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Realistic or Modern New Oasis: Ruination


Don't lose Ari~♪ Shine bright Ari~♪
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Survivor Group
Run For Your Life
Sr. Doyle Street
miki miki (Damon, Lillian) Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider (Titania) BriiAngelic BriiAngelic (Yuda) angel doe angel doe (Charlotte, Ashlynn) AzaleaWonderland AzaleaWonderland (Midnight) @gxxberkit (Dorothy)
Run For Your Life

"I see trees of green, red roses too.

I see them bloom for me and you,"

"And I think to myself,

What a wonderful world..."

"We're almost there! Everyone's doing great. We just need to keep this pace up for a few more minutes, okay? All of us are getting out of here!" Dulcie Reed yelled across her group. The GCRS overseer stepped over the uneven pile of rubble, cringing as the last layer of her right sole popped free. She wrapped a handkerchief around her dirt-ridden face, though failing to protect her throat from dust. Dulcie led GCRS volunteers and survivors alike down Sr. Doyle Street, where somewhere ahead laid rescue. "I'm with the GCRS!" Dulcie shouted, one of many cries hoping to gather survivors. "If anyone is out there, we're here. We'll get you out."

Coming beside Dulcie were the aforementioned GCRS members. Volunteers. People from all over the world, leaving their homes and families to help. Caked similarly in dirt, some in blood, they sandwiched the group to provide some sense of protection.

A couple in their 90s trudged through in their old, worn clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby have lived in New Oasis for most of their lives. After retiring from years of service and charity work, the two were ready for their upcoming anniversary. "Hear that, honey?" the wife said, her voice dry and raspy. Her hands shook, battered in blood as she helped her husband. Mr. Crosby coughed up blood as he trudged onward. "We're almost there." He managed a weak smile in reply.

Barely keeping up with the march was one of a few volunteers, Zoe Remington. Who, clutching the clipboard of names tight against her chest, felt her senses giving way. She tried to breathe but took a hundred breaths at once. The destruction, the injured, herself being the one meant to help; why on god's green earth did she think she was fit for this? Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh—

"Zoe!" She shot up from her panic, spotting Dulcie with a girl no older than a teen. "Mind helping her? I know you're tired, but you're in better shape than the rest of us."

she blurted, comprehending the request only seconds after the fact. Not like Zoe would've turned her down, anyway. The kid groaned with each hop, biting her lip and trying not to rub the splint on her broken leg. Buckets of sweat dripped from her pale demeanor, and Zoe hesitantly waltzed up beside her. She did a small, panicked frenzy with her hands before resting them on her back for support.

"Thank you..." the girl said, smiling at Zoe. Her heart rested for a moment, remembering what drew her to this position. She looked at Dulcie. "Are we going to make it...?"

"We're sure as hell gonna try."

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right,"
Zoe added. "We're... We're gonna be okay..."

"Calm down, Zoe."
She jumped at Dulcie's sudden remark. "Whenever you talk like that, you're on the verge of breaking down. We'll all get out of here. I'm going to make sure of that." She shot a wink at the shy girl.

Zoe lit up a bright pink.

Shuffling in the group were many varying peoples, yet all caught in the same circumstance. NP or HP, poor or rich, a city-wide gang war did not discriminate. And as a man whose thousand-dollar suit remained punctured and town walked along, that was ever so clear to Mayor Harris Hicks. Compared to the photos in newspapers and tabloids, he was unrecognizable. The only distinguishing feature was his bronze pin with his name engraved on it. Once upon a time ago, he vowed to clean up the gangs. Late into his term, the promise had been forgotten. Such was public perception. He remained silent; lost in thought. His eyes were sunken from tears. Shed for whom? He hasn't spoken of.

But soon, they'd all be some place safe. Their destination was a GCRS triage center, where helicopters remained for evacuation. One day, this would all just be a bad memory...

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Yuda Salim
Sr. Doyle Street
Dulcie, Zoe, Anyone else
Run For Your Life

To say Yuda didn’t know what was going to happen next was an understatement. He’d somehow managed to act like he knew what he was doing well enough. It wasn’t like keeping his mouth shut was that hard when his stupid handler was always watching… though he’d managed to lose track of where she was when he fell back to help pull someone struggling with the uneven rubble.

He was strategically positioned to be on the outer edges of the survivors, a meat shield for the poor NPs that were likely to die if the wind blew the wrong goddamn way. Frail, though he supposed he couldn’t fault them for that when super-powered mobsters were the ones fucking up their city.

