New :00


i'm a billiard ball, fight me
hello ! i'm zoisite.

i am a 14 year old pansexual girl. my birthday is february 6. i write often.

i have 5 years of roleplay experience.

the fandoms i am in and who i roleplay as:

one punch man (saitama, genos, mumen rider, and also a bit of garou. not as experienced with garou as the others but shrrrrruuuuuuggggggg)

sailor moon (rei and of course, zoisite.)

attack on titan (hanji, eren, marco, krista/historia)

black butler (finny, ciel, grell [she/her pronouns for her !!])

undertale (napstablook, mettaton and grillby)

note** i also roleplay as my oc's occasionally. if you'd like to meet my oc's, just send me a message !!

when i roleplay, i am sure to be in character, definitely detailed and grammatically correct.

talk to me, i don't bite !!

(O:)), zoi
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Nice meeting you Zoi!

I have five or four years of roleplay experience. I don't usually roleplay fandoms but it depends.
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I think the staff and admin would prefer that you're honest about your birthday. You don't have to have your age or birth date posted publicly.
Kestrel said:
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I think the staff and admin would prefer that you're honest about your birthday. You don't have to have your age or birth date posted publicly.
ah hello kes !!

i apologize sincerely, i put a fake birthday because i didn't know if i could trust this site. after a few hours of checking around, i've realized you all seem very friendly !! sorry once again.
[QUOTE="Black woman]Nice meeting you Zoi!
I have five or four years of roleplay experience. I don't usually roleplay fandoms but it depends.

aa hello !!

nice meeting you too ! i think this community is very nice !!

apart from fandom roleplaying, i also roleplay with oc's, so if you want you can roleplay with me !!
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Hello and welcome to RPN!

It's a great place with great people, don't be afraid to reach out. A great place to look when looking for new RPs to join is the interest check section of the type of RP you want to join. The rules are rather simple, and the staff really do see all. There is definitely an interest in fandom, both RPing them, and discussing them over here, and for videogames like Undertale over here. I'd recommend using the tags at the top of the page to filter the threads. You use them by simply clicking on them. For fandom RPs, you can just go here, the interest check, which is the place to go when looking for a new RP or people to join your RP, is here.

To aid with the jumping in I'd advice the following threads. For any and all questions you may have here is a good place. It's likely that your question has been asked before, and if not, you can always create a new thread. With your questions answered, and the rules carefully studied, you can go join any RP. Like I said, the interest check section of the genre you're looking for is the best place to look, whether for a RP to join or people that want to join your RP. Now that you want to make your posts all fancy to impress everyone, explanations about bbcode can be found here, or if you want to dive right into the depths of bbcode, here. Like everything in life though, don't overdo it.

So that's about everything I think you might need to know to get started. If you still have some questions, don't be afraid to ask, me or someone else. Everyone here was new sometime after all.

Welcome to the best site for RPing, have fun!
Zoi said:
ah hello kes !!
i apologize sincerely, i put a fake birthday because i didn't know if i could trust this site. after a few hours of checking around, i've realized you all seem very friendly !! sorry once again.
It's all good. It's an easy fix, and it's better to be too cautious than not enough.
Hi hi! I know this was posted a while ago but welcome!

If you're ever looking for a partner for One Punch Man let me know :P
Hey there! Now that this is brought to the surface I might as well respond. I like your signature. Reminds me of a larger version of what @Sunkissed does.

Welcome to the site! :D

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