New Divide: Pokemon RP

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Taking in the new sights and smells as she walked up the path to the cliff. It was a new, fresh

start and she was taking it in. She took in a deep breath and then exhale. "Would you look at that!" She exclaimed as she looked down at her companion next to her. Her closest friend Shieldon. She had Shieldon since she was little and she was happy he was still by her side.

"Shield!" He said with a big smile. Marissa Donovan could see the rocky city ahead of her, remnants of it's old rocky exteriors of some buildings remained but they also kept it mostly modern. Rocks scattered all around and she could make out Mt. Moon in the distance.

I'm not going to let anything stop me this time. I will compete in a Pokemon League...and I just know that I will this time! She thought with a determined look on her face. All of the drama she faced a year ago she put in the back of her mind. She didn't worry about her past bothering her this time around. Though there are already news reports stating she is competing in the Kanto Pokemon League and heard some disgusting comments. She only had a vague idea of who was setting her up last year but she still didn't know.

"Not this time." Marissa heard a voice behind her and before she could turn around she felt someone push her back roughly. It all felt like slow motion to her as she fell forward and over the cliff. It was maybe 8 feet high, she could break some bones. She heard Shieldon crying out for her and could make out something red as she turned around to see who had pushed her. There was a tree below her that could break her fall, but she didn't know.
Skye walked down the path and looked at her surroundings. She'd been to all the regions and was glad to experience the long journey. Her Glaceon trotted alongside her, looking up with curious eyes before running ahead to see what lay ahead on the path. Skye laughed, "Glaceon, wait for me! You'll get lost if we get separated."
Falling into the trees and getting scraped up along the way she managed to grab onto one and hold herself there. She looked down and she wasn't that far off the ground now. She sighed in relief but then the branch started to crack and she fell the remaining feet safely. "Oof!" She cried as she rubbed her butt. She looked around for Shieldon. "Shieldon! Where are you?"
Glaceon heard a noise and followed alone, knowing the cry sounded like a Shieldon. Skye followed closely behind, knowing that something had happened just then. "Lead the way Glaceon. Your ears are better than mine. Oh wait. I'll bring out Skarmory then the search'll be easier." Glaceon stopped and greeted the Skarmory that was thrown out of the PokeBall and together, the two Pokemon continued to search whilst Skye tagged behind, keeping them both in sight.
"Thanatos, can you come here for a second?"

A large, easily eight foot thee headed dragon had a species the was infamous for their aggression. They were Unova's resident pseudo-legendary, making them well known but hard to find. The one in questions turned it's main head to look at the man who called it, only for it's expression to change to one equivalent to a puppy being called by it's master. It growled happily and turned its other two heads away from whatever they were doing and hovered over to the man whom he towered over. The man was about five foot eleven. Not the tallest person, but a respectable height. He was a solid 166 pounds, which complimented his predatory build well. Pokemon rangers were often trainer like military personel, and were required to be in top physical condition even after retirement. All were held by good samaritan laws to help people whenever they were in danger, and be able to defend themselves at the same time. An unfit person finds it much more difficult to do so than a fit one.

"Scout out there for me to the west, would you? We need to find some food. We're low."

The hydra nodded with it's main head, and took off, flying down to the trees below to scout the land. "Crossfire, you scout to the east and hunt. Forge berries for us if you find any. Switch, you go with him." A large land shark roared in response, before diving off the side of the cliff itself with a Scizor close behind. The Sinnoh pseudo and the Jhoto native disappeared into the trees,

"Atlas, Tempest, Casper, you three stay with me." the man said, recalling the large water serpent, a large dinosaur like armor pokemon, and the Shadow pokemon to their pokeballs. He wanted to keep at least half his team on him at all times.

He looked over the edge, eyeing the good seventy foot drop. He had done this kind of thing in the past, but he didn't enjoy it.

Oh, I'm sorry. This man's name was Nick.

Nick had decided to close down the day care center in the idea of some travel time. He quite enjoyed moving around as he had done it half his life. A well traveled person has experience and knowledge on change and how to accept it. He wanted to fully enjoy it for the next few months, as he didn't get to travel Kanto often. He had been traveling away from his town to Mt. Moon to do some training at the peak, and had decided that routes were for wimps. He had a championship team. No need to worry about wild pokemon or rogue trainers. It was nature that he really had to fear. He put a hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun's glare. He could see Mt. Moon off in the distance.

Taking his hand away from his face, he replaced it on the edge of the cliff, and allowed himself to slip down, keeping himself from falling all the way with his hand. As he found a foot hold, he steadied himself and began to climb downward. As he approached the halfway mark of his decent, his Hydreigon came flying back, a steeled look it it's eyes. It hovered near Nick and motioned for him to jump on.