Fuck Dreams for not winding up an identical meat shield here. He didn’t exactly have time to mauld though as there were more important things to take care of. He kept an ear out for shouts of response to Dulce’s call. He avoided the urge to call as well knowing that they needed to leave room in between to listen.

He saw the tears and the fatigue in the faces of the meager citizens they had managed to find. One stumbled back about to slip and he reached out to block them. If there was nothing else he could say he was a good crash pad. From a building to the right he heard the faint sound of someone, he couldn’t tell if it was a call or wail but either way he needed to find out.

Fuck where was his handler, he wasn’t trying to look like he ran.

“DULCIE I think I hear someone from the right!”

He waited only a moment to receive acknowledgement before going in.

“HEY! Call again, it’s the GSCR or whatever. We’re here to help.”

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Run For Your Life
Sr. Doyle Street
Run For Your Life
Ash shouldn't be here, she was supposed to be home with her mothers. They were expecting her, but she couldn't contact them and let them know why she wasn't home on time. Ash let out a frustrated yell, shoving rubble off of her battered body. She would be fine, this was merely an inconvenience.

With one final push, she managed to escape the wreckage of whatever building this had once been, "Of course, something like this would happen to me..." Ash grumbled as she limped out into the street. GCRS was here, hm? Great. One more thing for her to avoid. Glowing green eyes scanned the area, narrowed as she tried to figure out exactly where she was. Once Ash had that sorted she'd be able to get home. Easy peasy.

Run For Your Life
Everybody & Nobody
Run For Your Life

War, war never changes. No matter where someone runs, no matter where they try to hide, no matter the fight for peace, war remains. What the gangs had done to Central was a result of war, the division of people into groups that believed they were more deserving. The mongers of war rarely care about the people amid their battleground. A total of all four gangs wanted central for self-serving ends, and a total of zero cared about the destruction and pain caused. It's like a bad verse repeating on a broken gramophone. It's all the same as before.

Though, unlike before, Midnight was prepared and had nothing she needed to protect. She adjusted the duffle bag strap to the other shoulder to give one a break. It was one of the several bug-out bags she made before the destruction of Central. Only a fool wouldn't notice the pressure building between the gangs. Despite seeing all the signs, Midnight didn't have enough agency to leave before the inevitable explosion between the gangs.

Either way, there was no reason to ruminate on it any longer. This mess was the situation she expected to end up with. It's too bad the chimeras seemed more interested in getting everyone killed together. Midnight watched as the members of the relief helped people with maimed legs and other crippling injuries out of the wreckage as long as they could still speak. All the while, a charismatic heart of gold type promised they'd all get out alive. Promising something you can't guarantee is just cruel. Midnight's eyes focused on one of the volunteers helping a girl with a splinted leg. The girl won't survive long, and that volunteer looks rather green, but at least she can run. If Midnight learned one thing last time, it's that there's a reason animals with broken legs are put down instead of treated.

She turned her head to a sudden call to the liar, which allowed Midnight to place the name now, Dulcie. The person making the call then moved away, calling for some faint sound he'd heard among the wreckage. Midnight wondered if the man was sucidial deciding to split from the group, or just that confident in their abilities. Midnight assumed the latter. HPs always underestimate the danger of things. Honestly, sometimes it feels like they believe they're immortals at times. Moving her attention away from the fumblings of the GCRS, she examined the survivors.

Midnight could already tell several weren't going to make it through this. Their wandering eyes landed on the toxic green eyes of a person covered in scars. She clutched her close to her body, shifting her weight, ready to run if needed. Midnight heat beat like a drum as she watched, waiting for her to make a move. Midnight relaxed her stance when all she could read from green eyes was annoyance, seemingly void of bloodlust. Yet, knowing that didn't change how unsettling green eyes appeared. But, they knew they couldn't relax just because one person wasn't about to murder them. Midnight moved through the crowd, keeping on the move to keep herself sharp.
Collab Post
Run For Your Life
Sr. Doyle Street
April 13, 1941
Damon, Charlotte angel doe angel doe
Run For Your Life

Everything was broken.

The streets were cracked down the center. Lamp posts laid limp on the ground, lightless and lifeless. Buildings were half of what they were, or nothing at all. Billboards were torn through, faceless portraits of good intentions. The smell of street food, the sound of birds, the crowded masses, they were all nothing but dust.

