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Fandom New Krypton (Character Setup)

Name: Leo Dar-Al

Family: House of Al

Morality: True Neutral

Age: 21



Skills: Close-Quarters-Combat

Occupation: Space Traveler, Intergalactic Mercenary

Origin: Leo Dar-Al, born to Krypton's distinguished House of Al, has been blessed with celestial radiation over the course of his entire life, and his evolutionary abilities would eventually lead him down a path beyond his planet. Born to a father that served in the Kryptonian military, a mother invested in the Utopian society's politics, and an older sister pursuing a path aligned with her mother's occupation, one could easily say that had quite a lot to live up to. He was groomed throughout his life to achieve a significant future disposition, such as a scientist, politician, or perhaps even an assistant to someone on the government's council.

However, with his powers, he harbored a more self serving desire to explore worlds beyond Krypton and to put his abilities to practical use (such as earning currency as an intergalactic mercenary of some sort). To receive military training from his father, he disguised this aspiration as a goal to join the military, planning to jettison off the planet and into space when he'd come of age. However, in times where factions and crime were on the rise and disputes were erupting amongst citizens and officials, Leo's father was assassinated. in an effort to escape his grief while pursuing his goals, he appropriated a ship at the age of 18 and departed Krypton.

Three years later, having explored the stars and hardened his disposition, Leo returned to Krypton, ready and willing to confront his battle-torn homeworld and to be there for his family in a time of great discord among their race.
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