"What is it? You find something?" Nick questioned, turning his head over his shoulder to look at the large dragon, who simply nodded. "Alright then, I'm coming aboard." Nick said, kicking off the cliff and grabbing the great dragon around the main neck and pulling himself up onto his back.

As they flew, it screeched with one of it's heads, the sound echoing for miles and letting the other two pokemon know where they were going. The sound was then returned by the other dragon's roar of confirmation. As they arrived, he saw a Skarmory in the distance making its way to what seemed to be the direction the woman was. But he had to prioritize. The woman looked to have had taken a nice fall and was currently under a tree. Nick patted the dragon around the neck, which was it's signal to allow him to land. "Call the other two here, and make sure those two pokemon aren't going to attack."

The Hydriegon nodded with one of it's side heads, and proceeded to land. Hydriegon had strong bird like legs that they tucked in when flying. Similar to a Pidgeots actually, except a Hydriegon's feathers were black. When the dragon made the landing, Nick hopped off and checked the area, making sure the area was safe for him to approach. He didn't want to harm himself and potentially incapacitate himself too. The woman seemed to be conscious, which was a good thing.

"Get Crossfire and Switch here!" He yelled to his dragon, who nodded and shot up into the air before roaring off in the distance. It was replied to once again by the Garchomp's. Nick noticed a broken tree branch next to her. Could she have fallen out of the tree?

"Excuse me miss? Are you alright?" he said, trying to get the woman's attention as he approached so she wasn't startled by his appearance. In hindsight, it probably wasn't needed all to much, as he had flown in on a large three headed dragon, which had roared to call another dragon that was probably a mile or two away. 'Well, at least it shows her that I dont have any ill intentions.' he thought to himself. He tensed up when she heard her calling for her Shieldon.

While he did not know that species of pokemon, he did know full well what it was like to have a pokemon go missing. His Gengar liked to play pranks on him and others. But his very own Garchomp had nearly been stolen at one time during a mission when it was a Gible. He was broken up until he found his friend again.

"Miss, I can help you find your Shieldon, but first, can you walk?"
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She saw the large shadow fly over head and notoced the Hydreigon. She knew of their aggressivenessnandnhoped it wouldntnattack suddenly though she jad a hand by her other pokeballs just in case. But instead a guy hopped off and walked towards her asking if she was alright. She didn't feel any pain except from a few scratches from the initial fall in the tree. "I'm fine jist a little fall." She said to him. She nodded that she could walk as she took a few several steps. She was about to call for her Shieleon ahain when she heard a little cry in the distance that sounded like him. Something in the bushes rustled and out her Shieldon popped running towards her already looking a little tired. "Shieldon!" She cried as she got on her knees and he jumpe into her arms. She hugged him tightly and he nuzzled her.
Nick approached closer to assess the woman for any secondary injuries, finding none, he kneeled down next to her to help her find her missing pokemon. "Alright then ma'am, lets help you find your shieldo-", he began, stopping when he saw the bushes rustle and the little prehistoric pokemon come out. He smiled to himself about the reunion, before looking up to his dragon, who was hovering back down to the ground. His attention was taken away, however, as a much louder crashing sound seemed to be getting closer. He stood back up to face whatever was coming.



The duo of pokemon burst from the trees, the Land shark behind the iron bug. The Hydreigon, seeing that it's teammates had returned, hovered back down to the ground to greet the two. They seemed to converse for a moment, Hydreigon doing most of the talking, presumably telling the other two the situation.

"Welcome back, Switch, Garchomp. Find anything?" Nick said, approaching the three. The Scizor raised one of it's red claws, and opened it revealing a few oran berries. "Sciz." It simply said, it's eyes switching between Nick and the new girl. "Sorry, by the way for calling you back so fast." Nick said, taking the berries from the red claw an putting them in his pack. "You two should take a good rest."

He took two of his six pokeballs from his belt, and recalled both the Sinnoh Pseudo and the iron insect. He turned to his Hydra, and smiled. "Thanks for the help Hydreigon. Here, have a berry." He said, tossing one of the oran berries to to brutal pokemon, who snapped it's head forward and caught the berry with it's main head. "Return." Nick then said, selecting the other empty pokeball and recalling the dragon.

He returned his attention to the woman, who was now crouched down and holding her pokemon. He walked over and crouched once again next to her. He recognized her face from somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on where. He put the thought in the back of his mind for the moment, as he wanted to know who this person was.

He extended a hand to her, and put on a smile to his usually straight face. "My name is Nick," He began, stopping for a moment before continuing. "What's yours?"
She smiled and stood up. She was waey about telling her name to him. If he knew who she was then she had no idea how he would react. Would he be angry at her like a lot of people were? Or would he not care? She stood up and looked at Nick. "My names Marissa." She said with a soft smile.
Nick smiled and shook her hand. "That's a nice name. Its nice to meet you." He said, grinning. He looked around, noticing that this girl wasn't traveling on the closest route. Which happened to be route 4. Meaning she was either coming or going to Mt. Moon... IF she had been on route 4.