Not that he recognized any of it, anyways.

Within the dark crevice within a pile of broken concrete, two yellow dots emerged. They darted left and right, trying to scan for any movement beyond the billowing smoke in the horizon.

A pair of reddish-pink dots appeared not long after, mimicking the yellow and scanning the area for movement. The owner of the red eyes couldn’t find anything, but didn’t move. She would only move when her companion moved.

One, two, three, four. A pale hand grabbed the top of the debris before vaulting the broken structure. Damon dusted concrete dust off of his pants before going to lift the structure, high enough for someone to crawl through.

Charlotte, a bit peeved he didn’t think she could do what he could, resigned herself to crawling through the structure. She hopped to her feet once through and brushed the dust off her clothes, turning to look at Damon.

There’s gotta be something over there. We all heard that commotion, right?

“Yeah… there’s people, all right.” Damon licked his teeth while watching the distance. Voices, loud and compassionate. Nothing like that incessant barking.

Made no difference to him, though. Damon tugged on the straps of his duffel bag before turning promptly to his little companion. He stood with both feet at attention, and bent halfway to her level—as a teacher might to its student.

“What’s the plan?”

”To steal whatever we can find!”

“What’s your job?”

”Distract- an’ if I’m in danger, you’ll come help me.”

“And what’s our golden rule?”

”Always steal from the police!!” Charlotte hopped up and down excitedly. She paused a moment later, however, tapping a finger against her chin thoughtfully, ”Steal from the rich, too.”

There was a meow of agreement from somewhere on Lottie’s person and the small face of a black and white cat, Ogre, peeked through his owner's hair.

”Don’t worry, Big Brother, I’ll be okay.” Lottie smiled up at him, rocking back and forth on the heels of her bare feet.

Damon grinned at the little girl, teeth all flat in a sharp row, like a Cheshire cat. That was before he was patting her on the head like a dog. He bent down and petted the cat, too—placing his palm directly on its face.

“Let’s get goin’ then, Ducky.”

Titania De la forêt
BriiAngelic BriiAngelic AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Noise filled the studio as people moved about, setting up audio equipment and getting the area situated and set up for the night. Titania watched from her chair as the band set up before she heard her name being called. Getting up and adjusting her dress Titania moved to the stage to start the performance.

The night was beautiful and productive but just as the show was reaching its climax the world seemed to come down around them. Managing to make it some distance the building began to shudder and tear itself apart. The screams and shouts of those around her began to die down before the noise of shearing metal consumed everything around her.

The building came down in a terrific collapse that seemed to start from within and radiate out. She had nearly made it, having performed at the studio several times she knew of a faster way to get to the exit. The entryway collapsed ahead of her just as she was about to reach the doors. Noise erupted before she felt the weight of something slam her down and onto her stomach. The impact rocked her and made her grunt in pain.

More metal, concrete and wood rained around her, covering her up some as she struggled to get up and onto her knees. Despite her already stronger body she was unable to get the piece of metal off of her all the way, keeping her locked in position. The reality of the situation dawned on her and she did her best to keep as still as possible, the noise of shifting debris above her making her second guess trying to force her way a few feet out of the building.

Time passed, she wasn’t entirely sure how long. She was exhausted by this point, keeping herself from being pinned to the floor. Her heart suddenly rose as she heard the noise of people nearby. “Hello?!” Titania shouted through the debris. Using the strength she had remaining she pushed her body and a burst of nearly blinding light erupted out from behind the debris.
Mercher Ester
Run For Your Life
Sr. Doyle Street
Run For Your Life
The street lights flicker across the street, people flooding in different directions as they try to escape the chaos or take a peek to what's happening. Mercher's light and quick footsteps pattered lightly and swiftly towards the destruction, breaking their way from the crowd as his feet wings flapped allowed him to speed past the crowd. The wind blew through his long, blonde hair, his speed never wavering as he continuously cuts through the crowded street.

The screams for help numbed Mercher's brain, his thoughts muddled and paltered. He had nearly forgotten the meaning of his journey in this street due to the noise and traffic in the area, as well as another encounter with one of those Azure Dragon agents. The constant arrivals, messaging journeys, running through crowds were simply something he'd gotten used to. Yet, today was different. The crowd was far more large than the regular size, and the loud crashing sounds of destruction entered unwillingly through his ears. He can't help but pray for his message to get through on schedule.

