New kid on the block

Honey and Milk

One Time Luck
Hello, everyone!

My close friends in real life call me Chan, partly because of a nerdy inside joke, but mostly because it's apparently more fun to say than my full name. Care to take a guess what that name might be? In any case, please feel free to call me Chan as well if you so desire!

Though I'm new to this site I do have prior RP experience. I've recently had the urge to get back into it, and so I mean it with sincerity and enthusiasm when I say that I am happy to be here amongst people with similar interests.

Time for some obligatory introduction info. I've recently turned 26. My birthday was actually two days ago! No, I did not have cake, unfortunately. But I did go to a pretty fun concert amid a rather sudden and unexpected snowfall.

I work as a waitress part-time, and ideally I would love to be able to write and illustrate my own children's books sometime in the future. When I'm not on the clock I enjoy playing video games or watching let's plays on YouTube. And on days when I'm feeling particularly productive, I enjoy crocheting or drawing.

Here's hoping I'll find some great RPs to join. You'll most likely find me lurking around the fantasy and sci-fi threads. It'll be a pleasure getting to know the people here, I'm sure. :)
Heyo! I'm Brid welcome to RPN. I hope you have fun. From my times here everyones been a sweetheart.
Whats it like being a waitress tho? I was thinking of applying to be one actually.
Heyo! I'm Brid welcome to RPN. I hope you have fun. From my times here everyones been a sweetheart.
Whats it like being a waitress tho? I was thinking of applying to be one actually.
Hello bird! Cute name you've got there. Thanks for dropping by to say hello!

As far as being a waitress is concerned, it can really be hit or miss. Technically speaking my job is classified as food runner, so while I do serve food and interact with customers I'm not the one taking their initial orders. If it's a full waitress/waiter position you're going for it might not be for you if you need a consistent amount of money every paycheck. And sometimes dealing with unruly customers can make the job seem like more work than it's worth if you're not bringing in tips to supplement making less than $3 an hour. With that being said, it's entirely possible to make quite a lot in tips.

Other than that, I don't mind the work. You actually end up meeting some real sweet people with interesting things to say. We get a lot of party reservations where I work, and it's always heartwarming seeing a bunch of cute kids have a good time.
Hello bird! Cute name you've got there. Thanks for dropping by to say hello!

As far as being a waitress is concerned, it can really be hit or miss. Technically speaking my job is classified as food runner, so while I do serve food and interact with customers I'm not the one taking their initial orders. If it's a full waitress/waiter position you're going for it might not be for you if you need a consistent amount of money every paycheck. And sometimes dealing with unruly customers can make the job seem like more work than it's worth if you're not bringing in tips to supplement making less than $3 an hour. With that being said, it's entirely possible to make quite a lot in tips.

Other than that, I don't mind the work. You actually end up meeting some real sweet people with interesting things to say. We get a lot of party reservations where I work, and it's always heartwarming seeing a bunch of cute kids have a good time.
Oooo, It sounds like something that I would do more as a place-holder if i ever ended up between jobs. Something that would just get me by.
I always thought It would be an interesting Job to do for a short period of time. Or have it as a side job.
Oooo, It sounds like something that I would do more as a place-holder if i ever ended up between jobs. Something that would just get me by.
I always thought It would be an interesting Job to do for a short period of time. Or have it as a side job.
I mean, that's definitely how I see it too. For some people it can work as a long time profession, but I'm using it as more of a stepping stone than anything else, you know? To clarify, I work at a movie theater that serves food so at the very least I get cool movie perks. Like seeing new releases before they're shown to the public and free movie posters. But you can imagine how busy things can get too!

But hey, have to pay my way through college somehow, yeah? :)
I mean, that's definitely how I see it too. For some people it can work as a long time profession, but I'm using it as more of a stepping stone than anything else, you know? To clarify, I work at a movie theater that serves food so at the very least I get cool movie perks. Like seeing new releases before they're shown to the public and free movie posters. But you can imagine how busy things can get too!

But hey, have to pay my way through college somehow, yeah? :)
Yeah. But that still sounds like fun. Free movie perks n posters? Oof.
Plus if you like the job that's always a plus
Welcome! Hope you find your way around ok ^.^

truthofself truthofself
On a side note, I'm currently in waitressing where I do take orders, carry out plates, make drinks and clear tables. I find it very rewarding. The money isn't fabulous but we make decent tips in our little pub - a lot of regular visitors who like to show their thanks.
I meet very lovely people every day, and some very not lovely people too but it just means I get to practice talking them down and dealing with issues ^-^ Plus, there is always a manager who can take over if the customer gets to be too much. We aren't there to take harassment.
As mentioned, it's not a career for everyone (I myself am also just using it as a stepping stone until after my pregnancy and I can get back to uni) but I'd recommend it just for the experience if nothing else.
Hope you'll enjoy roleplaying on here!

Helpful advice: Don't trust anyone with a panda or bee profile picture on here.
truthofself truthofself Most definitely. I'll never complain about free perks!

PanOtterPus PanOtterPus Having regulars sounds so nice! People have few reasons to keep coming back to movie theaters every week. You sound like a veteran. I've only been at this job for a few months. :)

Silvana Silvana Not entirely sure if you're joking. Because pandas are so cute... But thanks for saying hello!
truthofself truthofself Most definitely. I'll never complain about free perks!

PanOtterPus PanOtterPus Having regulars sounds so nice! People have few reasons to keep coming back to movie theaters every week. You sound like a veteran. I've only been at this job for a few months. :)

Silvana Silvana Not entirely sure if you're joking. Because pandas are so cute... But thanks for saying hello!
Ive actually only worked there about two months xD but I love it. I have a friend from college who works there, she helped get me the job when I needed to move to the area. So far it's great - hard work, but good fun. And I can understand people not going to the movies every week xD we have old blokes that come in drinking every other day, or the odd couple that comes in to eat once a week. It's nice to see friendly faces.

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