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Realistic or Modern New Email ~IC~



Miserable Potato

Ava was only one in thousands just like her. Worker bees fluttering their tiny wings to carry gifts to their mysterious queen. That was Ava's entire existence. Wake. Shower. Eat and promptly begin work. Socializing was not permitted, and to be fair, it wasn't exactly possible. For the entirety of her days she was left unattended and kept away from any other Resolution Employees. Socializing of any kind could lead to removal. The only human interaction she really had was through her computer. It was there that Ava lived. Her job was everything to her. The one thing that gave her purpose. Without it, she would be nothing. A lonely bee without a hive. Though this life may seem the stuff of nightmares. Some awful version of hell that was waiting us all. But the implants did a very fine job of making this place seem more like sunshine and rainbows. Somehow, each new day held exciting possibility. Nothing ever changed but it could and that was a thought too sweet not to indulge.

The room in which she worked was small but not cramped. Aside from the desk resting against the back wall, the room was empty. No posters lined the walls, no fancy carpet or pictures of a past life or a current life. Only her computer. Still, this was Ava's favorite place. Here she could be totally alone and it was a dangerous thing. A lonely soul left alone did a lot of thinking. Curiosity ran wild. It was extremely important that a girl like Ava keep herself focused. She still managed it though, somehow. Her job was simple. Send emails to individuals who detected positive for a broken implant. She would only take on case at a time and take no longer than two weeks to resolve each case. Most would only take a few hours. Some lasted days. No matter what happened though, each case was resolved. She had never once reported someone for removal. That must be a good thing, right? Or did that mean Ava was really just a ticking time bomb?

SENDER: Resolution Center Ava 113653
RECIPIENT: Skylar Lyriera

Dear Skylar.

Our system has detected that your implant could or already has malfunctioned. It is very important that you take this matter seriously. Please put any work you have aside for the time being so that we may resolve this issue as quickly as possible. My name is Ava 113653. I will walk you through this process to the best of my ability and by the end of the week you should be fitted for a new implant. This will require you to take time off from any work or school obligations you have in order to recover from the operation. This is pretty standard. The alternative is removal. Now, you might be experiencing some strong emotions or start to in the following days. It is important that you remain calm during this time and do not panic. I will be asking you a list of questions in the following days and you must answer each question with as much detail and honesty as possible. Lying will result in removal. Please respond to this email as quickly as possible to confirm that you are ready to move forward.

~ Resolution Center Ava 113653
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