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Fantasy New Abbadon


New Member

New Abbadon

New Abbadon. In pamphlets, it is the city of hope. In commercials, it is a place of happiness and peace, of flowers and fresh air. But New Abbadon is not the city the world thinks it is.

The city, behind it's happy and friendly image, is full of creatures of different races. And not all are there to make friends.

Humans: The most common, they live their lives happily and in a ignorant bliss. But, this can make them vulnerable,as they are mostly unaware of their dangerous neighbors. They few that are...

Hunters: They hunt the things plaguing the city. If it isn't human, they want it dead. Even the innocent creatures have to hide, but everyday, innocent humans still die. So are they really good?

The Dae: A gang of monsters, fighting back against the Hunters. They are violent and powerful, bent on gaining revenge for their fallen kind.

Outsiders: Outsiders are monsters, and the rare human, that refuse to fight. Hunted by both Hunter and Dae, they live a life of fear, but with a mind without the guilt of killing.


1) Stay in character.

2) Try not to be a Mary Sue: No one is perfect.

3) You can be immortal. This does not mean that you are impossible to hurt or kill. Have a weakness, go into a coma or something.

4) Have fun.
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