To deliver a get-well-soon message by an elderly lady to her working husband by the day, was his message. Mercher had met the elderly couple multiple times since his arrival in New Oasis. They were an absolute joy to him, treating him to sweets that were foreign to him and a hot cup of tea.

However, a loud bang sound following a building toppling in front of him snapped him out of his daze. His wings stopped immediately, causing Mercher to stop and fall forward. Catching himself, he dusted his clothing that had contact with the ground and scanned his wings to see if they were hurt. They weren't any major, thankfully, but even the fall was enough to make Mercher more guarded to his physical health.
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Zoe Remington
Run For Your Life

Dulcie looked between the calls for her name; the survivors she spotted among the rubble. She couldn't be everywhere at once, but she could breathe easier knowing how many volunteers tagged along. "Zoe, I saw someone fall to the ground up ahead. I want you to help them."

She scurried ahead with a bag of medical supplies.

"Elizabeth, go help your friend...!" Dulcie barked some more orders, but by then they had faded from Zoe's ears.

Zoe whimpered and shook as she hopped across unstable grounds, like an awkward game of hopscotch. Every jump, she looked ahead at the dazed person. Almost there, she repeated, giving her a fleeting sense of calm. And eventually, she reached shouting distance "E-Excuse me! Mrs...?"

She hiked closer, Mercher's details becoming clearer. Zoe almost doubled back from embarrassment after realizing she misgendered him, but her rational mind told her now was not the time. "A-Are you hurt?" She knelt beside him, opening the medical bag. In it were bandages, disinfectants, all wobbling in her hands as she retrieved them. She squeaked as a bandage roll sllipped away like toilet paper. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." Zoe pulled at the end, but to her horror did not bring the roll back and instead rolled it even more.

"I'll get it later..." she muttered. "Do you need help...?" Zoe bit her tongue. Obviously he needs help! "Tell me how I can help..."
Elizabeth Mildred Brown
Run For Your Life

Running after him was the boy's handler, one Elizabeth Mildred Brown. And she was none too pleased that the GCRS' meat shield ditched his post. "What did I say about running off like that? Surely you remember what happened last time you went off on your own?" Even in a time of disaster, she still thought it a good time to keep her "friend" in check. Whether it was force of habit or by choice, she didn't know... or care, for that matter.

But her attention soon shifted to the light emanating from beneath the rubble. Definitely an HP, she thought.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get her out!" Elizabeth put her hands on the rubble to at least seem like she's helping, but there was no way an NP was getting Titania free. "You're a strong boy, you got this. Trust me, I've seen your brute strength in action."
Cinderella Lee
miki miki (Damon)
Run For Your Life
She thought there would have been more time. Time for her to see her son again; to berate and lecture him and how stupidly he got involved with the Tortoises... To say that she loves him, and will do anything to protect him.

But she had no idea where Damon was. If the prison was safe, more or less her son. As she trudged with the group of survivors, huddling her torn jacket for warmth, she was one among many who had lost so much, forced to focus on their own lives. After Dulcie found her, Cinderella had yelled Damon's name in hopes that, in the off chance, he'd be out there. But as her throat dried, and devastation paved the way for potential danger, she had long stopped.

Cinderella had never felt so powerless before. Even as her son was convicted and sent to prison, at least she could be there with him. Even as her feet bled and scratched across the ground, dirtied with soot and dust—a far cry from her usual appearance before the attacks—her thoughts resided with Damon. But as far as she knew... he was nowhere near. And that terrified her more than any gang could.
Run For Your Life
"So, what's the plan?" The voice came behind Midnight. "These guys are focused so much on their lives that they won't care about their money if they lose it. The question is, where do we start? The blondie looks the healthiest and most alert. Maybe someone at the back?"

It was a scrawny boy with fluffy ears and a tail, eyeing the same group of survivors. He crouched and mimicked the hidden movements she did. The two had never seen each other before, a fact that Tramp did not seem to care about. "Then again... I don't think we can use money at this point." He motioned to their destroyed surroundings. "But I get it! Stealing is always fun! We steal from the poor and steal from the rich!"

After a quiet chuckle, his stomach growled. He turned his attention fully to Midnight, eyes suddenly shimmering. "Speaking of, do you got any scraps for little old Tramp? Food's been hard to come by since..." Again, he motioned to the destruction.
Run For Your Life
AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa (Tramp) & Whoever Else
Run For Your Life

On instinct, Midnight's elbow shot towards the voice which appeared out of thin air behind her. No contact. They turned on a heel to face the apparition, something they must be one if they could approach without making a sound. Midnight clutched her duffel bag tightly before letting it go as the person went on speaking nonsense. Only egotistical idiots would give up the advantage of stealth to speak.

