here!

I'll bare that in mind Kagura and hi :D
If you ever talk in shoutbox, it is a guarantee Kagura will nickname you lol. I've already been christianed Lilac and heartsteal calls me Liza even before he knew about character Liza lol...and Macal, to his consternation, is apparently Maar. Or did you decide on something else Kagura
I don't have a nickname! Except for Su/Suu. So you can call me that. Or Rei. Or Reisuke. Or, heck, call me by my full name, Reisuke Houjou.

But, welcome, Mia.

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