
"This is boring !" Alecia droned and leaned on Isaac lazily and resisting the urge to kill him

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Elitepikachuu said:
"This is boring !" Alecia droned and leaned on Isaac lazily and resisting the urge to kill him
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"If it's that boring why not take the high ground and find the fight?" Isaac asked as she leaned on him, it felt like she wanted to kill him.
"You're the on who wants to fight..." She said almost as if she was complaining. She moaned and drew her knife quietly

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Elitepikachuu said:
"You're the on who wants to fight..." She said almost as if she was complaining. She moaned and drew her knife quietly
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"No I want to help my guild members fight, there's a big difference between the two." Isaac said.
Alecia groaned then stabbed The knife into isaacs shoulder and dropped her weight on him "I don't wanna...."

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Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia groaned then stabbed The knife into isaacs shoulder and dropped her weight on him "I don't wanna...."
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Isaac bit the inside of his cheek so he wouldn't scream and stood straight up shaking her off him and morphing his arm into a sword saying "Either we're gonna help my guild, or we're gonna fight again you're pick." He was fed up with her games.
Alecia sat for a moment surprised by his reaction but appeared unphased she sat up and stared Isaac in the eyes and sat silently looking into his soul, watching it carefully.

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Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia sat for a moment surprised by his reaction but appeared unphased she sat up and stared Isaac in the eyes and sat silently looking into his soul, watching it carefully.
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Isaac was still angry and impatient so he said "Make your choice already!" He didn't like being stared down like she was studying him after she'd stabbed him.
Alecia continued to silently watch his essence flutter and observe his soul for a few minutes before standing up " let's have some fun!" She chimed happily before quickly launching 2 knives at Isaac and charging her sword with dark energy then she boosted forward right at isaac
Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia continued to silently watch his essence flutter and observe his soul for a few minutes before standing up " let's have some fun!" She chimed happily before quickly launching 2 knives at Isaac and charging her sword with shark energy.
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"This won't be fun for you." Isaac said knocking the two knives away and charging her not giving her time to charge her sword with energy. For some reason fighting felt different, he enjoyed it alot more this time, then he realized he'd been fueled by rage and revenge and the demon inside was slowly taking over.
Alecia didn't expect to see him coming but smiled at the thrill of a fight. She quickly jumped up and grabbed a branch right above Isaac leaving him running right under her. She quickly whirled around and emptied her revolver at Isaac.

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Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia didn't expect to see him coming but smiled at the thrill of a fight. She quickly jumped up and grabbed a branch right above Isaac leaving him running right under her. She quickly whirled around and emptied her revolver at Isaac.
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Isaac shielded himself by using his sword to absorb the bullets, one hit his arm but he didn't care anymore the demon was taking control and all his pain was becoming numb. Isaac jumped up and sliced one of Alecia's leg before landing.
Alecia winced at the wound but soon recovered, it wasn't the first time that's happened. She formed orbs of dark matter and propelled them rapidly at Isaac raining dark matter on him.

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Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia winced at the wound but soon recovered, it wasn't the first time that's happened. She formed orbs of dark matter and propelled them rapidly at Isaac raining dark matter on him.
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Isaac sliced through each dark matter ball, but it came at a cost it blinded him temporally so Isaac thrashed around in all directions slicing through trees and hitting the ground. He was becoming more beast-like by the second.
Alecia smiled and almost instantly took the opportunity to boost forward tackling Isaac then pinned him to to the ground with a knife to his throat " I win" she said drawing a bit a blood with the knife.

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Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia smiled and almost instantly took the opportunity to boost forward tackling Isaac then pinned him to to the ground with a knife to his throat " I win" she said drawing a bit a blood with the knife.
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"No, you lose." Isaac said flipping her over him with his legs and holding his blade to her throat. Any sane person would have given up, but that was it Isaac was no longer sane he drew a little blood.
Alecia winced from the fall and watched the blood for a second "that depends on your definition of a loss" she said watching the knife carefully
"Then you lose." Isaac said, he'd gone completely numb and was now emotionless he ignored her and drew a little more blood "Just say stop when the pain becomes to much okay." Isaac said laughing.
Alecia cringed tried to ignore the pain but couldn't and released the knife reluctantly, letting it fall to the ground.

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Elitepikachuu said:
Alecia cringed tried to ignore the pain but couldn't and released the knife reluctantly, letting it fall to the ground..
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"Is that saying stop, I didn't hear any words." Isaac said playfully, he stopped his blade but hadn't moved it away from her throat.
"It is" she muttered quietly. Shifted nervously and stared at her knife on the ground longingly.

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Isaac followed her gaze saying "Oh no no no, you can't have this you'll stab me with it." He said picking up the knife and placing it in his belt loop saying "You can have this back when you earned my trust." He then stood up and his demonic side left just like that.
"But....." Alecia said her voice trailing off. She sighed and rubbed her throat and slowly stood up feeling vulnerable. "Let's go" she muttered Unenthusiastically.

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Elitepikachuu said:
"But....." Alecia said her voice trailing off. She sighed and rubbed her throat and slowly stood up feeling vulnerable. "Let's go" she muttered Unenthusiastically.
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"Okay." Isaac said nonchalantly as he went back to walking "If I remember correctly the mission had something to do with a crater or crash site so if we find a crater or crash site we should be golden." He said. (Logging off, bye.)
Afrobrony said:
Like her sister before her, who had managed to catch herself on the edge of the cliff, she kept a stoic expression. However, she made one movement, a boop on the demon's nose, or lack thereof.
The demon then drops her off the cliff as well.

Auriel explodes in light once she's inside Alpha like a bomb.

( @Daimao )

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