New here. Real new.

Indeed, welcome and grats on a good first step, but from here we must know things.

Now, I fancy myself pretty good at initiating newbies so how do you feel about gritty fantasy? Horror? Cyberpunk? A bit more variety and short stories?

Actually, probably more productive of me to ask - have you roleplayed much before, online or in real life? How do you feel about system-based games vs. freeform?
The Our Roleplays section is a good section to have a look at what games are in progress. The prefixes will let you know whether or not new players are being accepted.

But for the moment, Grey has some good questions. Let us know what you like, and how much you've played, and we can make more useful recommendations.
Well, I have a character, an OC if you will, that I came up with ages ago that I still use in damn near everything. I used to write things but the most tangible form is a necromancer. Hence the name "Osiris", named after the Egyptian God of the Dead.

As for myself......I'm real new. No experience, per se, but I have a damn near boundless imagination, and a variety of different worlds, characters, and ideas bouncing in my head. But I have one question about the RP's here...

Is there one where you're say......a demon? Prince, Lesser Demon, even maybe a Grand Duke alongside the likes of Astaroth and Mammon?


Welcome to RPdom, oh great Osiris. I'm Wolf *howl*

I do believe Grey is currently running a game that matches your description. It's called To Reign In Hell and players take on the roles of Counts/Dukes of Hell and try to govern the place stab each other in the back. I haven't played because it's a Crucible game, and Wolf is utterly untalented for that. But if it's not a problem for you, then by all means talk to Grey about it *bark*
Grey said:
You should give it a try sometime, Wolf - I'd gladly handle the mechanical end of things for you to lessen the burden while you find your feet, and it was such a shame Ash & Moonlight faltered.
Wolf is correct, I am indeed running a game of Demons - though not in the Judeo-Christian mythology. I have also been known to have room for Necromancers in things or their equivalents, but you may have to wait a little while for that.
ANY demons are fine. I just was hoping something like this was on here. And it is. How do I start?

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