Looking closer, this boy appeared to be a chimeric, a fennec fox, maybe. Either way, he was acting far too friendly. Midnight wondered if some debris hit him in the head and gave the person a severe brain injury. As if to answer her question, he started talking about how "stealing is always fun." So, yeah, he definitely has brain damage.

Their eyes narrowed as the Fennec asked for food. He clearly acknowledges his surroundings, but he seemingly doesn't understand the weight of it. "Sir, I believe you're mistaken in multiple fields. I don't know you. I also don't know a time stealing has ever been anything other than necessary. Definitely not my definition of fun. And, I wouldn't share food with someone I'm not positive can survive. It would just be wasteful," Midnight responded. "Oh, and I don't care if you're the animal chimeric here, if you try stealing from my bag, I will bite your hand off."
Yuda Salim
Sr. Doyle Street
Elizabeth, Titania
Run For Your Life

The sight of blinding light would be worse if he woke up with his sight enhanced but luckily it was already rather poor off today so this flash served as more of a signal to follow the sounds he was picking up. He turned back to Elizabeth hearing her call. He likely wouldn’t be stopped considering it was his entire job to collect survivors and keep them alive, still on the off chance something was going wrong he needed to pay attention to her call.

He didn’t understand her getting closer to the rubble, especially when it was clear that she wouldn’t be able to move it. If he wasn’t aware of someone trapped underneath the rubble he’d take the time to be annoyed. With a huff, he stepped forward getting closer before he spoke.

“Ms. Elizabeth please step back, the area could collapse when I shift this.”

He put his hands to the sides of the rubble and started to lift before stopping to assess if it caused any movement. He shortly realized he had no idea what state she was in under there. What if moving it would cause the whole thing to kill her? He should have thought of that first but it wasn’t like clearheaded thought was something he was known for.

“Okay the slab seems stable enough, how are you doing down there? Are you bleeding anywhere? Can you feel your limbs? How long has this been on you? Are you standing or on the floor?”

He could only see light breaking through what seemed to be piles of debris. He had to make quick work of this, especially if the one inside was a frail NP.

“Also, do you happen to be an HP or NP?”

Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Mercher Ester
Run For Your Life
Sr. Doyle Street
Zoe Remington ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa )
Run For Your Life
The destroyed building in front of him scattered into junk, its debris filled the street. Seated in the middle of the road, Mercher’s blond hair was dirtied with dust by the impact of the building despite it already looking slightly unclean. Some parts of his body stinged more in pain than others. He couldn’t go off delivering his message with his wounds. What would he do if he would show up to the old man’s house injured? His reputation would change for the better or for worse but also the old man would put in his already hard worked time and effort into taking care of him. The old couple had already done so much for him, he didn’t want them to worry about his well-being.

Mercher’s eyes scanned all parts of his currently exposed body before his fingers glazed against his wounded wings which had taken most of the hit. His wings fluttered against Mercher’s hand, similar to how a duck would shake their feathers after dipping in the water. Mercher’s fingers gently stroke along them, the sparse bruises and wounds on his wings still stings from the crash. His expression stayed still despite the extra pain he felt when stroking them.

"E-Excuse me! Mrs...?" A faint shout in the distance caught his attention. With a faint turn of head, his eyes laid on a timid, dark haired woman jumped through the destroyed street with a bag. Assuming that she was referring to him, Mercher retracted his hand from his wings, tucking his legs into his core as he watched her journey to him.

Zoe drew out some medical equipment from her bag as they would wobble with her hand as they were laid out in front of them. Her clumsiness was obvious as the bandage rolled away from her, hesitance laced her voice as she asked how and if there is any way to aid him. He’d considered her offer for, his eyes wandering to Zoe, then to the equipment. Mercher was not sure if he could place most of his trust in Zoe as he could not recognize her at all. However, she did say that she could help, the equipment she had brought didn’t lie. “I have to tend to a job as soon as possible, but if you can, please patch up my wings first,” he started off after a few moments of silence and consideration. Mercher moved his legs, his wings became more visible. He cleared his throat, a simple question escaped from his mouth, “But you are…?”

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