"So where are you headed? I'm going to the peak of Mt. Moon to train."

He didn't know this girl from anywhere else. He had been away during her prosecution without access to the internet or TV. Despite his retired Ranger status, he did not know this girl had been a criminal. "Where're you from by the way? Shieldon is from the Sinnoh region."
"I'm heading to Pewter city to get a gym badge." She said. She was releived he didn't seem to know who she was or if he did he didn't question it. But if the topic ever came up it would be hard to explain. She knew she was innocent despite how most people believe. "And yes I'm from Sinnoh. My hometown is Hearthome City." She answered.
Nick whistled, "Fifth largest city in the world. I remember visiting there one time. Castelia City is in the region where I come from."

When she told him that she was going for Pewter's gym badge, Nick tensed, Pewter was out of the way of where he was going, but it wasn't like he needed the training all that much anyways. He could always just battle some of Brock's apprentices if he really needed to. Scizor always love to bullet punch things before they could fight back. Unfair or not, it worked pretty well.

Plus, this girl had gotten herself into trouble here, he wanted to escort her to Pewter. That and Brock was a complete pervert. He could cover for her if he was there.

"What do you say we travel together until we get to Pewter city? I could probably give you some tips for when you fight Brock." He said, shrugging. "If you want I could come with you as you collected the badges. I'm a pretty good cook, and know my way around Kanto."
"Oh you don't have to" she said. Then her Abomasnow came out of its ball in front of her with his arms crossed. She sweatdropped and laughed nervously. "Abomasnow its okay. He likes to be my bodyguard sorry" she said to Nick. He huffed a bit giving Nick a quick look over before she recalled him to her ball. "I don't know this region that well so it would be joce to have someone to show me around. Thanks"
Nick grinned at the large Abomasnow. His Tyranitar was just as big, easily, and weighed in an nearly eight hundred pounds. He was quite the monster when he wanted to be, if he wasn't so busy sleeping and being lazy.

He smirked as the thanked him, it had been a while since he had really traveled around the region with more in mind than just wandering about. This could be fun. "That was quite the specimen you had there. It's fur was extremely white, and it had no visible imperfections, signifying health and physical prowess." He complimented. "I am a pokemon breeder, I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to this stuff. You wouldn't believe how some people treat their pokemon."

He thought back to Hoenn and visibly flinched, Maxie and Archie using the legendary beasts to further themselves and their goals without a care about anyone else. There was a great loss of life on the shores of that city that day, and it surly would've been much worse had he not brought Rayquaza to the scene.

"So, shall we be off, then? Pewter is to the west once we get back on Route 4."
"I've seen some Polemon been mistreates before and its not pretty." She said remembering this one battle she was un with this other girl who was mentally ill herself and her pokemon got taken away from her after the battle. It was just terrifying to her. She then shook the thought out of her mind and nodded at Nick. "That's really cool. My dad used to be a Breeder too. And yeah lets head over there." She smiled and continied to hold her Shieldon in her arms the rest of tne way
"So who are you going to lead with against Brock?" Nick asked as they walked along, trying to start up a conversation. "He specializes in rock types. So he's probably still going to have a rock type based team."

Nick stopped for a moment, trying to remember something. He tapped his chin trying to think, before snapping his fingers in a 'Eureka!' like fashion. "When I battled his best team, he used an Onix, Golem, Aerodactyl, Kabutops, Rhyperior, and a Omastar against me. But that's only because I've already competed in a pokemon league and wanted to test myself. He'll probably still use his Onix against you, but the others, I dont know."

He stopped for a minute, naming off the weaknesses rock types had in his head, before thinking of the one that every one of his pokemon had. "Do any of your pokemon have a fighting type or grass type move? Rock types are weak to those. Your Abomasnow could be very useful." He said, trying to help her create a strategy. Rock types had high defenses and powerful attacks. The only things they lacked was speed. He knew this from his very own Tyranitar.
Skye walked through the bushes, really annoyed that Glaceon had gotten her lost. Skarmory wasn't much help since this was a new region and they had no idea where they were. Calling out to Glaceon and Skarmory, she sat on the ground and grabbed a map from her backpack and began to look where they were, but to no avail. The first time I've ever gotten lost and it is annoying. Oh well, we'll stop for a bit to rest and then continue on.
She already had a set plan in mind when she read up on Brock and his gym before coming to the Kanto region. "Well I have my Abomasnow and I have a Gastrodon as well. I was thinking about using them for this battle." She said as she continued to think about it. "His usual gym team is an Onix and Geodude so that shouldn't be much of a problem for me." She explained.
Skye spoke to Skarmory, "Fly around until you find someone around or the track. Then come back." Skarmory nodded and began to fly around whilst scanning the area for anyone or anything that might help it's master.
Nick shrugged, he didn't take the league challenge in Kanto, so he didn't know exactly how things worked around here. When he first started out the gym leaders had full teams and even the first battles were full six on six. Unova had been a rough place when it started out and it molded some of the most powerful trainers around if they were part of it in the beginning.

He reached up to his collarbone and fiddled with the pokeball that was attached to a necklace under his shirt. He didn't trust this girl enough to reveal his link to Rayquaza to her yet, as he did not know her. But if they traveled together and got to know each other better, she would eventually ask about his journey and his experiences. This would lead to his ranger training and his missions, and then his final stand against Archie and Maxie.

He had heard rumors of Rayquaza's ferocity in the past, but being able to fight two battling legendaries at the same time and then win the fight was something to be truly respected. He remembered it clear as day.

But as a honorable trainer he had vowed never to use the legend outside of another legendary battle. It wouldn't be right to smite a trainer in a tournament who had trained for months if not years to make his or her pokemon strong and powerful, by defeating them so easily with a pokemon that was naturally on a whole other level. It wasn't right. He believed that only a trainer who seriously doubted their abilities would stoop to using a legend in a normal battle.

But there were always the few who did.

"So, Sinnoh native, what's your story? Why are you so far from home?"
Taylor was on top of her Exploud holding onto the tubes atattched to his head. He was stomping around the Viridian Forest, because why not? She knew this wasn't the best place to train considering that the Pokemon there were generally quite weak, but it was quiet and tranquil so why not liven it up a bit with Exploud. She was shouting along with Exploud's loud shouting, but you could barely hear her since Exploud was, well, loud. She wouldn't be surprised if you could hear from miles away.
Marissa chose her words carefully. "I traveled throughout Sinnog for about a year, collecting the gym badges and creating friendships with my Pokemon. I even made it to the Sinnoh league..." she trailed off a bit as flashbacks came, especially of that poor handicapped girl she couldn't save. "the league got cancelled and I couldn't compete." She said and left it at that. She could see the tops of the buildings as they got closer to Pewter city. she even spotted a skarmory flying overhead but didn't think anything of it.
Nickolas nodded in a knowing way. He could tell from the time she had taken to respond that something was being held back. But he wouldn't push. It was her choice on what she would tell him. Not his. "Just know that you can come to me at any time if you have something on your mind. I may not know you very well, but you seem alright. I like you."

He noticed she was now staring off into the distance at the tops of the building that belonged to Pewter city. Because Pewter wasn't that big, it meant they were close. "Alright, I must warn you, watch yourself in Brock's gym. You have to watch yourself around him more than when fighting his pokemon. Especially since you're a girl."
"How come?" She asked. She didn't know these gym leaders well, only knew they're strategies and weaknesses and such. Walking into the city it felt rustic homely. It wasn't as big as Hearthome but it was large enough to be called a city. "Does he not like girls or something?" She guessed
Taylor commanded her Exploud to head to Viridian City. She knew that the leader most likely wasn't going to be there, he was on some kind of trip, she still liked to check though. She headed out of the forest which she was sure pleased many of the Pokemon living there, and headed towards the city. Pretty soon she made it to the gym and, sadly, there was a sign on the door to it. Taylor sighed; she would never finish her gym challenge.

Taylor decided to head towards Pewter City. There was always stuff going in over there. "Alright Exploud, tally ho!" she shouted as Exploud started stomping through the city making it's way towards Pewter.
"Nurse Joys and Officer Jenny's carry pepper spray with them regularly because of him." He said, not really paying attention to wht he was saying. "You're pretty attractive. He falls for girl's on sight. Put two and two together."

After a few seconds of walking he finally realized what he had said, and threw a hand in to cover his face to cover the blush that was forming. He was supposed to the pokemon ranger and legendary tamer badass. Not some dense idiot who flirted with girls he just met and didn't know if he liked. That was Brock's job, patented! He sighed loudly and slowly removed his hand from his face. The blush had faded but still held color, slight as it was.

"I might do some training by the pokemon center. If you want I can book us SEPERATE rooms while you're off taking the challenge. Or I could go in with you to back you up if Brock does something stupid. Your choice."

He decided to put emphasis on seperate. He didn't want it to be awkward for him or her again. He didn't know how she felt about the matter, but he was probably right in believing she would prefer seperate rooms. Or a room with two beds if the pokemon center only had it to choose from.

Then again, he could just camp out. His Tyranitar always a great friend to talk to, even if he couldn't talk back.
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